Chapter Five - Smokin'
Written for Oracleholly's birthday

Buffy looked around her. The whole world seemed so surreal, like everything was in slow motion. She watched as Xander rushed to his hero’s side and Spike and Dawn congratulated her mother. She felt disconnected, yet at the same time as if it all revolved around her. With a look she pinned Giles to the wall.

"Why, Giles?" she demanded. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Buffy, Spike asked me not to tell,” he told his young charge.

Buffy held up her hand to forestall him. "Not that." Her eyes filled with tears. "Why didn't you tell me that Angel held the Master's claim over me?"

"Bloody hell." Rupert seemed ready to explode. "Buffy, I had no idea."

"And you, Spike?" Buffy asked the vamp, feeling betrayed.

"I thought you knew, Slayer." Was Spike's simple reply.

Buffy were nearly in tears as she looked at the two Englishmen, yet she knew they were both being truthful. It hurt, but then, most if her life as a slayer had. It was time to end that. She looked at Spike somberly.

"Sit down, William,” Buffy said, her voice commanding. She waited until he sat before she began.

"William, Childe of Drusilla, Grandchilde of Angelus?"

"Yes?" he replied feeling dizzy as the beginning of the spell swirled around him.

"You were turned when?" Buffy asked, circling her prey.

"1880,” Spike answered, feeling as though the words were dragged from his mouth.

"You were turned in 1880 as Drusilla's new ‘toy’?"

"Yes,” Spike hissed though clenched teeth.

Buffy could feel her mother and the scoobies trying to intervene, but with a flick of her hand, the ritual held them in place as witnesses. "Dru turned you to make her 'daddy' jealous?"


She could feel Spike's anger, but carried on nonetheless. "Then, Angel was souled up and you nurtured and protected her for, what? A hundred years?" Buffy pressed the question as she massaged his shoulders.

"Yes, you bloody bitch,” he snarled. In spite of his ire, he could feel his traitorous body responding to her touch.

"Then, when you were confined to a wheel chair by me while trying to heal her, she ran back to her 'daddy'?" Buffy asked moving to kneel beside him, careful to keep her expression cold. She couldn't let him know that hurting him right now was hurting her just as badly.

"Yes,” Spike’s voice was softening, becoming sad yet calm.

"So, you decided to help me by stopping your Grandsire from opening Acathla and destroying your food supply. Then what happened?" Buffy’s voice was soft and soothing.

"Bitch kicked me to the curb for hurtin’ her precious ‘daddy’,” her vamp answered, morphing into full game face.

"Is it safe tosay that in one hundred and twenty years, no one in your order has ever treated you with the respect due to a Master Vampire that has killed two Slayers and fought countless others?" The question hung the air for a second.

"No, you bloody bitch; I'm the half wit, the buggerin’ imbecile!" Spike bellowed, tears in his eyes.

"No, William, you aren't,” Buffy proclaimed as she straddled his lap. "I, Buffy Summers, childe of Senaya, daughter of Joyce of the Order of Senaya, claim you, William the Bloody, as my favored childe. May you add glory to our House, always."

The entire room gasped as Buffy sank her teeth into Spike's neck. She bit down with Slayer strength and began to drink. Even Buffy herself was shocked at what her slayer side was doing, but surprisingly the blood didn't make her want to vomit. It held a strong, primal power to it as she drained her soon to be childe. At first she felt him harden beneath her, but as she drank, she felt the blood leave his lower regions. His skin began to tighten and shrink and just as he began to look like a corpse, she released him and roughly pulled his mouth to her own neck. "Drink, Spike, and rejoice. Feel the power."

And drink he did. At the first prick of his fangs, everything changed. Where before it had been almost clinical, now it was a tsunami of emotions seething between them. Buffy felt her panties grow damp and seconds later her first orgasm ripped through her. After that, it was an unending wave of pure bliss as she felt Spike's body reforming below her, his very male parts once again becoming as aroused and rampant as they had been just minutes ago.

She sensed when he reached the point where he had recovered all of his own blood, but she let him continue, not just wanting a childe, but needing an equal.

As Spike reached the point where he could drink no more, he removed his fangs and licked the remnants of blood from Buffy's neck. He looked up at her, his forehead resting on hers. "I love you,” he gasped, and then he promptly passed out, his head falling limply to rest on her shoulder.

Of course, all hell broke loose.

"Buffy!" Xander yelled. "You have to stake him; he bit you!"

"Bloody hell!" Giles roared right over the top of him. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"Eureka!!" Willow cut them both off. "I found it!" She looked around the room with a sheepish grin. "The accounts Spike asked me to trace? I found out how to transfer them to us."

No one said anything; they just stared at her blankly.

"The $228 million dollars?"

"Oh, that's great,” Xander spat sarcastically, throwing himself back down in his chair. "He gives us money, so we let him live?"

"No, Xander,” Buffy told him. She was surprised by the cold strength in her voice. "You don't touch him, because if you do? I’ll kill you." Making sure he understood her implicitely, she turned to her mother.

"Mom?" Can you drive Spike and I home and then take me to see Faith at the prison?"

"Yes, dear."



Angel felt the bond to his grandchilde break and his demon reared its head, howling in anguish. His lovely, golden childe was dead. His demon was nearly consuming him with rage it locked on one fact; the last he’d heard, Spike had been in Sunnydale, so Buffy did this. The Bitch killed his golden boy. Didn't she know her place? She was property, nothing more, and as such was certainly not allowed to kill a Master of their Order.

Angel was rocked by the deep-seated rage of his demon. After all, Buffy was his soul mate and if she’d had to dust Spike, he should understand. It would hurt, but he was used to the pain after all. He grabbed the phone as his friends and cohorts looked on, dialing the number that Willow had given Cordy to the new Magic box. When it was answered he snarled into the phone.

"Giles? What the hell happened to Spike?"


Back in Sunnyhell

Giles answered the phone. He was lost in thought and it shocked him to hear the anger in Angel's voice. He thought quickly, knowing the truth would only further enrage the brooding vampire.

"Spike is fine, Angel," he lied easily. "He’s been a great help to us. You see, we are currently fighting a hell god and had to put up a magical field for protection."

Angel let out a visible sigh of relief that his childe was healthy, but still he felt motivated to warn Giles. “You do know you can't trust him, right? He doesn't have a soul."

"Yes, well, you know how Spike feels about world ending scenarios," Giles stated then waited for the dark vamp to catch up.

Angel shrank back at that reminder. Of course, dear Willy didn't want the world ended. "How did he start helping you?"

"He heard that Glorificus needed Buffy's blood to open a portal to a hell dimension and just showed up and started helping." That much wasn’t a lie.

"It may very well be a trick," he informed the too-trusting Watcher. He felt a deep pride in his childe for outdoing the slayer and her friends. Indeed, it nearly gave Angelus a happy. Angel, however, soldiered onward. "It doesn't matter. He is still the Slayer of Slayers.” He hoped Giles got his drift.

"Quite honestly, without his aid in our last confrontation, I think we might all be dead." Giles smirked into the phone.

“You can’t trust him,” he pleaded desperately.

"Of course not Angel, I personally could never trust any Vampire."

After a moments pause to let his jab sink home, he casually inquired, “Is Wesley among your numbers now?"

Oh, yeah; the Watcher hated him and it wasn't even his fault, even if Angelus was chortling gleefully in the background. "Yes, Wesley is here."

"Yes, yes, is he still fluent in Scots Gaelic and Norse runes?" The lies continued to fall from his lips with ease.

"Giles wants to know if you are still fluent in Scottish Gaelic and Norse runes?" Angel turned to ask HIS watcher.

"Why, yes, of course I am,” Wesley answered, cautiously hiding his surprise at hearing the age-old passwords from Giles, even indirectly. The code simply meant; 'Need help, come soon, and tell no one'.

“He says yes, Giles,” Angel informed the other man.

"Most excellent. Can you ask him to come up tonight and stay for a few days? I do appreciate it."

His boss relayed the other Watcher’s request and Wesley nodded impatiently; eager to be away. "I can be with them in two hours,” Wesley informed Angel, moving quickly to gather his things.

“Wes can be there in a few hours, Giles. You’ll call me if you need me, of course?” Angel asked.

"Of course, Angel. Of course,” Giles lied suavely.



After hanging up with a look of distaste, Giles looked around the Magic Box. He wasn’t surprised to notice that Xander had dragged the unconscious form of Riley off to the back room. When no one had been willing to help him, Xander had quite loudly blamed it on vampire thrall and Spike 'possessing' Buffy and the others. If the idiot boy only understood the depths of 'possession’ between the blonds, indeed who was ‘possessing’ whom, then in the near future his head would surely explode.

Here was more than a hint of Ripper in the Watchers evil smile. Of course, in the interest of science, he just had to make sure he would be the one to tell the poor boy.
