Chapter 15


The Scoobies blankly stared at the crying slayer as the man called Hoston lead her over to sit at the table.


Dante cleared his throat “Perhaps I should introduce our newcomers.” He waited for the group to turn their attention to him. “This is Rupert Hoston and his wife Sarah.”


Tara gasped “As in Rebecca’s watcher?”


Hoston nodded “Yes I was Rebecca’s watcher until she died”


Rebecca’s sobs had subsided; she searched his face “How?”


“Are you a demon?” questioned Willow


“No I am very human” Hoston looked towards Spike for confirmation.


“Smells human” Spike confirmed “Plus he does have a heartbeat.”


Rebecca searched Hoston’s face “You’ve been here all this time?”


Hoston nodded as the others waited for an explanation.


Dante spoke up “Midian’s timeline works differently to most other dimensions.  For every full day that passes here only one hour passes in your timeline.”


Buffy remembered when she had sent Angel to hell “I’ve heard of that before.” She frowned slightly “But why isn’t he long dead? It’s been over a hundred years since he was last seen so if he’s still human he should be dust.”


“Yes well in most cases you would be correct, however in Midian the aging process in humans is the reverse to the passage of time.  For a resident to look as though they have aged one full year approximately 24 of your years and 570 Midian years would have to pass.”


“Well that would suck” exclaimed Dawn


The others looked at her puzzled


“Well you would stay a baby for what? Hundreds of years.”


Buffy’s face took on a look of horror “Oh my God you would be a teenager for ever.”


Dante laughed “Luckily for some reason the change in the aging process doesn’t start until adulthood.  Up until then our children age normally depending on their place of birth.  If they are born in Midian they age in our years, if they are born in the human world they age as a normal human baby, unless they reside in Midian for more then 6 months.  They seem to adapt to our timeline around then.”


“Oh” Buffy didn’t quite understand but it would explain why Rebecca’s watcher and Giles’s relative? Uncle?  Looked to be about the same age as Giles.


Hoston looked at the others gathered around the table “I moved to Salus shortly after Rebecca’s death.  I just couldn’t stay after….” He looked away uncomfortably “Sarah and I stayed there until the attacks when we were able to bring a few of the children here.”


Rebecca merely nodded as she tried to digest this latest information.


Giles cleared his throat and spoke up “I think perhaps we should get back to why we are all here?” he eyed Hoston curiously “Perhaps we could meet later to…catch up?”


The others nodded in agreement as they all settled back into place so that the meeting could begin. 


Dante began again “Anya has informed us that you wish to form an alliance.”  Buffy and Giles nodded slowly “You must understand that the existence of Midian has been kept secret from most of the outside dimensions.  Although it would be impossible for the council to actually enter our realm to commit violence they can attack any who leave here as well as destroy the doorways like the one you entered through today.”


Buffy looked towards Anya “Why didn’t you tell us about this place before?”


Anya looked uncomfortable “It was not allowed” she looked towards Dante as if seeking permission “For over a century the Slayer has been an enemy, not an ally.  If I were to have exposed Midian, at the very least I would not have been permitted to return.”


Hoston took over the conversation “Before the attacks the Slayer would visit the community nearest her to train.” He removed his small wire frame glasses and began to clean them “With the difference in the timelines it was an ideal situation.  The Slayer could train for days without leaving the human world unprotected for more than a few hours.”


The Scoobies stared at Hoston in fascination as he studiously continued to clean his glasses.  Giles shifted uncomfortable as they turned to look at him, wide grins on all their faces.  “I can see how that would be an efficient way to train.” He felt his own hands inching towards his face before he remembered that he was currently sans spectacles.  He looked towards Dante and the others “If we are to go up against the council it would be highly beneficial for us to resume the alliance.”


The tall woman called Jayala spoke for the first time “How can we be sure that you mean us no harm?” her voice had a soft lyrical quality to it “There are many demon families here that would become vulnerable should our presence be revealed.”


Rebecca took this opportunity to speak “I do not believe that Buffy and her friends would do anything that could bring harm to Midian and its people.” She glanced at Spike “They have formed alliances with demons before and from what I’ve been told, they have stood by them.”


Dante stood and motioned for the others from Midian to join him “If you’ll excuse us for a moment” they quickly moved out of the room.


The Scoobies looked to Anya who merely smiled “It’s going very well.”


Xander looked confused “But we haven’t really talked about anything?”


Anya merely smiled “Mathew is a Shartala, they are empathic demons.  He has spent the entire time reading your intentions.  If he believes that none of you are a threat then it is highly likely that a mutually beneficial alliance will be formed.”


A small gnome like creature entered and offered them refreshments while they were waiting.  Each of them took a tankard sniffing the contents lightly before drinking.




The others soon returned to their places at the table.  Dante waited for everyone to settle before he spoke “Midian welcomes you.” He inclined his head slightly to each of the Scoobies in turn “We believe that we can assist you in your quest Miss Summers.”


Buffy and Giles both expelled a low breathe, the tension easing from their bodies.  


“So how is this going to work, do we need to sign something or...” Buffy let the sentence hang, hoping that they wouldn’t have to sign in blood.


“Your word is sufficient Miss Summers.”


“So how is this going to work” Tara spoke up for the first time.


Dante thought for a moment “I think that I will assign an elder to assist each of you for the next few days.” He turned to Bo “Isabo could you assist Miss Summers, Rebecca and…do you prefer William or Spike?”


Spike shifted uncomfortably “Doesn’t matter.”


 “William then!  Could you train them in some of the older weapons that they may not be familiar with.  Especially the ones that would be most useful against Dretgo’s.”


Bo was nodding her acceptance when Willow broke in “Isn’t that a bit dangerous, I mean Buff and Rebecca are both slayers and Spikes….”


“Annoying” muttered Xander as he picked up his drink.


Willow glared at him while Spike merely smirked “Spike’s a vampire, won’t she get hurt?”


Anya sat back arms crossed a huge smile on her face, Xander fixed firmly in her sights ‘This is going to be good’.


Sarah leant across the table to pat Willow’s hand “Of course not dear, after all Isabo is a vampire as well.”


Xander spit his drink out across the table as he began to choke, he turned incredulous eyes towards Bo “What…how…huh” finally his mind seemed to grasp onto something “SUN!” he yelled almost jumping from his seat “Sun…with the sunshine and…and…SUN!”


Bo gentle tucked her hair behind one ear and showed him the small green gem that sat on her lobe.  “Amaran gems.”


Spike’s full attention was now fixed on the tiny earrings “But I thought that the Gem of Amara was destroyed.”


“Oh that” Bo looked a bit disgusted “Let’s just say that that particular gem belonged to a blabbermouth.”


Spike could feel hope rising up within him “So there’s more of those pretty baubles then luv?”


Bo smiled “The gem isn’t the source of power itself, merely the receptacle.” She motioned towards Jayala “Any gem can become Amaran if it is blessed by an Amaran priestess.”


Jayala smiled “I would be more than happy to provide you with a blessing William.”  She looked to Tara and Willow as she stood “Would you ladies like to watch?”  Both girls nodded vigorously and moved to join her.  “William?”


Spike rose, a huge smile plastered across his face as he followed the others out of the room.




Anya watched as Xander continue to stare at Bo, occasionally his mouth would open as if to speak, but then it would snap back shut.  Anya could almost see his mind slowly ticking over as he tried to process that fact that his new crush was the very thing he professed to hate so much.


Bo simply stared back at him innocently; Mathew had warned her that Xander may not take the news ‘well’.  She gave Anya a conspiratorial smile; the two had spoken often after D’Hoffran had sent Anya to them to heal.  Bo had been curious about the man that had hurt Anya so badly, she also knew however that Anya had finally admitted that they were never meant to be together and that both of them would have been miserable.  


Bo gave Xander another broad smile and a wink before turning her attention back to the others.


Dante looked towards Giles “Rupert and Sarah will accompany Mr. Giles and Mr. Harris to our archives and provide them with any information that they may need with regards to the Dretgo’s and their allies.”  Dante paused momentarily “I suggest you listen carefully to what Sarah tells you Mr. Giles.”


Giles looked towards Sarah curiously.


Sarah graced him with a motherly smile “I am a Dretgan demon Mr. Giles; we are an evolved form of the Dretgo.” She heard the gasps of the others left at the table “We do not feed upon our mates or children.  The Dretgo’s actually consider us to be the lower being.”


There was silence from the remaining Scoobies, that is until Xander's head hit the table with a resounding thud as he began to mutter softly.  Dawn and Buffy craned forward trying to hear what he was saying.  Dawn snickered as she made out the words she moved to whisper in Buffy’s ear “Good Demons.”


Giles moved around the table and tried to gently pull Xander up so that they could get to work.  Xander lifted his head and looked at him blankly “My head hurts”. 


“Well don’t bash it against a lump of wood.”


Xander looked back down at the table as if deep in thought “Ok”


Giles sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger “Now that we’ve established that fact can we please get to work?”


“Ok” Xander stood up still looking dazed and walked up to Sarah; he gave her an odd look “Good demon?”


Sarah smoothed his hair “Yes dear I’m a good demon”




Sarah linked her arm through Xander's and gently led him out.


“I think you broke him” Dawn smirked at Bo.


Anya snorted “He’ll just have to get over it.” 


Dawn looked around the now depleted group “So do I get a job” she asked hopefully.


“You are the key” Mathew spoke for the first time since the meeting began.


“Yes, but since Glory’s dead I don’t think I do anything anymore.”


Mathew pressed a large clawed hand against Dawn’s forehead “The power still courses through you.”  He gave her a steady look “I can teach you to harness that power.”


Buffy leapt from her seat and tried to pull Dawn away “No.  There will be no harnessing of anything.  I will not let you hurt Dawn.”


“Why would I hurt her?”


“Because…Because it involves cutting and blood.  And it’s not of the good.  No cutting Dawn” Buffy hovered over Dawn protectively.


Mathew looked horrified “Why would I cut her.  I was going to teach her how to harness her energy through meditation and training.”


Buffy felt her fear deflate as she looked down at Dawn’s pleading eyes “Please Buffy”


“There’s not cutting?”  Buffy was still unsure


“No cutting or harming of any kind” Mathew reassured her “Anya will be helping me.  “Her knowledge of teleportation and dimensions will be useful in helping Dawn focus her abilities accurately.”


“What are my abilities?”  Dawn was curious now; she stood up preparing to leave with Anya and Mathew.


“One of them is the ability to create dimensional doorways like the one you used to get here” Mathew chatted amiably to Dawn as the left the room.


Dante waited for the others to leave “We have sent clothing for you and your companions to your abode Miss Summers.  I hope you don’t mind but I assumed that you would remain here for a few days before returning home.” He slowly stood “William should return shortly so that you can begin your training.”  Dante moved forward to take Buffy’s hands briefly staring intently into her eyes before turning and leaving the room.


Buffy turned to face Bo “So vamp huh?”


Bo nodded “Yep, I was turned in 1901”


“So you’re like way old then”


Bo laughed “Not as old as Anya”


Buffy joined her “I keep telling Xander that he’s a demon magnet.”


Rebecca laughed at that comment.


“What’s so funny pet?”


The girls turned to look at Spike as he sauntered into the room flashing them a wide grin.  He just couldn’t contain his excitement at now possessing another Amaran gem; he was practically bouncing as he walked.


“I was just saying that Xander's a demon magnet” Buffy caught a flash of green on Spikes finger ‘So he went for a ring again.’


Spike merely smirked before throwing his arm across Rebecca’s shoulder; he reached over to drag Buffy to him and threw his other arm around her as well.  “C’mon let’s go play in the sun.” The three of them walked outside into the sunlight.  Spike paused for a moment letting the warmth rush over him; his skin tingled at the feel.  Suddenly he released the girls and ran forward arms stretched wide spinning around like a small child.


Bo stood between the girls as they laughed at his antics “Come on lets put all that energy to work”.


The small group walked towards the outskirts of the village Spike talked and bounced the whole way.  For once in his unlife everything was perfect.


