Title: Thief of Hearts
Chapter: Battle of Wills
By: Oracleholly
For: Smut 69
Fandom: Highlander
Rated: NC-17
Prompt: #1 - Moan
Word Count: 1151
Characters: Methos/Amanda
Set: Post "The Raven" Series
Summary: Amanda needs Methos' help. Just how will she get it and what does she have to do?
A/N: Many praises to Spikendru for her wonderful beta suggestions.

Amanda lay bonelessly on Methos' silk sheets. Damn, she felt good. Of course, being over 1200 years old, she had a lot of practice in the art of masturbation. Methos' arms felt nice as they carried her to the bed. Unlike Duncan's massive arms, Methos' were all lean muscle, which just hinted at their strength.

Methos enjoyed watching Amanda bask in her afterglow for a few moments before deciding he couldn't wait to have a taste. He plunged his tongue into her warm, wet center relishing in the taste of her spendings. As his tongue dove into her cavern, his nose bumped her swollen clit.

Amanda's hips arched off the bed as another spasm rocked her body. She just knew that nose of his was special. She sighed happily as Methos continued to lap up her juices and work his nose into her clit.

Without pausing for breath, Methos continued to pleasure Amanda. He felt her fingers grip his hair and her legs clamp tight around his head. He thought to himself it was a good thing to be immortal. If he suffocated, it would rank as one of his most pleasurable deaths.

Amanda could feel her third orgasm nearing and she'd yet to feel that massive cock of his inside her. Enough foreplay! She wanted to feel him invade her and plunder her like the Horseman he was.

Jerking his head up from her sex, Amanda switched the roles and issued her own order. "Inside me now!"

Methos nodded and crawled up her body positioning his cock just outside her entrance. Licking his lips, he smirked at Amanda. "Ask nicely."

Not liking his smirk, she wrapped her legs around him tightly and with the expertise of an acrobat, she flipped him onto his back. "No. Turnabout is fair play." She rubbed her sex against his rigid member but didn't allow him access.

Methos' eyes twinkled with delight and the sudden shift of positions. He enjoyed a woman who knew what she wanted and took it without shame. He fought the urge to laugh when he noticed that Amanda had rediscovered her thong and was holding it in her hands.

"What are you planning to do with that?" Methos asked.

"Shhh," she said as she pressed the thong against his mouth with her right hand. Making sure the crotch of the thong served as a gag, she tied the sides around the back of his head, while telling him, "No talking. Just lie still and don't make a sound. If you do, you'll be punished."

Methos nodded in agreement, waiting to see what her next move would be. He was the master of this game. She would cave before he would. He would hear her moan and not make one sound. There wasn't anything she could do to make him…well, actually there were many things she could do…to him, for him. As crafty as she was a thief, he could be assured that she would be just as creative in bed. But he could take whatever the little minx could dish out. He just simply would not allow himself to lose. No sound…he was firmly resolved.

Amanda saw the look of determination in Methos' eyes and promised herself that she would have him moaning and screaming and begging for her mercy by the time she was through with him. With that promise to herself, Amanda ghosted a kiss over his thong-covered lips. Methos only thought he knew her background. Her mind flashed back to that Persian harem.

Amanda stretched herself out fully on top of him, allowing every part of her skin to touch his-toes to toes, thigh to thigh, stomach to stomach, hand to hand. Then she made herself be still and just breathe. She waited.

For the life of him, Methos couldn't remember any woman doing this to him-just lying on top-while still being awake, that is. His nerves prickled in anticipation, hoping she would make some movement. His cock was growing impatient as well. He chewed his lower lip to prevent him from asking what the hell she thought she was doing. His hands itched with wanting to grab her and thrust his cock deep inside her. Instead, he let out a cleansing breath.

Amanda hid her smile in his neck. Sometimes the sweetest torture was expecting one thing and getting something completely different. Now that she'd heated his body with her own, she would begin. Flicking out her pink tongue, she licked his Adam's apple and then gently nipped it with her teeth-while reaching up and removing her thong from his mouth.

Methos had been unprepared for that little action and his body jerked in response. He clenched his jaw and kept his mouth shut as he braced for her next move.

Without moving her torso or legs, Amanda moved her arms. She raked her fingernails into his matching palms and then trailed up his arms to his chest. She glanced at his face and almost laughed at how both his eyes and his mouth were tightly shut.

Then she placed her hands to his side and lifted herself into the Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or Upward Facing Dog pose. Amanda knew her breasts were now tantalizingly above his mouth and her groin was now firmly pressed against his. She maintained her pose. She could hold it for a very long time; so she waited. It was his move. She wouldn't make any more.

Methos' arms still tingled from Amanda nails. It had taken all his self-control to not react. When she began moving, he'd thought she would tease him some more. But what she was doing now…he couldn't fathom. Sure he knew the pose Amanda had placed herself in, but why wasn't she moving?

Methos could feel her wetness and heat. His cock ached to enter and end his torment. Her breasts hovered so close, yet so far, and his mouth watered to taste them. Despite not wanting to give in, his cock had other ideas. It pulsed, causing his hips to strain upwards. His arms itched to grab her ass and flip her over. He caught himself starting to growl in frustration.

A ghost of a smile crossed Amanda's lips. She was winning. But at what cost? Her skin prickled with sweat; her womb ached with the need to be filled. When his hips thrust slightly upward, his cock had rubbed against her clit and she'd almost come right then. She knew if he didn't cave soon; she would.

Their eyes met with mutual aggravation and desire. Almost simultaneously, Methos grabbed her hips and Amanda widened her legs. As he entered her, the two Immortals moaned with satisfaction.

Both stopped for a moment and cracked smiles. "Oh well, I guess we both won," said Amanda.

"Not yet, dear," Methos began thrusting upward, his pelvic bone hitting her clit each time, "but soon."