Title: Thief of Hearts
Chapter: Show Me
By: Oracleholly
For: Smut 69
Fandom: Highlander
Pairing: Methos/Amanda
Rated: NC-17
Prompt: #54 - Self-love
Word Count: 971
Set: Post "The Raven" Series
Summary: Amanda needs Methos' help. Just how will she get it and what does she have to do?
Disclaimer: The characters of Methos and Amanda belong Davis-Panzer Productions; I have no claim on them other than my affection.
A/N: Once again an enormous thank you to Spikendru for the beta and advice.

Methos had always thought that Amanda possessed one of the most expressive faces he'd ever seen. Her emotions could be read at any time. Her eyes, her lips - in how tight or relaxed they were - her eyebrows, and even her chin all betrayed her and allowed anyone who knew her access to her thoughts. He could tell she was waiting for him to make his move, her body tight with the tension that surrounded and enveloped them.

Methos leaned in slightly to inhale her perfume and made it appear that he was about to kiss her. She started to rock forward to meet his lips, when he turned and walked back to his bed. Resuming his prone position with his fingers laced behind and supporting his head, Methos almost laughed at her confused expression. Once Amanda saw Methos' amusement and realized the game he was playing, her face cleared and she smiled. Right when he could tell she was about to step forward, he issued his first command.

"Stay where you are."

Amanda paused and then stood still.

"You always know how to dress for the occasion, don't you, Amanda? Take off that top."

Amanda reached for the right sleeve of her skin-tight, black cashmere top and held the end while she removed her right arm, and then did the same with her left arm. The body of the top still draped over her torso with her arms free underneath. Giving Methos a small smirk, she brought both her hands up and pushed the collar over her head, the soft material caressing her face as it moved up and off her. As the last of the material brushed her face, she heard Methos inhale deeply.

As usual, she was braless and the cool air from the air conditioning was already causing her nipples to pucker. Amanda threw her shirt onto a nearby chair and then stood with her arms at her sides awaiting his next command. With Duncan, she could always tell what he was thinking - the man was an open book. But with the exception of that little inhalation and how his cock was reacting, she couldn't read Methos at all.

Methos had desired Amanda for many decades, but he'd always known she was MacLeod's girl. Yet, here she was, willing to submit herself to his desires. He wasn't kidding himself; he knew that he was not her first choice, but that didn't mean he couldn't take advantage of the benefits. Not all of the old Methos had truly been buried with the final destruction of the Horsemen. Methos just knew how to hide his baser instincts and desires better than others did.

"Now, your pants," he ordered. He wondered if her lack of a bra meant she was going commando as well. He really hoped so.

Amanda kicked off her shoes. Hooking her thumbs into the sides of her black leggings and her thong, she began sliding both down her hips. She kept her eyes focused squarely on Methos as she bent forward to remove her feet from her pants. She then skillfully kicked her thong to Methos; it landed on his chest. Now, she was completely naked.

Methos smiled appreciatively at Amanda's method of shedding her thong. He studied her taut stomach, her full breasts and her almost completely shaved sex. She was magnificent, just as he'd always imagined her to be.

"Turn around slowly." Amanda did so, and Methos licked his lips at the lushness of her ass. "Very good. Now, I want you to caress your breasts."

For a moment Amanda wondered if Methos made Cassandra do the same all those millennia ago. She cupped her own breasts as if testing their weight and feel before running her thumbs over her already erect nipples. Knowing the part she was supposed to play, Amanda acted surprised by the current of pleasure that coursed straight to her core from her breasts. She gasped and then closed her eyes

"Keep your eyes on me, Amanda." His voice brought her back. "I want you to pleasure yourself. Show me how you touch yourself. Show me how you want me to touch you." Amanda felt heat rising to her cheeks as she noticed for the first time that Methos had his cock in hand and was stroking himself with her thong.

She kept her left hand manipulating her right breast, twisting the nipple, pulling it just so before releasing it. With her right hand, she trailed her fingernails down her stomach to the apex of her thighs. Watching Methos circle his thumb over the mushroom head of his penis, she ran her index finger between her lower lips.

Methos held the base of his cock with his right hand while he stroked with his left. He imagined the silky material of her thong to be her womb. Amanda's eyes had started to lose focus when she inserted one finger then two into herself. He timed his strokes to match the movement of her fingers, imagining his cock was those delightful fingers.

She was close; he could tell. She was panting and her legs were losing their sturdiness, her knees threatening to buckle at any second.

"Imagine that's my cock Amanda. Ride me."

Methos moved to the end of the bed, her sex and those enticing fingers mere inches from his face. Her scent was heavenly.

"Let it go. Come for me. Look at me."

Amanda had sensed his movement toward her, but she continued to pretend to be the blushing virgin. Such games every now and then were amusing. So, she gave him a shocked expression, knowing full well that he knew that she wasn't.

"That's it. Come for me now!"

As her climax overwhelmed her, Amanda felt herself begin to fall, only to be swept up into Methos' strong arms.