by Redwulf50

A Batman/Catwoman Drabble
Drabble for Linda Pardee's bday

He wasn't like normal soon-to-be fathers; no, he was Batman. He refused to let something as childish and inconsequential as nerves cause him worry. He led Selina through the Mansion towards the car out front with quiet determination, no nerves bothering HIM. Quickly, he helped the soon-to-be mother of his child into the car after placing her bag in the back. No nerves, no nerves - he was Batman. He could do this. He climbed into his side of the car and pressed the ignition....nothing happened. He pressed it again, this time it went in and stuck. /Im Batman..I'm Batman/ his mantra continued. Until...

"BRUCE?" Selina screeched. "Quit playing with the damn lighter and get me to the hospital you half witted bastard."

"I'm Batman." He mumbled as he put the car in reverse.

"YES, and I'm Catwoman." He didn't know she had been wearing the glove until her purple clad hand had his....uhhhhm 'privates' circled in claws. "And you can get me to the hospital now or never father another child!!"

*Swallows hard* "Yes dear." Pulling the car out of the driveway.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh Bruce." Selina says sweetly as her contraction passes. "You are the sweetest man I know."

"Yes dear."

/?I'm Batman?/

The End
