Banner by Vampkiss

Chapter 32

Spike stared at the Slayer’s reflection as she sat before the vanity having her hair artfully arranged by one of the Marchioness’ servants. She looked tired – most likely due to the fact that she’d yet to adjust to the evening social life of the Ton. Instead of sleeping the morning away to recover from the preceding night’s festivities like most of the upper crust, she was up with the sun – her occasional naps throughout the day doing nothing to renew her strength.

With the recent shift in their relationship, and Spike could only assume she’d settled in and accepted the situation after their activities the past few hours, he’d have to start keeping her in bed with him while he slept. He didn’t like seeing her worn out. Made him feel like he wasn’t taking care of her properly. And, if that thought spoke too much about his softening emotions towards his wife, Spike just attributed it to the fact that she was his, and it was his responsibility to look after her welfare. Anything besides…

No, he wasn’t ready to go there yet.

A self-preserving need to escape the delectable Slayer had him throwing over his shoulder, “I’ll let you finish up here, pet,” before he beat a hasty retreat from the room.

Downstairs in Renee’s study, he helped himself to a drink from her bar, pouring several fingers full of the amber liquid into a glass from one of the bottles and throwing back the contents in one long swallow. When that did nothing to alleviate the directions of his thoughts, he poured another…and then another.

He’d just poured a fourth when he was startled by the dark-haired vampiress.

“We’re only going to the theatre, mind. No need to get sloshed before we depart. I hear this one’s quite good, actually,” Renee gently chided the blond-headed master vampire as she came into the room.

Spike spun around, so deep in though he’d not heard the other approach. Not responding to the vampiress’ remark, he instead lifted his tumbler, saluting the Marchioness before sipping at the contents this time.

“Is Buffy about ready?” Renee asked. “We’re dining with the Earl of Valasay and his wife before attending the theatre. Afterwards, I’ll drop you round your residence…or Whitt’s.” A delicate arc to her slim brow indicated where she thought he should go, but otherwise, her outward appearance showed no hint of her subtle nudging.

“She was getting her hair coiffed and will be down directly. Valasay…they’re human, right?”

“Yes. You were probably introduced at Buffy’s come-out ball,” Renee replied. “I’m sure you’ll recall who they are once you’ve a face to put with the name.”

Spike felt the Slayer draw near and glanced away from the vampiress towards the door. A moment later it opened and he was quite proud that he managed to prevent his jaw from dropping open in astonishment. When he’d left her, she’d only been wearing her undergarments, saving her gown for later, once her hair was complete. It was a good thing too, because right now he wanted nothing more than to throw her over his shoulder all haul her back upstairs. He closed his eyes and mentally counted to ten to calm his raging lust…when that didn’t work, he went to twenty.

It didn’t help. Even with his eyes closed he could still see her. Her blood red dress as it practically molded to her slight frame, its color an exact match for the ring and necklace he’d given her.

Renee glanced over at the master vampire and tried not to roll her eyes. Men! Seeing Buffy fidgeting uncomfortably in the doorway at her husband’s lack of greeting, she took matters into her own hands.

“Buffy! Aren’t you a vision!” she greeted her friend, leaving William behind and crossing the room to where she stood.

“Are you sure?” She glanced down at her dress. “Spi-William doesn’t seem to like it…” Her voice trailed off, somewhat hurt at Spike’s lack of greeting. Here she’d thought that they’d had a slight shift in their relationship. ‘Just goes to show you what you know,’ she mentally chided herself.

“Nonsense,” Renee told her. She leaned down, whispering in her friend’s ear, although she knew the other vampire would be able to hear every word she said, “Poor man is struggling with his desire to see you both back in bed, is all.”

Her sudden blush matched her gown at the vampiress’ blunt words, but she smiled nonetheless because her husband had liked her outfit. While planning her trousseau, she’d come across the fabric, had taken one look at it, and knew she’d had to have it. Mrs. Rothworth and Renee had exclaimed over the color, while a couple of the human ladies had blanched at the rich, vibrant red. She’d not been persuaded, however, even as Elizabeth. Had bought it solely with her husband in mind, something that would complement the jewelry he’d gifted her with. And she’d been eagerly waiting the day she’d married him so that she could put away all the soft pastels she’d worn. Marriage allowing her a broader selection of color choices in her garments.

She had Renee to thank for retrieving the dress for her. It wasn’t something that she would have consciously worn tonight, but in hindsight, it was the perfect ensemble. She’d wanted to please her husband when picking the fabric. By wearing it now, it proved – to herself at least – that she was ready to make a go of her situation.

When Spike hadn’t said anything regarding her appearance, she’d become nervous and embarrassed that perhaps she’d read too much into what had transpired earlier. Her friend’s reassuring words had set her conflicted emotions to right. A conspiratorial smile came to her lips then, knowledge known the world over by women. The power they had over their counterparts by garbing themselves with a stunning outfit. Oh, yeah…

She’d reduced the Big Bad to a quivering mass of need.

It did things to her.

Naughty things.

“Buffy…” Renee begged her friend. “Dinner…let’s go. Lord and Lady Woodthorpe are expecting us.”

“All three of us,” she added, in case the other two – who had started to feast on the other with their eyes – were left in any doubt that they were coming with her. Looping her arm through her friend’s, she all but pulled her from the room, leaving the blond-headed vampire to follow.


Surprised at the Slayer’s reticence at entering the Earl of Valasay’s home, he was just about to ask her what was wrong when he noticed the other woman gush over his wife’s gown. Her fingers had been worrying the ring on her finger, turning it round and round, until Lady Woodthorpe had greeted her so warmly. She’d relaxed then, smiling once more as the three of them were ushered inside the sitting room to wait for dinner to be served.

It had only been later, when the Marchioness had gotten a moment alone with him, that he’d learned the truth about the dress. To say he was ready to forgo dinner and the theatre had been an understatement. That she’d had something created just to please him, and had worn it now as their relationship had begun a fresh start…

No one had ever done that for him before. Dressed purely for his pleasure. It made him feel warm. Cared for. Loved.

And the ice that was encasing his unbeating heart thawed just a tad bit more.

After the numerous-course dinner – which Spike would have been glad to see finished about halfway through, even if the food was delicious; no blooming onion thing, but still rather tasty – the two men had retired to the earl’s study, while the women had wandered off to the sitting room. They’d shared a drink and a smoke, discussed business for a few before they’d both pulled a face at having to be dragged off to some play when they could be at their club.

“The things we do for the women we love,” the earl commented, clapping Spike on the back, as he led him to rejoin the ladies.

Love? No, not love? Not yet.

‘Did I just say ‘yet’? Like it was some forgone conclusion?’

He stepped into the sitting room, his eyes immediately drawn to those of the Slayer. He took note of her softening expression when her eyes came to rest on him.

‘No…won’t love her. Can’t. Can’t be love’s bitch again. I can’t.’

Renee watched the master vampire and was about ready to give him a swift kick in the pants. If any two people were meant to be together, it was they. Stubborn. They were both stubborn; although, not so much with the Slayer now. She was more guarded, as if afraid of William’s rejection. But, she was at least open to the possibility. It was the vampire she was going to have to work on. Make him see that loving someone didn’t lessen his status.


Within the security of his box seat, Spike stifled the sigh that nearly came to his lips. Beside him, the Slayer was once more sound asleep, her head resting softly upon his shoulder. The warmth of her skin scorched the length of his arm where she leaned against him. The swell of her breast as it brushed against him with every breath she took, causing his earlier lust to return. Not that it had really abated…not in the least. Every move she’d made since hearing the Marchioness’ story – the fingering of her ring, which he’d noticed she did when nervous, the gentle brush of her fingers across his mark, her smile and easy camaraderie with the dark-haired vampiress – just increased his desire to see her home. From the subtle looks she shot his way when she thought he hadn’t been looking, she wanted the same thing.

To be home. In bed. Mouth and hands roaming over each other’s bodies.

Spike twitched in his seat to relieve the pressure against his rock hard cock. He had to concentrate on something else. Anything that would take his mind off the sleeping Slayer resting so trustingly against his side. He’d just about succeeded, concentrating on the scene playing before him on stage, when he felt her shift, her body snuggling deeper into his side as she attempted to get comfortable.

‘Bloody hell!’

Behind him, he heard the Marchioness stifle a laugh. And, he swore he’d have words with her for making fun at his plight. The utter cheek! His only comfort…knowing that she wasn’t immune to what was going on in the row in front of her.

But still…

Trying to get the Slayer to stop moving, he slipped his arm around the back of her, hauling her closer against him. She settled once again, drifting further into sleep as her body seemed to sense his secure embrace.

Thankful that she’d finally gotten still, Spike stared at the play and allowed his mind to wander. To the intermission earlier, and the Slayer’s meeting with his “father.” The Marquee had naturally gushed over his daughter-in-law, insisting his son’s wife call him “dad” since she’d recently lost her own. Her eyes had welled up with tears at the comment, something for which he’d have to question her about later. He didn’t like to see her cry. His demon rebelled at the thought that someone had hurt what was his, confused because she seemed to be smiling through her tears while she nodded and blubbered out her affirmative to his father’s request.

Her heartfelt response had triggered a spontaneous invitation from the Marquess for the two of them to join him for dinner tomorrow night. His wife had accepted immediately before turning shamefaced to him at her slip. Spike had just smiled and nodded his assent, unexpectedly happy at seeing her own hesitant smile in answer.

Looking around at the masses that were clamoring for both of their attention during the short intermission, the Marquess had excused himself, his parting shot about seeing them on the morrow. They’d mingled until curtain call was announced then returned to their box to watch the second half of the show.

Now, as the last note was sung and the sound of clapping filled the theatre, Spike heaved a huge sigh of relief that his torture had come to an end. Nudging the Slayer awake, he gained his feet.


Now they could go home, and he could do what he’d wanted to do from the moment she’d appeared before him wearing that gown.
