Who Wished This?

by Oracleholly

Drabble turned Ficlet for Anon Requester:

Wanted: Wishverse!Spike/Wishverse!Willow

Set: Obviously in the Wishverse as created in S3's "The Wish." Some dialogue taken from that episode.
Rating: R
Pairings: Wishverse!Spru, W/X, Spillow
Word Count: 1444

Spike and Drusilla thundered into Sunnydale by smashing down the decrepit welcoming sign. The town was dark and the streets were empty, as they made their way to the Bronze. The Master was back in business and the family had been called. Recklessly parking his Desoto half onto the curb in front of the club, Spike opened up the door and stepped out. Scenting the air, he fished out his lighter and a cigarette. After lighting it and blowing out a stream of smoke, Spike announced to the curious vamp onlookers, "Home, sweet bloody home." Then made his way around and opened the door for his Sire.

Together the couple sauntered inside. The place really had flair - caged humans on display, blood on tap. All it needed were some spicy buffalo wings and one of those blooming onion things and Spike felt he'd be set for his unlife.

Drusilla drew his attention to the stage where a red-head in a tight, black leather bodice and matching leather pants was sitting, or rather dry humping, a dark haired vampire wearing a white wife-beater t-shirt and black leather jacket. Family. The couple must have sensed them as well, because the red turned so she could continue grinding her ass on the boy's groin. His hands fondled her breasts in an evident display of possession. Spike understood. He'd been like that with Dru; Hell, he was still like that with Dru.

Taking Dru by the hand, Spike strutted to the stage. With Drusilla hanging over his shoulder, Spike asked, "So, where's my great-great-granddad? Tell 'em that Drusilla and Spike are here."

The red head smiled seductively at Spike, but before she could reply, Drusilla bent over in pain. Her hands flew to her temples. "NO!!!!" she screamed. With blood tears, Drusilla looked up at Spike and said, "Daddy."

Spike's jaws tightened as he extended his senses. Then he felt the presence of Angelus; it had been masked through the strong presence of the other family members.

The red head cut her boy on the cheek and licked it. "She must mean the Puppy."

"Yeah, the Puppy," answered the boy.

Spike felt his grand-sire's pain through his Sire-Childe bond with Drusilla. He could also now tell that these two were children of the Master, and from the smell covering Red, Darla must not be too happy with this new situation - not that he could care less for the grand bitch.

"So, Red. You're the new bitch in town?"

The crowd stopped; if a pin dropped it could now be heard.

"He isn't any fun, Xander. Can I put him with the Puppy?" Willow pouted.

"You'll have to ask the Master, baby, but I'm thinking he won't mind."

Not fazed one bit by this young, but powerful grand-aunt and grand-uncle, Spike kissed Drusilla's hand and then leaped on stage. With little warning and great skill, Spike quickly had 'Xander' pinned against the left-side wall with a stake to his heart. Willow started toward them, her eyes milking to a pool of ebony. Sparks started to fly from her fingertips, but Spike just shook his now vamped face and said, "No, no, naughty girl. Me and the Whelp here need to set some things straight. You know, in the family way. Put away your parlor tricks, or your honey will be dust faster than you can cast that spell."

Willow backed off and unknowingly straight into Drusilla's arms. "Tsk, tsk, little girl. My King of Cups has grown to be the Magician. Your Fool must eat his cake." Licking Willow's throat, Drusilla said, "You taste of my Angel, all ashes now." Then, she drew a sharp talon across Willow's jugular.

"Enough!" the Master stepped from behind the curtain. "Step away from my dear girl, now Drusilla. Spike… release Xander. All this family bickering is very unseemly. Our guests are not being properly entertained." To the crowd, the Master announced, "The next round is on the house!" Seemingly as one, the crowd growled with approval.

"Come my children. Willow, come here my child." The Master bent over Willow's proffered neck and licked clean the wound created by Drusilla. Xander had huddled close to his best friend and lover. "As for the Puppy… Angelus has acquired himself a nasty soul."

"You lie!" Spike snapped.

Willow and Xander laughed. The Master raised his hand to silence them. "No, see for yourselves." Kissing Willow's hand, the Master directed her, "Be a pet and show these two the great Angelus."

"My pleasure. Will I get to play with him later?" Willow asked.

"Of course."

As Willow opened the cell, she taunted Angelus, "Aw... Puppy's being all quiet. Come on. Don't be a spoilsport. We have guests!"

Willow straddled her "Puppy" and smiled when he groaned at her weight. She cast a look back at her Xander, Spike and Drusilla. "See now… family's almost all here. Today's a big day! Today the plant opens. It's a big party. You remember I told you about the plant? All those people you tried to save? It's gonna be quick for them. Not for you, though. It's gonna be slow for you."

She ripped open Angel's shirt revealing deep wounds and scars that weren't healing properly. Drusilla gasped, but Spike held her back. Willow frowned at Dru, confused. "Don't you like my art?"

"Sure they do, baby," said Xander as he flicked a lit match onto Angel's chest. Drusilla growled. Angel's eyes flashed yellow in response to the presence of his favorite Childe.

Ignoring her elder family members Willow chastised Xander, "Watch it with those things. You almost got my hair."

"Sorry. Got carried away." As Willow returned her attention to Angel, Xander told Spike, "You should really see her go."

"That right?"

"Yeah, my girl has talent."

Spike could tell that Drusilla was inches from plucking out Willow and Xander's eyeballs and feeding them their own tongues. Grabbing his princess, he said, "We'll come visit Daddy later, pet," and forced her out of the basement.

"Look Dru, I don't like that he has a soul either, but he was my Sire… my Yoda. He's not some plaything for that bitch and her stooge."

Drusilla nodded. Her nails had dug holes into the insides of her palms, and Spike was tending to her. He knew that Angelus was being treated the way he was for one reason - well, really two reasons: one, because of his soul, but more importantly, the Master had always been jealous of Angelus's hold over Darla. And where was Darla, anyway?

"I'll take Red, and luv, you get the boy. We'll get him out and leave this place. Family or no, Angelus is ours… not theirs."

Drusilla asked, "My Daddy will love his Princess again, won't he, Spike?"

He gritted out his reply, "Yeah, pet. He knew you were there before. We'll make him right again."

Drusilla smiled and looked at Miss Edith. She shared a secret smile with the doll. The night would run with blood, but not the way the Master wanted. The Slayer had come to town. They had to act quickly.

Upon returning to the Bronze, Spike and Dru immediately split up in search of their quarry. Spike found Willow examining a short, human boy with spiked red hair, who smelled like a werewolf. Interesting. He closed on his prey and seized her around her waist, spinning her around.

"Come on, luv. Let's see how you go," Spike whispered in her ear and nibbled it.

Willow's hand moved to cup his balls and squeezed pleasurably hard. "As long as you don't bore me."

"That's a promise, pet."

Spike moved them out of sight, in a secluded corner in the back. He began kissing her nipples through the fabric of her bodice before pulling down the material and biting them hard. Willow moaned and arched her pelvis towards his.

Spike worked her nipples and he inched his fingers inside her pants finding her wet. Smiling to himself, he began teasing her. He waited til she climaxed and then swiftly, and without regret, snapped her neck, tearing her head clean off.

"Thanks ducks… but my dance card is full."

He moved toward the basement and found Drusilla waiting for him, licking her blood coated fingers on one hand with the keys dangling from her other. He tasted them and relished the mix of the Master's strong blood with a recent meal. Together they descended the stairs to retrieve the wayward Angel.

With Angel tied up in the trunk, Spike and Dru exited Sunnydale much in the same way they entered it - this time ramming through the exit sign.

The End
