It's amazing what a typo can do. Sitting at Always_jbj's house writing away, or perhaps thinking about writing while she was chatting to Selene2. A simple slip of a key on Selene's part and a bunny attacked.

Not giving anything away about the ficlet....cause I'm mean. See if you can pick the word she mis-typed.

Disclaimer: Joss owns everything as always.

Characters: Spike (of course), Buffy and Joyce

Rated: PG

Beta'd by Always_jbj


The Man Behind the Myth


“So Count famous is dust on the wind, Xander’s back to being non-bug-eating-boy and all is back to normal in the world of Buffy.” She crunched her brow into a frown. “Well as close to normal as I can get.” Buffy finished telling her mother about the adventure with Dracula.

“I’m so glad everything worked out in the end Buffy.” Joyce patted her daughter’s hand. “I don’t know why I was so taken in by him.”

“It’s ok, mom, you just wanted the company.”

Joyce sighed. “And he had this whole Old World sort of air about him.”

“It’s the cape,” Buffy assured her.

“What’s the cape?” A British voice wafted out from the kitchen.

“Spike?” Buffy stared at the vampire entering through the doorway, and balancing several mugs “What are you doing here?” She whirled to face Joyce, “Mom didn’t we just have this talk about not letting vampires into the house.

“Really, Buffy.” Joyce held her hand out for her cup. “Spike is the only one who visits me with any regularity.” She smiled her thanks to Spike. “We were just talking about Dracula and his Old World charm.”

Spike snorted as he sat down beside Buffy, jostling her over as he made himself room.

“Buffy thinks it because of his cape.”

“Yeah, well the pounce tried to modernise his look a few decades ago.” Spike poked at one of the small marshmallows floating on the top of his drink. “Didn’t take, though.”

“Really! Why not?” Joyce leant across Buffy, eager to hear any gossip that may be floating around.

“No arse,” Spike offered

“Huh?” Buffy stared at the blond vampire beside her, “I don’t get it.”

Spike gave a dramatic sigh, and rolling his eyes he set his mug on the coffee table. “For a bloke to get away with wearing jeans and the like he’s got to have a bit of a body.”

“Oh. Like rock hard abs, and a butt that’s kinda tight and….” Buffy’s hands cupped the air before her as both women sighed dreamily.

“You mean a body like Spike’s.” Joyce announced

Buffy startled from her fantasy. “What? No! Well, yeah. I guess,” she added almost in a whisper.

Spike smirked, storing that little titbit away for a later time. “Anyway Slayer the great ponce hasn’t got the tight little bod that some of us are blessed with.” He ran his hands suggestively across his chest. “And the git’s got no arse either, so when he wears jeans and the such they tend to…” He grinned to himself. “Slip.”

Both women gasped, before they began to giggle uncontrollably.

“Oh my goodness,” Joyce managed to hiccup out between fits of laughter. “You mean to tell me that the famous Count Dracula had a….had a….” She began to laugh even harder.

“Well, yeah.” Spike settled himself more comfortably. “Even in the older style clothes he shows a bit of …” He whistled as he made a line up and down in the air. “Why do you think he wears the bloody cape.”

Buffy started to wipe the tears from her eyes, her face becoming serious. “Maybe we should change his name to Count Cracula?” She burst into another fit of giggles, falling bonelessly into Spike’s lap as she let herself be taken over completely by laughter.

Spike closed his eyes, basking in the feeling of contentment that settled over him. It might not last long but he was going to enjoy it while it lasted. He began to wrack his brain for more amusing anecdotes that he could relay to the Summers women.

The end.