Alone and Lonely
by Redwulf

Author's note: Just something to bring a tear to your eye, hopefully.

He stood on a gargoyle, a favorite childhood perch. Alone and lonely, unloved and unloveable, the tears streamed down his face.

He saw his father's horror at his actions, and rightfully so. The former boy wonder looked down, not for the first time tonight, at the fifty story drop below him and thought of just letting go, ending this travesty that was life.

"Murderer!" The voice in his head was Bruce's; even his father had never said it.

"Traitor!" Tim seemed to scream at him. 'Sorry, so sorry little brother.'

"Why?" Cass's question was hard; she was so naive in so many ways.

But the hardest was, "You fucked her!" Bab's voice filled with horror.

Yes Babs, don't you see I never deserved you? Yes, I fucked my Dark Princess. So like a vampire his dark princess - she was dark, alluring and evil. She drained the life from him like a vampire would drain blood, but she was all he had left now. One second, with one act he had betrayed everyone he loved, so now he suffered alone with his Tarantula.

He fired off a line to return to Bludhaven. Like a child caught in the wrong he returned to his room to contemplate his sins.

Twenty stories higher Nightwing didn't notice the shadow of the Bat. If he had he wouldn't have believed the sight as the grim and determined protector of Gotham shook with silent tears.

The voice in Bruce's mind, "I failed you son."
