My Photos

Stepping completely out of my comfort zone, I'm posting these photos on the web.
Pay no attention to the strange blonde lady in the photos; instead focus on the celebrities!

Houston Slayercon, April 2005

James Marsters (Spike)
*le sigh*

The muse, himself. He whispered something to me and for the life of me, I have no clue what he said.

Amber Benson (Tara)

Quite possibly the nicest person on the planet and actually remembers your name (even when it stumps you! lol)

Andy Hallet (Lorne)

His vocal stylings trip me out, and yes, that does tell me to 'Bust A Move'. I'm not saying why.

Jenny Mollen (Nina Ash)

She's the sweetest! Meeting her inspired my fic "Embracing the Moon"

James Leary (Clem)

Very cool guy, with hilarious stories

Camden Toy

Played all the coolest villians on BTVS and Angel, most notably The Gentleman, Gnarl, the Turok Han, and the Prince of Lies (my fave)