Battle Lines

by Oracleholly

Drabble for Selene2:

1. Spike
2. Xander
3. Xander's basement - Season 4
4. Fun moment

Written for the Fall_for_Spike LJ Community.
Set: BTVS S4: Sometime between the end of "Doomed" and the beginning of "A New Man" - that all too brief first time of Spike and Xander co-habitation.
Word Count: 184

"My unlife has resorted to this, has it? Where did I put that stake?"

"You said that the other day. Get a new tune," Xander said. "Besides what happened to 'Let's *fight* that evil! - Let's *kill* something!'" he quoted dryly, which earned him a peeved look from Spike.

"You know something you pathetic poof, I don't need this."

"And you think I do?" Spike started to get up, but Xander said, "Hey, you can't leave. We're not done."

Rolling his eyes, Spike sat back down. "I've been waiting on your move for the past five bleeding minutes, whelp. Get on with it."

"Okay, okay, just trying to … there. J5."

"Miss," answered Spike. Looking once more at his side, "E3."

"Damn. Hit."




"You sank my destroyer," Xander said sadly.

"You've only got what… one ship left to my… four," Spike announced cheerily.

"Shut up, you mooch."

"Just because you can't devise a strategy, don't get all whiney on me. I can't believe you're part of the crack team that foiled my every plan," Spike said.

"Shut up and play, Spike."

The End
