Chapter 6


The small band of Scoobies made their way silently through the halls of the Initiative, stopping occasionally when Oz indicated that others were coming.  Only once did they have to use force to continue on their journey, every other time they had managed to hide as the danger passed them by.


They had almost made it to the exit, when they had been confronted by a small group of commandoes led by Forest.


“Graham, man, aren’t they Finn’s prisoners?”  Forest eyed the soldier carefully, thankfully not noticing the weapons that Xander and Oz had secreted behind their backs.


“Yeah, ummm, Professor Walsh wants to move them to another location… for further study.”  Graham hedged as he tried to assess the best way to get the civilians out of harm’s way.


“Really?  Just you for four prisoners?” Forest flicked a glance at the monitor behind the group, frowning when the picture flickered over to show the scene in the interrogation room. 


Hastily he raised his rifle, “Somehow I don’t think you’re being entirely truthful with me soldier.”  The three others with him each raised their weapon and aimed it at the group.


Graham felt his stomach drop, anyone else and he would have probably been able to talk his way through.  Forest, however, was almost as mean and sadistic as Riley had become.   Raising his own weapon, he wondered if he would be able to take at least one of them out before he fell.


Xander quickly mimicked Graham’s actions; he had promised Buffy that he would keep her mother and Dawn safe, even at the cost of his own life.  He waited for Oz to produce his weapon, flinching slightly when a low growl sounded in his ear seconds before a blur of fang and fur hurled itself towards the commandoes.


Time seemed to slow down as the wolf took each commando down in a matter of seconds, not one of them managing to squeeze off a single shot.


Morphing back Oz stood to one side, a little embarrassed that his friends had witnessed him at his worse.  He bowed his head slightly, unable to meet their eyes for fear of the disgust that he would see in them.


“Oh my,” Joyce surveyed the scene before her, “Well, come on, we can’t stand here all day, let’s get these boys hidden so no one finds them until we’re all safely out of here.”  She reached down to grab the one called Forest under his arms.  “Oz, would you be a dear and give me a hand.”


She offered the boy a warm smile.   Somewhere inside, her mind and stomach rebelled at the savagery her daughter’s friend had displayed; however, the images of Spike’s battered body and the knowledge that these people would have quite happily tortured them all, wiped away any remorse or pity she may have felt.


Oz visibly relaxed at Joyce’s obvious acceptance, he glanced at the others.  They too were busy moving the fallen soldiers; not one of them showed any sign of condemnation in their eyes.


Moments later the bodies were safely hidden away in a small supply closet; Graham had grabbed a few rags to clean up any obvious sprays of blood.  He had been surprised that there was so little, Oz obviously had been able to control the wolf to the point that each blow had been deadly accurate.


Finally finishing his task Graham tossed the rags into the closet, before turning back to the group, “Where’s Dawn?”


The others stood staring at the monitor on the wall; none had noticed Dawn quietly slip back into the depths of the building.  Xander turned and began to run back the way they came, “I’ll find her.  You get Mrs Summers out.”


Oz turned to Graham, “You take her, you need to trigger the detonations.  I’ll keep the path clear for them.”


Joyce began to protest as Graham started to pull her towards the exit, her eyes fixed on the image seemingly frozen on the monitor.  The image of a blonde vampire, slumped against a wall, a stake protruding from his chest.




Giles waited until the others were out of hearing range before casually walking over to the prone soldier. He removed his glasses, folding them carefully before arranging them precisely on one of the counter tops nearby.  His demeanour was that of a perfect unflappable Englishman…until he bent low to look the man in the eyes.


Riley had been watching them all carefully as he silently drew a few weapons behind himself, waiting for the perfect opportunity to gain his freedom.  He had mostly ignored the quiet man who had walked over to him, although he had decided that attacking the weakest of the three was his best chance.  He hurriedly reassessed his plan though when he noticed the predatory gleam in the man’s eyes.


Giles felt a small shiver of pleasure run through him as he saw the soldier’s eyes widen in obvious fear. “Now, let’s you and I have a little chat.”  He casually straightened the soldier’s uniform as he spoke, “This is an interesting little operation you have here.  I would very much like to learn more about it.” Giles smiled softly, “You are obviously well funded…but where exactly does all that money come from?”  Giles frowned, “Although I am sure that you are operating under the banner of the government, something like this….” He waved a hand about the room, “would cost more then even the US Military could provide.”


Riley stared at the man before him defiantly. “That’s classified information, and I would suggest that you release me immediately if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in a military prison,” he slid a glance towards Buffy, “Or worse.”


Giles grabbed Riley’s arm, yanking it violently until a sickening pop echoed around the room, accompanied by the soldier’s scream.  “Oh my, did I do that?  So terribly sorry.”  Giles waited patiently as the soldier’s screams turned to whimpers, “Shall I fix it for you?” He made a move to grasp the soldier’s shoulder stopping as the man began to speak.


“The others will be here soon,” Riley bluffed. “They’ll have seen what’s happening and be on their way.”


“I really don’t think that’s an issue…do you?” Giles smiled, “And even if we were to be interrupted, I’m sure that Buffy and Spike could handle the situation.”


Riley gave a pained laugh, “I think the US government can handle a girl and a neutered vampire.”


A low growl came from just over Giles shoulder. “Now Spike, your turn will come, but I would like to ask young Mr. Finn a few more questions before I hand him over.”  Giles pressed his hand against Riley’s dislocated shoulder, steadily increasing pressure as he did. “On the subject of your …shall we call it experimentation… on the prisoners here, Spike in particular… I think you would find it in your best interests to tell me…in great detail…exactly what your people did.”


Riley’s breath came in small gasps as pain radiated through his body. “A chip!” he almost shouted when Giles pressed his thumb into his abused shoulder, his military training crumbling away as his body began to radiate with more and more pain.


“What type of chip?”


“Behavior modification…in his brain.” Riley tried to furtively slip his good arm behind him and grab one of his secreted weapons.


“Very good… now, what does this chip do exactly?”  Giles eyes narrowed as he contemplated the possibilities.


“And how do we take it out?” Buffy leant down beside her watcher, her face a mask of fury as she realised the extent of the injustices that this soldier had helped mete out on Spike.


Riley gave a wry laugh, “It emits a controlled measure of electricity to the subject if they attempt to harm a human in any way.”  He managed to pull himself upright slightly, leaning close into Buffy’s face, “And you can’t take it out… If you try to tamper with it, the chip is designed to send out a massive burst of electricity intended to incapacitate the subject.” He turned his sneer in Spike’s direction, “Permanently.”


Spike howled his fury, pushing Giles and Buffy to the side and pining the soldier by the throat.  Bursts of electricity danced across his brain as he struggled against the pain in his need to exact a small measure of vengeance against his tormentor. 


Spike started in surprise as a small hand wrapped around his “Spike stop…he’s human.”  Buffy gave him a soft smile, “Let me get that for you… just tell me what you want done to him, and I’ll do it.”


“Buffy!” Giles voiced his surprise at the malice his Slayer’s voice held.


“What Giles?” Buffy stood up dragging the fallen soldier up with her by his throat, “You saw what he did to Spike, and who knows what else he did before that.  And on top of it all they’ve stuck something in his head that means he has no way to survive without turning himself into a vegetable.”


Buffy turned flashing eyes back to Riley, “Do you know what a Slayer is?”


“Myth,” Riley barely managed to croak as Buffy’s small hand tightened around his throat slowly.


“Hear that luv, you’re a mythological creature.” Spike allowed his eyes to roam across the small Slayer’s body.


Buffy flushed slightly under Spike’s gaze, her own eyes tracing a path across the hard planes of his body.  Even battered and torn he exuded strength and confidence, her eyes wandered downwards, widening when she realised that Spike was still completely naked.  Averting her eyes quickly she turned her attention back to the soldier she held pinned before her, “A bit like vampires are a myth.”


She waited for Riley to realise the implications of her words.


“But all our research… I mean there was nothing to indicate... If we had known The Slayer existed we would have….” he trailed off when he realised where his words would lead him.


“You would have what…exactly.” Giles asked calmly, his voice low and cold.


“Let me guess soldier boy,” Spike began to pick through a nearby tray of instruments, casually tossing aside sharp blades and odd looking clamps until his hand fell upon electrical device.  He held it up inquiringly for the Watcher’s inspection.


“Bone saw,” Giles offered quietly.


Spike’s eyes turned to the steel.  He flexed his shoulders experimentally; pain from his earlier torture lanced through his body, taking his mind away from the pain in his head. He began to play with the buttons, grinning when it whirred to life.  Leaning close to his tormentor, he waved the saw just in front of Riley’s eyes.  “I’m thinking they woulda started with the normal stuff.  Reactions to heat and cold, starvation, sensory depravation…then they would move up to pain thresholds…tests of strength and stamina.”  He let his gaze wander across the soldiers’ body, as though searching for the perfect place to allow the saw to touch skin.  “She would have stuff taken out of her and other stuff pumped in, and when all was said and done, she would have been used as some kinda brood mare.  Poppin’ out super soldiers.”  Spike let the blade nick one small button on Riley’s shirt, a harsh sound echoing as the metal met metal.


Riley jerked violently, pushing against Buffy’s hand as he tried to twist away from the saw.  Reaching blindly behind him, he pulled out a small scalpel and buried it into the nearest piece of flesh. 


“Giles!” Buffy screamed as she watched the sharp blade slide into her Watcher’s upper thigh, her grip loosening as she turned to help him.


Riley took the opportunity to escape, pushing forward; he winced as the saw glanced across his side drawing blood.  Stopping suddenly he turned and wrenched open a drawer and began fumbling inside.  The next moment he had a sharp stake in hand and plunged it towards Spike’s chest, imbedding it deeply and sending the battered vampire crashing into the wall.


Buffy reacted instantly, her eyes never leaving Spike’s as she waited for him to turn to dust.  She could feel Riley moving up behind her.  Darting her hand out, she grabbed his good arm firmly, throwing him across the room and crashing into a gurney. 


The soldier lay there awkwardly, groaning in pain as he tried to get his now useless legs to move.  “You broke my back, you fucking bitch!”


Buffy ignored Riley’s outburst, rushing to Spike’s side instead. “Why aren’t you dust?” Her hand hovered over the stake, unsure if she should remove it.


Before Spike could answer, a figure burst into the room a flurry of arms and legs as she threw herself on the fallen soldier, fists flying.


Giles rushed forward, grabbing her around the waist, wincing as a flailing leg hit against his injured thigh. “Dawn, that’s not helping.”


Dawn began to sob, as she attempt to reach Riley once more, “But he dusted Spike.”


“Nib,” Spike tried to gain her attention “BIT!” he yelled more forcefully, wincing as the stake moved within his chest.


“Spike?” Dawn frowned at him, “Why aren’t you dust?”


Spike sighed, “Plastic stake.” He closed his eyes for a moment before fixing Buffy with a determined stare, “Mind taking it out for me, luv?”


Dawn came to kneel before him, “Why would he use a plastic stake?” Her eyes widened, “Oh.”  Jumping back up she delivered a sharp kick to Riley’s side. “That’s just cruel.”


Taking advantage of Dawn’s momentary distraction, Buffy grabbed the end of the stake, waiting for Spike’s almost imperceptible nod.


Spike groaned in pain as the plastic slid out of his chest, “Bloody hell!”


“Spike!” Dawn rushed back to his side, wavering between throwing her arms around him, thankful that he was undusty, or continuing to beat on the person who had almost taken him from her.


“Giles, we need to get him out of here.” Buffy eyed the blood flowing from Spike’s newest wound, before glancing at Giles’s injured leg.


“Yes, quite right.”  Giles looked around the room, “Perhaps we should find something to put on his wound first… and umm, something to cover him with.” He looked slightly embarrassed as he motioned towards Spike’s naked body.


“What’s the matter Watcher?  Scared of me manly bits?” Spike smirked.


“Yes, quite terrified in fact,” Giles answered dryly before tossing a roll of bandages and a hospital type gown in his direction, “And I dare say you won’t be too keen to expose said manly bits to the sun that will be rising as we leave if you don’t HURRY UP.”


Spike allowed the two girls to fuss over his wound before standing and pulling the gown on haphazardly, “Don’t suppose we could have a quick look for me duster?”


“Spike, we have to get out of here,” Dawn pulled on his arm lightly. “Please.”


Spike’s attitude softened as he looked into Dawns pleading eyes, “Ok Nibs, let’s get out of here.”  He lifted an arm and allowed her to settle herself against his side, starting slightly when Buffy positioned herself on his other side.


“What about you Giles? You’re hurt too.” Buffy cast over her shoulder as she began to maneuver Spike towards the door.


“Just a flesh wound really.”  Giles held up a bandage, “I’ll just do a quick patch up and be along directly.”


Buffy nodded, “Ok, don’t take too long.”




The threesome had not gone far down the hall when a breathless Xander came barrelling around the corner, “Whoa Dawn, there you are.” He stopped panting, “Sorry Buffy, she slipped away on us.” Xander glanced at Spike briefly before his eyes flew back to study the exhausted vampire, “Why aren’t you dust?”


“Plastic stake,” offered Buffy.


“Ouch!” Xander winced visibly.


“Xander, Giles is behind us.  Can you go help him?  He’s injured.” Buffy motioned behind her.


“Sure thing Buff.”  Xander pointed in the direction he had come from, “Go that way and turn right.  Oz is waiting for you there.” He took of a slow jog once more in search of Giles.


Buffy and Dawn started forward again, only to come to a stop when Spike refused to move.  Buffy turned to see Spike regarding her with a puzzled look. “Why are you doing this Slayer?  Thought you’d be glad to see the back of me.”


“I don’t trust you Spike, but…no living creature deserves to be treated like that.” She looked away uncomfortably, “ Besides Dawn seems to like you, and if there’s another big bad on its way, I need to know what I’m facing.”  She began to urge him forwards, “And anyway you’re my vampire to dust.”




Xander walked into the lab, to see Giles bent low over Riley’s prone body, whispering softly to the pain-racked soldier.  “Hey Giles…what you doing?”


“Just having a little discussion with Mr. Finn here.” Giles answered without turning.


“What about?”  Xander strolled up to his side.


“He was enlightening me about his operation’s plans for the Hellmouth.  Very interesting.”  Giles casually balanced the small scalpel Riley had used in his hand.  “It seems that quite a few of them have revolved around using young college girls in a breeding program.”


Xander stared at the soldier in shock, “What?  You were going to use humans?”


Riley laughed, blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, “With the number of disappearances Sunnydale has, no one would have missed them.”


Giles let the tip of the scalpel trace lightly across his throat, “Just as no one would miss you, if something untoward where to happen?”


“Why is he still alive?” Xander asked quietly.




“I mean you saw what he did to Spike, what he was going to do to Dawn and Buffy.  Evil like that doesn’t just stop.”  Xander’s gaze never faltered, “You have to stop it.”


“I must say I agree with you there, Xander.” Giles pointed towards one of the benched “Can you get me a towel please?” Giles waited until Xander’s back was turned and sliced the scalpel neatly across the soldier’s throat, carefully avoiding the small spurts of blood as he stood and limped across to Xander.  “Thank you.”


Wiping his hands on the towel, Giles reached forward and plucked his glasses from the bench. “Let’s be off shall we.”  He threw an arm across Xander’s shoulder, “Would you mind?  My leg is giving me a little trouble.”  The pair moved out of the room, neither bothering to look back at the dead soldier lying inside.





AN.  Thanks to Holly for the super fast Beta for me and to Corinna (Always_jbj) who has taken over the running of Puppies and Christmas.  *hugs* I would be lost without you girls.