Title: Thief of Hearts
Chapter: The Proposal
By: Oracleholly
For: Smut 69
Pairing: Methos/Amanda
Fandom:  Highlander

Rated: R
Prompt: #45 - Proposition
Word Count: 1054
Set: Post "The Raven" Series
Summary: Amanda needs Methos' help. Just how will she get it and what does she have to do?
Disclaimer: The characters of Methos and Amanda belong Davis-Panzer Productions; I have no claim on them other than my affection.
A/N:   An enormous thank you goes to Spikendru for her advice and beta. I owe her a huge debt.

Amanda stared at the unconscious form of her target. Just how in the world he'd lived as long as he had, she didn't know. Immortals just knew when another of their kind approached. Yet, there was Methos, sound asleep in his bed, unaware of the potential threat standing in his room. Fortunately for him, she wasn't there to take his head, at least not tonight. As much as she liked him, Amanda realized that someday it may come down to just the two of them for the prize. For the time being though, they were… what? Friends? Associates? FODs - Friends of Duncan? So far they had never been enemies, so she hoped he would help her.

Coming to Methos was a last resort. Normally Amanda would have gone to Duncan in these types of situations, but he was inconveniently on another continent on yet another soul-search. Really, she was getting tired of those trips of his. Ever since Richie… well, ever since then, he'd lost the ability to have fun, and Amanda couldn't stand not having fun in her life. So, when she went over her options she thought of Methos. Methos was close by logistically, and he'd sort of helped her before. Well, he'd helped Duncan help her.

Amanda had to admit she liked what she saw splayed out before her. His hair was just a tad longer than it was the last time she saw him. Its rich brown was a stark contrast to the winter-white pillow on which it rested. She studied his face - chiseled cheekbones, full lips and strong nose. She felt a stir in her abdomen and wetness soaked her thong, as she imagined just how his nose would feel if he nuzzled in her in just the right place.

Her eyes traveled south and took in his hard chest and abdominal muscles. A white sheet draped protectively low on his hips, but failed to cover the beginning of the trail to his cock. Said cock started to stir under her heated gaze. The sheet tented and then fell aside completely leaving Methos bare to her scrutiny. His member grew in the knowledge of her presence, despite its owner being sound asleep.

Or was he? Amanda cautioned a look back at his handsome face to find two deep brown eyes staring back at her intently.

"Methos…" she stammered, embarrassed at being discovered staring at his cock.

"Amanda," Methos said in a tone that didn't question her appearance.

"I need your help. Will you help me?" she asked.

Methos grimaced at her question and started to cover himself back up, but he stopped at small mew of protest from Amanda. Mischief twinkled in his eyes as he took in her attire - stereotypical cat burglar. Her tight fitting, black clothing hugged all her curves and hinted at her bounty. He noticed her hair color was back to its raven black - his personal favorite look for her. Methos hated all those years when she'd insisted on having bleached white hair. Dropping the sheet from his fingers and leaving himself open to her study, Methos interlaced his fingers behind his head and stretched out before her.

"What sort of trouble have you gotten yourself into now, Amanda? Why have you come to me and not MacLeod? What's in it for me if I decide to help you?"

Amanda felt she needed to give him the censored version of the truth. Perhaps with his help, things wouldn't get so bad.

Before she could respond, Methos added, "The whole truth, Amanda. Don't waste my time with your lies. I know you too well."

Staring at him with sudden anger, Amanda put her hands on her hips. "I think I've changed my mind. Sorry to disturb your peaceful slumber. I'll just be on my way."

At that moment she wanted nothing more than to turn her back on him and walk straight out the door, but her body stayed still.

"Amanda, tell me," Methos said, his expression softening.

"Another Immortal," she sighed.


"Brogan. Ever heard of him?" Amanda watched his face for signs of recognition and saw his brow crease in response.

"Yeah, unfortunately. Not a nice fellow. What did you do that brought you to his attention?" He'd always stayed clear of Brogan, because Brogan reminded him too much of Kronos.

"Who said I had to do something?"

"Amanda," he scolded.

"Oh, alright. I'd taken this job to steal some antiques for this dealer… and, no, I will not give you the dealer's name. I took the job because the building was supposedly impenetrable with fortress-like security. It had all the bells and whistles. It was a challenge, and you know how I can't resist a challenge."

Methos nodded with a smile.

"Anyway, it turns out the building and all the valuables belonged to Brogan. So, now, he's after my head."

"Well, then why don't you just return them?" Methos suggested.

"All of it is gone! All sold. I need your help to get them all back. Some places I'm going to need backup. I can't go to Duncan, he's…."

"Yes, I know. He's off on another retreat."

They both shared a look of mutual distaste at MacLeod's pesky insistence for these spiritual retreats.

"Please Methos, help me," Amanda asked. His initial expression didn't look promising, so she switched to seduction. "I'll make it worth your while."

"Will you now? And just how do you intend to do that?" Methos responded, his lips quirking into a half smirk.

"You agree to help me through this, and I'll…" she stopped, her mind awash with a myriad of images of her and Methos in different positions, different scenarios.

"You'll service all my needs?" Methos finished, standing and walking to her.

Amanda's breath hitched in her throat. He looked like a cat stalking his prey, so sleek, lethal and very, very naked. She felt hot and fought the urge to tug at her constrictive clothing.

Knowing the answer, but wanting to hear it just the same, she asked, "What sort of needs, Methos?"

"Oh, I think you know, sweet Amanda. So tell me, what do I get if I agree to help you regain and return all those precious valuables to Brogan?"

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Amanda whispered, "Me."

"Then I accept your proposition."