Banner by spikeshunny


Chapter 14

Spike beat Sam severely for daring to harm his mate, and Angel hadn’t intervened.  Not that he could, even if he’d wanted to – he was busy dealing with his deranged childe, who’d turned on him like a wounded boar the second he’d prevented her from going after the two Slayers.   

His stake was out, and Spike was kneeling over the unmoving vamp, ready to deliver its death blow, when the Slayer’s voice stopped him cold… with only a word.  His name. 


He nearly topped over, his head swiveled in her direction so fast.  She was being carried back into the park by Wood, the dark-haired Slayer at his side. 

“Buffy?” Spike whispered, his eyes roaming over her face and body, looking for any signs of trauma.  Her eyes were haunted, but other than that, she appeared alright.  The other Slayer, Faith, didn’t have a mark on her either. 

She nodded, too tired to do much of anything else.  Her eyes beckoned him forward, pleaded with him to hold her – that she needed him. 

Spike left the broken vamp where he lay and hurried to his mate’s side, taking great pains to be gentle as he shifted her into his arms. 

“I’ll just finish up—” Faith began, already starting towards the downed Sam. 

“No!”  The Slayer was adamant, even if her denial lacked any strength.  Still, Faith paused and looked questioningly at Buffy. “Let them go.  I’ve… already lost enough of my family.” 

“But, B…”  Her face showed her confusion. 

“Please, Faith.  Just… do this for me. Okay?” 

“Yeah… okay,” she agreed, however, the tone of her voice indicated she was anything but happy with her sister Slayer’s request. 

“Baby?” Wood questioned. 

“Not my town…” she replied.  “Though, all bets are off if they come my way,” she hastened to point out… loudly. 

Buffy nodded and laid her head wearily against Spike’s shoulder.  It was more than she’d expected.  Heck, she wasn’t even sure why she’d told the girl not to stake them.  They were both evil.  Both killers. 

“Okay, you heard her.  Angel! Say goodbye to the psychotic vampire and let’s go.  We’ve got an Ancient to see to.” 

Angel seemed surprised that they weren’t going to do anything to either of his childer.  He watched as Spike carried Buffy out of the park and back towards the SUV, both Faith and Wood not far behind.  He turned back to see Drusilla regarding him; she’d calmed a few moments before Buffy had returned, almost like she’d been caught up in the same spell that had finally given the Slayer her “balance.” Her mouth opened as if she were about to speak, but Angel cut her off. 

“Take Sam and go, Dru.  There’s nothing for you here.  If I catch you in my town again, I won’t be as lenient as Buffy was tonight.” 

He turned and walked off, barely sparing Sam – his other childe – a glance as he hurried to catch up with Spike and the others.  Faith was right; they had more important matters to see to. 


The small group was met with little fanfare when they returned to the Hyperion.  In fact, the only one who seemed to be awaiting their return was Cordelia, and that because in her self-appointed title of overseer, she really had very little to actually do. 

Spike crossed the lobby, giving a slight nod of hello to the girl, and headed straight for the stairs, needing to be alone with his mate.  Neither had taken time to really grieve for the loss of the Bit, and while he didn’t think either of them was quite ready to do that just yet, their being together for a time was a start. 

“Buffy?” Cordelia questioned softly of Angel, her eyes on the two blondes silently climbing the stairs to the rooms above. 

“She’s ok.  Doesn’t remember anything… which is a good thing, I guess,” Angel replied, his voice equally low.  “What have you guys managed to find out about Illyria?” 

“Not much, actually. The Furies will be by tomorrow… something about a gig someplace else tonight.” She rolled her eyes.  “Oh! Wes and Fred think they should go back to the lab, get another look at the sarcophagus.” 

Angel held up a finger, about to object to that idea, but Cordelia’s face grew serious. 

“Angel, there’s something else…it’s about Gunn.” 


“He had no way of knowing,” Cordelia told him quickly, once she’d finished her explanation of the lawyer’s involvement. 

Angel was barely listening, his mind going over what he’d been told. 

“Heck, if it was anyone’s fault, it was mine.  I knew that there was some girl in blue… I just couldn’t see her face.  If I had, Dawn would be alive right now.” 

“No, Cordy.  If anyone’s to blame, it’s me,” the Slayer told them from the top of the banister. 

“Buffy!”  Angel turned abruptly, his eyes trained on the Slayer and Spike, who began slowly walking back down the stairs.  “You should be in bed,” he admonished. 

“I’ll rest later.  After…” 

Seeing Spike’s frown, Angel could tell that it wasn’t his idea that Buffy was up and about. 

“What do you mean it’s your fault?” Cordelia asked. 

“I’m the one that changed the outcome of Illyria’s shell.  So, I’m the one that killed Dawnie.” 

“But how?” she asked, obviously confused. 

“Lorne… he heard me sing.  Told me things were going to happen.  Nothing specific, but my dreams took care of that…” 

Buffy lowered herself onto one of the couches, curling into Spike’s side once he sat down next to her – needing his strength.   

Angel and Cordelia took the second couch, and Buffy couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s sudden shyness at being in such close proximity to the vamp. Something must have happened between the two in the time she’d been away to cause the furtive looks both were casting the other’s way. 

Wood rounded out the impromptu meeting when he sat down as well, tugging Faith onto his lap.  It was the first time someone had mentioned what was actually going on, other than the fact that Faith had been needed to help bring the Slayer back to herself.  He was interested, despite the obvious concerns for his and his girlfriend’s safety. Though, hearing about the youngest Summers’ death came as a shock.  He’d listened half-heartedly to the spattering of conversation among Giles and the others once Faith had abruptly left the room, back when they’d still been at Wolfram & Hart.  It just hadn’t clicked that they were talking about Dawn being taken over by the Ancient. 

“Oh… Buffy… I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize.” 

“It’s ok, Robin.  Thanks though.” 

“You mentioned dreams, B.” Faith prodded.  She, too, had dreamed.  But she’d been unable to decipher their cryptic messages.  Leave it to the Powers to vague it up for a girl. 

“Yes… And I thought if I could stay away from L.A. nothing would happen.  That I needed to be here in order for my dreams to come to pass.” 

“Oh… luv.  ‘m sorry.” Spike hugged the Slayer close, remembering her reticence about returning to L.A. 

“It’s not your fault, Spike.”  She smiled softly at her mate, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes.  “Guess there’s no escaping your destiny, is there?  Anyway… I don’t want anybody blaming anyone here.  What’s done is done. We just need to fix it.” 

Gunn chose that moment to walk out of the office, and seeing the others gathered, walked from behind the counter and joined them out in the lobby. 

“What’s up?” he asked.  “You guys just get back?” 

“Yes…We were just going over some things.  The sarcophagus, Knox’s involvement,” Angel replied. 


“We know about you signing the customs form, Gunn,” Angel told him.  “No one’s blaming you.  You couldn’t have known.” 

Gunn looked around the room, seeing their pained, but reassuring expressions. 

“I was going to tell you… after I finished speaking to the Conduit.  But, you and Spike were gone, and Buffy…” his voice trailed off.  “I went back… to the doctor… to make him take it all back.  He wouldn’t.  When I tried to question him about the sarcophagus, he closed up.  I couldn’t get anything out of him, no matter how hard I hit him.” 

“Maybe I’ll have myself a go,” Spike commented. 

“I don’t want you back there,” Angel told him. 

“Who says I’ve got to go inside.  Man’s gotta go home sometime.” 

Angel sighed and relented.  They were running out of leads; they needed something.  And, if Spike was appeased by putting it to the evil doctor, Angel wasn’t going to stop him. 

“I want you back before dawn.” 

Spike smirked.  He pulled Buffy close and gave a quick kiss to her temple.  “Get some sleep, luv.  You need to get your strength back. ‘m sure the magic did a number on you.”  He looked at his sire.  “Angel, you and the others’ll look out for her?”  See that she stay’s put, he didn’t add. 

The elder vamp nodded. 

“Good.  I’ll be back as quick as I can.” 


Spike leaving was like a signal to the others and the small group broke up. Faith left the scythe with Buffy, and taking Wood’s hand, climbed the stairs to one of the vacant rooms above.  Buffy figured her sister Slayer and the former principal had a lot to discuss – especially given the rapid heartbeat she heard in addition to Faith’s.  Gunn disappeared towards the kitchen, probably to get some food for himself and the others.  Cordelia also went upstairs; she’d done as much overseeing as she could, her body still tiring easily.  She wasn’t surprised to see Angel follow after her. 

Buffy was, however, surprised to see him return not ten minutes later. 

“I’ve got to go out for a bit.  I’ve some things I need to take care of.”

“What things?” 

“I’ll explain when I get back…” 

“Angel, I really don’t think now is a good time to be going off on your own.”  The Slayer frowned, her hands on her hips. 

“Buffy… I… There’s something I’ve got to do… And, I need you to do me a favor.” 

The Slayer nodded, though reluctantly. 

“I’m… well… just look out for the others.  After I do this, I’m not sure what’s going to happen.  Oh, and if a young kid shows up… answering to the name of Steven… or Connor… try not to kill him, ok?” 

“Uh… ok.” 

With that cryptic message, Buffy watched as Angel disappeared out the front door. 

She walked around for a bit acquainting herself with their temporary quarters, but was soon bored.  And she didn’t feel like returning to her room – at least not with Spike away.  Hearing the muted discussion coming from the office, Buffy decided to make her way in that direction.  Research wasn’t her strong suit, or any suit for that matter, but she could sit and offer moral support. 

“You heard Angel,” Giles was saying.  “He doesn’t want us back in there.” 

“Yes, but I think the sarcophagus may be the key.  We need to examine it further,” Wesley argued. 

“I agree,” Buffy announced from the doorway, lending her two cents. 

“Buffy!”  Giles jumped up and quickly embraced his Slayer. “You’re alright!” 

“I’m fine, Giles.” 

“Where are Spike and the others?” 

“Spike’s out trying to get some information out of a certain doctor.  Faith and Robin have gone to bed, I think… so has Cordelia.  Angel went out for something…I’m not sure what exactly. He mentioned a Steven or Connor.  Ring any bells?” 

“Not to me,” Giles confessed.  “Any of you?” he asked of the others. 

“Nope.”  The Texan shook her head. 

“Nor I,” Wesley added.  “Lorne?” 

The demon shook his head.  No one recognized either name – at least not in connection with Angel. 

“Hey, guys.  I’ve got munchies,” Gunn announced, walking in behind Buffy.  When no one made a move toward the food in his hand, he stopped, his gaze shooting about the room.  “What’s up?” 

“Does the name Steven or Connor mean anything to you?” 

“Uh… no?  Should it?” 

“I’m not sure, actually.  It was just something Angel said.” The Slayer shrugged her shoulders.  It was a mystery that could be solved later.  “Anyway…I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.  In the meantime, I think we need to sneak back inside Wolfram & Hart and get a look at that sarcophagus.” 

“We’re going back?” Gunn asked. 

“I still think—” Giles tried to interject.  

“Giles,” Buffy interrupted.  “We’re running out of time.  We need answers.  Having another look around…it could give us some answers.  And lord knows we’re fresh out of them right now.” 

“Very well. Though, I’ll have you know, this goes against my better judgment.” 

“I’ll drive,” Gunn volunteered. “Hey, and while we’re there, we should check Knox’s files, see if he’s slipped up and left anything behind.” 

“Good idea,” Buffy agreed. “Ok.  I’ll go with Wesley and Gunn.  Giles, if you and Fred could stay here… see if you can find out anything about Illyria.”  She gestured to the huge stack of books piled on top of the desk.  “I know it’s asking a lot…” 

“Alright.  We’ll do what we can.  Just… Buffy, please be careful.  I’m not sure what type of reception you’ll receive now that Angel has officially left the company.” 

“I will.  We should be back before either Spike or Angel return.”  Hopefully, she didn’t add. 


Buffy walked in through the front door of Wolfram & Hart behind Gunn and Wesley… and froze.  Coming towards her were none other than Dawn – no, Illyria, she hastily reminded herself – and Fred’s former assistant, Knox.   

The Slayer reacted without thought, pushing her way through the two men to take out the thing that had killed her sister.  She was surprised at how easily she was stopped, how she was thrown back through the front glass doors, the fact that she was the Slayer insignificant to the Ancient.  It didn’t stop Buffy from leaping to her feet and tearing back in through the gaping hole she’d made, however.  She leapt… and when she finally landed, the thing wearing her sister’s face, and Knox, were both gone. 

“Where the hell did they go?” she demanded as she turned every which way, trying to find some scent to go by.  She got nothing from the blue creature, and Knox’s was so faint as to be nonexistent.  

“I’m not quite sure,” Wesley replied. 

“Can she like… teleport or something?” Buffy asked. 

“I don’t think so.  There was no characteristic displacement of the atmosphere around her,” Wesley told her. 

“So she moves really fast then?” Gunn asked, trying to keep things in simple terms. 

“Either that, or we were moving really slow,” Wesley told him. 

“Well… no time to worry about it now.  Let’s get to the lab.” 

“Yes. I suppose you’re correct.”  Wesley pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to the Slayer.  “You might want to… ah…”  He gestured to her face. 



Their foray into the lion’s den hadn’t revealed much.  Knox had been diligent, and a scouring of his office had revealed nothing useful.  They did, however, manage to pry the five stones embedded in top of the sarcophagus free; they were hidden away in a satchel and tucked securely against the Slayer’s side.  

They were almost back to the hotel when Gunn nearly drove them off the road. 

“Hey!  Watch where you’re going, Charlie!” Buffy yelled from the back seat. 

Gunn turned the steering wheel and managed to get them back on course. The sounds of car horns blared loudly all around them.  He looked over at Wesley.  “Did… did you—?” 

“Yes,” he whispered. 

“Did you what?” Buffy demanded. 

“Angel… and Connor,” Wesley whispered. “Oh god…” 

“What?  What is it?” 

“Nothing… I… it’s like I’ve suddenly got these memories…” 

“Who’s Connor?” 

“Angel’s son.” Gunn answered. 

Buffy blinked. 

“I’m sorry… did you say Angel’s son?” 


No one was in the front lobby when Angel finally returned to the Hyperion – alone.  The meeting with his son hadn’t gone like he’d expected… like he’d hoped.  Though, he had to admit, Connor not attacking him outright was a check mark in the plus column. 

He’d hated to see the innocence stripped from the boy, the way his eyes became haunted and pain-filled as his memories returned.  Explaining Cordelia’s miraculous awakening from her coma had softened the look for a short time, before Connor remembered that it had been some thing possessing her that had seduced him, that had professed to have feelings for him, rather than any affection she might bear herself. 

In the end, Connor had elected to stay with his new family – at least for the time being.  They’d parted ways not long after, Angel desperate to show his child how much he was loved.   

But something had held him back.  The way Connor held himself so stiffly, his body language practically screamed “hands off.”  Like he was one step away from reverting back to the crazed youth he’d become when Jasmine’s deception had been realized. 

“You’re welcome anytime, Connor…” Angel had finally whispered, then turned and walked away.   

He’d wandered the streets of L.A. for a while, trying to shake off the feeling of melancholy that had settled over him and refused to be lifted. He wasn’t quite sure what he’d expected.  Something besides the stilted awkwardness as the two had stood there staring at each other once the spell having been broken.  Maybe because it had been Willow urging him to do it, that he thought things would turn out differently.  That his son would welcome him with open arms, and maybe a little affection. 

Such had definitely not been the case. 

It was Buffy’s pain, and their needing to resolve the thing with Illyria, that had finally turned him homeward bound.  Plus, he’d needed to see how his crew was handling the aftermath of the memory spell being broken. 

The sound of muted conversation drifted out from the back office, and Angel forced himself to move in that direction.  There was no sense putting it off any longer.  He paused in the doorway, watching as Giles held up a purple stone to the light. 

“I think this one is your best bet.  It’s the only one of the five that shows any kind of craftsmanship,” Giles commented and turned to Buffy.  “Let’s hope that this will negate the effects of whatever Illyria did to you earlier.” 

That brought a growl out of Angel, and the occupants of the room all turned towards the newcomer. 

“Angel!” Buffy gasped.  So intent on studying one of the white, naturally formed crystals, she’d not sensed his approach. 

“Illyria was here?” he demanded. 

“Erm… not exactly,” Wesley confessed, drawing Angel’s heated gaze. 

“What do you mean, ‘not exactly’?” 

“Uh… that is to say… we—” 

“Went back to Wolfram & Hart,” Buffy cut in.  And immediately wished she hadn’t when Angel pierced her with a look that nearly had her jumping out of her chair and rushing to his side in an attempt to placate him. 

“You did what?” 

Buffy lowered her head, the vampire demon inside her quivering slightly in the face of his apparent rage.  Then the Slayer part of her took over and her head snapped up defiantly – which she noticed caused Angel’s eyes to flare and become tinted with amber – and stated, “We needed more information on Illyria, Angel.  You and Spike were gone, so we took a vote.  We went back to get another look at the sarcophagus and to see if Knox left behind anything incriminating.” 

The muscle in his jaw ticked, and Angel silently counted to ten.  He got to thirty before he trusted himself to speak – though when he finally did, his voice was rather husky as he fought the urge to shout. 

“And… did you find anything?” 

“Other than the fact that Illyria moves really fast and is wicked strong?” Buffy asked. 

Angel took note of the Slayer’s bruises, her recently healed cuts and scrapes. Spike was not going to be pleased, which just increased his ire.  Already imagining that confrontation. 

“Yes. Other than that,” he ground out. 


“We were able to pry the stones from the sarcophagus and bring them back with us,” Wesley intervened again. 

“We think that Illyria is able to manipulate time in some fashion,” Fred added, not recognizing the undercurrent between the two vampires.  “These stones may be able to counteract that effect… at least that’s our theory anyway.” 

Before he had a chance to respond, Angel heard the front door open, his senses telling him right away that Spike had returned. 

“In here, Spike,” he called out, eyes intent on Buffy – pleased to see how she paled slightly. 

It was Angel who ended up doing the fish impersonation, however, when he realized Spike wasn’t alone, but was manhandling his son into the office with him. 

“Connor?” he finally managed to get out.   

“You know this kid?” Spike asked. 

Said kid was shooting daggers at his father. 

“Uh… yeah… he’s my son.” 

“Oh.”  Spike clearly wanted to say more, a whole lot more, but seeing the pained look on his grandsire’s face, he wisely – for once – held his tongue.  “Well, saw ‘im lurkin’ out the back and all.  And with us givin’ the Senior Partners the ol’ two-fingered salute… I figured I’d incapacitate first an’ ask questions later.”  He let the boy go.  “Sorry ‘bout that, puppy.” 

“I’m not a dog!” Connor growled as he tore himself free, turning to glare at the vampire that had dared to touch him.   

“Didn’t call you a dog, puppy.”  He smirked at the kid, more than willing to take the boy’s ire on himself, rather than have it projected onto Angel, having sensed right off the bat that all was not well between the two, and that their rift was causing Angel some serious pain. 

“Spike…” Angel warned. 

“Wot?”  His smile was all innocence as he glanced around the room. 

Angel frowned at Spike before turning away to look at his son. 

“Connor… what are you doing here?  Um… that is… not that I’m not happy to see you…” 

“I couldn’t stay there.  I… they didn’t remember me…” 

Angel’s eyes widened.  He’d not thought of that. 

“I’m… I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize…” 

“It’s alright.  I’m kinda tired though.  Mind if I crash?” He didn’t want to hear his father’s apologies. 

“Uh… sure…” 

“Come on, puppy.  I’ll show you where you can bunk down.” 

“I can find my own room,” Connor all but growled. 

“I’ll come along if it’s all the same…” 

“Yeah… whatever…” His eyes narrowed with deadly intent. 

The two walked out of the office and silence descended over the room. 

Spike popped his head back in a second later. 

“Oh! And, I got a name… Vahla ha’nesh.” 

That sent Wesley, Giles, and Fred scurrying to the books scattered about the desk while Buffy, Gunn, and Angel looked on – allowing Spike to slip out of the room again unnoticed.   

He had a few things to discuss with the boy, out of earshot of his grandsire.
