Chapter 8


“Anyanka!” Rebecca jumped up and moved forward to embrace her “I’m so pleased that there’s someone else I know still around.” She linked her arm through Anya’s and started to pull her forward “How long have you been an emissary.  Things must really have changed.  How’s D’Hoffran?”  Rebecca stopped in front of the sofa “Anya I’d like you to meet William.” Rebecca smiled broadly “My husband”


Spike grinned up from his seat wiggling his fingers at her “’ello luv.”


Anya looked back and forth between the pair her eyes round with amazement “Spike is William! As in your William?” Anya smiled at Rebecca “Let me see if I remember correctly…The most incredible, amazing, loving, sensitive man that every existed…he writes the most beautifully romantic poetry and has these amazing blue eyes you could just stare into forever…That William” 


Rebecca blushed as Anya repeated the words she had used to describe William. “Yes Anyanka ...That William.”


Anya eyed Spike speculatively “I see you left a few important things out of your description.”  She turned to Rebecca and added bluntly “Was he good in bed?  You weren’t married the last time we spoke.”


Rebecca’s face flamed even redder however she leaned over to whisper in Anya’s ear “Incredible.”


Anya smiled widely “Have you had sexual intercourse since you’ve been back.  He is a vampire now.  They have the most incredible stamina you know and the whole not needing to breathe thing.” she gave Rebecca a wink “Definitely a plus.”


Spike stared up at her amazed; if he’d been human his face would have been the same colour as Rebecca’s


Giles cleared his throat behind them “Um perhaps we could attend to the matter at hand and you could leave the  ...umm…catching up until a later time.”


“Giles!” Anya exclaimed happily and started to walk towards him.  Then she spotted Xander staring at her in amazement “Oh you’re still here.  Shouldn’t you have run away by now?  You’re very good at that.”  Anya glared at him in disgust.


Xander snapped out of the daze he had been in since he had first seen his ex-fiancé.  He jumped up reaching out to pull on her arm “An, An, I’m so sorry please forgive me.  I still love you.”


Anya wrenched her arm from her grasp “SORRY SORRY, you left ME at the alter Xander.” She moved away from him and stood directly in front of Giles, taking a moment to compose herself.  “Giles you called me to help you, but I CANNOT work with that...that … MAN in the same room.  Please get rid of him.”


Giles sighed “Xander could you please go …..” he thought for a moment.  He had no idea what to do with Xander “be somewhere else.”


Dawn jumped up and grabbed his arm “Come on Xander lets go get some…..umm…doughnuts.”  She tugged him towards the front door leaving the others to deal with Anya.


The door closed with a thud as the two went in search of sugary goodness.


Anya seemed to relax visibly as soon as Xander left the room; she turned to face the others “I see I have a lot of catching up to do.  Tara, how are things going with the shop?  Everything ready for reopening? ” 


Tara nodded “All set for Monday morning.”


Anya gave a sharp nod “Good” she turned back to Giles “Shall we get on with it?”  Anya moved forward pulling an ornate necklace from her pocket and placing it around her neck; she sat down, straight backed and regally surveyed those before her.  “I am Anyanka chosen emissary of Midian.  Who has called me forth?”


Rebecca moved picked up the bowl that was used for the spell, she kneeled before Anya holding the bowl out towards her “I have called you emissary.” Anya reached out to touch the bowl with both hands. “I am Rebecca the Vampire Slayer.  I have need of your counsel.”


Anya looked at Rebecca for a moment before intoning softly “Cruentus antiquitas.”


The water once again began to swirl turning a deep rich red.


Spike leaned forward inhaling sharply.  The scent of blood emanating from the bowl was almost overpowering.  His demon was clamouring to come out.


Anya bought the bowl up to her lips drinking deeply before handing it back to Rebecca her lips now glowed red from the traces of blood left on them.


Rebecca also drank deeply from the bowl of coopery liquid before she rose and approached Giles.  “You have to drink or you can’t take part in the meeting.”   Giles looked ill as he took the bowl from her “You have to take a large mouthful and you can’t wipe of lick the blood from your lips until the meeting is over.”


Giles closed his eyes tightly as he drank hurriedly before handing the bowl back.  Willow, Tara and Buffy each took their turn drinking from the bowl grimacing at the taste of blood in their mouths.


Rebecca moved to where Spike sat. “You can only take one mouthful William” she looked at him in concern “Can you do that?”


Spike shifted uncomfortably the sight of blood on the other’s lips mixed with the intoxicating scent of the blood had his demon was screaming for release.  He concentrated on pushing his demon back down before nodding.


Rebecca handed the bowl to him whispering “Remember, you can’t remove it from your lips.”


Spike gulped down a large helping before roughly shoving the bowl away.  He had never tasted anything like it before.  The mixture was like concentrated slayer blood he could feel the magic and power coursing through it.  The temptation to lick his lips was overwhelming; he clenched his fists tightly as he once again struggled with his demon.


Anya watched the others as they drank, pleased at how Spike kept control of his demon.  Rebecca moved to sit in front of her once again nodding that they were ready to continue.


Defendo nobis The blood on their lips glowed brightly and a wave of magical energy raced through the room.


“What was that?” Willow panted her whole body shaking from the effects of the spell.


“That was a protection spell” Anya relished the feeling of the power flowing through her “Of sorts”


Rebecca once again moved to sit beside Spike on the sofa “The ritual protects the meeting.  While the blood remains on our lips, the words we speak are protected. Only those who have participated in the ritual can hear what is being said.”


“We only have a short time so ask your questions” Anya hurried them along.


Giles spoke first “Well obviously since you’re here the peaceful communities still exist” 


Anya nodded “Only Midian remains the others were wiped out during the last Great War.” Anya thought for a moment “That was around the early 1900’s.  It moves around to avoid detection.”


“Great War, as in World War I?” questioned Tara


“No before that, it was a war between humans and demons.” Anya looked at Rebecca “Most of them didn’t see it coming, after all we had worked with the Watchers for centuries.  They just walked in one day and started killing.  Women, children, even the human mates of some of the demons.”  Anya shuddered at the memory.  “It was very organised; communities all over the world were exterminated at the same time.”


Rebecca stared at Anya “Why would they do that?”


Anya shrugged “No one knew.  I heard later that a few months before there had been some sort of demon attack on the council.  It was said that the demon representatives just walked in and started killing.  It was never confirmed because all those accused were dead.”


“What about The Slayer what was her reaction to what was happening?”  Rebecca was feeling sick at the thought of her many demon friends dying at the hands of those that were supposed to help protect them.


“After you died The Slayers never seemed to last more than a few years.  Just before everything started to get really bad there were three or four all killed within a few months each other.  Their deaths were quite brutal and always close to one of the communities.”


“Someone was trying to overthrow the council from the inside” they turned to look at Giles “It makes sense.  If you want to take over the council and control The Slayer what better way.”  Giles leaned forward his head in his hands. 


Anya patted him on the back awkwardly “Yes many that are left in Midian believe that is so, but their numbers are too small to do anything about it.”  She turned to look at Buffy “Especially if The Slayer doesn’t believe that it is possible for a demon to be good.”


Buffy had started to pace the room “So this is what has happened.” She began to check points off on her fingers “Someone, most likely from within the council, started what?  Setting up Slayers so they got killed of quickly.”


“Why?” Willow questioned


“Well it sounds as though they were trying to make it look like the peaceful demons weren’t so peaceful after all.  I mean you did say that the bodies were found near the communities.” Giles theorised.


“Oh Oh also maybe they were also trying to get a Slayer called that they could control” added Willow


Giles nodded in agreement.


Buffy started again “Ok so they had a Slayer that they could control, next would be to get rid of the demons within the council.”


“Not only demons luv.” Spike looked at Anya “I’d say that anyone they believed would be a problem was wiped out.  Probably only left behind the ones still wet behind the ears.  Easier to control that way.”


“Then they used that as an excuse to remove any resistance from the outside.”  Buffy sat down suddenly very depressed “With all the obstacles out of the way they could do anything they liked.” She looked at Giles “Like changing records to show whatever they want.”


“It seems that way” Giles felt the need for a large glass of scotch. “And the most likely suspect is…”


“Quentin Travers” they all cried in unison.


“But that doesn’t make any sense” Buffy said “I know he’s like way old, but he’s not that old.”


“Yes it does seem quite an elaborate plan to set in motion just for someone else to reap the benefits.”  Giles knew he was missing something but couldn’t quite put his finger on it.


Spike looked at them in disgust “Hello!  Have we all forgotten that Quentin Travers is a DEMON?” 


Spike and Rebecca stared at the others in disbelief.  How could they forget that piece of information?


“Well that explains a lot” stated Anya, then she frowned “Why didn’t I sense it?”


“He’s a Dretgo” Rebecca said reassuringly.


“Well no wonder then”


The others still stared at them “Huh! Wha! Huh!” Buffy still had no idea what being a Dretgo meant.


Giles removed his glasses and began to clean them AGAIN “It would be most helpful if you could…Damn!” he looked down at his broken glasses in disgust before tossing them onto the coffee table. “Could you explain to us what a Dretgo demon is?  Oh and Tara could you please go look in my bag for my spare set of glasses.”


Tara dashed out of the room wanting to get back before she missed anything.


“Dretgo’s are basically human, they look human, smell human” Rebecca slid a look at Spike “Taste human but they are most definitely NOT human.”


Tara came rushing back in and practically threw the glasses at Giles “Go on” she panted


“The main differences are...well… they’re evil.  They also live for about 5000 years”


“So Travers was likely part of the council back in the 1800”s.  Wouldn’t someone notice him not aging?”  Willow thought out loud.


“Well actually no.  Dretgo’s regenerate about every 50 years, they age normally until they are about 75 then they go through this metamorphoses and change back to look about 25.”


“Then what….pass themselves off as a relative?”


Rebecca and Anya looked at each other uncomfortably “Yes that is what they do; they usually pass themselves of as a son or daughter.”


“Wouldn’t someone notice if a child all of a sudden showed up out of nowhere?”


“Well it’s not exactly out of nowhere.”  Rebecca didn’t want to have to explain this but it needed to be done.  She grasped onto Spike for support.  “When two Dretgo’s mate it’s for life, however they do take human mates as well.  The human never knows that their husband or wife is a demon.  The Dretgo always picks a fertile mate and breeds with them.  They will breed until the correct gender is born; any half human children that are born and are not the correct sex or are born with a defect are killed within a few months.”  Rebecca shifted in her seat “Once the ideal child has been born the Dretgo will then cosset that child and its human mate.  Keeping them healthy and safe at all costs.  They usually try and time it so that the child will be in its mid twenties by the time they need to metamorphose.”


Anya took up the story “When the Dretgo reaches its time to transform it will take its human family to a place of ritual where it will meet up with its demon mate.  The family is restrained and during the ritual the child is consumed by the parent, enabling the parent to take on the child’s form.  The human mate is then eaten alive by the Dretgo’s in celebration.”


The room was deathly silent as the Scoobies digested this information.  Silent tears streamed down the girls faces and Giles was looking decidedly ill.


Buffy composed herself “We have to stop this.  We have to wipe them from the face of the earth” her hands curled into fists at her side and she felt the overwhelming need to hit something.  She unconsciously looked towards Spike at that thought before once again looking away in shame.


“Anya is it possible for us to enlist the aid of the residents of Midian?” Giles was already trying to form some kind of battle plan.


“I will speak to the elders when I return.  Does anyone have any more questions?” Anya was tired and wanted to be able to relax.  Her back was killing her from having to sit so straight.


“Um I just have one” Willow waved her hand to get everyone’s attention “You seem to be a vengeance demon again, and don’t kill me or anything, aren’t they evil?  How can you be an emissary for a peaceful demon community?”


Rebecca answered for Anya “Vengeance demons aren’t evil, they’re neutral.  It depends on the wish you make.”


“You wish it, I dish it” commented Anya “And they sent me because I know Buffy.  Less likely to be slayed if you know the Slayer.”


Just then Xander and Dawn returned from their snack run.  Xander's eye’s lit up when he saw Anya was still there.  “Anya please just hear me out, let me explain.”


Anya jumped up and started to shout, unfortunately as the spell was still in effect so all Xander saw was Anya gesturing wildly and moving her mouth with no sound coming out.


Anya stamped her foot in frustration “You can all break the spell now, just wipe the blood from your lips.”  She reached for a tissue when she noticed how Spike and Rebecca were removing theirs.


Spike’s lips were on fire the feel of the potent blood on them had been driving him crazy.  He quickly darted his tongue out to lick his lips clean when he caught sight of Rebecca’s blood red lips.  He gently caught her face and moved his mouth towards hers; he ran his tongue across her soft lips lapping at the blood like a kitten at milk.  When her lips were free of all traces he covered her mouth with his letting his tongue search for any traces that may have been left.  The couple groaned and deepened their kiss.


Anya looked at the others, Willow and Tara seemed to appreciate the method Spike was using to clean his wife.  They gave each other a sensual smile before they followed the couples lead.


Giles was desperately trying to avoid looking at the couples while he searched for something to clean his own lips with.  Anya stood there staring at his full lips, Xander completely forgotten.  A speculative look filled her eyes and she moved forward to sit on his lap “Let me get that for you”. Anya let her tongue move softly across Giles’s lips until she felt his body relax then she pressed her lips against his seeking entrance into his mouth with her tongue. 


Xander felt like his heart was breaking as he watched Anya kiss Giles; he whirled round and rushed out.  Even the slam of the door didn’t register to the kissing couples.


Buffy clutched her knees close to her chest as she watched the three couples kissing.  Her eyes kept moving back to Spike and Rebecca, she felt a knot form in her chest as tears started to fill her eyes.  Suddenly she jumped up and rushed upstairs a sob bursting forth as she reached the bathroom and proceeded to scrub the blood from her lips.


Dawn just stood in the doorway staring at the couple trying to memorise just what it was they were doing to each other to elicit those tiny moany sounds.  She really needed to write some of this stuff down so she and Janice could work out what to do if they ever got boyfriends.
