Banner by Selene


Chapter 16: Revelations

Giles’ Office, Watcher’s Council Headquarters

Giles was sitting at his desk, lost in thought. Yes, it was early on a Saturday morning. But that had never stopped him from coming in to his office to get some work done. It seemed like he spent more time here than at home anyway. Restructuring the Watcher’s Council from scratch took time and effort and wouldn’t fit into a normal workweek schedule. Besides, it not like he had plans to be anywhere else.

Ever since Spike’s call last night as his residence, he was more puzzled than ever about the text he has translated. This was why he sat leaning back in his seat, glasses held in his hand, as he absentmindedly sucked on the tip of one of the ear frames. He was going over the translation in his mind when he suddenly sat up, perched his glasses back up on his nose and reached for his discarded notebook. Quickly, he reread the translation.

“Of course,” he mumbled aloud, pausing over a word that repeated itself: the one. Then, he froze, blood rushing from his face leaving behind a pale visage. “Oh, dear God.” Scrambling out of his chair, he rushed to the bookshelf. Desperately, he began searching for the text he needed. Nimble fingers skimmed along the outer bindings of six rows worth of books before halting on the one that he needed. The book was musty from disuse, yet thick – filled with vast amounts of knowledge. So much so, that several volumes could have been written instead of just the one.

Glancing at his watch, he noted the time: 6:00 a.m. ‘Only an hour before I need to call Buffy,’ he thought as he mentally calculated the one-hour time difference. Crossing back to his desk, he set the book down, once more resuming his seat to begin a marathon research session. His earlier words to Spike came back to haunt him. Buffy seemed to be at the center of the prophecy, and if what he feared was true, so too was Spike.


Los Angeles
Wolfram & Hart Offices

At the same time Giles was researching new meanings to the text, Angel was walking through the door of Wesley’s office to check on how the research of the sketch he had dropped off earlier was coming. A clock chimed ten times, indicating the lateness of the hour, yet Angel noticed Wesley paid it no mind. He was thoroughly engrossed in the book laid out before him. Wesley hadn’t even glanced up as he gave a quick knock and walked in.

“Anything, Wes?” Angel asked.

Wesley glanced up, slightly startled as the voice broke through his concentration, just realizing that Angel was standing in his office. Recovering, he replied, “I think I’ve got a lead. Finally. I was just starting to read about it when you walked in.” He gave Angel an annoyed look for scaring him half to death. Angel just let the look roll off his back, saying nothing.

“Er, yes. Like I was saying. I just started reading. But, I can tell you those markings are for some type of protection. They allow save passage for persons from the Draemuir dimension. Sort of a means to keep them grounded here in ours.” He saw Angel open his mouth to ask the question, but cut him off saying, “And, before you even ask… No, I have no idea who or what inhabits that dimension and why they would be here. But, I am heading in the right direction now and should have something for you in a couple of hours. Hopefully.”

Angel sighed and walked over to the window, looking out at the night sky. ‘Why would someone from the Draemuir dimension be here, and what does it have to do with Buffy? Are the senior partners somehow involved?’

“… with that scroll that was delivered to me?” Wesley’s words finally penetrated Angel’s silent musings.

“Er, what was that, Wes?”

“I said. Do you think this guy’s appearance has anything to do with that scroll that was delivered here?”

“No. Spike said that Giles thought that the scroll had nothing to do with them. So, we need to concentrate on this guy and try to figure out why he went after the slayer. I’ll be back in a few hours. And, Wes?”




Buffy's Room

Both occupants on the bed sleep soundlessly, oblivious to the household waking up around them. For one, it was their normal sleep schedule. For the other, it wasn’t.


City Square

Dawn, along with the other girls, had woken up early. There was an art festival in town this weekend in addition to the weekly farmer’s market held in the square and they had all made plans to get up early and go before the crowds hit. It was because of this that the ringing phone went unanswered. That, and the two occupants sleeping upstairs who couldn’t be roused to answer it.

Dawn wasn’t worried when Buffy hadn’t shown for their jaunt. More than likely Buffy was just catching up on her sleep. A little grin came to her face as to why she would need it, but was happy because Spike was still around. Besides, the art festival was going to be here all weekend, so it wasn’t like Buffy was going to miss it if she didn’t come right now.

Wandering through the various booths, she tried to see if anything warranted “gift” status. Pretty jewelry abounded and Dawn picked out a silver ring with an amethyst stone for Buffy, and a handmade necklace for herself. She paid for her purchases than wandered off again. She stopped when she came to a local painter’s booth. She eyed his wares before noticing the painting he was currently working on. When she saw what he was working on, an idea came into her head.

“If I gave you a picture, could you paint a copy of it? Like what you’re doing there?” she asked.

“Sure. With something to go by, I could have it finished in a few hours. You could pick it up this afternoon once it dries,” the artist replied.

Squealing with delight, she reached into her purse to pull out her wallet. Opening it, she extracted a picture of her and Buffy together. It was a candid shot, taken a few years ago. Their arms were wrapped around each other and innocent smiles played across both of their faces. She couldn’t remember who took the picture, but it was her favorite. That’s why she had cut it down to size to fit in her wallet. Spike would love it as a painting. Christmas was coming; well, in another six weeks anyway. She just prayed she could keep quiet about it until then!


Buffy's Room

Spike awoke, lying on his back, about midmorning. Eyes closed, he reached his arms out hoping to encounter the slayer’s body, but knowing the space beside him would probably be empty. She was normally up and about this time of day. He smiled when his hand encountered the warm bundle lying next to him.

“Slayer, I think you overslept,” he said drowsily, eyes still closed.

He didn’t get a response. He opened his eyes at that and leaned up on one elbow to look at her. Buffy was lying on her back, her slightly pale face the only thing exposed above the sheet that covered her body. He reached out a hand to gently shake her awake. She’d be pissed that she had overslept, missing Giles’ call. His light shaking caused her to groan in her sleep. Pain, not pleasure. The noise made him quickly pull back his hand. He sat up, instantly awake, eyes locked on her face.

“Buffy,” he called in a louder voice, trying to wake her with his words. When he sat up, the sheet had pulled away from her body, exposing her upper arms. His gaze locked on what he had missed a moment earlier: twin blue streaks starting to snake up between the valley of her breasts. Carefully, so as not to cause her any more pain, he slowly lifted the sheet away from her body.

“Nooo…” he moaned softly. The sheet slipped from his fingers to pool around her hips. Her upper torso was left bare to his scrutiny. The slight spidery veins of the night before had doubled in number. She looked like someone had painted a blue sun on her belly then drawn a bunch of rays outward from the circle. Some reached down to the tops of her thighs, others started to circle around her waist. More wound their way up towards her neck, not quite reaching the tops of her breasts.

She lay unresponsive to his attempts to get her to awaken. He didn’t know what to do. His bellow for Dawn went unanswered. Then he remembered; the girls were at the festival. Quickly, he jumped out of bed and threw on his jeans. Call the Watcher. He would know what to do. Spike raced out of the room to do just that.
