Forever Again

by SpikesKat


A/N:  Forever began Post AtS Destiny, although I manipulated that episode in my little Spuffy mind to where Spike never pulled that crap with Harmony.  He recorporealized and then later left.  Then Forever began and ended.  Now, with Forever Again, I’m using my creative license and am manipulating the rest of the season of AtS.  Basically, the series was put on hold while my story played out and the timeline is picking up with this story during Harm’s Way.  I’ll be manipulating the rest of the S.5 episodes to suit my story, although chronologically, they’ll play out as normal.  Now, if I haven’t confused you too much, here’s chapter two…


Chapter 2 

The sire’s blood that flooded her mouth and slipped down her throat was by far the best thing she’d ever tasted.  Buffy couldn’t get enough of it, drove her fangs deeper into his neck as she took the sweet elixir into her mouth, moaning in delight at the tangy flavor.  Feeling the power of it slake her thirst and causing her body to vibrate with the potency of his blood. 

She growled, grinding her body closer as she lay on top of Spike and continued to take long pulls from his neck.   

Spike was starting to feel weak from blood loss as his childe continued to feed from him.  The soothing motion of his hands down her back stilled and he began to growl a warning for her to stop.  Again she didn’t listen to him, and he used what remained of his strength to pry her fangs out of his neck. 

Her eyes opened and her amber gaze took in the angry visage of her sire and realized she’d done it again.  She had to get away, and now.  She didn’t trust herself around anyone at present. 

Jumping off of Spike’s body, she tore out of the training room – shame at what she’d almost done nearly overwhelming her. Buffy ignored the sound of her name being shouted by her sire, wanting only to get away, as far away from everyone as she could. 

Her feet flew down the stairs – her motions a mere blur for anyone that happened to see her.  Not that there was, however.  She was sure the young Slayers had heeded the male vampire’s warning and were probably hiding from her right now. Tears fell from her eyes as she raced out of the building, the sun having recently set and granting her an easy escape, no clear destination in mind. 

‘Get away.  Get far away,’  her mind chanted. 

And she did, her feet continuing to eat up the ground beneath her, putting as much distance as possible between herself and the others. 

She ignored the pull of her mate urging her to return to him.  To let him take care of her.  Severing the mental connection to him he exerted through the claim, she raced on, unmindful of the tears that continued to fall from her amber-colored eyes. 

Eventually she stopped, her ears attuned to the night sounds all around her.  She sniffed the air, her enhanced senses picking up nothing or no one around her.  Once relatively secure of her safety, her legs buckled and she sank to the damp grass, sobs wracking her slender frame. 


Spike pulled himself to a sitting position after Buffy leapt off his prone body and raced from the room.  Weakened from the loss of blood she’d consumed from him, he could do nothing more than shout her name, his hand raised as if to halt her flight. 

When she didn’t stop, his hand dropped to his side, defeated.  He could feel her anguish and guilt through their claim and he used it to get her to come back.  Telling her that he’d take care of her, that they’d work through this together.  Then it was gone, the connection they shared was severed, like a candle suddenly snuffed by a gust of wind.  And, that scared him more than her sudden reversion to the true vampire demon that shared her body with the Slayer’s demon. 

Panicked, he jumped to his feet, using the last of his strength to rush downstairs to the study.  He needed to talk to somebody, let them know that the Slayer had had another episode; he needed to know what to do. 

He started with her watcher, not quite ready to involve his grandsire just yet.  Besides, it had been Rupert that had been the one to find that prophecy relating to the joint demons inhabiting the Slayer’s body, so he’d be the likely one to help.  Spike paced back and forth behind the desk as he waited for the Englishman to answer his phone.  There was no answer to the watcher’s private office line, so he tried him at home.  When that produced similar results, he slammed the phone back in the cradle, a growl erupting from his throat, the hopelessness of the situation beginning to overcome him.  With no answer from either number, Spike was left with no choice but to call Angel. 

While they’d been in LA, the elder vampire had seen to it that Spike, Buffy, and Giles had the numbers to his private office line and his cellular phone…as well as his pager number.  With the recent unresolved changes to Buffy, Angel wanted the others to be able to reach him at any time – day or night. 

“Angel,” he barked into the phone, instantly worried since less than a handful of people had the direct number to his office. 

“Sire,” Spike began.  “It’s Buffy.  She’s had another episode.” 


Halfway across the world, Angel leaned back in his plush office chair, his grandchilde relaying the events that led up to Buffy losing control of her vampire demon.  His eyes closed and he could practically feel the anguish in the younger vampire’s voice as it came across the line.  He should have kept them there with him in LA, was just about to voice that when Spike’s next words came to him. 

“She severed the connection, Sire.” 

“How???  She’s too young to be able to pull off something like that!” Angel exclaimed, sitting up abruptly in his seat. 

“I don’t know.  One minute, I’m feelin’ her anguish, an’ regret, an’ guilt…the next…nothin’.  Absolutely nothin’!” 

Spike’s heartache tore at the elder vampire.  He’d like to think that the two had mended a few bridges over the holidays spent in LA, and he didn’t like to see a member of his family hurting.  That Buffy was involved just seemed to up the ante. 

“I can leave now and be there in fifteen hours,” Angel stated. 


“I should have made you both stay, at least until Buffy had a better handle on this.  I don’t know what I was thinking…” he continued, talking over Spike as if the younger vampire hadn’t said anything. 

“Send the plane, Angel.  We’ll come to you.  I don’t trust her around ‘Bit and the others.  I’ll talk to Giles and make him come to Rome.  Between the two of us, we should be able to keep an eye on the Slayer…see that she doesn’t…hurt anyone else.” 

“Hold on a second.” 

Angel placed Spike on hold, and hit the intercom button to Harmony’s desk.  After the recent events that had transpired at the Wolfram & Hart law offices, the blond-haired vampiress was doing her best to ingratiate herself back into his good graces.  Although, he did agree that her situation had seemed dire, how she went about resolving her problem needed some work.  He did not like to have his fellow friends and employees bonked over their head.  

“Harmony!” he barked. 

“Yes, boss!” 

“Call the pilot and have him gas up the jet and on his way to Rome inside the hour.  He’s picking up Buffy and Spike.” 

“Uh…ok, boss.  Right away.” 

Angel glanced out his office windows to see her disconnect the intercom and pick up the phone.  Satisfied his order was being carried out, he once more spoke with Spike. 

“Plane’s on its way.  I’ll have the pilot call you when he lands at da Vinci.” 

“Thanks, Sire.  I’ve gotta go.  Need to get some blood and go look for Buffy.  Gotta find her before the sun comes up.” 

“I’ll be waiting for you.  Call me from the plane when you’re in the air.” 


Spike replaced the handset then left the study.  His first stop was the kitchen where he raided the refrigerator, pulling several bags from the rack to heat and consume.  One he drank cold, his fangs elongating and puncturing the bag of “O” negative blood.  His nose twitched at the cool liquid, but his demon gulped the restorative fluid.  By the time he finished the cool bag, the timer in the microwave had gone off and he was gulping down its contents as a third bag replaced the second.  When he’d consumed five of the bags, he deposited the empties in the trashcan and rinsed out his “Kiss the Vampire” mug, a gag gift from the watcher. 

He’d never tell anyone, but secretly, he’d been touched that the Englishman had bought him something that had vague references to the day that had started Spike on his current path of loving the Slayer.  Not that he remembered fondly, sitting in the man’s bathtub, chained to the pipes as the Slayer had held the “Kiss the Librarian” mug while he’d sucked blood through a straw.  It had been later, having had a taste of the Slayer – even if it had been under false pretenses – that Spike began to fantasize about her, then obsess, then later…love. 

Shaking himself out of his reverie, he went looking for ‘Bit and the others.  He needed to tell them that both he and Buffy would be going to LA for a while and that Uncle Giles would be temporarily relocating to Rome to keep an eye on the girls.  The vampire wasn’t looking forward to the conversation with little sis. 


Spike breathed a sigh of relief that Niblet had taken their impending departure in stride.  He’d had all sorts of excuses lined up as to why she couldn’t come along, but she’d surprised him.  Exhibited maturity beyond her years when she did nothing more than hug him and wish him luck, exerting his promise to call often.  She was growing up into a fine young woman, his ‘Bit. 

He left her to her studying and went back downstairs to once more try to reach the watcher.  Success was had the second time around.  Giles picked up the phone in his office, a terse “hello” issuing from his mouth. 

“Giles, it’s me.” 

Spike quickly relayed the events to the watcher then rung off…his need to race off into the night and look for his childe, his mate, nearly overwhelming him.  He had to make sure that she was ok.  He couldn’t understand how she’d been able to block him, sever their connection as if she were a master vampire in her own right.  It scared him as much as it awed him that she seemed to have that kind of power. 

With Rupert’s promise to be on the next flight out of London ringing in his ears, Spike tore out of the house, his only thought to locate his girl.  He stretched his senses and finally picked up the faint trace of her scent as he raced through the city.  The only thing aiding him was the fact that she’d not bothered to try and cover her scent, figuring that blocking him from feeling her would be enough to keep him at bay.  Well, she had a lot to learn about him if she thought that was going to stop him. 

His sensitive ears picked up the sounds of her crying before he actually saw her.  He paused momentarily, her grief washing over him, her tears doing more to unnerve him than he thought possible.  His girl needed him, whether she realized it or not.  Wanted it or not.  It’s what he did.  He was her sire now, he was meant to take care of her…help her deal with things.  


Buffy was too caught up in her sobbing to notice that Spike was near.  It wasn’t until he’d knelt behind her and slipped his arms around her middle that she felt his presence.  She turned towards him then, throwing her arms about him, her crying increasing to inconsolable proportions – grateful that he’d come after her.  That he wasn’t upset with her for nearly draining him dry.  

“Sorry…so sorry,” she mumbled over and over in between her tears, his black shirt quickly soaked to his skin where she hid her face from him. 

Spike just held her close, running his arms down her hair and back, a soothing rumble emanating from his chest.  He wasn’t sure how long they stayed there like that, both of them kneeling in the wet grass, oblivious to anyone who might happen past.  Eventually he felt her shudders slow and then stop altogether, yet the death grip she had on his back did not subside.  It was as if she were trying to sink into his skin and become a part of him.  Not that he minded in the least… 

Yet, he needed her to look at him.  He had to tell her that they were going back to LA, that he and Angel would help her get through this, while at the same time, preventing her from harming anyone else.  Placing one hand beneath her chin, he gently lifted her head.  His thumb traced the ridges on her brow; her eyelids fluttered closed, shielding her amber eyes from his penetrating gaze.  He lowered his head, flicking his tongue over her distended fangs. 

Buffy didn’t even realize that she was still in game face. 

Spike continued to soothe her, allowing her to gain control over her erratic emotions and get the demon to retreat behind her human mask.  Only then did he tell her of his plans, about her watcher’s imminent arrival, and Dawn’s agreement to stay behind in Rome. 

Buffy’s eyes opened, her hazel gaze resigned as she stared up at him.  Then she nodded, and for the life of her, she wished she wasn’t going back to LA yet.  The green demon’s prophetic words that he’d spoken to her over the holidays seemed to mock her.   

As if she could escape what was going to happen.  Not a chance of that happening now.  Spike had unwittingly set the ball in motion with his announcement of their return trip to LA.  

Buffy just prayed she had the strength that Lorne claimed she was going to need to see herself through this next catastrophe.  Her friends’ fate was in her hands now. 

She felt herself pulled to her feet then the ground gave way as she was lifted and cradled against Spike’s body and he began his return trip home.  Buffy laid her head against his shoulder while he walked, too exhausted and emotionally drained to do anything else.
