Chapter Nine

Buffy the Elder gazed upon one of her closest friend's doppelganger and once more swore vengeance against Riley Finn. The very idea that he had ever been her lover now turned her stomach. He was wart on the ass of humanity. He would die, and she would eliminate every version of him she could find.

Angel had annoyed her after her marriage to Spike, but his had been an understandable anger. She had led him to believe they were forever. Riley however had killed friends of hers, tortured her children and nearly killed her mate. He would die a painful death and soon if she had a choice.

Sunnydale University

William Alexander Kenticot slipped through the manhole with a grace that any hunting cat should envy. He thought it was high time that the Initiative learned about Damphyres. Being one, he was the ultimate predator. Born of Slayer and Master Vamp but with powers beyond either.

When he told others he became the shadow he meant it literally. His body became insubstantial, as he slipped forward past security guards and cams. He was truly in his element; this was his home. In his pocket, the disc he had lifted from his sister.

He would save this version's 'when' from a few things, including Adam.

As he moved he toyed with the weapons in his pocket, all made by a Willow twenty years advanced in magic over this when's. He saw many faces he recognized. As he passed, he reached out his hand and gently placed his magically crafted weapons on each scientist and on every soldier he recognized.

His movements felt like a chill wind to those he passed. Even as they reached for the devices that they had felt being placed on their shoulders, they unknowingly activated them. The science-based magic attacked the reasoning centers of the brain, much like the disc he carried in his jacket. The weapons would enhance the human brain to the point of pain then temporarily shut the brain down. When the person reawakened, their intelligence would have been reduced by an average of thirty percent, rendering the scientists unable to redo their work and those soldiers like Riley Finn to the point that they possessed less intelligence than monkeys. Ok, he thought that would be an improvement.

It was so easy, easy enough that his dad would be paranoid. Still William understood both he and his weapons were far beyond anything these soldiers were capable of dealing with. He slipped into the room bearing the base's mainframe. He slipped the CD-disc into the slot and hit down load. Unlike the human spells, this one jumped through all the computers on base at once and gave them 1000 times the computing power before completely burning out the hard drives. It was a spell his dad had suggested to Willow. You see magic had consequences, so make consequences work for you. Up the comp power on purpose and it automatically burned out the hard drives.

Minutes after he had entered, he left. Only one more stop, room 314.

Xander Harris was once again dressed, only this time in hospital scrubs. Although he still hung from chains attached to the cavernous ceiling. His body felt rejuvenated, and even though he was starved and shaved bald, he was in high spirits. Hipptolya had gone for help, and the most beautiful woman he had ever seen had screwed him nearly to death.

Life in Xander's world was beyond good.

Sunnydale University outside of Buffy's dorm.

Angel walked in front of his troop, the model of a modern major general. His coat billowing out behind him, his clothes pressed perfectly, and his hair gelled just so. He was - in his own mind - the most dynamic man on the planet, and he KNEW the people behind him would follow him anywhere. Through rain or sleet, they would follow because he was the very model of a modern major general.

He has information vegetable, animal, and mineral. He knew the kings of England, and he quotes the fights historical. It was his greatest gift and his greatest cross to bear. It wasn't his fault that he was born, then unborn, to be this good a leader. It was something he just had to deal with. He has information vegetable, animal, and mineral, he knew the kings of England, and he quotes the fights historical.

He was very well acquainted too with matters mathematical, and he understood equations, both the simple and quadratical. He had to just face it - he was truly a genius. Everyone knew it. That was why they followed him without question. Everyone knew of his greatness and genius.

"Angel, are you sure this is the way to Buffy's dorm?" Cordelia whined.

"YES, Cordy. For the last time, I'm sure." Dear lord didn't she know who he was?

"Uhhhhhmmmmm, Angel," Doyle began, "You have the map upside down."


The blonde woman walked into the bar as if she owned the place. Wearing a skin-tight black latex pantsuit stretched tight over her playboy centerfold body. Capping it off was a girl next-door face with platinum blonde hair. Even the most pure bred of demons found themselves drooling, for she was womanhood personified. Sex, danger, and home rolled into a nearly perfect package.

When she reached the bar, her left hand struck like a cobra grabbing Willy by the collar and yanking him half across the counter.

"Phone now!" Her voice was low, and her eyes were dangerous.

Willy motioned and the phone was handed to her quickly.

After she had dropped Willy and finished dialing she spoke, "Holly, I need you to get in contact with my mom immediately."


William entered room 314 with little resistance now that the computers were down and the soldiers and scientists were dropping like flies. The entire base was in turmoil. This would be easier than he thought. As he entered the final doors, he froze. There, lying in a pool of her own blood was Maggie Walsh, with a fully constructed Adam standing over her.

"Welcome to my world, little human." The monster spoke.

"No monster boy, welcome to mine." William dropped an 18-inch nickel-plated spike from his jacket sleeve into his hand, smirked wickedly and merged with the shadows.