Chapter 3


Xander woke slowly, grunting and scratching himself before he turned over and wrapped his arm around Anya’s slim waist.  ‘Hang on’ Xander frowned as he let his hand drift across the body whose back he was pressed up against.  He stiffened when he encountered a bulge that really shouldn’t be there, eyes shooting open Xander desperately tried to back-pedal away, yelping as he slid on the slick satin sheets, falling onto the cold ground with a painful thud.


He looked down in shock as he noticed that he was naked, he looked back towards the bed, meeting a pair docile blue eyes.  Xander began to stutter as he broke contact with those eyes and saw the equally naked male body that was attached to them. “Riley!  Um Ri …….”


Riley smiled goofily “Hello baby” reaching out a hand he caressed Xander's cheek.


“Whoa” Xander tried to scramble to his feet, turning he got onto his hands and knees suddenly he realised that he was presenting Riley with a perfect view of his naked arse.  Xander began to scuttle across the floor like a crab as he tried to twist around to watch Riley and make his way to the other side of the room.


Jumping up Xander turned his back to the wall trying to squeeze into a corner while he crossed his hands across his manly bits.  A wave of pain swept through Xander's head causing him to lift one of his hands to rub his aching head, frowning as he discovered several large lumps dotted around his skull.  Panicking as he noticed Riley’s speculative look Xander quickly dropped his hand again, causing another wave of pain to shot through his head.  “What happened man?”


Riley lay back against the pink satin sheets, patting the bed beside him “Come back to bed baby and daddy will explain everything”


Frowning Xander watched as Riley moved his hand from the sheets to run it down his bare chest, a weird grimace on his face as he did.  “Wha?” peering at him more closely, and ignoring the disturbing twitch in his cock, Xander noticed a slight ripple move across Riley’s face as his eyes flashed yellow momentarily.  “You’re a vampire!” accused Xander pointing a finger in his direction.  Buffy said you had been getting suck jobs from vamp whores, but man Riley……why did you let yourself get turned by one.”


Riley surged up from the bed “My sire is no whore!” he attempted to stride across the room in a fit of righteous anger, however he stumbled on the white fluffy rug on the floor “Damn I always do that” he mumbled, regaining his balance he finally stood in front of Xander “You will not speak about your grandmother that way.”




With an exaggerated sigh Riley grasped Xander by the shoulders, a small squeak erupting from the other man, pulling him over to a wall where a large gilt mirror hung.  He had asked Harmony why they needed a mirror; she had patted him on the cheek smiling indulgently before explaining that sometimes pretty things didn’t have to be useful.


Xander stared at the empty mirror puzzled, unable to concentrate properly because of Riley’s naked body pressed up close to his.  He jumped as Riley whispered in his ear “What do you see?”


Xander looked again “There’s nothing there, but then everyone knows that vampires don’t have any reflection.” He stiffened as Riley ran his hands down his arms, causing his semi hard cock to twitch.


“Look again”


Xander stared hard at the mirror, taking in the reflected surroundings, shivering as Riley’s hands drifted lower ‘Ok pink bed, what’s with that? Knick knacks, no Riley cause hey vampire.’ Xander suddenly stilled moving closer to the mirror “Ummm Riley why don’t I have a reflection?”


Riley gave a delighted shout, turning Xander around and pulling him into a bear hug “Cause you’re a vampire too.  I’m your daddy.”


“I’m a vampire?” Xander's hand slapped at his neck feeling the healing bite marks that littered his skin.  “I’m a vampire!” he moved his hand up to his face, realising for the first time that he was in game face.  “Why have I got the lumpies I don’t remember doing that.”


Riley squeezed him tighter “Because you just woke up silly and you need to feed before they’ll go away.” He started walking backwards towards the bed, arms still wrapped tight around Xander “You need to feed of me the first time, you know sires blood is an aphrodisiac?” Riley tried to smile seductively down at his childe; unfortunately he only managed to look slightly constipated.


Xander was starting to warm to the idea of being a vampire “Ok.” A sudden desire to feel Riley’s blood filling his mouth had him trying to rush towards the bed.  His big toe caught under the edge of one of the large white rugs littering the floor, causing the two of them to crash to the ground in a tangle of limbs.


“And just what is going on here?”  The boys looked up to see Harmony standing in the entrance clutching an assortment of bags and tapping her foot in annoyance.


“Harmony.” Riley tried to untangle himself from his childe as he watched his sire glare at him in annoyance.


“Harmony!” Xander stared at the blonde dumbstruck for a moment “Harmony is your sire?” he looked at Riley in disbelief.


Riley was oblivious to Xander's amazement as he stared worshipingly at his sire.  “My baby woke up; I was just going to teach him how to feed.” Riley puffed out his chest in pride; well he would have if Xander hadn’t been sprawled on said chest.


“You were going to teach him to feed?” Harmony arched a delicately plucked eyebrow, making no attempt to hide her amusement. “Now pookey bear you know that you have trouble with feeding.”


Crestfallen Riley began to whine “Harm” his bottom lip jutted out, quivering slightly. 


Harmony sighed as she watched her childe pout “I tell you what snookums, I’ll let you show Xander how to feed from me, then you can give him some sire’s blood and take him hunting.” She plonked her bags down, bending over to ruffle his hair “Ok?”


She wandered over to a small chaise sitting down regally, her arms spread out across the back of it.  “Now over here boys” she lifted one hand to point at the ground before her.


The boys scrambled across the floor to sit obediently in front of their golden mistress, legs crossed, backs straight, hands on knees like a pair of school boys.


Harmony flicked her hair back “Now Riley I want you to come up here and bite me.  Xander you watch him closely, and then I want you to sit on the other side of me and have a try.” 


Riley leapt up eagerly, sitting closely to Harmony he concentrated hard on bringing forward his game face, grunting and grimacing with the effort.


Xander had risen to his knees and was crouched before the pair watch Riley’s every move with rapt attention, his face mimicking Riley’s every move, even though he was still in game face.


Finally Riley managed to bring his game face out, bending in low he studied Harmony’s neck carefully before biting down.  He pulled back wincing as he managed to put one of his fangs through his bottom lip, carefully peeling the flesh away he bit down a second time, a mouthful or potent sire’s blood his reward.  “Ohhh my big strong cornypone you got it on the second try.”  Harmony motioned to Xander “Now it’s your turn to try, my little baby sweet corn.”


Xander jumped up, sliding in beside harmony he began to grunt and grimace a perfect copy of his sire, finally he moved in biting his lip first before plunging his fangs downwards towards Harmony’s neck. 


“Oh Xanie wannie you’re a clever baby” Harmony patted his head lightly before placing a palm on each boys forehead and shoving them violently away.  “Ok that’s enough.”  She jumped up moving towards her discarded bags “I found the cutest outfits for you two while I was out.”  She began to rummage through them clothes flying across the air to land on the bed “You are going to look sooo mean and dangerous, and I got myself the most perfect little ensemble to go with it.”


Gathering up several articles of black clothing she tossed them towards the naked vampires standing hand in hand watching her intently “Now go and get dressed while I try on my new outfit” she shooed them over to the end of the crypt as she walked out of view, scraps of black clasped in her hands.


Xander and Riley looked down at the bundles in their arms, before moving to get dressed.


Harmony came striding back into view, both boys mouths fell open as they took in the magnificent sight of their sire.  Harmony’s hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, held in place with a black leather tie.  Her makeup had been applied meticulously, right down to her blood red lips.  Their eyes moved to the tight black lace bustier barely covering her pert breasts while a small black leather miniskirt stretched taut across her arse.  Continuing down they took in the six inch thigh high leather boots that encased her surprisingly large feet.


“Ok now turn around so I can see how you two look” Harmony clapped her hand together in excitement.  “Pookey bear you first.”


Riley stepped forwards turning slowly as commanded Harmony had provided him with a pair of black combat boots, they were a little too large flopping around on his feet as he moved but he would never tell his sweetie that.  A pair of black leather pants, one size too small, encased his legs and butt, a small paunch flowing over his waist band.  Harmony had provided him with a simple black T-Shirt, also one size too small, and a black leather vest. 


After giving Riley her seal of approval Harmony turned to Xander “Ok baby bitey show grandmamma how special you look.


Catching Riley’s eye for confidence, he strutted forward, tripping on the rug one more time and spoiling the effect.  Xander wore black riding boots, complete with spurs, black jeans with black leather chaps. A black leather gun belt lay slung across his hips, unfortunately it kept sliding down catching on the top of his chaps.  He too had been provided with a black leather vest; however he wore a black button down shirt instead of a T-Shirt.


Harmony cooed in delight “Oh don’t you two just look like the biggest baddest vamps that there ever was.”  She ran her hands across their chests and butts squeezing each in turn.  “Ok Ri Ri you can take our baby out hunting now.”  She flounced over to the bed stretching her body across the pink sheets of her bed, frowning as one of her heels tore the satin.  “Go on shoo now” she waved them out, before reaching for a nearby box of chocolates. 




Buffy’s mind wandered as she made her way through the night shrouded graveyard towards Spike’s crypt.


She had slept a most of the morning and then gone over to Giles’ to make certain all was in order, put the linen in the dryer and then neatly fold it and place it carefully in his linen cupboard. Hopefully he will be none the wiser about her and Spike’s visit to his apartment in his absence.


Walking past his bedroom she glimpsed the bed out of the corner of her eye, feelings of shame and remorse at having broken her watcher’s bed were rapidly replaced with uncontrollable mirth and she found herself once more laughing uncontrollably with tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. Smiling happily to herself as she called up the look of outrage on her vampire’s face, and then his beautiful full voiced deep rumbling laughter as he lay sprawled on the floor in a tangle of sheets and slayer, she wondered how her life had changed so rapidly.


A week ago she had been sharing her bed with her, mostly, normal boyfriend, who it turned out was sneaking out at night to get his kicks from vampire Ho’s. She had not set eyes on Riley in almost a week and if she ever did again it would probably be too soon. Now she was having amazing, incredible, mind-blowing sex with the recently evil undead and surprisingly this thought brought her nothing but joy. None of the shame or disgust she was supposed to feel. It was truly amazing the difference only a week could make. Yep a seven short days ago the only thoughts Spike conjured were perfectly acceptable slaying ones.


Ok, so she wasn’t being completely honest there, ever since that spell of Willows she’d had dreamy wistful thoughts of delicious, oh so skilful, vampire lips. At night, when her defences were down, she would remember the feel of his strong sexy body pressed against her as she sat curled in his lap looking lovingly into his beautiful cerulean eyes.


Like a good dutiful slayer she’d pushed those thoughts aside, she had found herself a nice acceptable, normal boyfriend who everyone approved of. Well she was done with dutiful and she was done with normal. Last night in Spikes arms had been a revelation, never in her life had she felt so content or so loved. If her friends and her watcher had a problem with her boyfriend, yeah boyfriend, her mind reiterated, well… they would just have to get over it. She’d lived her life to please everyone else for long enough!

As she drew closer to her destination her feet picked up the pace, eager to close the distance between herself and her lover.  Thoughts of his masterful tongue, of his lovely strong hands wandering across her body, eliciting the most wonderful tingly feelings of anticipation. Lost in these thoughts and feelings she did not notice the warning her spidey sense sent to her lust addled brain. Vampire, near!



Riley and Xander prowled thorough the silent cemetery, two dark figures silently stalking the night for their prey.  Well they would have been if Riley’s oversized shoes didn’t cause him to trip every five minutes, usually onto something that caused a loud breaking noise when his lumbering body crashed onto it.  Add to this the squeaking of his pants as the leather rubbed together and the jingle of Xander's spurs and the pair made their less then stealthy trip through the graves.


Finally giving up Riley cautiously made his way over to a large headstone, precariously perching on its slightly rounded top.  Leaving one foot firmly planted on the ground he angled himself so that the other swung casually against the stone as he cast his glance into the dark night.  The effect would have been dark and menacing if he hadn’t moved stiffly and winced as the too tight leather chaffed his inner thighs, once settled he motioned for Xander to sit before him.


Xander strutted forwards, the clink of his spurs echoing through the silent night, a cocky air about him, until he sat in front of Riley in his schoolboy like pose and gazed adoringly up at his sire.


“We are creatures of the night, Dark lords, we control the night” Riley spread his arms wide “Mere humans fear us, we are the monster under your bed, hiding in your cupboard, we are the things that go bump in the night.”


Xander meekly raised a hand in the air “But sire don’t we need an invite to get into someone’s house?  So how can we be under their beds?”  In a moment of inspiration he shot forward to clasp onto his Sire’s legs, almost causing him to fall from the headstone. “Have the rules changed?”


Riley smiled down at his childe indulgently, he was so young “No baby I was speaking metaphy….metapi…metaphor….umm I was using it as an example.”


“You’re so smart Sire.” Xander breathed, batting his eyes at him as he let his hands ghost across Riley’s thighs.


“I have so much to teach you” Riley ruffled his hair playfully “The thrill of the hunt, the feeling of fear that runs through your victim, the taste of the blood on your tongue.” Riley made no mention of the fact that he was yet to successfully attack his first human victim.


Xander felt a small thrill run through him; Riley was everything he aspired to be, both as a human and now as an evil vampire.  He wanted to please him by being a good student and faithful childe, his eyes lit up when he remembered something that Giles had said about the bond between Sire and Childe.  His hands darted towards Riley’s fly as he began to tug at the metal zipper fervently.


Riley gave a yelp as he felt Xander's hands fumbling with his zipper, jumping he lost his balance and fell backwards off the headstone.


Xander gave a cry at distress, his hands flapping bird like as he scrambled around the side of the grave to where his Sire had fallen. “Sire, sire are you alright?” Xander noticed a small amount of blood welling on Riley’s cock where the open zipper had nicked it when he fell.  “Let me make it all better.” Bending down he placed a soft kiss on the wounded member as he tugged at the tight leather pants, pulling them down to Riley’s knees in one sharp movement.


Riley winced as the zip caught again, and then grimaced as the sweaty leather peeled away from his chaffed thighs.  Riley wriggled as he tried to make himself more comfortable, stopping suddenly when a sharp stick poked up between his buttocks.  He pushed Xander backwards, ignoring his cry of disappointment, as he tried to dislodge the offending stick from its invasive position.  Rolling onto his stomach Riley lay there, the thin branch and its remaining leaves protruding proudly from its resting place.


“Riley!” Xander cried out is dismay at his sires discomfort, leaping forward he placed a knee on either side of Riley’s leg as he plucked the four inches of  stick from up his sires arse.


Riley began to scream in torment “GET UP! GET UP!” he writhed beneath Xander's body in absolute agony.


Xander stared in confusion at the stick he still held in his hand “Sire?”


Riley began to buck widely beneath him “YOUR KNEE!  YOUR KNEE!”


Xander frowned as he looked down, first at one leg then the other, he gasped in horror when he realised that in his rush to help his sire he had inadvertently knelt on Riley’s cock, squashing it roughly into the ground.  Falling back Xander began to wail his distress, curling into a ball on the ground.


Finally managing to get onto his knees Riley cupped his tortured member protectively before the hiccuping sobs of his childe caught his attention.  Still on his knees Riley shuffled over to his weeping childe “Oh baby don’t cry.”


“I (hic) was (hic) just (hic) trying (hic) to (hic) to help” Xander wailed loudly as he clung to Riley’s hips, pushing his face against his bruised cock.


Riley patted his head awkwardly “Shhh my big bad boy” he spoke as though Xander were a two year old.  “Why don’t we just get more comfortable and then you can finish.  Ok?”


Xander nodded dumbly as Riley struggled to his feet, shuffling over to the gravestone, his pants still around his knees.  Positioning himself awkwardly on the cold marble once again Riley began to issue instructions “Now I want you to come over here, and put your mouth around me and suck.”


Xander gave a squeal of delight as he rushed forward, careful not to knock his sire from his seat.  He pressed his mouth against the tip of Riley’s flaccid cock before sucking it in like a piece of cold spaghetti, looking up at his sire for his approval.


Riley moaned as he felt Xander's cold wet mouth envelope him “Ok that’s great but you need to suck a little harder.”


Concentrating hard, and with his mouth still full, Xander bobbed his head up and down a few times, with little effect. A thin line of drool poured out of his mouth, running down Riley’s still mostly flaccid dick.


“No you have to do this sucking thing as you go” Riley sucked in his cheeks as he demonstrated the action.


Xander nodded his understanding, forgetting that he still had a mouthful of now semi hard cock, Riley gave a small yelp of pain but motioned for him to continue.


Xander practiced sucking in his cheeks just as he had been shown, but couldn’t quite seem to get a decent suction happening.  Suddenly Xander remembered that vampires were more powerful when they let there demons out, he continued to work his mouth backwards and forwards along Riley’s shaft as he willed his demon forward.


Xander felt his face shift and the moans of his sire became louder.  Spurred on he began to suck and nip at Riley’s mammoth three inches with all his might, until a loud yell stopped him.  He looked up to see Riley’s pain filled face before looking back down at his sire’s cock dancing before his nose.  Large cuts marred the length of the shaft, blood welling to the surface and running down its length to his balls.  Fascinated by the patterns it made and overcome by the potent smell of sire’s blood, Xander pounced on it again, head bobbing in delight as he sucked and licked it clean.




Buffy rounded a clump of trees and stopped in her tracks, stunned. The sight before her, at first shocking, however once her brain was able to comprehend exactly what she was seeing, bringing forth huge uncontrollable bubbles of laughter. She fought hard to stop the giggles that erupted. Her eyes first filled, then overflowed with tears.


Buffy was not sure what was funnier, the look on Riley’s face, the sight of Xander’s dark head bobbing up and down inefficiently on Riley’s freely bleeding dick  or the ridiculous attempt at ‘tough guy’ clothing the two were sporting which left them looking like rejects from The Village People.


Tears of laughter rolled down her cheeks as she bent over at the waist in a desperate attempt to catch her breath. Buffy realised that Spike would never forgive her if he missed out on this sight.  Buffy looked at the oblivious pair again, slapping a hand across her mouth as she tried to stop the peals of laughter erupting and alerting to the two ‘lovers’ to her presence.  Finally tearing her eyes away from the pair she was just about to make her way to Spike’s crypt to fetch the blonde vampire, when a sickening blow landed hard against the back of her head and the world went black.