John & Delenn
by Redwulf50

Written for The Fandom Drabble Challenge on Live Journal:   Every person on your flist gets to request a drabble from you. In return, they have to post this in their journal and write a drabble for you. (Or not. You choose. Non-writers & busy people are allowed to play.) Post all fandoms you're willing to write for. Your friends can pick a relationship, a story arc, a missing scene, or pretty much anything they want, unless the author has previously mentioned that they will not write it. They comment with what they want, and you write drabbles and post it in your LiveJournal. Rules: 1. The author can choose three relationships and three story arcs they will not write, per fandom. 2. The author can set what rating levels they're willing to write for. 3. The drabbles can be no longer than 100 words. My Caveats: 1 Fandom I'll write for = Buffyverse, Batmanfamily, and Babylon 5 2 Relationships I WON'T write: Buffyverse Xander anyone, Angel anyone, Riley anyone :P Batfamily no slash, Babylon 5 no slash 3 Ratings I WON'T write = slash.

** neth_dugan requested a John/Delenn drabble from Babylon 5, post-S4 Shadow War.

He looked down into her face, she was everything good and right in his life. How had he ever deserved such devotion. Delenn, Head of the Grey council had fallen for him, of all the strange twists his life had taken this was the best, the brightest, this beautiful woman in his arms.

Delenn looked up throgh her lashes and smiled at her friend her lover her mate, she loved him with all her heart, but damn did all human males have such tiny dicks???
