Banner by Selene


Chapter 23: Vows, Subterfuge, and Memories

Buffy awoke in the predawn hours to feel Spike trying to carefully untangle himself from her. The spell that Giles conducted last night seemed to help a bit. She was still sore and could feel her strength draining away, but she believed that she could still get up and move around. The first place she wanted to move to was the bathroom. It seemed like ages since she’d relieved herself, or taken a shower.

With that thought in mind, she sat up as Spike was pulling on his jeans. The soft rustling on the bed had him glancing around at her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he whispered a little harshly.

“Bathroom and shower,” she said as she swung her legs over the side of the bed.

Spike rushed around to the other side of the bed intent on carrying her there. She shot him an evil glare just daring him to try it. She wasn’t going to build up her strength if he kept carrying her everywhere. Seeing the look on her face, he shot both hands up in the air in a placating gesture, but stood there in case she needed him. Slowly, Buffy stood up on wobbly legs; she faltered for a minute-arms shooting outward for balance-then regained purchase and started her way towards the bathroom.

When she got to the bathroom, she grabbed on to the doorjamb and held on. She looked back to where Spike was watching her progress with anxious eyes.

“Where were you off to?” she asked taking in his semi-dressed attire.

“We had more guests show up while you were asleep,” he mumbled. “Heard them pull up and need to go let them in.” Buffy looked at him, a question on her face.

He didn’t know if he should tell her or not. What was he thinking? He had to tell her. Shoot, she was going to find out soon enough anyway. He looked at the floor, then sighed and looked back up at her.

“Angel, Fred, and Wesley showed up late last night. They’re here to help figure out this mess,” he said, motioning towards her stomach region. “Take a shower. I’ll let our guests in and rouse Giles, then come back up to get you, ok?” Buffy nodded and slowly shut the bathroom door. Spike pulled on a t-shirt and padded barefoot to the door. He knocked briefly on Giles’ bedroom door, letting him know through the closed door that the L.A gang was back, then went downstairs to let Angel and company in.


The office held more people than it was comfortably able, but the occupants wanted to be assured of privacy from the younger slayers. There was no point getting them involved if it wasn’t necessary. Spike sat beside Fred in one of the two chairs in front of the desk, holding a weakened slayer snuggly in his lap. She had exhausted herself with her shower and her attempts to walk on her own until finally he had growled and scooped her into his arms and carried her down the stairs and into the office. Damn woman and her independent streaks. Dawn perched on the arm of Spike’s chair-there was no way she wasn’t being included in the research, especially since she had found out the seriousness of Buffy’s condition last night. Giles was again behind the desk, Angel and Wesley flanking him.

Quickly, Giles outlined a plan of attack in dealing with the situation.

“I think the best thing would be to split up into groups. We still need to find out all we can on this Draemuir dimension as well as Buffy’s attacker. But, I think it would be beneficial if we could actually find this person, demon, whatever it is. Maybe then we can narrow down what he has done and come up with a solution to fix it. Spike, Angel, I’ll leave that to you. You can take the other slayers with you. It will allow them to keep up their skills while Buffy is incapacitated,” he said, pinning Spike with a look. Spike gave a slight nod back at the watcher. There was no way Buffy was going out to patrol and he had effectively sidestepped any argument that she might come up with.

“The rest of us will research. See if there is anything we’ve overlooked or have yet to find.” He squelched the guilt he was feeling about the short text he had found and was now secretly hidden in his room. He wasn’t even sure if the passage related to Buffy. His conscience argued that it wasn’t true, but he refused to dwell on the finality of the words. And, if he mentioned it to the others, then they would become distracted-possibly give up hope. So, for now, he was keeping mum.

To make it easier to research, they collectively decided to move everything into the dining room. It had a huge table and allowed them to spread out. Grabbing books, scrolls, pads of paper, and pens; Fred, Wesley, and Dawn went to go set everything up. With the sun now peaking on the horizon, Spike and Angel were pretty useless, so they both decided to get a few more hours of sleep.

Spike stood up with Buffy in his arms and was about to take her back upstairs, but she stayed his action.

“I need to look at a few things on the computer. See if Willow or Xander sent me an email.” Spike gave her an exasperated look, but nodded and deposited her in the chair behind the desk that Giles had just vacated. He brushed a kiss to her forehead then left to show Angel where he could catch a few hours sleep.

Giles was just about to follow the two vampires out of the office when Buffy’s voice stopped him.

“Giles?” He stopped and turned around to look at her.

“I had a slayer dream last night.” The whispered words carrying a tinge of fear had him closing the door to the office and walking back towards her.

“I haven’t told Spike…” she faltered, eyes filling with unshed tears, head bowed. She took a steadying breath, then looked up at Giles with anguish filled eyes. “I haven’t told Spike yet. But, I saw the first slayer. Twice, actually. But, last night it was different. She was different.”

Giles looked at her questioningly, silently urging her to continue.

“She said I’m tied to the slayers and they’re tied to me. Because of that spell we did with the scythe. That now, I’m going to become their guardian. But, that’s not the worst part.”

Mentally, Giles braced himself for her next words.

“Death is my gift,” Buffy whispered, letting the tears finally fall.

Giles rushed around the desk to pull the woman he had always thought of as a daughter into his arms. He pulled off his glasses so that he could wipe the tears streaming down his face with the back of his hand.

“Buffy…” he began, unsteadily. He grabbed her upper arms and held her out so that he could look at her. “Those dreams are supposed to be prophetic. Like a metaphor of what may happen. Could possibly happen. And, I’m stressing the ‘could.’ The events of our life are not set in stone.”

“But Giles. You don’t understand. The first dream I had. It was the exact same one I had when I was dealing with Glory. And, you remember how well that went.”

Giles went pale at that. But, he quickly recovered and pressed on. “It doesn’t matter. We will figure this out.”


Buffy gave him a wobbly smile and sat back down behind the desk. Her trust in him was implicit. She turned on the computer, letting it warm up.

“Don’t stay here too long, Buffy. You still need your rest.”

“God, you’re as bad as Spike,” she grumbled. “Fine, I won’t. But, I’m not going back to bed.”

Before he could interject with more fatherly concern, she told him, “But I’ll confine myself to the couch and watch TV. Is that ok?”

“Yes. That should be fine.” Leaving Buffy to her email, he made his way to the dining room to join the others at research. He felt as if he had been sucker-punched. As Buffy told him about the dreams she had, all he could think of was the short passage now emblazoned in his mind.

Two demon’s compromise
An ensouled phoenix shall arise
Mixed blood interwoven
To save all chosen
From unequivocal demise


Spike lay in bed, refusing to get up as he heard his Grand-Sire walk down the hall. He could be the bigger vampire and allow him this time with her. ‘Yeah, right! Who am I kidding?’ But, he knew that they had some things to discuss; he just had to trust in Buffy’s love for him. After all, it was he that was in her room, lying in her bed, attempting to get some sleep; not Angel. With a smile on his face, he cradled her pillow close to his face and dozed.


Buffy sensed him before he had even opened the door. Quickly, she finished typing her email.


I need you. There is not much time and I would like to say goodbye.


She knew the email was abrupt, and would probably send both of them into conniptions. But she didn’t have the time, or the strength, for a longwinded explanation.

“I’m coming, I’m coming, you overbearing, protective vampire,” she ranted, her gaze locked on the computer as she pressed the send button on her email, not bothering to look up as the door opened. “You’d think I wasn’t the slayer the way you act-“

She broke off as she looked up and saw it was Angel in the door, not Spike.

“Angel! Hi!”

“Buffy,” he acknowledged softly as he shut the door behind him. He took in her awkward greeting and hesitant manner and sighed softly. Gone was the shy girl he had come to love so long ago. Before him sat a woman; strong, confident, capable. And, this woman didn’t love him. He was sure there was a part of the girl still inside that would always love him-be in her heart. But, it was the blond vampire upstairs that she loved, his Grand-Childe. And, if that’s what she wanted then, he’d stand aside. No matter how much as it pained him.

“How are you?” he asked.

His question struck her as funny and she started laughing. A good laugh that took all the melancholy produced from her earlier conversation with Giles away. Tears of joy, this time, slipped out the corners of her eyes and she leaned back in the chair as she wiped them away. Angel didn’t know what he said to make her laugh, but he was glad to see her happy.

Finally, she wound down and told him, “I’m sorry. It’s just that everyone’s been asking me that. It’s: Hey Buffy, how are you? or Hey Buffy, how are you feeling. I’d be rich if I was given a nickel every time someone has said that to me the last few days.” She smiled at him, and the brooding expression that was a constant on his face melted for a moment, and he smiled back at her.

“But, to answer your question, I’m cookies.”

“Uh, cookies?” Angel racked his brain trying to figure out what the hell she was talking about. Maybe the exhaustion was getting to her, messing with her mind.

She gave him an impish grin and just waited. She didn’t have to wait long.

“Right, I remember. The day I showed up in Sunnydale with the amulet. We kissed. You told me you were cookie dough. But, you’re not cookie dough anymore? You’re cookies now?”

“Yeah, about that. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? For what?”

“For kissing you.”


“It’s just, the thing with Spike. I had to be sure. So, I kissed you.” At his confused look, she plodded on. “It was nice, don’t get me wrong. But, you weren’t him. I needed to see if what I felt for you would ever allow me to feel anything for him. And, that’s why I kissed you. Then I knew. I love you, Angel. A small part of me probably always will. But, I’m in love with Spike. I can’t imagine my life without him.”

If they could, her words would have broken his heart. But, his heart had stopped long ago.

“When we were in the school and that amulet took over, I knew he wasn’t going to be leaving with us. And, I didn’t want to go. I would have stayed down there and died with him. But, he wouldn’t let me. He made me leave. Threw my words of love back in my face and forced me to go. Damn stubborn vampire.”

Angel chuckled at that. He knew how stubborn his Grand-Childe could be. But, at the same time, he was capable of such great love. He would protect those he loved with his life, had protected.

“It’s ok, Buffy. This thing with us was never going to work anyway. I just want you to be happy. And, if Spike makes you happy, that’s good enough for me.”

“Thanks, Angel,” she said softly.

“Now, are you about done in here? You need to rest.”

“God! You’re just as bad as Spike!” she complained. “But, as a matter of fact I am, and I’m going to go watch TV. in the living room.”

She got up from the chair and slowly made her way around the desk. She was feeling weak again, but refused to give the vampire the satisfaction of her whining. Slowly, she made her way to the office door. Angel watched her awkward movements. ‘Damn girl is as hardheaded as Spike ever thought of being.’

One minute Buffy was walking towards the door, her groans echoing soundlessly in her mind, the next, she was scooped up into Angel’s arms.

“Dammit, Angel, put me down. I’ve got two feet of my own.”

“That are about to give out. You just don’t know when to quit, do you? Spike would have your ass, and you know it!” She just crossed her arms in front of her and pouted as he carried her to the living room and deposited her gently on to the couch. Standing up, he grabbed the remote off the coffee table and handed it to her. She gave him a dirty look but mumbled a thank you.

“Need anything else?”

“No, I’m fine,” she groused, still pouting at his highhandedness.

“Good. Relax and don’t get up. Call Dawn if you need anything. I’m going to catch a few hours sleep.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and quickly left the room. He hadn’t slept in what seemed forever, and he was literally walking dead on his feet.
