Chapter 28


Beta'd by Always_jbj


Spike and Buffy left the meeting shortly after Giles began his more detailed attack plan, both of them having gone over it beforehand in minute detail.  The day was winding down and a gentle breeze played across their faces as they enjoyed a moment of peace before the battle ahead.


“Let’s go for a picnic.” Buffy stopped in her tracks.  “It’s such a beautiful day, why don’t we go home and get some stuff, grab Stacy from Sarah’s and go down near the creek and enjoy the sunset.”  Shortly after their arrival in Midian they’d gone out close to sunset and had been awed by the spectacular colours that lit the skies of Midian. 


For Buffy it had been the first time in a long time that she had been able to sit back and enjoy nature’s display without being focused on preparing for the night’s patrol.  Sunset to Spike had always previously meant that the time of his forced captivity indoors was near an end, the colours in the sky merely indicators that the minutes leading to nightfall were slowly passing by. 


“Sounds good to me, luv.  Why don’t we invite the others along this time?”  Spike motioned back towards the meeting hall. “’s been a long time since you and your mates got to spend time together that wasn’t apocalypse or research related.”


Buffy thought for a moment; part of her wanted alone time with her family, yet the other part craved the company of her friends.


“Tell you what, you go organise the others ‘n I’ll go get us something to eat, and grab the littlest bit, then afterwards the witches can drop her off with Sarah and Hoston for a bit while you and I go have some quiet time.”  Spike pulled her close, slipping his hands up under her shirt to rub lazily across her bra.  “Thought we could go visit that little grove near the training field if you like.”  He circled his thumb lightly on the fabric over her nipple.


“Hmmmm. Ok,” Buffy sighed as tingles of pleasure danced across her spine.  “But if you keep that up I may just throw you down here and have my wicked way with you.”


“Really?” Spike quirked an eyebrow.  “You do tempt me, Slayer.” He chuckled as he gave her nipple a light pinch before withdrawing his hands.  “Don’t think the children would appreciate the show, though.


Buffy gasped, swinging around to see two small children eyeing them with avid curiosity.  Mortified she turned back around to burrow her head in Spike’s chest for a moment.  “Ok you…you go get things ready and I’ll go be somewhere that’s else.”  She leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss.  “I’ll meet you at the usual spot in about fifteen.  Ok?”


Spike turned to watch her walk away, his eyes appreciatively caressing her backside as she went.




Spike and Buffy watched Stacy indulgently as she crawled from person to person across the soft grass.  Giggling and attempting to clap her hands as they cooed and clucked at her.  Currently Dawn was stretched out on the grass, the baby balanced on her stomach, held in firm arms as the pair rolled from side to side.


Isabo sat close to the pair, tickling Dawn with a long blade of grass, her resulting squirming and laughter adding to the little girl’s fun.


Buffy wondered at the change in her sister since everything had happened, in fact everyone around her had changed in someway since her return and the consequent events.  She turned her eyes from one person to the next, taking in the happiness reflected in each of their faces during this small respite.  Even those people who only recently entered her world fitted as though they had always been there.


“Buffy?” Dawn looked up at her sister, one eyebrow quirked in a Spike-like fashion.


“Huh?” Buffy startled, only then realising that she had been lost in her own thoughts, while her sister had obviously been speaking to her.


Dawn sighed dramatically as she struggled to sit while balancing Stacy in her arms.  “I was asking if I could take Stacy down to paddle her feet in the creek?”


“Ummm, ok, but not too deep.” Buffy instructed before sighing and leaning back against Spike’s chest, smiling as his strong arms folded about her.  “Mmmmm, nice.”


Spike looked towards the sky noting the pale colours that were being to stretch out across it.  “”s starting luv.”


“Oh, pretty.”




“Wasn’t that just the best sunset you’ve ever seen?  I mean all the colours and the patterns it was like a great big kaleidoscope in the sky.  It was such a good idea to go and have that picnic.  Wasn’t it a good idea?”  Willow babbled happily as she and Tara entered their home.


Tara smiled indulgently at her lover. “Yes, sweetie, it was a good idea.”


“I mean I feel so much more relaxed and refreshed.” Willow reached her arms upwards as she stretched her body, a loud yawn escaping from her mouth as she did so.  “Sleepy too.”


“Sleepy?  Really?” Tara walked quietly up behind her, wrapping one arm around Willows waist as she whispered in her ear.  “I’m not sleepy at all, I feel like I’m just filled to the brim with energy.  In fact…” Tara began to run one hand lightly across Willows abdomen, occasionally letting it drift upwards to ghost across the underside of her breasts, or downwards to caress a soft thigh.  “I was just thinking that maybe we could come up with something to do to that would make use of all that extra energy.”


“Sleepy?  Who said sleepy?” Willow turned her head to look at Tara.  “I’m just jam-packed with peppy goodness.”


“You are?” Tara asked in mock amazement.


“Yup.” Willow nodded as she twisted around to face Tara.


“So if I’ve got all this energy.” Tara nipped at Willow’s bottom lip gently.  “And you’ve got all this energy.’ She nipped at Willow’s ear lobe.  “Whatever should we do?”


“Well studies have shown that exercise is a very good way to use up extra energy.”  Willow tried her best to remain serious.


“Studies, huh?” Tara began to move them slowly towards the stairs.


Willow nodded, “Uh huh.”


“So what does this exercise involve?” She grinned before continuing in a serious voice, “Just so I’m fully informed.”


“Well.” Willow began to fiddle with the buttons on the front of Tara’s shirt.  “I think that we would have to get out of these clothes.  I mean we don’t want to get them all sweaty, do we?”


“That would be bad,” Tara agreed.


“Then we would have to do some bending, and then some stretching, and I’m sure we could think of some other stuff to do.”  Willow looked at the stairs, before grasping Tara’s hand and pulling her upwards.


“Oh bending and stretching.”  Tara followed behind her girlfriend.  “I’m not sure if I’ve done that before.  Maybe I should watch you for awhile until I get the idea.”


The pair reached their room.  Willow quietly shut the door behind them.  “Watch and learn is a good theory.”  Willow began to tug at her clothes.  “But I prefer a more hands on approach.”


Tara moved to help Willow with her clothing, their hands drifting to her own as well.  “I do think I’m going to like this exercise you speak of.”




Giles stood in Anya’s darkening bedroom, their bedroom really as they spent every night in each others arms.  He glanced around noting how the once purely feminine room now reflected his own masculine influence.  Little things that meant nothing to the casual observer but to him signified that he was now no longer alone.


“Rupert, would you like a drink?” Anya walked into the room holding a bottle of scotch and two glasses.


Giles took a moment to observe his lover; he noted the graceful curve of her back, her long slender legs and the way the bodice of her dress  fell seductively across her breasts.  Anya always took the time to present herself in the best possible light, taking pride in the way others perceived her.  He also found her forthright manner endearing, no longer did he wince at what she may say, he had come to realise that she was always completely honest, if somewhat blunt.


“Rupie?” Anya’s voice held a note of concern at his silence.


“I’m sorry, my dear, what was it you said?”


“I asked if you would like a drink.”


“No, I think not.” Giles stopped to study her once more.


Anya puzzled over the strange behaviour that her Rupert was displaying.  “Is there anything you do want?”


“Actually I think I would very much like you to be naked,” Giles replied honestly.


Anya seemed to glow at his words; usually she was the one to openly state her wants and desires, Rupert being more reticent about matters of a more personal nature—his words, not hers.  To have him express himself so openly made her feel as though he finally accepted her, that at last they were a proper couple.  Slowly she pulled down the zip of her dress, letting it pool at her feet before stepping forward.  “Of course, Rupert.”  She deftly unclasped her bra, before sliding her panties off.  “Now how do you want me?”




Spike and Buffy settled Stacy before heading back out into the cool night.  Sarah and Hoston were happy to watch the small girl at any time.  Spike gently wrapped his hand around Buffy’s and they walked through the quiet village and back towards the training fields.


For the first time in months the fields were quiet, human and demon spending the last few nights before the battle with those they held dear.


The couple made their way across the silent fields and into the grove of trees from there they made their way towards the small pool they had discovered previously.  Instead of stopping Spike drew Buffy deeper into the trees following the path of a small stream of water that escaped from the pool.


After a few moments the trees parted revealing a much larger and deeper pool, small streams of water ran into it from several directions.  Spike quickly stripped off, running forward and diving into the cool water, he cut through the water with strong strokes.  “Come on, Slayer, get that cute arse of yours in here.”


Buffy watched Spike for awhile, admiring the way the water caressed his firm body.  Slowly she began to peal the clothing from her body, teasing Spike with flashes of her flesh before dicing into the water herself.  As she broke through the surface of the water Buffy quickly flicked the hair from her face, and scanned the surface of the pool for any sign of her lover.


“Ok, Spike, I get it, don’t need to breathe, can stay under for as long as you like.  Very clever., Now get over here and kiss me.”  She gave a small yelp when a smooth cool hand drifted across her leg, beneath the water.  “Spike!” she warned before ducking under the water in an attempt to find him.


Buffy scanned the clear dark waters for any sign of Spike; occasionally she spied a flash of pale skin from the corner of her eye.  As she broke the surface to gasp for air, Buffy silently cursed the lack of sunlight to filter through the water, and her need to come up constantly for air.  Taking another deep breath she dove under once again to continue her hunt.


Suddenly a lithe body appeared beside her, Spike grinned widely before motioning for Buffy to follow him.  He led her towards a small dark hole, motioning to it before pointing upwards toward the surface.  As they both broke through Spike pulled her towards him, kissing her harshly. His hands slipped to her legs and wrapped them around his waist, his semi-hard cock gently caressing her soft flesh.  “Found a little surprise down there, Slayer, want you to take a deep breath and hang onto me when we go under again.”


Buffy nodded, not really wanting to explore the base of the pool, her thoughts more on what they could do if they were to return to dry land, however Spike seemed excited by his discovery so she was willing to follow along for the moment.


Spike held her gaze, counting to three before plunging them both back under the water.  Buffy quickly twisted round to his back, wrapping her arms around his waist as he led them into the dark hole and through an underwater tunnel.


Just as she thought her lungs would burst, they headed upwards, bursting through the water into what appeared to be a large cavern.


Buffy turned in circles as she studied her surroundings, icicle-like shapes jutted from the roof.  Buffy crinkled her nose as she tried to recall what her science teacher had called them at school.  Stalagmites?  Stalactites?  She never could remember which one was which.  Whatever they were called they had a strange kind of phosphorous glow, giving the cave an otherworldly look.  Once her eyes had adjusted Buffy realised that there were small spots of light dotting the roof and walls as well.


“Glow worms.”


Buffy started as Spike spoke beside her, breaking her from her almost dreamlike inspection.


“It’s magical,” she whispered.


Swimming to one of the sides of the cave they rested  their arms on a small ledge that rose a few inches out of the water.  Buffy turned to speak to Spike, frowning when she realised that he had disappeared below the water again. 


Strong hands grabbed her waist pulling her away from the wall and spinning her around before pushing her back against the wall once more.  Buffy put her arms back up on the ledge once more, steading herself as she felt cool hands slide up her inner thighs and part her legs.


Below the water Spike slipped into game face, using his enhanced vision to see through the dark water.  Positioning himself between Buffy’s thighs he ran one thumb across her clit experimentally, smiling in satisfaction as he felt the tiny quivers racing down her legs. 


Using his fingers to gently part the folds of skin nestled between her legs, Spike waited a moment, letting the cool water lap against her entrance.  Finally he moved closer, covering her pussy with his mouth, eagerly he began to suck and lip and nip at the tender flesh, allowing his tongue to penetrate her tight channel intermittently.


Buffy did her best to support herself on the small ledge, her body screaming for release at the feel of Spike’s talented mouth working on her pussy.  She knew that it was the vampire that worked on her beneath the dark water; she could feel the roughness of his vampiric face as it brushed against her tender flesh.


Buffy gave a small mewl of displeasure when Spike pulled back, bursting through the water’s surface and hoisting himself onto the ledge beside Buffy, his semi-hard cock nestled against his dark curls.. 


“Hey,” she protested.


“Don’t worry, Slayer, got more in mind for you.”  Spike looked down on her with golden eyes.  “Just figured you might wanna make sure little Spike doesn’t suffer from the effects of all that cold water.”  He chuckled at the small ‘o’ that formed on the Slayer’s lips at the thought.


“Well we can’t have that, can we?” Buffy turned and mirrored Spike’s earlier position, albeit above the water.  Slowly she slid the tip of her tongue along his shaft, teasing the tip before taking his length into her mouth in one smooth motion.


Closing his eyes Spike concentrated on the feel of Buffy’s warm mouth as it worked along his cock.  She slipped one hand down into the water, her fingers teasing her clit as she continued to suck on Spike, her other hand gently kneading his tight balls.  Spike’s hands rested under her arms, lifting her slightly so she could take him in more deeply.


After a few minutes Buffy allowed his cock to slide out, gently laving the tip with her tongue as she lapped up the precum that beaded at the tip.  “There, much better.” Buffy proudly admired her handiwork. 


“Like what you see do you, luv?”  Spike slowly slid from the ledge, allowing his cock to trace a path down her skin as he eased back into the water.  Unwilling to allow the cold to take effect again, Spike parted Buffy’s legs and slid inside her with one fluid motion.


Turning them around so that Buffy’s back was once again against the stone wall, Spike wrapped her legs around his waist before gripping onto the rough surface of the ledge and thrusting deeper inside her.



Next (coming soon)