Banner by Selene


Chapter 26: Life in Death

“That may not be entirely true.”

Just a sliver of hope, but enough to cling to. At this point, Angel would take anything. Anything.

“There may be repercussion. It’s why I’ve hesitated to mention it before now.” He broke off, removing his glasses so that he could put his thumb and forefinger over his closed eyes to prevent himself from crying. He took a steadying breath, then looked up at the other occupants of the room.

“I need to retrieve some things from my room. Why don’t we take a break for a few hours? We’ve all been going nonstop. Willow, you’ve done nothing but a spell and research since you arrived. How about if we all meet back here at,” he stopped to glance at his watch. 6:00 a.m. “11 o’clock? That will allow us to catch an hour or two of sleep and get refreshed.”

Feeling much steadier since his announcement, Giles began issuing directions. “Willow, your old room is available. Perhaps Fred can bunk with you?” At her nod, the two girls left, each retrieving one of Willow’s two suitcases that were still in the main foyer.

“Wesley, how’s the couch in the living room sound?”

“Rupert, right about now, the floor sounds inviting,” he replied, exhaustion evident in his voice.

“Good. Angel, you know where you are.” Nodding at Giles, Angel left, followed by Giles and Wesley.


Buffy woke feeling as if her whole body was encased in ice. “Cold,” she mumbled, her eyes fluttering open. Weakly, she tried to bring the covers up around her shoulders to get herself warm.

“Hey! You’re awake,” Spike whispered. He leaned up to look at her and felt like he had been kicked in the gut. Blue lines were slowly creeping their way up her neck, just cresting her jaw line. He reached out and ran his hand lovingly down the side of her face.


“Well, let’s see if we can take care of that, pet.” He climbed out of the bed and slipped in to his jeans. He walked to the closet and grabbed a couple of blankets. Unfolding each one, he draped them in layers over Buffy’s body.

“Better, luv?” he asked once he was finished. She nodded and gave him a weak smile.

“Oh, guess who showed up last night? Willow. I could see if she’s awake. Would you like that?” She gifted him with a tremulous smile and nodded. He smiled back at her and told her he’d be right back. He opened the bedroom door and stepped out in to the hallway. Noticing Giles’ bedroom door open, Spike crossed the hall to peer inside. Giles was rushing around in his room, anxious.

“Giles?” he called trying to get the older man’s attention.

Giles stopped what he was doing and looked up guiltily at Spike. Spike’s eyes narrowed; he could hear the bound of the watcher’s heart, his nervousness, and he sniffed the air. Was that fear?

“What the bloody hell is going on, Watcher?”

Giles backed up a step when he heard the underlying menace in that question. Giles willed his heart to slow down, knowing his pounding heart was feeding his sudden rage. True, Spike had a soul now and obviously fought on the side of good. But, a soul alone would never hinder him the way his chip once would. It was something he had tried to explain to Buffy, but to no avail.

Taking a calming breath, he spoke. “Spike, we’re about to meet downstairs to go over some developments. If you would care to join us?”

Spike tilted his head to the side, regarding the watcher for a moment. Giles met his gaze, unflinching. Spike let it go for now.

“Can’t,” he said in response to Giles’ invitation. “Buffy’s awake and I told her I’d go get Red for her.”

“Maybe it’s for the best. We can discuss it later.” Secretly, Giles was a happy that Spike wouldn’t be there as he broke the news to the others. He had always been an emotional vampire and Giles had no way of knowing how he would take the news. Thankfully, Angel was there. Whatever past the two vampires have had, they appeared to have come to a tentative truce. Maybe when Spike found out, Angel could be a calming factor on his rage. “Willow is a few doors down the hall, in the room next to Dawn’s. She should be up since we had tentatively decided to get together at 11 o’clock and it’s just about that time now.”

“I’ll get Red to sit with Buffy and then I’ll be downstairs for your little pow-wow session.” Giles nodded and went back to gathering the things he would need to explain his understanding of the prophecy. Spike left the room in search of the witch.


Spike was just about to knock on the door to Willow’s room when the door opened inward. Lowering his hand, he said a polite hello to Fred. Willow walked up behind her and greeted Spike.

“What’s up, Spike?”

“Buffy’s awake and would like to see you.”

“She is… oh… that’s wonderful,” Willow gushed. “I’ll just go…” Spike smiled as the redhead darted around him and rushed off to Buffy’s room.

“I’m just gonna head downstairs,” Fred said.

Spike stepped back out of her way. He glanced over and saw Dawn’s door open. “I’ll be down in a sec. I’m just gonna talk to Niblet for a minute.”

“Niblet? Oh, you mean Dawn. Ok.” Spike walked off to see how Dawn was doing while Fred descended the stairs to see about Giles’ new development.


Angel, Wesley and Fred were the only ones in the office when Giles walked in and shut the door. Gripping the tattered scroll tightly in his hands he crossed silently to his seat behind the desk. Rather than put off what he had to say, and wanting to get through as much as possible before Spike arrived, he launched right into his interpretation.

“Wesley, you brought the translation to the original prophecy you received in L.A.?”

“Got it right here,” he said, producing a copy of the translation.

“Good. Reread the first stanza for me.”

“Spawned from darkness and evil. Yet, but for love willingly chose. To give up the demon inside. For which a soul now grows.”

“When we first translated it we thought of Angel,” Fred offered.

“Yes, I could see where you might make that mistake,” Giles commented. “The next part, Wesley.”

“As the one grows weak. And begins to decay. A kiss, mixed with blood. To keep death at bay,” Wesley read.

“And the last part,” Giles urged.

“A price will be paid. To save the one’s life. Forever immortal. No longer among light.”

“Yes, unfortunately, it all makes sense now.”

“What make sense, Giles?” This from Angel. He’d heard the translation before and it made no more sense now than it did the first time Angel heard it. Except for the first part and how it had seemed to be centered on him.

“While I was in England trying to decipher the text from it’s original form, I came across a short passage. Quite by chance, actually.”

“Don’t keep us in suspense, Rupert. Tell us already,” Wesley said.

“Yes, of course.” Taking a deep breath, he picked up a single sheet of paper and read. Not that he needed to read from the paper. The memorized words written on the sheet of paper he held taunted him.

“Two demon’s compromise. An ensouled phoenix shall arise. Mixed blood interwoven. To save all chosen. From unequivocal demise.” He put sheet of paper down on the desk. Pulling off his glasses, he threw them on top of the discarded paper, disgust with himself and the whole situation evident in his stiff bearing. His slayer was about to become that which she had spent the last seven years killing. But, two, not one demon would be battling within her body. And, if Buffy did not agree to it… well, she held not only her fate, but also the fate of the other slayers in her hand.


Willow was shocked when she walked into Buffy’s room and saw the condition her friend was in. This was the first time Willow had had a chance to see Buffy since she had arrived. Things had been real hectic from the moment she had walked through the front door. And, it wasn’t like Buffy had been up to having visitors.

“Buffy! Hey,” she whispered softly. The email Buffy had sent came back to her and understanding dawned on the witch’s face. Buffy knew that she was dying.

“Xander?” Buffy croaked.

Willow shook her head. She hadn’t heard from him in a while, and she didn’t know if Xander had received Buffy’s email or not. After the events of Sunnydale, Xander had gone off on his own once they had reached England. Remorse about Anya had hardened the once-comical, fun-loving man. Trying to escape the memories of his years in Sunnydale, he had left his friends, choosing to wander alone in distant countries, occasionally finding a new slayer to send back to Buffy or Giles. His emails of late had gotten more sporadic, as if he was drifting away from his friends, trying to leave his old life behind. When Buffy had sent the email, she wasn’t sure if Xander would get it in time, but she had to try. He was her friend, even thought they didn’t always see eye to eye on things, and she had wanted to say goodbye.

Seeing Buffy’s melancholy, Willow tried to lighten her mood. “Don’t worry, Buffy. Giles has a new theory. He’s actually talking to the gang about it now. We’re gonna make this better, you’ll see.”

Buffy gave her friend a reassuring smile, wanted Willow to believe that things would be ok. Unfortunately, she knew better.

“Can you get… paper… pen… in the drawer?” She lifted her hand weakly to point to the nightstand drawer. Willow got up quickly to do as she asked, bring back the blank paper and pen and handing it to her. She spied a book on the table on the other side of the bed, and rushed around to grab it, giving Buffy a flat surface on which to write.

Buffy attempted to write a letter to Spike, but in her much-weakened condition, she ended up only writing a few words. When she was finished, she dropped the pen on the bed beside her. Folding the letter in half, and then in half again, she brought it to her mouth to kiss. She held it out to Willow.

“For Spike. After…” Buffy choked out. Willow took the note, holding it close. Tears were now slipping unheeded down both girls’ cheeks.

“Buffy. It’s gonna work out. You’ll see,” she cried, moving to the bed to give her friend a reassuring hug. “I told you, Giles--"

Buffy shook her head. “Getting close. Can feel it.”

Just then, both girls heard shouting, followed by a bellow of rage. Spike.


“So, what are you saying? I have to turn her?” Angel demanded, yelling loudly. There was no way he was doing that to Buffy. Was Giles crazy? Buffy… a vampire? Or, was it half-vampire? Was there such a thing?

The door to the office banged open to reveal one pissed off vampire in all his glory. His below of outrage could probably be heard throughout the house.

“No. Bloody. Fucking. Way, Watcher!” Spike hollered as he advanced into the room.

“Spike, come in, please.” Gesturing to his bumpies, he told him to relax. Spike just crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

When the occupants of the room settled down once more, he went on with his explanation. “Angel, to answer your question, no you don’t have to turn her.” Then, he let the bomb drop. Eyes locked with Spike he uttered the words that would crush, possibly both vampires. “Spike does.”

“Me?” Spike whispered, confused. His demon features faded at his shock revealing the human mask once more. Tormented cerulean-colored eyes gazed back at him. “Why me?”

“Because, Spike, you are the vampire described in the prophecy.” He quoted softly, “Spawned from darkness and evil. Yet, but for love willingly chose. To give up the demon inside. For which a soul now grows. You willing chose to have your soul restored. Angel was cursed with his.” Giles glanced at Angel to see how he was taking this news. A flicker of emotion before it was quickly covered by his trademark brooding expression. Not as bad as he had expected.


“Spike, Buffy had a slayer dream the other night. She hasn’t been able to tell you about it yet, but it all ties in to this prophecy. With your help, she will become the new guardian of the slayers, taking the place of the First Slayer. She is bound to them through the spell conducted with the scythe before your battle with The First. If her soul were to depart this plane, all the slayers that were instantly called would lose their abilities. I think this is what that demon was trying to achieve when he attacked Buffy. By killing Buffy, we would be left with just one slayer: Faith. It would be too good of an opportunity for the Draemuir demons to pass up. We have to keep Buffy alive. Well, if not technically alive, as she would be a vampire. But, her soul would be grounded here, enabling the slayers to live.”

Spike shook his head, unable to process all that Giles had told him. He turned to look at Angel. “I can’t. She’d hate me. Hate what I had done to her. Sire,” he spoke. Angel pushed up off the wall and walked over to Spike. He put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Spike was obviously distraught; so much so that he had acknowledged Angel with his title, rather than some off-the-wall nickname he would normally use in mixed company. Angel didn’t think Spike was even aware of what he had done. “William,” he spoke softly, for his ears alone, “it must be done. She will not hate you. Couldn’t hate you. It must be done and you will do this.” His tone brooked no argument.

Their whispered words were broken up when Willow came flying down the stairs and ran into the office.

“Giles! It’s Buffy. She’s-” She got nothing else out before two vampires raced past her running up the stairs. They were out of time. It was time to fulfill the prophecy.


Thud. Thud.

Thud. Thud.

Thud. Thud.

Why hadn’t he noticed before? Her heartbeat was always there - beating in the back of his mind. He should have noticed the second it started to weaken. He reached the doorway and stopped dead in his tracks. Buffy was stretched out on the bed, body bowing slightly off the surface; her head was thrown back exposing the veins running down the sides of her neck. He didn’t have much time. He walked quickly into the room and crawled up along side her. He stripped off his shirt and flung it aside, not caring where it happened to land. Vaguely, he heard the bedroom door shut. Apparently, Angel thought it best that there should be no witnesses. And, he was grateful. If he had to look at the ‘Bit’s eyes, he didn’t think he could go through with this, prophecy be damned.

He pulled the covers off of Buffy and pulled her carefully into his arms. Spike lifted her hair back to expose the unmarked side of her neck. Before he could think better of it, he shifted and sunk his fangs in her neck, piercing her jugular. He’d had the blood of two slayers before her, but even in near-death, Buffy’s blood, by far, was the sweetest he had tasted. Even with the poison coursing through her veins. She had let out a slight moan as his fangs pierced her neck, but he was so gentle and she was so far gone with pain that the slight discomfort faded quickly.

Spike continued to drink from Buffy, leaning back on the bed with her draped over him as her limbs lost whatever strength she had.

Thud… thud.


Thud…… thud.

It was time. Reaching up, he sliced his chest, right near where her lips rested. Releasing her neck, he guided her lips to his cut, willing her to drink. Rolling over so that Buffy lay beneath him, he rose up on his elbows and allowed the blood from his cut to drip down into her open mouth. She could do nothing but swallow as gravity forced the blood down her throat.



With a final swallow, her heart stopped.
