Banner by Vampkiss

Chapter 36

The man-ish fit of the fencing outfit made it very easy for Buffy to race after Spike – no cumbersome skirts to slow her down. Even so, he’d still managed to put some distance between them. Almost as if he knew she’d be coming after him.

The sneaky vamp!

She tore around the corner and saw him swaggering down the hallway on his way towards the staircase. Seeing red, she launched herself at him, determined to take him down and make him pay for teasing her.

Her battle cry resounded in the deserted wing as she flew through the air, although, it probably hadn’t been the noise that had alerted the vampire to her presence. Over the past several months he just seemed to know when she approached, eerily so. When her body slammed into his, he was facing her. Then he maneuvered himself in such a way as to take the brunt of the impact when they collided with the carpeted floor.

No sooner had they crash landed that she was on him, her fingers tearing at the fastenings of his white silk shirt – eager to feel the sculpted muscles of his abs. Her lips and tongue kissed and nipped at his flesh as each little bit was exposed to her, the direction of her mouth taking her closer to the bulge straining against his breeches.

His groans and growls struck a cord with her, and she managed to rein in her lust, a gleam coming into her eye.

‘Tease me, will he?’

Her fingers worked over the stays of his trousers allowing his cool, hard cock to jut free from its confinement. She gripped him hard, knowing how much he delighted in her rough treatment. He cursed her, his rough, “Fuck, Slayer,” an endearment she’d long since grown used it. After a nice hard squeeze, she pumped her fist up and down along his shaft, a secret smile curving her lips when he swelled even more in her hand and a few pearly drops appeared at the slit.

Buffy lowered her head, eager to claim the small prize, proof of his need for her. She licked the creamy fluid off the head of his cock with her tongue, swirling it in her mouth, savoring the taste. Smiled knowingly when his hips bucked as he tried to get her to swallow him whole.

Not that she would mind, not in the least, but paybacks were a bitch and she was just the bitch to do it. But, not a complete one, as she allowed her lips to part and give him one long suck, even swallowing while she had him deep in her throat – knowing what it did to him.

Then she was off. Jumping up from his body and racing back the way she’d come. Knowing she’d pay for what she’d done…


So caught up in the sensation of her mouth on his cock, it took Spike a minute to realize she’d left him. When he did – heard her devious laughter as she disappeared back around the bend – he jumped to his feet. Pausing long enough to secure his pants around his hips, Spike ran after. Thrilling to the hunt.

As his demon features graced his face, he breathed deeply, her arousal like a beacon drawing him to her. With the size of his ancestral home, and his unfamiliarity with this unused wing, it took him awhile to finally catch up with the Slayer. Her use of the various hidden passages – of which she seemed to have extensive knowledge – had him backtracking quite often. Just when he thought he had her cornered, that he’d finally get a chance to finish what she’d started, she seemed to up and disappear.

He could have called to her through the claim, but a sense of fair play kept him from employing that tactic. Kitten wanted to play, and honestly, Spike was rather enjoying the chase. It appealed to his demon. A foreplay, if you will.

The longer he stalked the Slayer, the stronger her scent became. Until he could practically hear her taunts. Berating his hunting skills. He learned why when he rounded a corner and glanced down to see the fencing uniform in a balled heap upon the floor. Images of what she might have been wearing – or not wearing – beneath the costume had his nostrils flaring and a wave of lust slammed through his body. His cock made its presence felt, telling him to hurry up and end the game – that it was tired of playing already.

For once, his two heads were in full accord.

It was time to end this farce and claim his prize.


Buffy was tired of running. It was just like the stubborn vamp to draw out her fun until she’d been nearly panting with need. Removing her dueling attire had been a last ditch effort for him to end the chase and catch her. Knew it was probably driving him crazy wondering what she might or might not be wearing. If it wasn’t for the fact that the Slayer knew with certainty that this wing was deserted, she would never have been caught running naked down the hallway.

At it came to an end, she let herself into the bedroom, figuring she’d make her last stand within. She shut the door, then slid the bolt home – just so he wouldn’t get any ideas that she was giving in too easily. She was…but he didn’t need to know that.

Her gaze darted about the room, looking for a place to hide. Completely pointless, true, but still. Appearances had to be maintained. Eyeing the chifforobe, Buffy figured that was as good a place as any. She opened the long door and slipped inside, crouching so that she could spring out when he finally revealed her hiding place. Then she settled in to wait.


Spike paused before the room at the end of the hall and listened. He knew she was inside. The telltale signs of her arousal, as well as her increased heart rate, easily giving her away. An unfair advantage, to be sure, but he didn’t care.

His hand closed around the knob and turned, eliciting a frown when it didn’t open.

‘Bloody chit locked the door.’

He would have laughed outright at her last, defiant act, but didn’t want to alert the Slayer to his presence outside the door. Spike needed to figure out a way to get inside without breaking the bloody thing down.

It came to him a moment later, and he backtracked to the preceding room and slipped inside. With as many secret passageways as he’d been through in the last hour or so, he figured one more wouldn’t be out of the question. It was just a matter of finding it…

Using every enhanced sense given him, he went over the connecting wall with a fine-toothed comb until he found the catch that released the shelf unit, which lead to a narrow corridor between the two rooms. Spike left the trap door open, allowing a small shaft of light inside the secret passageway to aid his preternatural sight in finding the lever that would allow him to slip into the other bedroom. If he wasn’t so intent upon his task, he would have laughed at the man that had had the mansion designed. Randy ole goat to be sure! Devious too.

Moments later, the second door fell open and he stepped inside and scanned the seemingly vacant room. He cocked his head, his eyes zeroing in on the clothes cabinet on the wall to his left.

The master vampire swaggered to the huge piece of furniture, ready to claim the spoils as victor of the hunt. His hand reached out, ready to close around the knob and open it, when it suddenly burst open and he staggered under the weight of the naked Slayer as she launched herself at him. Naked. Her bare limbs clinging to his waist and neck.

He fell back a few steps before righting himself, then turned swiftly towards the bed.


Buffy’s fingers went to work on Spike’s pants, ending up tearing them in her haste to free his erection. If he wasn’t buried inside her in the next few seconds, she was going to go crazy. The loose cloth slipped easily from his hips to pool around his ankles, nearly sending the couple to the ground when the vampire took his next step, his stride now hampered by the chain-like bindings of the bunched cloth.

She didn’t care, she was going to be flat on her back soon enough. Ground, bed…they were one and the same. As Spike was forced to decrease his stride, Buffy took matters in her own hands. Just reached between their bodies while he tried to walk, grabbing his shaft and guiding it to her moist opening so that he could slide home.

Their dual moans of satisfaction resounded in the room as she lowered herself on his cock, her inner walls stretching easily to accommodate his girth.

With him seated deep within her pussy, Buffy was now content to wait until he’d made it to the bed. But, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t get him to hurry it along with a nibble on his neck; his ear; his full, bottom lip. She’d just closed her lips around it, sucking it into her mouth, when she felt herself being lowered on the mattress still covered by the bedspread.

The four-poster bed provided just the right height. Allowed him to stand against the side as she laid there, their bodies still intimately attached. She squirmed, eager to have him move now. When she would have sat up, a cool hand forced her to lie still. To wait for whatever was going to come next.

She frowned at him at his high-handedness, but did as he asked. And was rewarded by a slow, deep thrust of his cock inside her pussy. Buffy bit her lip as she felt him deep within her core, just barely grazing her sweet spot. Just enough to feel his presence.

“Like that, pet?” he whispered huskily, trying to control his own lust. Seeing her laid out so invitingly, her eyes practically begging him to fuck her – and fuck her good – nearly made him forget his resolve to torture her a bit for her earlier stunt. His blue eyes raked over her features as she nodded frantically, noting her flushed face and how she submitted to his dominance – her actions controlled by nothing more than the feather-soft touch of his fingers on her stomach.

“Tell me you like it.” He pulled all the way out of her slick passage, stifling his own groan at leaving the moist heat of her tight quim. The tip hovered at her entrance, and he flexed his hips, allowing it to just barely slip through her outer folds.

“I like it,” she gasped out. Her ankles tightened about his waist, and she tried to draw him back inside. He resisted her attempts, smirking down at her. Watching how her body seemed to vibrate with tension. Waiting.

Deciding he’d held back long enough, Spike gripped her hips and surged back into her, relishing the tiny gasp she made. Her fingers fisted in the coverlet as his cock slid in and out of her passage, the slow, steady rhythm driving her higher and higher.

Buffy wanted to touch him. To feel his body pressed against hers, his cool flesh tempering the heat radiating from her body. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and convince herself that this was real. That each time they came together, this would be the time that she’d finally be able to slip past the barriers the vampire kept firmly in place and prevented him from voicing his feelings.

And she knew he cared about her. His actions this past year had proved as much.

She just wished he’d say something…

Buffy found herself lifted suddenly, her hands automatically going around Spike’s neck as he turned and sat on the bed. She took advantage of the new position, increasing her pace as she rode him. His grip about her hips steadying her, even while they pushed her for more.



Always more.

His face was a mask of tormented pleasure – eyes closed, jaw clenched…the sexy snarl he did when she thrust her hips a certain way – and if she hadn’t had her face buried in his neck, she might have seen it. But, she was too set in her task, desperate for the release that didn’t appear to be happening any time soon.

It was like her body was over-sensitized. And she nearly wailed at the thought of not being able to come.

So she rode him harder and faster, a fine sheen of sweat soon coating her skin.

Spike was ready to spill himself inside the Slayer. The little act she’d pulled in the hallway, followed by their subsequent “hide and seek” had ensured that this first time would be over with rather quickly.

Unfortunately, the Slayer wasn’t quite with him. And, he was determined to have her with him.

Opening his eyes and willing himself not to come, he slipped one hand from her hip to her clitoris, hoping the added stimulation would send her over the edge. He watched as she arched away from his body, sobbing at this new assault on her tender flesh.

Buffy stilled atop him, helpless in her reaction as his fingers worked her sensitive nubbin. Her body grew taut while he played with her clit, lazy circles that did more to incite her, rather than giving her the release she craved.

She sobbed his name, begging him for her to end her torment.

In answer, Spike leaned back so that his back rested against the mattress, bring the Slayer with him as he went. He rolled them – their bodies still intimately joined – so that she was beneath him. Lowering his head, his lips claimed hers in a kiss. Soft, gentle nips at first until her lips parted as she sought to increase the intimacy.

If someone had dared ask him where the gentleness had suddenly come from, he couldn’t have said. All he knew was, right now, at this moment, he was savoring his Slayer’s growing responses to his tender, almost loving, touch.

And she didn’t disappoint. Clinging to him as if she’d never let him go. Her fingers digging into his back as she held him close, tried to pull him even closer – almost as if they could actually merge and become one.

He didn’t question it. Just fed off her seeming desperation.

When she twitched beneath him, signaling her desire for him to move, he complied. His lips left her mouth to nuzzle his mark and he began to thrust in and out of her slick passage. She felt so good, so hot, and he strained to bury himself deeper. He could hear her blood calling to him, the bounding cadence echoing in his ears. Spike licked his lips in anticipation, not surprised when his tongue grazed fangs instead of blunt teeth.

Didn’t seem like a day went by that he wasn’t tasting her. As much as he hated it, she was in his blood now.

The bed was creaking under the force of their movements now. Their softly spoken words of encouragement whispered between them as their bodies strained towards release.

Spike’s movements were erratic, his hips pistoning back and forth…faster and faster until he felt the Slayer begin to convulse beneath him as her orgasm hit. His fangs struck their mark and she cried out.

He froze, tearing his mouth from her neck to stare down at her in shock, the words tumbling from her lips completely eclipsing what her inner walls were doing to his cock. But soon his body’s demands exerted their will and he reclaimed her neck and pounded into her pussy, trying to drive what she’d said from his mind. He climaxed almost immediately, the litany of her words ringing in his ear.

No sooner had he spent himself that he was up and off her, slipping into his pants and tearing from the room as if the hounds of hell were on his heels. He paid no thought to her stricken features, how he’d just left her without so much as a by your leave. His only thought was to get away.

And think.

Buffy looked at Spike’s – her husband’s – retreating form, her face a mask of pain and anguish. When he slammed out of the room, unmindful of the door, the Slayer rolled onto her side, hugging the pillow beside her as her shock gave way to tears. Then outright sobs. Her slight frame shaking uncontrollably in her grief.

She’d driven him away.

Her words had driven him away.

I love you.
