Banner by Vampkiss

Chapter 47

Buffy awoke with a smile on her face until her muddled brain registered two things simultaneously: her hand encountered an empty space where her husband was supposed to be and the lack of tinglies along the back of her neck that indicated he was nowhere in the room. Frowning, she opened her eyes and looked around. Sure enough, the room was vacant except for her.

She climbed out of bed and snagged her robe from the back of a chair, quickly making her way towards her bedroom. A bath lay waiting for her as she stepped through the connecting door; her lady’s maid, Heather, was setting out an emerald green day dress on the bed for her to wear. Sensing her presence, the girl looked up and bobbed a curtsy, murmuring a polite greeting.

Buffy inclined her head before slipping behind the curtain and sinking into the warm, inviting water. How the servants seemed to have everything ready and waiting for their lord or lady’s pleasure just boggled the Slayer’s mind. She scooted down in the tub, careful not to disrupt the water too much, until her head rested against the lip, closing her eyes as the soothing liquid enveloped her body. The deep ache that had settled in her chest and refused to let go seemed lighter today…Spike had seen to that.

Just thinking about how gentle he had been with her caused her bottom lip to tremble slightly.

He’d been so caring last night, somehow instinctively knowing which buttons to push to bring about the tears she’d really yet to shed on the vampiress’ dusting. Holding her close while she’d lamented the loss of her mother figure. That she’d been a vampire hadn’t mattered. The woman had been kind to her, helping “Elizabeth” settle into her life amongst the Aurelius clan.

Heather intruded on her reverie minutes later to help wash her hair, and Buffy was suddenly eager to see Spike. Tell him thank you for last night. Out of the bath and seated before the vanity, she fidgeted in her seat while her maid put the finishing touches to her hair. Once she was pronounced fit enough for a certain vampire, the Slayer was out of her chair and racing towards the door, calling out a thank you to her maid over her shoulder.


Buffy knew before entering his study that he wasn’t there. That he wasn’t anywhere in the house.

And in a moment of clarity, she knew.

He’d left to see to the humans.

She didn’t know whether she should be mad that he’d left without her… or hurt that she’d been left behind.

Backtracking out of his study, the Slayer headed to the kitchens. If anyone knew where the vampire had gone, it would be the more senior servants.

The cook and housekeeper were chatting at one of the tables when Buffy sailed into the room.

“Have you seen the Marquess? Or, more to the point, do you know where he’s gone?”

They both shook their head in the negative, the housekeeper adding, “Lord Thornton left before sunup this mornin’ takin’ Travis with him, m’lady.”

“And you don’t know where he might have gone?”

“His lordship has gone to the Earl of Hawkingstone’s estate and won’t be back for a few days,” Higgins announced upon entering the kitchen.

“Lord Fielding’s?”

“Yes, m’lady.”

“How long does it take to get there?”


“I said….how long does it take to reach his estate?”

“Several hours by coach, m’lady. But surely you don’t mean to—”

“Oh, I mean to, all right. Have someone saddle a horse for me. Mrs. Cremshaw, I’m going to need some clothes. Trousers and a shirt… shoes as well. Is there anyone here that you trust to see me to Lord Fielding’s?

All three shook their heads negatively.

Crap. Buffy had no idea where she was going and needed a guide. Someone that wouldn’t be hurt on the return trip home because he just happened to be out at night, alone on a deserted country road.

Then she had a thought.

“How do you guys communicate with the other servants?”


“You know…the servants of the other vampires? Those that know?”

“The seal. Invert it when you seal the missive and the others will know that it can be read.”

“Higgins, you’re a life-saver! I’ll be in the study. Mrs. Cremshaw, you’ll see about some clothes?”

The older woman frowned but nodded.

“Hurry! I want to leave as soon as possible.”

Buffy lifted her skirts and hurried from the room. In the study, she sat at Spike’s desk and penned notes to several of her friends. They’d no doubt all left for Jason’s estate, but she didn’t figure they’d take all of their servants with them.

She really didn’t want to have to travel alone. She had other, more important things to worry about. Like how she was going to manage staying upright on the horse she’d be riding. At a very fast pace. It was why she’d asked for the mannish clothing. Buffy doubted very much she’d manage the feat in a dress.


Buffy paced the confines of Spike’s bedroom in the borrowed clothes the housekeeper had managed to acquire. True, it hadn’t even been a half an hour since she’d had Higgins see to the delivery of her notes, but she was becoming impatient.

Oh, who was she kidding? She’d passed impatient the second the young male servant had left the townhouse to deliver her missives. A brief distraction had come when Mrs. Cremshaw had knocked on the bedroom door with a set of a young stable boy’s garments and well-worn boots to match. The switch in attire had taken her all of ten minutes to accomplish. Then she’d been back to pacing.

A knock sounded suddenly, and the Slayer raced to open the door. Higgins stood on the other side, slightly flustered.

“Good evening, m’lady. Johnston, the Marchioness of Haversham’s man, is waiting below to see you to the Earl of Hawkingstone’s estate.”

“Thank you, Higgins!”

She hurried past him to rush down the stairs, but his voice stopped her.


“Yes, Higgins?”

“May I be so bold as to suggest a hat?” He held out a billed woolen cap that was large enough for her to stuff her hair inside before securing it on her head.

“Higgins, you’re a genius! I don’t know what I’d do without you!”

The servant blushed at her praise, but couldn’t help muttering, “Just remind Lord Thornton it was you that wanted to go hieing off into the night after him, so he’s well aware of who is actually deserving of his displeasure. And that his loyal servants did everything in their power to dissuade you from this course of action.”

“Trust me, Higgins. He’ll know. Vamp’s got a lot to answer for, leaving me behind,” Buffy griped.


“The Earl’s estate is straight ahead, Lady Thornton,” the servant called out as their horses galloped down the dirt road.

Buffy was grateful that she’d had the foresight to change her clothes. There was no way she would have been able to stay astride the spirited mare she’d been given to ride burdened down by her cumbersome skirts. She’d had to rely on her Slayer’s coordination to remain upright when Renee’s man had kicked his horse into a gallop just outside the city proper, and hers had leapt right after his, eager for the chase. Riding lessons were definitely going to be at the top of her list in the immediate future.

She applied the reins, forcing her mare to a walk.

“I can go alone from here,” she told the servant.

“Beggin’ yer pardon, m’lady… but my mistress would flay me alive if I didn’t see you to the front door.”

“It’s ok, Johnston. I can take care of myself.”

“Either way…I’ll be seein’ you to the door, m’lady.”

His tone brooked no argument and she nodded, allowing him to kick his mount into an easy canter for the rest of their trip.


There were no carriages that greeted them. Except for the two servants, vampire by the tinglies racing down her back, the place looked deserted. No sense advertising their presence here.

The pair dismounted, her traveling companion taking both sets of reins and walking towards the stable.

“You’ll be okay here?” Buffy asked, concerned.

Renee’s servant nodded.

“I’ll just bunk down in the stable. Head back to London in the mornin’,” he replied.

“You’re sure?”

“They’ll not harm me, m’lady. Now go on.”

Buffy cast one last look at Johnston as he lead the horses away before hurriedly making her way up the massive steps to the front door of the mansion; one of the servants standing sentry met her halfway.

“Lady Thornton! What are you—?”

“Where’s my husband?” she demanded, cutting him off abruptly.


“Master vampire. About yea high. Goes by the name of William…”

If the vampire noticed anything funny about her speech, he didn’t comment on it. “Lord Thornton….he uh…he…” The minion glanced over his shoulder, seeking aid from his comrade.

“It’s simple really. You either tell me where he is, or I’ll find him myself……And you really don’t want me to have to find him by myself.”

They’d reached the top of the steps and the other minion rushed to open the door for her. She smiled her thanks – manners being an ingrained thing with her now – as she stepped across the threshold and into the main foyer.

No sounds came to her, but her Slayer sense was going haywire – there was a good crowd assembled here. Mrs. Rothworth must have been well loved by the clan. The thought caused another pang in her chest, but she shoved it aside for now, focused on finding the others.

She sailed down the hallway deeper into the Earl’s home, her booted feet echoing in the deserted corridor. The first minion rushed to keep pace with her while the second remained behind on guard duty.


The Slayer halted in her tracks, turning towards the source of the voice that had called her name.


“Buffy, what are you doing here?” the Earl of Hawkingstone asked. He dismissed the minion at her side back to his post then took the Slayer’s elbow and led her towards the gardens at the back of his estate and the others.

“I’ve just as much right to be here as anyone else,” she argued.

“I’m not saying you don’t. Does Sp-William know you’re here?”

“No. The bastard left after I fell asleep. To which we’ll be having a few words about, trust me.”

Byron hid a smile at her words. Renee had told him and the others that Buffy was going to be upset that she’d not been here, but the master vampire had seemed adamant that it was too soon. Just goes to show how well the vampiress knew her friend.

Opening a set of doors that led out onto the back of his estate, the vampire guided Buffy towards where the others were beginning to gather. No lanterns had been lit, the moon being the only source of light they’d need. He heard the Slayer stumble behind him, and with lightning-quick reflexes, managed to catch her before she fell face first to the ground.

“How the hell do you see…” she began as looked up into his face. “Oh… never mind.”

“Here. Take my hand.”

Buffy slipped her hand in his and allowed Byron to lead her to the others. The closer they got the tighter her stomach knotted, but she ignored it. This was something she had to do. If the vampire noticed her agitation, he didn’t say anything….something for which she was eternally grateful. If he’d said something to her just then, she didn’t think she’d be able to go through with this.

Actually stand by and allow these vampires to kill the three humans they held captive.

Renee was the first to notice hers and Byron’s presence at the edge of the clearing. Her eyes conveyed the vampiress’ understanding before she smirked at the others present. One by one the mini conversations going on ceased as they noticed the pair, Spike engaged in a heated discussion with Clayton and Joseph thus being the last to turn her way.


Spike knew the second she’d joined them. Hell, he’d known the moment the Slayer had woken up that she’d been both pissed and hurt at his leaving. But, he’d had to do it. If she were going to come, it would be because she wanted to. He didn’t want her to be able to come back and say he’d coerced her if he’d brought her himself.

Which was why he was arguing with Clayton and Joseph. They’d wanted to get right to the matter at hand, but Spike had held back…wasting time while he waited for the Slayer to show up. The reason they were arguing was because he’d not told anyone that Buffy was on her way. He needed their circle to see for themselves that she could do this without his influence. Give proof that she was part of their clan because she wanted to be.

Not that any of their group doubted the Slayer’s loyalty. Or he theirs to her.

He just wanted the Slayer to have their trust and respect because of her own actions and not because he’d claimed her. She had that with the Marchioness. After today, the others would give it as well.

“’Bout time you showed up, luv. The clan here was getting a mite restless,” Spike called out.

The silence that followed was nearly overwhelming in its intensity.
