
by Oracleholly

Drabble for Spikespetslayer:

1. Spike & Tara
2. Spike's Crypt
3. Valentine's Day
4. Old Valentines and a present for Willow

Written for the Fall_for_Spike LJ Community.
Set: BTVS Season 5 approximately around the time of "Crush" (aired Feb 13, 2001). No mention made of the events of that episode -- or of that particular taboo pairing. (Per the rules of this community (FFS) - no Spuffy.)
Word Count: 259

"So pretty!" Tara exclaimed, holding up a pale ivory, linen card, she'd found in some trunk in Spike's crypt. Decorated with a lace heart with a black and white photo of a rose pasted in the center, she opened the old valentine before Spike could stop her. After reading its contents, Tara looked at Spike, all misty-eyed. Placing her right hand over his unbeating heart she said, "Your capacity to love overwhelms me."

His left hand held her right to his chest, Spike replied, "Tell no one about that, yeah? Still evil."

Tara just smiled, "Of course."

Clearing his throat, he changed the topic, "Found this." He held up some antique lace doilies, "These do?"

Tara nodded and fingered the finely stitched material. Walking over to the sarcophagus where a medium-sized wrapped box rested, "They'll be great for the decoupage; get the glue." Looking at his expression, she asked, "You do have glue, don't you?"

"Bloody hell woman, no, I don't have glue."

"How can you not have glue?"

"'m evil, pet. Don't use glue. Use whips, rope, chains, duct tape…even have sewing thread around here somewhere." With a dreamy look in his eyes, Spike sighed, "One time Dru sewed this bloke's mouth shut. Good times." Seeing Tara's horrified expression, he hurriedly added, "Guess you had to have been there."

"Then you'll have to go to the store and get some. How else am I going to finish Willow's Valentine's Day present?"

Grumbling "Women" under his breath, Spike grabbed his duster and made his way to the tunnel exit.

The End
