
by Oracleholly

Drabble for Athenewolfe

1. Spike/Oz OR Spike/Anya OR Spike/Anya/Oz
2. Bonding over Scoobies obvious idiot behavior re: demons, souls, etc. and being misunderstood.

Written for the Fall_for_Spike LJ Community.
Set: BTVS S4: "Where the Wild Things Are"
Rating: PG
Word Count: 694

Spike and Anya were sitting on a couch at the Bronze, each nursing beers and looking forlorn. Spike's arm is draped over the top of the couch, almost touching Anya's shoulder. He'd tried to mug her earlier and she had tried to curse him, and when that didn't pan out for either of them, they'd headed for the Bronze.

"Boy, I miss those powers," Anya lamented for the fourth time.

Spike sighed and replied, "Yeah, tell me about it."

"A year and a half ago, I could have eviscerated Xander with my thoughts and made you the bed buddy to a Fyarl. Now, I can barely hurt his feelings." She sighed, "Things used to be so much simpler."

Spike sadly added, "You know… you take the killing for granted." Anya nodded in agreement. "And then it's gone, and you're like, 'I wish I'd appreciated it more.' Stopped and smelled the corpses, you know?"

"Yeah. Now everything's complicated. You can't just kill them; well I could, but then I'd be arrested, so why bother."

"And me… I just think of what I'd like to do those soldier boys and 'Zap!' I'm on the floor cradling my skull."

"You'd think he would try to understand what I'm going through, you know. I was a demon for a thousand years. A little adjustment period should be expected," Anya said.

"Yeah, but they don't. I mean look at what they did to me. Chain me in Rupert's bathtub, then subject me to the Whelp's basement." He looked over at Anya, "No offense."

"No, I completely agree. I don't like being subjected to Xander's basement." She giggled, then turned serious. "Species-ists! That's what they are."

Spike raised his eyebrow as he sipped his beer.

"You know like racist, but since demons comprised many varied species, that's what they are. Species-ists." She nodded her approval of her created word. "They don't take the time to find out if a demon is relatively harmless or not… it's just see a demon, slay a demon. All demons are bad."

"It's like that in the Initiative. Many of the ones I saw brought in were more harmful to themselves than any human. Damn shame what they did to some of them."

Anya had teared up, "I have nightmares about what they would do to me. I mean would they still see me as a demon… even though I'm 100 per cent human now?"

"Don't rightly know. If I could help it, I wouldn't let them get to you," Spike said, now sliding his arm around her shoulders. She smelled wonderful. He could still do a little evil and nab the Whelp's bird, but she was treating him decent. His nagging inner William cheered his decision not to take advantage.

"You know what grates my nerves every time?" Anya asked.

"What's that?"

"How they believe that demons don't have souls or anything that could act like a soul. How demons are the only things that are evil in this world. But read the newspapers, watch the television; hell, just walk down certain streets - human beings cause most of the evil. All those wars. All the crime."

"You're right about that, luv."

"And they talk about Angel like he's something special." Spike growled at the mention of his grand-sire. "Sorry, but he lied to them and they bought the lie."

"I know. Angel and Angelus are two people. Balls. What a con artist. Granted, he was more insane during his recent lack of soul, but other than that… it was pure Angelus. Angel's no different, just gets his jollies in other ways." Spike took a sip of beer.

"I bet if you ever got a soul, you'd be just the same," Anya said.

Spitting out his beer, Spike exclaimed, "Bite your tongue woman! Not like I don't have to go around with this soddin' chip in my head; now you're talking about me getting a soul. Not on your newly acquired human life, pet."

"Yeah. Well, even if that ever happened…" raising her hands up in defense of Spike's glare, "the Scoobies would probably ignore it and still treat you like you're evil."

"Yeah. Probably."

