The Bloodshedverse gets it's revenge.

by SpikesKat

This is decidedly tongue-in-cheek humor, and I'm only doing it because I know he'll get a kick out of it, and will come up with something equally depraved for me.  But, as long as it includes Spike... meh... who cares.  Besides, who wouldn't like to experience a little torture at the hands of a Slayer??  

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter 1

Buffy easily vaulted over the charging vampire’s form, arms outstretched to break her fall as she rolled in a smooth motion once her hands touched the ground – swiftly reaching her feet and assuming an attack position.  

“Nice move, luv,” Spike leered at her in a sexy "let’s-hurry-up-and-finish-this-fight-so-we-can-go-shag" kinda voice.  

“Focus, Spike!” she shouted at her peroxide-headed lover.  She winced as he took a sucker punch to his jaw for his inattentativeness.  “See!”  

“Bitch,” he murmured without malice, rubbed his throbbing jaw, afterwards moving it from side-to-side to work through the pain.  

“You’re gonna pay for that,” he growled at the fledgling.  

He was all set to haul off and rip the younger vampire’s head off in retribution when suddenly…he was just standing there…waiting.  

“What the bloody hell?”  

He glanced at the Slayer and she was doing the same thing – standing there, poised, ready to spring into action.  He watched as she placed her hands on her hips when she realized she wouldn’t be finishing off the vamp anytime soon.  

“Dammit!” Buffy cursed. 

She turned around and looked at Spike.  Yep, same thing…just standing there waiting…like someone had hit the Tivo button – pausing their fight.  

Shit.  It could only mean one thing.  

The two blondes eyed each other, their eyes narrowed as they came to the same realization at the same time.  


His name sprung from their lips like a curse.  


Spike pinned the Slayer in front of him against the wall and grinned maniacally – his hands tightly gripped her wrists as they stretched high above her along the wall.


“You like that, pet?” he leered, grinding his jean-clad cock against her ass, his chest flush against her back.


She fought against him – just hard enough to goad his demon – and ground out, “You know I don’t…you’re an evil monster and I hate you!”


They’d played this role many times, the two of them.  She’d always start out mean and sassy, like a cat hissing and spitting as it’s dunked into water for its bath – but one lick…one tiny nick of fang against her flesh, and she was putty in his hands.


Spike opened his mouth and lowered his mouth towards her delectable neck, eyes intent on the rapidly beating pulse that was his target…eager to retaste the sweet ambrosia of her blood.  He could feel the intake of breath at her anticipation, smelt the arousal coating the scrap of lace that passed for her knickers…


He was just about ready to sink his elongated canines into her flesh when he stopped.  Beneath him he could feel the Slayer waiting…her body tense.


But, he moved no further.




Buffy glanced back over her shoulder and looked at Spike.  She was ready to get laid, dammit!  At the expression on her lover’s face she repeated his silent curse.




She turned back around, her forehead falling forward against the wall in frustration.


“Wulfie!” she growled.




INT MAGIC BOX: Anya is standing behind the counter, counting money – as always – in the till.  Willow is sitting at the table, books spread out around her, laptop open – the quiet tapping of keys can be heard as she works on her homework.  She is deep in concentration and oblivious to both Xander and Dawn as they play cards on the other side of the table.  

**tinkling of the bell over the door signaling a customer**  

Buffy storms in, pissed off. Spike is right behind her, equally annoyed.

Buffy: Dammit, Spike!  That’s twice now.  Fuck.  And, I don’t even want to mention…

Spike: You don’t have to tell me, pet.  Just as brassed off as you…


Buffy turns away from the vampire and glances at the occupants – only Willow fails to notice their entrance.


Buffy:  Willow! 


When that shout doesn’t get her attention, the Slayer calls her name even louder.


Buffy: WILLOW!


The redheaded witch reacts as if she’s been scared to death.


Willow: Buffy!  Goddess!  You scared me to death!

Buffy: (contrite, sorta)  Sorry, Wills.  But, it’s gotta stop.  I mean, come on… I was just about to…

Spike: Just about to what, pet?  (He leers at the Slayer.)


Buffy glances at Spike and blushes, then recovers.


Buffy: Just about to kick some vampire ass!  Yeah.  Haven’t had a good lay… er, slay… Haven't had a good slay in a while now.  Willow, you have to do something!

Willow:  What do you want me to do?  And, for that matter…what are you talking about?


The two blondes speak at the same time.


Buffy: Wulfie

Spike: Redwulf


The witch looks confused for a moment before realization dawns on her face.


Willow:  Ahhhhh….


Slayer and vampire walk over to the table at Willow’s urgings and take up positions behind her.  Anya rolls her eyes and goes back to counting money.  Xander groans in disgust while Dawn snickers.  The tinkling of the bell hung above the door announces a new arrival.


Faith: Hey ‘B!  Spike.  Scoobs.

Buffy: (to no one in particular) What’s she doing here?

Faith: What can I say?  It ain’t all about the (air quote) Spuffy love.  I was just about to have me some hot sex with that gorgeous vampire you think is yours when suddenly… fffftt…nothing.  I’m pissed.  I’m horny.  And I’m looking for a little payback.


Buffy puts her hands on her hips and shifts glares between the fellow Slayer and Spike.


Spike:  Wha?  ‘S not like I can control what’s written.


Buffy smacks him on the arm, just because.  Faith saunters over to the two and glances over their shoulder.


Buffy: (mumbling) When I get my hands on the one that wrote that…

Faith:  Pffft… yeah right.  Then where would you be?  The Bloodshed bitches stick together.  You think this is bad now… you’ll never get la- erm, won’t get to fight those nasties if you go messing with them.


Faith, properly in awe, trembles slightly at the power of the bitches.


Buffy: (ignores Faith) Will?  What can you do?

Willow:  Ummm… I’ve got a spell.  It can send you to the Bloodshedverse.  Should be able to get to this Wulf-person that way.  I think.

Spike: (mumbles) Don't like it… Magic always has consequences.

Willow: It really is a simple spell, Spike.


Dawn perks up at the mention of a spell.


Dawn: Ooohhh!  Can I go?


Spike and Buffy speak at the same time.


Spike: No!

Buffy: NO!

Dawn: Well, you’re no fun. (pouts, arms crossed over chest)

Buffy: Then it’s settled.  Spike and I will go to the Bloodshedverse and inflict a little torture (Spike cocks his scarred brow at this) um, we’ll go and set RedWulf straight so we can get back to doing our thing.

Faith: I’m going to.

Buffy: No you’re not.  I need you to stay here and keep an eye on things.  Spike and I will go.

Faith: Screw that.  You just want him to yourself. 

Buffy: So?

Faith: So?  That’s all you can come back with.

Willow: (interrupts before things get out of hand) Um, actually, Buffy…Faith’s right.  Seems the spell stems from a telepathic wish.  They want Slayers.

Buffy: (confused) They?

Willow: (blushes slightly at the word bitches)  The Bloodshed bitches, they.

Buffy:  Oh….

Spike: Hey!  Wot about me?  See… told you.  Consequences.

Willow:  Sorry, Spike.  Gotta go with the wishes here.


Spike grumbles and goes off to pout prettily.  He flounces to the stairs and plops down on them, no longer interested in the proceedings.


Buffy: (walks over and consoles) Awww, baby.  It’s just for a little while. (whispers) And, think what fun we can have when I get back.

Spike: ‘S not right.  I wanted to inflict a little torture.  ‘S not like it wasn’t me wot was about to sink my fangs in your purty li’l neck, now was it?

Buffy: And, you can do that just as soon as I get back. I’ll even be extra submissive-like…your demon’ll love it.  Now, keep an eye on Dawnie for me, and see that she doesn’t eat just ice cream for dinner.


Buffy winks saucily and plants a kiss to the disgruntled vampire’s cheek.  She walks back over to where Willow and Faith are going over everything.


Buffy: Ready, Wills?

Willow:  Uh huh.


Willow whispers a few Latin incantations and in the blink of an eye Faith and Buffy morph into ones and zeros and are sucked into Willow’s laptop.


Spike:  Hey!  You didn’t say that was gonna happen!

Willow: Sorry?



“This is wicked cool,” Faith murmured appreciatively as she eyed the numerous computers, women chatting quietly to one another instead of typing.  All around them were various pictures of Spike – vamp!Spike, humandisguise!Spike, naked!Spike. Whoa!  Naked Spike.  Yum!  

“Focus, Faith,” Buffy muttered.  

Bits and pieces of conversation were slowly making their way over to where the two Slayers stood standing inconspicuously beside the door.  

“…torture…torture is good.”  

“…lock him in a room.”  

“…ban him from chat.”  

Peals of laughter could be heard at that remark.  

“…getting it on with Riley… or even Angel.”  

“Ugh!  I don’t think I can even write Riley having sex!” a raven-haired girl groaned.  “Or Angel.  Now Angelus…”  

“Kat, get your mind out of the gutter.” This from another dark-haired woman bearing a red streak in her hair.  

“What?!?  I’m just saying…”  She winked saucily at the other woman.  The two shared a look.

“Schez can write the Riley…” This brought another peal of laughter.  

“Wonder what that was about,” Faith murmured to Buffy.  

“Who knows?”  

Deciding to make their presence known to the bevy of women clustered away from their computers, Buffy cleared her voice.  Loudly.  About a dozen sets of eyes glanced up at the noise, staring in slack jawed amazement at the two women standing just inside the door.  

“Damn, Always, it worked!”  

That comment seemed to break the silence and the two Slayers watched as the women erupted into hysterical laughter.
