AN: Thanks to everyone who has reviewed Furry so far.  Your comments are greatly appreciated, apologies for not answering you all, work has been pretty hectic.  Thanks to Holly for her wonderful Beta job and also Li and Julie for letting me bounce idea off you both.


Chapter 2


Spike stretched lazily on the windowsill of Buffy’s room, enjoying the feeling of the sun warming his soft fur.  A gentle breeze caused the curtains in the room to flutter slightly; with a soft huff Spike dreamily watched the play of light across the windowsill.   The morning’s noisy bustle had given way to a peaceful stillness as the residents of Casa del Summers had gone about their day, and Spike found himself enjoying the quiet contentment of the empty house.

A soft noise tickled at his ears catching Spikes attention.  Turning to stare past the curtain he listened intently for the source of the sound.  Upon determining that what he was hearing was someone moving in the kitchen, he lay back once again, content that one of his women had returned.  The door to Buffy’s room creaked open, and her unique scent was carried across the room on the soft breeze, wafting over Spike like a gentle caress.  Inhaling deeply, Spike rolled onto his back, exposing his soft fur covered stomach to the warm sun, and stretched.

Spike was assailed with a multitude of smells: earth, flowers, the heated tar of the nearby road, and from inside came the barest hint of vanilla mixed with the underlying scent of arousal.  Despite his earlier conviction to avoid ‘intimate’ type situations with Buffy, Spike reached a paw forward and snagged the curtain, moving it fractionally so he could watch see what had Buffy so ‘excited.’ He hoped that she hadn’t bought some pillock home with her.


Buffy was humming softly as she placed a bowl on the bedside table, dropping a small towel beside it.  Opening a drawer she rummaged around before pulling something out and dropping it into the bowl.  Spike growled in frustration as he strained to catch a glimpse of the bowl’s contents without Buffy seeing him.

Buffy walked over to stand in front of the mirror as she had the night before; slowly she unbuttoned her blouse tossing it to the floor near where Spike sat hidden.  The small scrap of black lace covering her breasts soon followed, and Buffy cupped each breast in her hands catching her nipples between her thumb and finger, pulling them lightly.  Running her hands down her stomach she began to pop the buttons open on her jeans, before pushing them down and kicking them off. 

Spike swallowed hard as he watched Buffy return to playing with her nipples, clad only in her black lace g-string.  He shouldn’t be here watching this; he really should move away from the window and give Buffy her privacy.  Spike knew that torturing himself this way would only result in frustration for himself, so he did what any self respecting vampire trapped in a cat’s body would do, he hunkered down and continued to watch the show.

Spike watched as Buffy lightly traced the shape of her g-string with one dainty finger, scraping her nail across the fabric that covered her mound.  Slowly she slid the finger under the lace rubbing more firmly until a low moan sprang from her lips.  Moving her other hand down she grasped the edges of her panties and slowly slid them off.  Spike began to feel light headed as he saw Buffy turn her back to him, bending as she slid the panties from her body, giving him an unobstructed view of her backside.

Buffy straightened before walking across the room and dipped her hand into the bowl she had placed there earlier.  She lifted something out before returning to stand in front of the mirror once more.

Spike frowned as he saw her begin to rub the object lightly across the nape of her neck, before bringing it across to her throat.  It was only after he noticed the moisture that marked the path that Buffy’s hand had travelled that he realised that it was ice  that she held.

Spike watched mesmerized as Buffy trailed the ice down each breast in turn worrying the nipple until it puckered.  Gasping Buffy moved the ice to her lips, rubbing them until they too were swollen from the cold. 

As Buffy’s eyes clouded and the scent of her arousal thickened around him, Spike desperately wanted to be in the room with her replacing the ice with his own mouth.  Turning Buffy languidly made her way to the bed, stretching out on the cover, before seeking out the bowl of ice once more.

Buffy briefly flitted the ice across her mouth and nipples one more time before she began to lazily move it across her stomach in random patterns.  Arching slightly Buffy moved her hand lower still, gasping as the coolness moved across her warm skin. 

Spike felt a rush of desire pulse through him when he heard Buffy’s low moan as her hand finally made its way to her clit.  Pressing more firmly Buffy circled the ice around and across the swollen nub before running it down to her moist opening.  Moaning again, Buffy continued to move the ice randomly across her clit until it had melted away.  With excruciatingly slowness, Buffy slid one icy cold digit inside herself working it backwards and forward.  A second finger soon followed.

Spike sat transfixed as Buffy continued to finger herself at a leisurely pace, her thumb pressing down on her clit as she did.  Her other hand moved back towards her nipples, pinching and flicking before she blindly reached towards the bowl of ice once again.

Straining forward Spike waited for Buffy to retrieve more ice from the bowl.  His eyes widened in surprise as she pulled out a clear vibrator.  Inching forward Spike eyed the contraption nervously; it was about nine inches long with what looked like rabbit ears extending a few inches from the base.  Spike knew that the vibrator would be frigidly cold after sitting in the ice for so long.  Curious he moved forward again, oblivious to how perilously close he was coming to the edge of the windowsill.

Buffy slid her hand out from between her legs, bringing it up she rubbed it across the vibrator, spreading her juices over its length.  Flicking a switch she gave a sultry smile as she watched the toys slow undulations begin, the small rabbit ears vibrating from side to side.  Buffy dragged it across her breasts and stomach before positioning it at her opening sliding it in inch by inch.  Buffy gave a loud gasp as the ‘rabbit’ hit her clit, “Yes!”  She pushed the vibrator upwards further while her thumb hit a small button on the base increasing the toys vibrations.  “Oh god, yes there, right there.” Buffy began to arch her back, one hand kneading and pulling at her breasts whilst the other pumped the vibrator inside her.  “Want you so much, ughhhh, yes fuck me.”

Spike began to back up in shock.  His mind raced as he realised that she had deliberately cooled the vibrator to simulate a vampire’s touch.  Spike could feel his heart break a little at the implications, ‘All this time and she still craves the poof’s touch.’  Unbidden he moved back towards the window determined to lay his fantasies to rest once and for all.  However, he continued to watch as Buffy arched sharply from the bed convulsing in pleasure as an orgasm took control of her movements.  “SPIKE!”  The name flew from Buffy’s lips shocking Spike to his core as he realised that she had been thinking of him while she masturbated. 

The desire to rush to her side was so strong that he leapt forward to gather her in his arms; during his decent to the floor Spike remembered that he was still in fact a cat.

Buffy sat up in surprise at the noise, “Oh Spike, you’re here.”  Getting up she scooped him into her arms. “Wish you were the real thing.” Buffy sighed as she sat back down on the bed, “Now don’t you go telling the real Spike about this.” She waved her hand towards the bed, “If he knew how much I wanted him, he’d never let me forget it.”

Spike looked up into Buffy’s wistful hazel eyes, determination to restore himself surfacing anew.  Yesterday he was happy to remain a cat just so he could be close to Buffy, but now…. 

Jumping to the ground Spike made his way back to the window, giving Buffy one last glance before leaping outside.

Buffy giggled. “Don’t you wanna snuggle anymore Spike?” she suddenly realised how sticky she felt. “Oops maybe you’ve got a point there, better have a shower.”


Spike stood on the roof gauging the distance to the nearest tree branch.  Keeping his focus on the sturdy branch, he leapt out using his sharp claws to find purchase on the rough branch.  He quickly scrambled down the trunk and made his way towards the Magic Box.

Spike had just rounded the corner of Revello Drive when a large Doberman broke free from its leash and charged at him barking and growling loudly.  Spike felt the fur on his back stand on end as he faced down the slathering monster.  The dog seemed confused that the small animal was not fleeing and it stop short, large globs of drool falling from its mouth as it continued to growl menacingly.  Spike shuddered at the disgusting picture the dog presented; cocking his head to one side he contemplated his next move.

‘You know in this light the thing has the same goofy look the poof gets.’ Chuckling Spike launched himself at the dog’s floppy neck, digging in his claws and swinging himself onto its back.  The animal began to writhe in a desperate attempt to dislodge its attacker.  Spike merely extended his claws some more before sinking his fangs into the creature’s soft flesh.  Tufts of dark fur began to fly as Spike threw himself into the fight with reckless abandon. 

A loud yowl of pain sprang from the animal as its movements became frantic.  Spike continued to hiss and spit as he bit the animal again before leaping gracefully back to the ground.  The Doberman took this opportunity to turn tail and run back to its master, yelping pitifully as it fled.

Spike watched the defeated animal run off into the distance before turning back towards the Magic Box, strutting down the street tail held high and a wide smirk on his face. ‘That’s it run., I may be a cat, but I’m still  the Big Bad.’ 

Reaching the Magic Box, Spike stood close to the door patiently waiting for a customer to pass through.  Soon the door opened slightly, and Spike slipped inside making his way towards the counter where Anya stood.  Half way there, Spike noticed that Xander was sitting at the large round table, head down snoring loudly.  Grinning to himself, he cast a glance in Anya’s direction. Ensuring himself that she was busy elsewhere, he silently crept towards the sleeping Scoobie.

Spike sat and watched the whelp for a moment before leaping onto the table and laying down as close as possible to his head.  Hunkering down Spike bought his face next to Xander’s and waited.  He had positioned himself just so.  His whiskers softly brushing across Xander’s cheek whenever Spike moved slightly.

Xander began to twitch, snorting as he tried to brush the offending sensation from his face.  Sitting back Spike waited patiently until Xander finally opened his eyes and stared straight into a pair of feline eyes.  Spike took this opportunity to hiss loudly, his eyes flashing gold, before lunging at Xander.  At the last moment Spike twisted away and dashed behind one of the nearby shelves, then poked his head around the corner so he could watch the fun.

Xander squealed in surprise before sitting up abruptly, arms flailing, as he sputtered in shock. The sudden movement caused his chair to rock backwards sharply before tipping over, depositing a near hysterical Xander on the floor with a loud crack.

“Xander, what are you doing?” Anya demanded. “Your strange noises are scaring away the customers.”  She huffed as she took in the sight of her boyfriend lying sprawled on the floor.

“Spike!” spluttered Xander, “Spike was here, and he was going to bite me.”

Anya walked out from behind the counter, hands on hips as she glanced around the store.  “There’s no one here Xander.”  Spotting the bag of chips that had been on the table beside him she gave a small sigh, “You really shouldn’t eat so much junk food Xander.  You are becoming large and puffy, and you are having hallucinations.”

Anya turned to move back to the counter when she noticed small white head poking around the corner of the shelf.  “Xander, there is a small furry creature near the jars of pickled fairy livers.  Please come and ensure that it’s not a bunny.”  Anya’s eyes widened in horror at the thought as she began to inch her way backwards away from the suspicious looking creature her finger pointed accusingly in Spike’s direction. 

Spike turned a dubious eye towards the jars beside him; cocking an eyebrow he watched the small specks floating around. ‘Huh, now what would you need those for?’   

Xander stared blankly at Anya before turning his head to follow in the direction she was pointing. 

If he could, Spike would have laughed out loud at the expression on Xander’s face. Unable to resist, he hissed at him again while bringing a sharply clawed paw up and waving it menacingly in the boy's direction

Xander’s eyes widened at the threat.  As he desperately tried to get to his feet scrambling forward onto his hands and knees, he pushed up straight into to the table just above him.  Groaning Xander reeled backwards, once again ending up on his back.  Spike took this opportunity to leap onto Xander’s chest, settling himself comfortably as he stared down, innocently at the hyperventilating boy.

“Oh, it’s not a bunny at all.” Anya relaxed as she realised that the ball of fluff was in fact a cat.  “My, aren’t you a fine specimen.”  Reaching down she ran a firm hand along the length of Spike’s spine, eliciting a loud purr from him.

“An!” Xander began to whine as he helplessly batted at the creature resting on his upper body. “Get it off, get it off.  It’s Spike’s demon cat come to attack me again.”

Anya huffed, tapping her foot impatiently, "Xander everybody knows that there are no demons that resemble cats.  There are a few God-like creatures, but they are all higher beings and wouldn't lower themselves to mingling with mere mortals."   

“But it bit me.” Xander waved his injured wrist in her direction, scowling in annoyance as he realised that Spike had gone to sleep on his chest.

“Really Xander, if this is the way you behaved last night it’s no wonder he bit you.”  With exaggerated care Anya gently lifted Spike into her arms, cradling him like a baby and tickling his downy stomach.  “You probably scared him to death with your loud mannish voice and lumbering movements.”

Xander stared at Anya incredulously, “But….”

“That’s enough Xander!” Anya had had enough, “Now if you can’t be nice go downstairs and unpack those boxes that arrived this morning.” She turned her back on him and went back to the counter, gently placing Spike on the counter top beside the register.

Xander grumbled to himself as he lumbered to his feet, throwing Spike a dirty look before heading downstairs.

Anya waited patiently for Xander to leave the room before turning her attention back to the cat, “So Spike, how did you manage to get yourself turned into a cat?”

Spike sat to attention at Anya’s words. ‘Bloody hell the bint knows it’s me!’  Relief spread through him like wild fire because at last he found some help. 

Anya studied Spike for a while, “You make a very attractive cat Spike by the way.  But then you’ve always had a feline grace about you.” She busied herself pulling out a pen and pad of paper, hurriedly scratching down and tearing the page lose.  “Yes and No, ok!”

Spike looked at the scrap of paper sitting before him, casting a quizzical look towards Anya.

She stroked her hand across his fur, tickling him behind one ear. “Your fur is very soft and pleasant to touch; I can understand the human attraction to petting cats.  The tactile sensation is quite enjoyable.”

Spike tried to give Anya his ‘pissed off’ look as he really wanted to stay on track and get back to his old self, however he couldn’t help the loud purrs that were rumbling through his body at Anya’s touch.

Anya smiled indulgently down at him. “Ok here is how it will work. I’ll ask a question, and you touch the piece of paper with your answer on it.  That way I can start researching what happened to you.”

Spike started to answer when he remembered that Anya didn’t speak cat, frustrated he bought one paw down heavily on, ‘Yes.’

Anya gave a perfunctory nod, before snatching up the pen, affecting a business like demeanor.  “Now I am assuming that you have retained all you vampiric memories and the like?”

‘Yes. ’

Hmmmm, were you aware of the change happening?”


“So, you just woke up this way?” Anya hastily scribbled notes on the pad before her.


“Well that sounds like some form of transmogrification.” A small frown worried her brow as she tapped the tip of her pen lightly against her lips.  “There are several ways for transmogrification to occur, if I recall correctly.” Coming to a decision she continued with her questions, “First would be, did you make a wish of any kind?”

Spike thought back to the night before his ‘change’ occurred, ‘No.’

“Alright, do you think that maybe this could be a spell?”


“Do you remember running into any witches prior to the change, or perhaps a demon who spoke in a strange language?”


“Well I don’t think it could be a spell then.”

Spike stared at Anya curiously waiting for her to explain.

“Transmogrification spells require the caster to be in close proximity to their intended subject.”

Anya thought for a while longer absently stroking Spike as she did.

“Did you come across any unusual demons before you changed?”


“Were you alone when you met this demon?


“Was Buffy with you?”


“Do you know what type of demon it was?”


“Does Buffy know?”

Spike thought for a moment. Buffy hadn’t recognized the demon, and they had been too busy fighting afterwards for him to tell her what type it was.  A small idea tickled at the edge of his mind, there was something about Klishnar demons that he should remember.

“Spike?” he was pulled from his thoughts.

“Does Buffy know what type of demon it was?” Anya questioned again.

Sighing loudly Spike disheartened he flopped his paw onto the ‘no.’

“Damn,” Anya swore softly, “Buffy is hopeless at describing demons.  Honestly you would think that a slayer would know the difference between a horn and a tusk.” Anya shuddered as she remembered the whole Peranius demon incident a few weeks earlier. 

Spike lifted his paw, placing it gently on top of Anya’s hand, offering his silent support.

“I’ll tell you what I’ll do Spike,” Anya began to move around the counter towards the bookshelves, “I’m pretty sure that this demon is the culprit, unless of course its just a case of spontaneous transmogrification. I’ll research for all demons with the ability to transform others, and then you can look at the pictures until we find the right one.”  She began to pull book after book from the stacks.

Spike’s eyes widened at the ever growing pile on the table.

“I assume you are staying at Buffy’s.” Anya called over her shoulder, “Xander said that’s where he was when he was bitten.”

Spike leapt forward thrusting the ‘Yes’ towards Anya causing it float to the floor, before he jumped onto the table and attempted to knock one of the heavy books open.

The sound of the bell drew his attention, and he looked up to see Buffy entering the shop.  “Hey, what’s Spike doing here?” she looked surprised as she spotted the ball of white lounging amongst the books.

Spying his girl coming, Spike rolled onto his back exposing his downy stomach to her, eager for the feel of her small hands stroking him softly.  Spike wore an expression of bliss as the Buffy caressed his soft stomach.

Buffy frowned with worry, “How did you get here?  You might have gotten run over or something.”  Scoping Spike up she held him close, fear coursing through her at the thought of losing Spike’s namesake.

Anya quickly lied, “Oh I think he followed Xander.  He went over to your place earlier, but nobody was home.”

Buffy’s eyes widened slightly, ‘Oh god I hope he didn’t hear me.’

Spike chuckled as he heard Buffy’s heartbeat speed up slightly, ‘Oh slayer’s worried she got sprung.’ 

“Perhaps you should take Spike home then?” suggested Anya.  She had heard noises coming from downstairs, and didn’t want Xander coming back up and catching her in her small lie.

“Ok I think that’s a good idea Anya,” Buffy tried to give Spike a stern look, “and no more wandering mister.” she admonished gently as she made her way to the exit.

“I’ll come over later to see you Spike.” Anya called as they reached the door.  Buffy looked at Anya in puzzlement before shrugging, ‘She never could understand the ex demon.’ Spike popped his head up over Buffy’s shoulder and gave Anya a wink before a movement to the side caught his eye.  Noticing Xander emerging into the room, Spike barred his fangs menacingly causing the boy to yelp with fear and sent him stumbling back down the stairs.

Turning Spike settled himself comfortably into Buffy’s arms for the trip back to Revello Drive, happy in the thought that soon he would be restored to his old self.  And once he was, he was going to set about turning Buffy’s fantasies into reality.
