Title: You Haven't Even Begun
Author: Oracleholly
Chapter: Hot
Rating: R
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Summary: BTVS Season 1, a year has passed since YTYKWTC. Set during "Nightmares." Spike POV
Prompt Set #2
Prompt: 5-Hot
Word Count: 940
Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, & ME all own, in their respective ways, these characters, I just like to play with them.
A/N: Thanks go to Blacknblue_2 for the lovely betaing.

Where the bleeding hell was I? One minute Spike was watching Drusilla corner some unsuspecting tourist, and the next he'd been whisked away to some cemetery that he damn well knew he'd never been in before. So why did it strike a chord of familiarity with him?

Wait. That mausoleum. It seemed familiar, as if he'd seen it but through a different perspective.

Turning around and surveying the graveyard, he noticed the odd site of the sun shining brightly down on the street not fifteen yards away from him. Yet, it was inky black where he stood. He chanced a glance at the sky to try to figure out the time, but that didn't help him. The moon shone through whisper-thin clouds.

Suddenly, he sensed something tickling about the edges of his consciousness. Everything here was all sixes and sevens, and he wanted no part of it. Still, what flitted about on the periphery of his senses haunted him. It, too, seemed awfully familiar.

His feet, through no conscious thought of his, moved of their own volition towards the familiar. He passed several graves until he found himself seeing the Master grab and throw a petite blonde cavalierly into a dug grave. Bastard didn't even have the decency to bite her and kill her.

The Master seemed satisfied about something and then disappeared. When did he learn that trick?

Curious, Spike made his way over to the grave. His walk turned into a run as he watched the grave bury its victim and a tombstone erected. He dropped to his knees and began frantically digging - why, he didn't know. He felt compelled to do so. It was important somehow.

Spike couldn't hear the girl's heartbeat, but he could hear clawing. She was trying to dig herself out. He searched his short-term memory…yes, the girl had been very much alive when the Master tossed her in…no draining…no giving of blood. No, she couldn't have been turned…unless she was some other kind of demon he'd not personally come across. Still he dug.

Finally, a dainty, pale hand reached out for his through the sod. He took a hold of it and pulled. She sputtered her way out of the dirt, but to his amazement, her clothes appeared perfectly unsoiled, as well as her shampoo-commercial hair and her face.

Her face. Her beautifully delicate vampire visage. Her eyes searched his own. Then suddenly, she flung herself in his arms. He knew he wasn't showing his demonic visage, but really now, no one just throws themselves into a stranger's arms. Right dangerous.

"Thank you. You saved me!" she exclaimed.

Perplexed at how right she felt and fit in his arms, he with great reluctance grabbed around her elbows and shoved her back. She was on fire. Her heat seared him. She may appear to be a vampire, she may even register like one, but whatever she was - a vampire wasn't it.

He realized he'd missed whatever she had been saying to him, but then caught her saying, "Got to find the boy. It's only like 2:00 in the afternoon. It can't be night. Why do I feel funny?"

She stopped talking and blushed. Spike grew hard at the cuteness of it. What's she doing to me. I'm not some soddin' schoolboy. Got wicked princess to find. But she's adorable.

"Pet. I need you to do something for me," he spoke for the first time.

"What's that?" she asked innocently.

"You need to shift your face. Not that your face isn't adorable right now, but gonna attract attention," Spike said.

She apparently had no bleeding clue what he was trying to tell her. His jaw tensed in aggravation. "Luv. You're showing your vamp face."

"I'm not a vampire! I can't be!" The girl appeared horrified. Delicate fingers that he knew would just feel damn good around his cock searched her own face, feeling her ridges and nose. "Oh God! Oh God! You've gotta stake me before I hurt someone! Please!"

What the bloody hell?! "Stake you? No, pet. Not going to stake you. Why would you think that? Just concentrate and feel your bones shift." He watched as she did so and…

She was a vision. She was all sugary sweet, marshmellowy, vanilla ice-cream and apple pie with the promise of hedonistic nights.

Swallowing hard, he tried to explain it to her. She appeared to be a vampire, but she was too hot. Her body was at a perfectly human temperature.

"You think it's a spell?" she asked.

"Could be, luv." He gently caressed her right cheek and pushed back her hair. "I don't see any marks, pet. Did he bite you?"

"No. I don't think so."

"You would remember it if he did. This might be magic. Bloody hell that would explain how I'm here…wherever here is." He held up her hand before she could interrupt. "One second in Vienna with Dru and the next I'm here with you."

He vamped in sudden anger. "Bloody magic and its consequences. I'll rip the throat out of the witch or bastard who did this! I'll tear out their heart and feed it to dogs. I'll strew out his insides and wear them for garters."


Spike turned an incredulous eye toward the chit before him. He'd almost forgotten she was there. Now, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. She stood before him in a fighting stance wielding a stake. Where did that come from? Wonder if she hid it under her skirt.

And just as he was about to ask…he promptly found himself back in Vienna watching Dru drain that damn tourist.