
My site is hosted by the incredibly talented Bloodshedbaby, who I am honored to call my friend as well. Stacy's the reason I emerged from 'lurkerland' in Nov. 2004. She encouraged me to comment, then to beta, and then to begin writing. I'm so grateful to be a part of the House of Bloodshed family. **hugs to Stacy **

My first site banner was created by awesome (& tactile *wink*) Blueirish, aka Rema Wolf. When I began this site, I knew nothing, zilch, nada about graphics or really about html. I took the plunge with an html editor, but then Kat suggested Dreamweaver. Not only did she create my site banner, she also made herself available for any site questions I might have along the way. And while, I'm attempting to figure out DW (imagine the caveman scene at the beginning of 2001 - that's me & DW at the mo), I hope that she doesn't think I bug her too much. **hugs to Kat**

Much love goes out to my hard working betas - Flex Sis (AJ),  Blacknblue2 (Erin), Spikendru, Spikeslovebite and Ariel Dawn. Thank you ladies for your patience, guidance and friendship. A shout out goes to my former beta Always JBJ (Corinna).

Last, but certainly not least in my heart! Kudos and Unmentionables (**nudge, nudge, wink, wink**) to the two people who encourage me to write, order me to bed when I'm not well (Stephi) and keep me laughing: Redwulf50 (Jesse) and Slinkypsychokit (Stephi). Jesse, even though, my dear, you push me to the brink of insanity on an almost daily basis, I'd hurt you real bad if you ever went to another beta! Stephi, my sweat pea, always remember that you're writing is brilliant and don't let anyone EVER tell you different. Both of your friendships mean the world to me. **mondo group hug**
