Chapter 4

Spike lay there in the sunlight, out cold and still in game face. Smoke was starting to rise from his exposed flesh.

“Spike” screamed Tara and Dawn rushing forward grabbing his legs and trying to drag him to safety. Dawn looked around wildly “Buffy! Help us.”

Buffy stood where she was a look of shock on her face. “What was going on? Was something wrong?” She felt a heavy anxious knot of dread settle in the pit of her stomach at that thought. Buffy started to move forward and was knocked out of the way by....Rebecca?

Rebecca reached Spike grabbing an arm and easily pulled him out of the sunlight. She stepped back as both the girls fell to their knees franticly inspecting the vampire for injuries. She took this time to inspect the man that Dawn said loved her like a sister and loved Buffy passionately. She frowned slightly, something about him was familiar. Dawn said he was old; perhaps she had fought him at one time.

Spike groaned as he started to come to
“Ughh, my head” he looked into Dawn and Tara’s concerned eyes “What happened? I heard a scream and then...” Spike stopped as he tried to remember.

“You fainted Spike.”
Tara smoothed his wrinkled brow.

The girls both grabbed and arm as he started to rise “Um Spike you still got your wrinklies on” said Dawn motioning to her own face.

“Oh, sorry.” He shook his face back into its human form. “Better luv?”

“Much” Dawn linked her arm through his and smiled up at him “Now that your all recovered there’s someone I want you to meet.” She started to turn him towards Rebecca when he was torn from her and spun round by a very pissed Buffy.

“What do you think you’re doing here Spike!” she shoved him towards the open storeroom door. “I thought I told you to stay away!” Buffy was so angry she was trembling. She was angry right? Then why did this feel more like jealousy and fear? She was about to give Spike a hard shove down the stairs when a hand spun her round.

“Buffy, stop” Rebecca looked at her trying to comprehend what the vampire could have possibly done to set her off. She glanced in Spike’s direction and froze. Rebecca stared at the image before gasping softly.

Spike tore his gaze from Buffy’s face to stare at the new girl, and froze.

Spike and Rebecca stood staring at each other then they both took a step forward never taking their eyes from the other.

The rest of the group moved closer trying to figure out what exactly was going on.

Spike lifted a hand and moved it towards Rebecca’s face.

Xander saw Spike move to touch Rebecca “Hey bleach boy don’t you tou......owww” he flinched when
Willow hit him. “Shhh Xander I think she knows him” she moved forward to stand next to Tara, eager to see what would happen.

Spike’s hand was shaking as he gently caressed Rebecca’s cheek with the back of his finger “It’s you. Are you real?” he whispered

Rebecca closed her eyes leaning into the gentle caress a single tear ran down her face

Spike moved his hand to cup her face. Rebecca opened her eyes staring directly into Spike’s “Becca?” he whispered leaning in. Their foreheads touched as tears coursed down both their faces. Spike took a deep breath “You are real!” and with that he lowered his mouth to hers.

Buffy and the others stood and stared as Spike and Rebecca’s kiss deepened. Giles was cleaning his glasses muttering “Oh dear”.
Willow, Tara
and Dawn were smiling widely at the pair and both Xander and Buffy wore identical looks of shock.

After a time Rebecca gently pulled back, turning to the others her face alight with happiness her arms wrapped around Spike’s waist “It’s William!”

Giles stepped forward “Yes one time Spike was known as William the Bloo...”

Rebecca cut him of “No. He’s William. William Duncan. My Husband” and with that she turned back to smile lovingly at Spike.


Silence filled the Magic Box.

Spike and Rebecca remained entwined whispering and touch each other gently. Suddenly Rebecca stood back a look of pain on her face “When?”

Spike had been waiting for this question. How would she react to him? Did she even know what a vampire was? Had the others told her that he was an evil soulless thing unworthy of her love? He waited for the hateful words and rejection. He waited for her to close her heart to him. “1880 luv” he stood tense waiting for Rebecca’s reaction.

Tears once again welled in Rebecca’s eyes “5 years after.” She moved forward again “I’m sorry”

“Sorry for what luv?” Spike tilted his head to look at her.

“I failed you. I wasn’t there to keep you safe.” Rebecca felt the sorrow well inside her. Her sweet husband had fallen prey to the very thing she had tried to protect him from.

“If I hadn’t been turned luv I wouldn’t be here now, would I?” Spike questioned.

“Tell me”

“Tell you what luv?”

“Everything” Rebecca brushed her hand across his scarred brow “I want to know everything that has happened.”

“Alright” Spike looked around him “Come on” he took Rebecca’s hand and pulled her towards the training room.


The others just stood and stared as the Spike and Rebecca left. None of them knew quite what to say. A first for Xander. They looked around at each other.

“I think perhaps we best start researching that spell” Giles strode towards the two witches “Tara I believe Willow said that you had it in your possession?”

“Yes. I have it I’ll just get it for you”
Tara moved towards the counter trying to remember where she had placed the book.

Willow moved towards the restricted section “There’s some other books that I looked at while I was researching the resurrection spell. Maybe I should get them as well?” She looked enquiringly at Giles.

“Of course, anything that may have an impact on the spell will have to be researched. Perhaps you should also look for anything dealing with reincarnation as well” Giles glanced at Buffy. She had moved to sit at the table; she seemed to be deep in thought, a small frown marring her expression.

Buffy’s thoughts were racing ‘Spike and Rebecca! Spike and Rebecca! No hang on William and Rebecca. Spike, no William is Rebecca’s husband. William loves Rebecca. Rebecca is a part of part of Rebecca was inside of me. But not any more. Oh God! What if Spike only loved me because he was drawn to the Rebecca part of me.’ Buffy’s thoughts continued to tumble over and over in her head.

Giles turned towards Xander, deciding to leave Buffy to process the day’s events. “Xander perhaps you and Dawn could go and get everyone something to eat. I have a feeling we’re going to be here for awhile.” He looked towards the training room door “A stop at the butcher’s would be in order as well.” He moved forward to hand Xander some cash when his foot kicked something soft on the ground, a foul odour wafted upwards. “And could you please dispose of THAT on your way” Giles pointed a finger at the offending object.

Xander grimaced as he picked up his discarded shirt with two fingers, holding it straight out in front of him he left the Magic Box. Dawn quickly followed, being careful to remain downwind of Xander.

Giles moved towards the back of the shop curious as to what was happening in the back room. He tried to unobtrusively eavesdrop, straining to hear even the smallest sound. He jumped when a hand touched his shoulder.

“I found the spell Giles”
smiled at him, knowing what he had been up to. “Anya had the room soundproofed. She said the noises were scaring the customers.”

“I wasn’t....I’m not.” Giles sighed “Lets just get on with it shall we” they moved to the table and started pouring through the gathered books.


Spike led Rebecca over to a pile of mats against one wall; he moved them around making a comfortable place for them to sit.

They sat facing each other for a few moments, silence filling the room. Spike was so nervous; if he had still been human his hands would have been sweating. “So luv.” That was all he managed to get out before nerves got the better of him, he looked down unsure how to go on. ‘God he felt like the git again’.

Rebecca placed her hand on his thigh “Start from when I died” she ran her hand down his cheek “Tell me. How did you find out?”

Spike took a deep breathe to steady himself and started to speak “It was the next morning. I woke up and you weren’t there. I got up and went downstairs looking for you. I walked into the parlour to see your uncle bending over you. He had laid you out on the chaise, he was crying. I remember rushing in, your uncle stopping me before I reached you. He was saying something about a carriage accident, that you were dead.”

Spike’s voice trembled slightly as he remembered “I couldn’t understand why you had been out. I reached your side, you looked so peaceful. There wasn’t a mark on you; I remember thinking that you should have had a bruise or a scratch, something. Your uncle was saying something about you going out to help.” Spike shook his head trying to remember “What was the chit’s name. The girl who helped the cook.”

Alice, her name was Alice
.” Rebecca took his hands in a firm grip

“Yeah Alice, he said that she had taken ill and you had gone out to tend to her.” He looked at Rebecca confusion in his eyes. “I kept thinking, why didn’t she wake me? I would have gone with her. Maybe I could have kept her safe. Your uncle said that he had gone with you ‘cause you were worried about my cough. Didn’t want me in the night air.”

Rebecca leant forward to kiss him gently “I’m so sorry, I’m sorry for causing you pain.”

“Not your fault luv.” Spike reassured her “About 3 months after we buried you Rupert left. He just closed up the house one day without a word, I’d moved back in with me mum. She was ailing and wanted the company.”

Rebecca thought for a moment “Did you? Was there someone? After, did you find someone else?”

Spike gave her a wry smile; he shifted round and settled against the wall closing his eyes. “I thought there was.” He opened his eyes and gave a low snort “Do you remember Cecily Adams? About 4 years after I lost you I started attending social gatherings again. Mum was getting frailer by the day and was eager for me to marry again. I guess she wanted me settled before she passed.” Spike frowned at that thought remembering exactly how his mother had died. He thought it best that he leave out that piece of information for now.

“I met Cecily at a party. I guess I was looking for the same qualities that I loved about you. Confidence, grace, honesty, compassion. I thought I saw them in her, didn’t realise that it was all an act. I started writing poetry, thinking she would see the feeling in them that you had. One night someone had snatched my latest poem from my hands and read it aloud. Everyone was laughing, I was their favourite joke, but Cecily found a quiet place. I thought because she wasn’t sharing in the joke with the others that she must feel something for me.” Spike so lost in his memories that he never felt Rebecca nestle into his side. “I worked up the courage to speak to her, so I went over. She ended up telling me that I was beneath her. I left the party.” He looked down at Rebecca surprised to see her snuggled up to him. “That was the night that I became what I am”.

“She was stupid foolish woman if she didn’t see your worth William.” Rebecca laid her head against his chest. “Tell me about your life after you became a vampire.”

Spike hesitated how could he tell her about his time with Dru, all the evil things that he had done.

“Please William”

“Ok luv, but it’s not pretty”

“I need to know William.” Rebecca wrapped her arm around his waist “I promise it’ll be ok”

Spike pulled her closer into his arms and settled down to tell his story. The only sound was the steady rhythm of his voice. At times during the tale Rebecca would bury her face into his chest silently sobbing, occasionally small gasps would escape from her, or silent tears would stream down her face. Some times she would hold onto him fiercely, others she would run her hands across his face and chest in gentle caresses. Not once did she pull away from him or look at him in disgust. Not when he told her about his life as part of the Scourge of Europe, not when he told her about his time with Drusilla, not even when he had told her about his time with Buffy.

When he had finished his story Rebecca pulled back to look at him “I’m sorry she can’t allow herself to love you.”

Spike looked at her shocked “How can you be ok with this. I just told you that I loved another woman, that I’m a vampire. I caused the death and destruction to countless people.”

“I was dead William. I am not so arrogant as to believe that you would never love again. As for the other, you are a vampire! That’s what you are supposed to do.” Rebecca shook him “I love you William. I understand you better than everyone else. I may not have been by your side for over a centaury but I know what type of man you are. You will do anything for those you love; you would give your very life for them.”

“But how? I may have told you what I have done, but you have no idea what a vampire is truly like” Spike still could not believe that she wasn’t rejecting him for being what he was.

“Of course I know what a vampire is truly like. I was the Slayer for 4 years!” Rebecca retorted.

“You were the what?” yelled Spike jumping up in surprise

“Oops” thought Rebecca.

