Chapter 11


Rebecca held her hand out to admire her ring.  “You kept it”


“Well not exactly luv” Spike admitted “I hid it away not long after you passed.  Demon bloke I know came across it awhile back when the old house was being demolished.”


Rebecca didn’t seem to hear him as she inspected the ring more closely “It looks just the same, after all this time it’s still like new.”


Spike glanced at Buffy briefly “Yeah well it looked a lot worse a few weeks ago.  Had a bit of an incident at the crypt.” He turned to acknowledge Tara “But Glinda here fixed it up good and proper.”


Rebecca smiled her thanks “That was so nice of you Tara.”  She reached forward to give the Wicca a hug “I know what a good friend you’ve been to William.  Thank you.”


Tara blushed “It was nothing really.”  She realised that she once again held Spike’s box and handed it back to him.


Rebecca eyed the box curiously “So what else did you keep?”  She reached forward and tried to pluck the box from his hands.


Spike twisted his body away from her laughing “Always were a nosy chit weren’t you.”  He held the box high as Rebecca pressed against him reaching up on tip toes trying to snatch the treasure.


Spike placed a quick kiss on the end of her nose “Ask me nice and I might show you.”


Rebecca stood back slightly clasping her hands demurely in front of her and gave him a coy look “Please William may I look?” she began to run her hands lightly across his torso “I would be ever” she place a small kiss on his jaw “ever” she began to pepper kisses along his jaw until she reached his ear “so grateful” she finished by nipping lightly on his earlobe.


Spike moaned loudly and wrapped his free arm around Rebecca’s waist to pull her closer.  Spike gazed into his wife’s eyes and was lowering his head to kiss her pouting lips when he was rudely interrupted.


“Spike!” Buffy shouted as she realised things were about to get very heated.  Her hand was covering Dawn’s eye’s “Try to keep it PG 13 please.”


Dawn managed to squirm away from the offending hand “You never let me see the good stuff” she pouted.


Rebecca was blushing as she hid her face against her husband’s chest.  She was not used to having others around to witness their displays of affection.  Spike merely smirked as he pulled his wife towards the dining room.  He sat down and placed the box on the table before turning back to eye the others.  “Well c’mon your all going to try an sneak a look anyway.”


The other’s made there way over to the table curious to discover what William had considered to be treasures. 


Tara sat away from the group slightly “Sit here baby.” Willow patted the chair beside her.  Tara shook her head slightly “I’ve already seen it.”


Spike slowly opened the lid and pulled out some pieces of paper “This is a letter from my Da.” He turned to his wife “Remember our honeymoon.” He turned to the others “We had to come home early cause my Da had passed on.”  Spike carefully unfolded the paper, running his fingers lightly over the flowing script.  “When we got home this letter was waiting for me.  He’d written it a few days before he’d passed, he was telling me how proud he was of me and what a wonderful choice of bride I’d made.”


Rebecca picked up the other piece of paper and unfolded it carefully “Oh William! It’s my poem.”


The other’s looked at her expectantly waiting to hear the story behind it.


“William wrote it for me shortly after we became engaged” she carefully refolded the paper and held it close to her heart.  “He was away at Oxford at the time.”  She smiled softly “I read it every night he was away; it made me feel closer to him.”


Spike reached back into the box and bought out the miniatures.  He carefully spread them out on the table for the others to see “This is me mum Anne.” The group carefully passed the picture around. “An this is me Da Edward.”  The group studied the pictures carefully searching for traces of Spike in their features.


Spike held on to the last one for a few moments before passing it across “You haven’t seen this one Glinda.”  Tara moved forward curiously “It’s our wedding picture.”


The group were surprised when they looked at the small picture.  Instead of the stiff Victorian pose that was common of the day, the couple were facing each other locked in an embrace and gazing lovingly into each others eyes. 


Spike softly cleared his throat before he spoke again “My Da had always wanted to be an artist, but he was the eldest son so he had to follow his duty.  He painted this from memory as his gift to us.  It was with his letter when we came home.”


Spike looked into the box and pulled out the remaining treasures.  His mother’s broach, a pair of small pearl earrings and a pendant.


Rebecca gasped in delight as she saw the jewelry.


Spike fingered the broach “This was me mum’s.  Da gave it to her on their wedding day.” 


Rebecca picked up the earrings “William gave these to me on my 16th birthday.”  She clipped them into place on her ears before reaching forward to grab the pendant.  “This was my mother’s”


Dawn peered at it closely “That looks like Anya’s pendant.”


“That’s because my mother had it made to duplicate Anyanka’s” Rebecca slipped the pendant around her neck


“Why would she do that?”


“Because Anyanka granted her wish”


“But Anya’s a vengeance demon.” 


Rebecca placed the letters and pictures back in the box and closed the lid before she started to speak.  “Do you remember when I said that vengeance demons are neutral?”


Nods came from everyone but Xander and Dawn who just stared at her in confusion.


“They are drawn to a person’s desire for vengeance.  How the wish is granted depends of the wish maker’s intent.”  Rebecca lifted her hand up to finger the pendant.  “My mother had just been badly jilted by her betrothed, he had done it very publicly and she was hurt and angry.”


“So Anya showed up to get her to wish for vengeance.” Dawn cut in.


“That’s right.  My mother was absolutely devastated and when it came time for her wish, do you know what she wished for.” Rebecca smiled as she remembered the story her mother had told her so many times.  “She wished that she would find her soul mate.  Actually what I think she said was she wished she could just fall into the lap of her one true love, and her horrible ex-fiancé would see how happy they were together and regret what he had done to her for the rest of his life.  She also wished the same thing for her children.”


Dawn was captivated by the story “So what happened.”


Rebecca chuckled “About three months after the whole scandal my mother was riding in the park in London.  Something startled her horse and it reared and threw her off.”  Rebecca’s eyes were shining with the memory of her parent’s meeting.  “My father was also riding in the park that day and saw what was happening.  He had jumped from his own horse and was rushing to help my mother when she was thrown.  My mother landed on him and they tumbled down a small slope.”  Rebecca laughed softly “My mother ended up literally sitting in my father’s lap.”


“Wow” Dawn was almost bouncing in her seat “So what happened to the ex-fiancé?”


“Oh he married some girl who turned into a shrew.  He ended up drinking and gambling his fortune away in his unhappiness.  It was rumored that he blamed his wife for all his misfortune and would always say how he should have married my mother instead.”


Dawn was sporting a huge smile “Ha serves him right.” Her eyes widened as she remembered the last part of the wish.  “So that means that Spike is your one true love.  When did you two meet?”


The others had remained quiet throughout Rebecca’s story, all of them eager to learn more about what Spike had been like when he was alive.


“William and I met when I was nine and he was fourteen.”  Rebecca snuggled into Spike’s side “It was just after my parent’s had been killed and my uncle had taken me to our country house.  William’s parents owned the estate next door.”


“So you were neighbors, is that how you met?” Dawn rushed ahead trying to work out the story.


“Not exactly” Rebecca smiled at her interest “I had snuck out of the house, trying to avoid my lessons.  I decided to go down to the small glade at the far end of the estate and climb trees.”


“She was a bit of a tomboy” Spike added


Rebecca punched his shoulder playfully “Anyway I was high up in the branches of this tree when I looked down and noticed this boy sitting below.  He had brown curly hair and was wearing glasses and reading a book.  I was leaning down as far as I could, so I could watch him when I slipped.”


Spike took over the story “I heard this terrible noise and got up to investigate when this flurry of blue skirts and brown hair came hurtling towards me from above.”  Spike pulled his wife up onto his lap “She crashed into me and we tumbled down a small slope and she ended up…”


“Sitting in your lap” Dawn squealed loudly finishing the story “Oh my God just like your parent’s.”


Rebecca smiled and nodded


“That is so romantic” Dawn rushed around the table to embrace them “So what happened then?”


“Well I was sitting there with this little bundle on my lap, staring into the prettiest blue eyes I had ever seen and then do you know what the little chit did.”  He looked up at Dawn “She kissed me on the cheek and told me she was going to marry me.”


Dawn gasped “So what did you do?”


Rebecca laughed “He blushed beet red.  He took my chin in his hand, looked me straight in the eye and said ok.”


“Wow” sighed Dawn as she wandered dreamily back to her seat to sit down.  “It’s just so romantic.”


The group sat round the table each caught up in their own thoughts after Rebecca’s tale.






Buffy was the first to break the silence “I’m sorry to break this up guys, but we need to get moving if we’re going to meet Anya at the cemetery in a few hours.”


Xander stood up and headed for the basement “Got a tape measure Buff and I’ll get started with those measurements.”


“In the third drawer in the kitchen Xan” Buffy yelled after him.  She turned back to Spike and Rebecca.  “We decided that if we’re going to face the council it’ll be safer if we’re all together.”  Buffy stood and walked towards the kitchen “We thought that if we put up a partition in the basement and put a bed down there.  You two could use it as your room.  Is that ok?”


The couple nodded their assent before rising to follow her. The others all headed in different directions to prepare for the night.


Tara has decided to move back in with Willow so they will have their own room.  I’ll share with Dawnie and Giles can have my room.  Xander can take the couch.”  Buffy started to search the refrigerator for something edible before giving up in disgust.  “It’ll be a squeeze but I’ll feel better if everyone’s safe.”


Buffy put the kettle on and started to pull out mugs “Hot chocolate?”


“Thanks pet. Got any of those little…” Spike gave Buffy a wide smile as she waved the packet of marshmallows.


“Rebecca I wanted to ask you about that protection spell you spoke about.”  Buffy handed them each a mug.


“We can organize it tonight when we go to Midian.” Rebecca offered.


“I asked Willow and Tara to look prepare the binding spell in case we need it.”  Buffy informed them “Just to be on the safe side.”


“What do you want us to do pet?”


Buffy started to shoo them away “Nothing, hopefully Xander will have the bed set up tonight as well as a temporary partition.  I’ll get pizza later so we can eat before we go.”  She ushered the couple towards the door.  Tara, Willow and Dawn have gone to get Tara’s things, Giles has headed to the Magic Box for research material and I’m going to give Xander a hand.  You two go and make use of the peace and quiet upstairs while you can.”


Spike just stared at Buffy in amazement; she was actually encouraging him to spend more time with Rebecca.  He smiled his thanks before leading his wife back upstairs.




Spike closed and locked the door behind them “So we’ve been sent to our room like a pair of naughty children” he waggled an eyebrow “Whatever will we do locked in this room all alone?”


Rebecca sat on the edge of the bed before slowly leaning back on her elbows.  “I don’t know.” She stretched out fully across the bed “Any ideas?”


Spike growled before jumping up beside her, bouncing up and down like a child.  Rebecca was laughing loudly as she was tossed about.  Suddenly she sat up facing Spike and pulled him close.  “Well that was fun, but I can think of a few other things we could do in this bed.”  She slowly ran her hands down his body to cup his backside. 


Spike mirrored her actions “Really!  What did you have in mind?”  He pulled her even closer so that their bodies pressed in all the right places.


“Well” Rebecca began as she slowly worked her hands under his shirt “We’re a little over dressed for what I was thinking of.”


“Oh are we?” Spike started unbuttoning her top “Better do something about that then.”  He slid her top off and began kissing her shoulders.


Rebecca pushed him back “Not so fast mister.”  She lay back down “Entertain me.”


Spike leaned over her “Bossy aren’t you?” he gave her a hard kiss before standing up.  “So you want a show do you luv?”


“Most definitely”


Spike stood and studied his wife.  They had played this game quite often during their marriage.  It would have been considered the height of decadence to behave in such a manner in their time.  But neither of them really cared for what was considered ‘proper’ when they were behind closed doors.  Their passion for each other had eclipsed everything else.  “So luv what do you want me to do first?”


“Take of your shirt” Rebecca’s voice was starting to thicken with passion “Slowly”


Spike grabbed the hem of his shirt and peeled it up his torso inch by inch before tossing it aside.  He waited for his next instruction.


“Run your hands across your chest”

Spike began to move his hands sensually across his body, playing with his nipples so that they hardened under his touch.

“Now start to unbutton your pants.”  Rebecca darted her tongue out to moisten her lips.

“That’s not how it works luv.”

Rebecca pouted before rising to stand in front of him just out of reach.  She moved her hands to the clasp of her bra fumbling slightly before she removed it.  She lightly ran her hands across her chest mimicking Spike’s movements.

“Buttons” she murmured

 Spike slowly popped each button before nodding for his wife to do the same.

Rebecca undid her zipper and continued on to slide her pants down her legs so that she could step out of them. 

Spike kicked his jeans to the side so that he now stood completely naked before her.  Rebecca stood clad only in a pair of white cotton panties.  They lifted their hands and began to move them across the others body, not touching the skin but passing close enough so that the other could feel the shift in the air as the hand continued on its path.

“Seems that I’m at a bit of a disadvantage” Spike indicated towards her panties before moving closer.  Their bodies were almost touching, Spike slid his hands down her side so that they rested on her hips, palms beneath the cotton and thumbs hooked on the outside.  Slowly he began to inch his hands downwards until he was kneeling in front of her.  He looked up at her and smiled as she stepped out of her panties.

Rebecca cupped his chin in her hand and urged him to stand.  The stood staring into the others eyes for a few minutes before Rebecca stepped forward pressing her body against his.  Spike caught her mouth in a kiss before lifting her into his arms and laying her on the bed.

Spike took a moment to stare down at her “You sure about this?”


Rebecca merely nodded before pulling his mouth back down to hers.  She moaned into his mouth as she felt his hand move downwards, Spike flicked her clit lightly before inserting two fingers inside her heat. 




Buffy and Xander had just finished wrestling a mattress onto the bed they had set up in the basement when the three girls came down to join them.


“I was going to go clean my room but there are noises happening up there that I am just too young to know about.”  Dawn thought that was an ideal excuse for the state of her room.  Also the thought of Spike doing ‘that’ with someone was like seeing your brother naked.  Something you try to block from your mind at all costs.


Xander commiserated with her “Yeah well be thankful you haven’t been here the whole time.”


“Poor Xander” Willow patted him on the head “You have been so brave.”


“So this is where everyone is hiding” Giles came down the stairs. 


“Just trying to avoid the show” Xander pointed towards the ceiling.


“Wise choice” Giles cast a glance upwards “Do you think they’ll be much longer?”


Just then they heard a loud roar from Spike.


“Nope they’re finished now” Buffy commented absently


Xander gulped loudly “I so don’t want to know how you know that Buff.”


Buffy looked at him confused “But Xander I told you that Spike and I…”


Xander moved to sit on the steps with his fingers in his ears “La la la I can’t hear you”  he repeated as he fixed Buffy with his ‘Please leave me in my land of denial’  look.

