Chapter 5 – Gifts


Spike sat exhausted against one of the cave’s cool walls, his soul once again burning within him.  Strange how things seemed easier the second time around; instead of the raging torment that had pulled at his mind and body he felt, instead, a quiet calm settle over him.  The voices of his victims were back again, however rather than the screaming condemnation that had plagued him for decades there were soft, calming murmurs.


Slowly he pulled himself upright, searching for his duster as he started to make his way back to the entrance of the cave, back towards his girls and the world that was theirs to save.  As he rounded a corner Spike stopped short, the image of a petite Asian girl swimming into view through the darkness.  He watched, transfixed, as she approached him, her steps sure and unafraid.


“Gong xi, Spike” she called to him softly, her voice conjuring a memory in the recesses of his mind.


“I’m sorry, luv.  I still don’t speak Chinese.” Spike shrugged.


The girl gave a soft laugh, “I said greetings, Spike.”  She moved forward, reaching out a hand to trace the scar on his eyebrow. “Were you not at least a little curious to know what I had said to you?”


He lifted one hand to rub the spot the girl’s fingers had just caressed, curious that although she seemed to hold no solid form, he had distinctly felt the brush of her fingertips.  “Tried to find out a couple of times but Dru always ate the person I asked before they could tell me.  Remember the words though. ‘Fen fu wo de ma mi dui bu qi.’


“Tell my mother I’m sorry.” She smiled at him, “Although in hind sight it was perhaps better that you did not meet my mother.”


“Yeah.”  Spike cast his eyes downwards; he waited for the shame and regret at his actions to engulf him.  After a few moments he frowned, “Why don’t I feel guilty?”


“Things will be much different this time, Spike.”  She leaned in close, her cool breath tickling at his ear.  “Your actions to retrieve your soul for a second time have proved your worth to face the battle ahead.  The torment that we could inflict would only steer you from your goal.”


“I know what I have to do, luv.  I’ll get it done.”


The petite slayer watched him with wide, sad eyes before fading into nothingness, her gentle voice drifting through the caves like a whisper on the wind.  “You think you know ... what's to come ... what you are. You haven't even begun.”




Dawn sat in Spike’s room plucking at the curtains that surrounded the bed; he had been gone for a month.  The last they’d heard from him he was spending the day in a cheap motel.  It was only after Buffy had passed the phone to her sister that Spike had let Dawn know that he was in Africa, waiting for night to fall so he could seek out the caves on the edge of the desert.  Dawn had fretted ever since; memories of the last time he had faced the trials haunting her thoughts.


“Dawnie?” Buffy called out to her as she entered the room.


“He should be back by now.” Dawn couldn’t help the worry that had started to shadow her thoughts. 


Buffy sat on the bed beside Dawn rubbing her sister’s back lightly. “Four more days.”




“I figure four more days, then we go looking.”


Dawn gave a small laugh at the determined tone in Buffy’s voice.  “Ok, but you have to take me with you.”


Buffy tucked a strand of hair behind Dawn’s ear.  “You do remember what happened last time we flew don’t you?”


Dawn huffed in protest. “Hey, I was like five, and had way too much candy before we got on the plane.” She pushed at her sister’s arm halfheartedly.  “And there was all that roller coaster type turbulence.”


“I’m just saying.” Buffy grinned at her sister as she jumped up and headed to the door.  “So, Dawnie, want some lunch?” She ducked as a pillow came flying in her direction.


“You’re evil.” Dawn grinned at Buffy’s happy laugh as the slayer headed back downstairs. Turning back to the bed she carefully smoothed down the covers.  “Hurry back, Spike,” she whispered before turning to follow her sister.


The sight of a woman standing in the doorway startled her for a moment.  Dawn smothered a yelp, her eyes darting to the open door as she tried to gauge her chances of slipping past the woman.  “Are you The First?” Dawn knew that by changing the timeline she and Spike would give The First Evil reign in this new world.  Although she had hoped that its appearance would not be for some time.


“No,” the woman answered. “Although, I’m sure when the time comes The First will take my form if it thinks it will be of use.”


“Then who are you?” Dawn stepped forward, reaching a hand out to pass through the figure before her.  “Or better yet, what are you?”


“The past, the future.”  The woman shrugged. “I am forever…WE are forever.”


Understanding lit Dawn’s eyes. “You’re a Slayer?”


The women nodded. “Was a Slayer.” She mimicked Dawn’s earlier actions, passing her hand through Dawn’s arm.  “I’m dead now, have been for a long time.  Do you know who killed me?”


“Spike.” Dawn knew deep in her heart that this was the truth.  “So, what, you’re here to get revenge or something?  Sorry but you just missed him.”


“Yes, I know.” The woman moved about the room inspecting it with an air of detachment.  “He’s in Africa.  Oh, by the way, he’s gotten his soul and is on his way back as we speak.”


“So, you’re gonna haunt us ‘til he gets back?”  Dawn put her hands on her hips.  “I’ll find a way to get rid of you before he returns.  I’m not just a kid you know.”


“No, you’re the key.  A woman transported into the body of a child.  A wife. A mother, daughter, sister; all these things.  You’re also a protector; one with a debt to pay for this world to exist.”  The woman moved close to Dawn.  “The time for payment is drawing near, you can’t be distracted.  He cannot be distracted; you must make sure of this.  You cannot stray from the mission.”


“We’ll both do what needs to be done.  We know the price,” Dawn reassured her.


The woman smiled. “Such strength and power.  Your mother is very proud of you.”




The woman smiled widely. “I have to go now.” She turned as if to leave through the door before beginning to fade into nothingness.  “Tell Spike that Nikki says hello… and that it’s ok… in a way… I wanted it.”


Dawn stood staring at the empty space before her, a tight knot in her chest; it had been easy to pretend that the consequences of their changes to the world were somewhere off in the distance.  Nikki’s visit bought the knowledge of what they had to do rushing back to the fore, things were going to start happening... soon, and she needed to be ready.


“Dawnie?  Did you fall asleep up there?” Buffy’s voice floated upstairs, half questioning, and half teasing.


“Coming.” Dawn strode out of the room and downstairs with an air of determination.  It was time for her to start preparing.




The alley was dark and musty, strangely devoid of life; no vermin scurried in the shadows to break the stillness of the air.  Spike slipped into game face, searching the night for a sign that he stood in the right place.  His trip back from Africa had been blessedly short, a Sharman from one of the local tribes had met him at the entrance to the caves.  He had told a story of a vision that had come to him; a small warrior woman who insisted that he perform an ancient spell.  Within minutes Spike was transported from the wide sandy plains of the desert to the darkness of the alley.


Spike stood motionless, waiting… he knew that he was here for a reason; now all he had to do was find out what that was.


“Hello, Spike?” A voice cut through the air startling him for a moment; he let his eyes scan the alley for the source, finding nothing.  Laughter rang out, not threatening or dark, more like a delighted child rejoicing at their ability to remain undetected.


“Why do you stand so far away?  Come closer and you shall find me.” The voice beckoned to him through the night.


Taking a deep breath Spike began to stride forward.  As he moved further into the alley the darkness began to surround him, almost like a blanket.  He could feel the weight of it as the dark began to press in on him, he felt no fear, though, it was as if the black were shielding him from whatever was outside.


He watched in amazement as a small girl stepped through the blackness to stand before him, her face pale and innocent.


“I know you,” Spike whispered.


The girl nodded. “Aye, you do.”


Spike knelt down to stare into the child’s face, taking note of the light smudges of dirt that danced across her cheeks.  Grief swelled up inside him for a moment, a solitary tear tracing its way down his cheek.


“Why do you cry?”


“I’m sorry for what I did to you.”  Spike offered the words while in his heart he knew that nothing could ever atone for his past.


The smile the small girl offered him was dazzling.  “Thank you.”  She cocked her head to one side, as if listening to the night. “We are proud of you, William.” She ghosted her hand across his heart.  “For all that you have become, for all that you will become.  We offer you a boon.” 


Spike closed his eyes as a feeling of warmth flooded his body, he was unaware of the girl’s actions as she moved her hand to rest on his head, a secretive smile lighting her face as a small piece of metal appeared on her tiny palm.  “We offer you freedom.”


Spike gasped as he opened his eyes and took note of what lay in the child’s hand.  She gave him a wink as she darted forward to kiss his cheek lightly before giggling and darting back into the dark. 




Buffy, Dawn, Willow and Tara sat in the Summers’ lounge room happily eating pizza and watching some soppy love story on the television.  The two Wicca’s had come over to keep Dawn company while Buffy was on patrol and the evening had turned into an impromptu sleepover.


Buffy had been complaining about a rise in demon activity over the last few weeks.  “I wish Spike would hurry up and get back,” She sighed. “I could really do with the help.”


“Any word?” Tara asked softly.


“Not for a little while.” Buffy shook her head.  “Dawn and I decided to give him a few more days before we start looking for him.”


“I could do a locator spell if you want,” Willow offered.


Dawn took a deep breath, Nikki’s visit earlier in the day had shown her that she needed to start putting the plans she and Spike had made in that other world into action.  “Ummm, Willow, how exactly does a locator spell work?”


Willow looked startled for a moment. “Well, I suppose if I was to put it in simple terms, it picks up the residual energy a person leaves behind when they come in contact with something and traces it back to them.  It works better with items that the person has more contact with because the energy is more concentrated.”


“Oh.” Dawn frowned wondering how she should continue.


“Why do you want to know, Dawn?” Tara asked her softly.


Dawn thought for a moment, choosing her words carefully.  “Well… I was just wondering how the council tracked Buffy down when she became the slayer.  I mean, they didn’t have had anything personal of hers so how did they find her?”


“Hey, yeah, I never thought of that.” Buffy turned to face Willow, curiosity lighting her face.


“I don’t think it’s something any of us have ever thought about.  I suppose Giles would know for sure, but I guess Slayer power has a pretty distinctive signature.”


Buffy puzzled over Willow’s words for a few minutes.  “I remember when Merrick first found me; he said that I should have been found sooner and taught or something like that.”


“So I guess that would mean that you had the Slayer signature thingie before you were called then?” Dawn questioned her sister, waiting for the others to work out what she was heading towards.


“But would Buffy have been the only one?” Tara asked thoughtfully.  “What if she had been killed quickly?” She offered Buffy an apologetic smile.  “There would have had to have been someone else with the potential to be a slayer out there somewhere.”


“Wow I never thought of that before.  There could be hundreds of girls out there, all potential slayers; living normal lives not realizing that they are just waiting to be called.”  Buffy thought about her life before Merrick had shown up.  For the first time she didn’t feel the small sense of loss over the life she never had.


“Yeah, but I know that Kendra spent most of her life with her Watcher, so they must be able to find at least some of them before they are called and start training them.” Dawn turned to her sister.  “Wouldn’t it make more sense to send the potential’s to the current Slayer for training?  I mean there’s stuff that you could teach them that they’d never learn in books or from their Watcher’s.”


“Dawnie, I don’t really have time to patrol AND look after a bunch of little girls.  Ones that aren’t family, I mean.” 


“Well you really wouldn’t have to train them,” Tara offered. “I mean they could be trained by Giles and some other Watcher’s and the Scoobies could help too.  They could be taught how to research and all the basics and, say once a week, they could go on patrol and learn how to fight against real demons.”


“You know that’s not such a bad idea, Buffy.” Willow started to jot down notes on the pad that she always seemed to have tucked away somewhere. “I’m sure I could adapt the locator spell to pick up the Slayer signature and use that to track potentials.”


“Hey, do you think we could get the council to pay us for training the potentials?”  Dawns eyes lit up at the thought of the money that they could make.


“I don’t know,” Buffy’s voice held a note of skepticism.  “Do you really see the council giving up control over their little potential slayers?”


“Well if we get to them first what are they going to do about it?” Dawn asked defiantly.  “We could so kick their asses.”


Buffy looked at her sister and friends, all openly displaying their eagerness for the idea. She sighed deeply, “Ok we’ll speak to Giles in the morning and see if he is willing to help.  Then I suppose we better sort out where we’re going to put all these girls you’re going to find.”  Buffy gave a small yelp as Dawn threw herself at her sister, hugging Buffy with all the strength she could muster.  “But if they don’t want to come, they won’t be forced to.  Ok?”


The others nodded their agreement, as they huddled around and began making plans for the following day.


A noise on the front porch drew Buffy’s attention away from the discussion, concentrating she felt a familiar tingle spread through her body.  Giving a delighted cry she jumped up and raced to the front door, giving little thought to the startled looks of the others as she wrenched it open and threw herself at the blonde vampire walking up the stairs.


Spike gathered the Slayer close, chuckling as she tried to simultaneously check his body for any sign of injury and asking him a multitude of questions.  He saluted the girls now standing on the porch, watching the reunion.


Buffy suddenly stilled pulling away from Spike and searching his face intently.  “You are never to go away for that long again.  Do you hear me?”


“Yes, luv.”


Buffy grinned before grasping the back of his head and pulling him into a deep kiss. 


Spike groaned as he felt her shift her body so that they stood flush, her hands roaming across his back, pressing him towards her. 


“Gee, get a room you two,”  Dawn’s voice broke through the night.


“Room! Come see your room.” Buffy began to drag Spike into the house.  “Are you hungry?  Do you want some blood?  Maybe some spicy Buffalo wings?  I know… a flowering onion.  Dawnie, call the Bronze and see if they’ll deliver.”


“Buffy, luv, slow down.” Spike dropped his gaze to look at their entwined hands.  “I’ve got something I need to tell you first.  I think we better go sit.”


Buffy stared at him, worry spreading through her body like ice. “Spike?”


“I need to tell you this now, Slayer. Or I’ll never do it.”


“Ok.” Buffy nodded before sitting on the edge of the lounge, hands clasped primly together on her knees.


Spike waited until all the girls were seated before kneeling before Buffy, hands hanging limply at his side.  “Buffy… luv… while I was away, something happened.”  Spike braced himself as he forced the next words out.  “I don’t have a chip any more.”  Spike closed his eyes and waited.


