Banner by Vampkiss

Chapter 62

The black car pulled up to the front entrance of the Sunnydale Mall and drew to a halt.  Bob got out of the vehicle and moved towards the rear door, his eyes assessing the few people that had stopped to see if maybe some famous person might step out of the back.  When Buffy, Esme, and Angelina climbed out the lurkers moved off and Bob relaxed.  Not that either of the three women would need his assistance, as a long-time employee of Phoenix Enterprises the man was privy to many of the board’s secrets and new the women could take care of themselves, but he took his job very seriously. 

“Miss Buffy, Miss Esme, Miss Gina,” he greeted in turn, offering them a hand out of the vehicle. 

“Give us a few hours, Bob,” Angelina replied, winking at their employee’s nickname for her.  He was one of the few that could get away with calling her that. 

Bob nodded and shut the door.  “I’ll just park.  Call me on the cell when you’re ready to leave.” 

“I forgot how loud it was,” Buffy commented upon entering the mall.  She was sticking with English while out in public, not wanting to draw any undue attention to herself and the others. 

“We didn’t have to go out.” 

“I know.”  Buffy sighed.  “But, I need to do this.  And, it’s not like we’re going to be here long.  We’ll just get a few things to tide us over for a few days.  Besides, this is nice… us away from the guys for a few hours.” 

“Not if Spike has anything to say about it,” Esme mumbled under their breath. 

Buffy turned to the redhead and grinned, her eyes gleaming.  “Who do you think it is?” 

“Who else?  Scamp has come a long way…” 

The Slayer smiled in memory.  As the second son of a Viscount, Alric had never had to worry about the strictures that came with a title.  While the others were buried under paperwork and such, overseeing their vast holdings, Alric had been kicking up his heels.  His untitled status hadn’t kept him separated from the ton either.  As a close friend of the future Duke of Rutherford, his acceptance was practically guaranteed.  And, thanks to Adam’s assistance, the money the younger vamp had given over to invest had consistently yielded a profit, leaving him quite wealthy in his own right.  Now, seeing how serious Alric had become, Buffy figured it would be fun to get the vamp to lighten up a bit and have some fun. 

“What are you thinking?” Angelina asked, noting the Slayer’s devious expression.  


“Don’t ‘what’ me, Buffy.  I may not have seen you for over a hundred years, but I remember that look.” 

“Serves him right.  It’s not like the three of us are not more than capable of dealing with whatever might come along.  Talk about insulting.”  Buffy crossed her arms over her chest, pouting. 

“It’s only been a few days.  Spike just wants—” 

“…his ass kicked.  I told him we’d be fine.” 

Both Esme and Angelina gave up.  They knew how Spike felt about the blonde.  If their sire thought he could get away with it, he’d have had all of them with her.  Especially given the uncertainty of their situation.   

“So, who’s up for a little hide and seek?” Buffy asked, darting into the nearest stop. 

“One hour time limit.  You have to stay inside the mall,” Esme murmured, setting the rules for the game. 

“Yeah, and you still have to get the things we came here for,” Angelina added. 

“That’s not fair.  You’ll have an unfair advantage,” Buffy complained. 

“He’s not going to know that,” the vampiress reasoned. 

“Alright, but you two have to buy something too.  Jewelry,” she added, looking at Esme.  


“And, a knife,” the Slayer told Angelina. 

“Talk about not playing fair.” 

Buffy grinned.  “Well, I have to buy clothes.  I’m just making things more even.  Ready?”  She looked at her watch.  “Meet back here at 8:30.  If you get caught, you have to wait out by the fountain.  Agreed?” 

The two vampiresses nodded and together, the three snuck out the back exit and into the employee access alleyway. 


Alric quirked his eyebrow when he saw the Slayer and her companions dart into the toy shop.  He paused, staring in the window of a shoe shop, pretending to contemplate entering the store, while he waited for her and the others to emerge.  After five minutes with no sign of any of the three, he cursed and moved in that direction.   

Faint traces of the Slayer’s blood had him running down one aisle, nearly toppling a woman and her young son. 

“Sorry,” he murmured, oblivious to her heated glare. 

When he got to the end of the aisle, he stopped.  His gaze was drawn to the red Etch-a-sketch propped up against some stuffed animals. 

“One hour,” it said.  The smiley face was signed with the Slayer’s blood.  He growled, licking off the three red splotches, tempted to beat her for revealing her scent like that.  Then he grinned, warming to their game. 

One hour couldn’t hurt. 


With only ten minutes to go, Buffy couldn’t help but grin.  She’d managed to buy several pairs of pants and matching tops, not including what she’d switched into to fool Alric; two pairs of boots; several sets of lacy underwear; and an assortment of body wash, lotion, and other toiletries.  Angelina was still in the game with her, but Esme was sitting at the fountain; she didn’t appear too upset, especially given the two small packages she held.   

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Alric.  He’d not spotted her yet, and she ducked back out of the way.  Her back collided with someone and Buffy turned around to mumble an apology. 

It died on her tongue. 


“Hello, Buffy.” 

Suffering from the lingering effects of the spell, Buffy had barely recognized the tall, dark-haired vampire that had confronted them in the sewers.  But, the past few days, her memories of him, and of her friends, had slowly resurfaced.  She gazed up into the sorrowful brown eyes, eyes that had once had the power to make her knees weak… and felt nothing.    

“What are you doing here?” 

“I… I had to see you.  Warn you.” 

“Warn me?  About what?”  She stood there, arms laden down with packages, gazing up at his earnest expression in confusion.  Was he trying to resume his role of before?  Surely he didn’t think that she wasn’t capable of looking out for herself.   

“About Spike.” 

Buffy’s eyes glittered dangerously at the vampire’s words, something Angel failed to realize as he rattled on about the blond vampire’s evilness. 

“…Come on.  I’ll make sure you’re safe,” he was saying and attempted to grab her wrist and take her with him. 

The knife sailed through the air and embedded itself in his hand before he could touch her, causing him to cry out in pain; his demonic features rippled briefly on his face.

Angel bit back a moan as he ripped the dagger from his hand.  He looked down at Buffy, at her hard expression, and tried to touch her again, convince her. 



“I told you before.  They are my family, Angel.” 

“Better listen to the girl, or next time, it won’t be your hand I aim for.” 

Angel whirled around to see to this latest threat.  The redhead was taller than Buffy by about a few inches.  She was garbed much the same as the Slayer – jeans, t-shirt, and boots – and moved with a preternatural grace that only came with age.   

“Buffy, are you alright?”   

Buffy just nodded, and Angelina returned her attention to the vampire still gripping his bleeding hand. 

“Angelus…” She sneered the name; her eyes swept over him in a quick motion, her lip curling in distaste at what she saw.  “Spike never mentioned how stupid you were.  Or, is it lack of respect that has you infringing on another’s property.”  The vampiress moved away from him and went to stand beside Buffy. 

Buffy didn’t take umbrage at the Angelina’s words; she knew she was more than just Spike’s property.  A lot more.  But, sometimes block-headed vampires needed to have things spelled out for them in simple terms.  Spike’s claim was just that – a mark of possession.  One that any and all vampires were meant to respect.  She was his.  Eyes locked on the disbelieving vampire, she reached up and pulled the neck of her t-shirt away from her throat, revealing the unfading scars – as well as a few other more recent bite marks. 

“Go home, Angel.  I don’t need you to save me.” 

“You heard her… leave.  Or, I’ll do what Angelina did not, and demand your life as payment for your disrespect to my sire.” 

“He hadn’t actually touched her yet,” the vampiress defended herself to Alric.   

Alric continued to glare at the male vampire.  “There was intent.” 

“For which I did demand payment.” 

“Is this a private party, or can anyone attend?” Esme asked as she joined the others. 

“Party’s over.  We’re leaving,” Alric told her.  He turned away from Angel and shepherded the others away. 

“Think he’ll follow us,” Angelina asked once they neared the exit doors. 

“Not if he knows what’s good for him,” Alric growled.  He pulled out his phone and dialed Bob’s number. 


Buffy took one look at her husband’s expression and turned to glare at Alric.  “You told?”  He just stood there, arms crossed over his chest.  “You ass! You’re just mad because you couldn’t find me and I won.” 

The vampire seemed to pale before her eyes and cast a fearful expression at Spike, causing the Slayer to bite back the rest of her tirade.  Her gaze flicked from him to Spike and back again. 

“You didn’t say anything?” 

Alric shook his head.  “It was Angelina’s place.  It was her dagger.” 

The Slayer nodded; if she’d stopped to think about it, she would have realized that.  But, she’d taken one look at Spike and come out swinging.  “And the other?” 

The vampire just gave her a pointed look. 

“Well, hell…”  Buffy turned back to Spike; he looked ready to murder the lot of them.  “It was my fault—” 

“Shut up, Slayer.” 

Buffy ignored his warning.  “No!  You’re not going to punish them when it was my idea.” 

You don’t tell me what to do,” he roared.  He swiveled to glare at his childe. “And you… you should know better.” 

Alric hung his head. 

“Angelus, Dru… bloody Slayer’s mates… and let’s not forget this other Slayer,” Spike ticked off the people with his fingers as he began to pace.  “And you’re out playing fucking hide and go seek?” 


Spike stopped abruptly and pinned the Slayer with a look.   

“Buffy, you are my heart, but if you don’t close that pretty little mouth of yours, I’m going to turn you over my knee right here in front of everyone and give you the beating you deserve.” 

Her eyes flashed in retaliation, but she did like he asked.  She chanced looking at Alric and had to restrain herself from flying at him when he stuck his tongue out at her – all behind Spike’s back, of course.   

Spike, meanwhile, was going on and on, ranting about responsibility and safety and god knew what else.  Buffy had tuned him out almost immediately.  Her mind began to drift as she plotted out ways of getting back at the vampire beside her, and it took her a minute to realize that Spike had stopped before her, was looking at her askance. 

“Uh… sorry?” she guessed, peeking up at him from beneath her lashes. 

“You haven’t listened to a damn thing I’ve said, have you?”  He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for her to lie to him.   

“How much trouble will I be in if I say yes?” 

Spike’s nostrils flared, imagining the kinds of fun he could have.  His eyes darkened perceptibly and he smirked at hearing the Slayer’s heart rate kick up a notch.  He really should punish all four of them.  They’d needlessly put themselves and the Slayer in danger with their little stunt – the proof being the sudden appearance of Angelus.   

But then he caught another wave of his wife’s arousal, and all thought of reprimanding the four fled his mind.  He dismissed Alric with a wave of his head and grinned evilly at his wife. 

Buffy took her cue and bolted for their room. 


Buffy stepped gingerly into the shower and allowed the cool water to soothe her heated backside.  Her eyes narrowed when she thought she heard him chuckling in response to her cursing him under her breath – more for the after-sex spanking she’d received than anything else.  There she’d been, basking in the afterglow, and he’d had her draped over his lap, his hand connecting loudly with her backside before she could even react.   

He’d not gone easy on her either.    

Buffy lost count as his palm connected repeatedly with her ass, and she’d been made to suffer though his speech again.  Which really sucked, because the more he talked, the angrier he got; by the end of her punishment, she’d barely been able to keep the tears at bay.  To make matters worse, he’d picked her off his lap and shoved her in the direction of the shower with no after-punishment cuddle. 

Which was why she was cleaning up alone. 

Buffy snatched the shampoo bottle from the shelf and squirted some in her hand, willing herself not to be hurt by his callous treatment. 


Spike was determined to ignore the Slayer’s anger while she lingered in the shower.   She’d earned every bit of the spanking he had meted out.  More, in fact.  Only, she’d long since wrapped him around her little finger and the brief punishment he’d administered had in no way matched the threat to her safety.  By all rights, he should chain her to their bed until they’d left Sunnydale behind.  

Feeling the Slayer’s despondency, he pushed himself off the bed and strode into the bathroom. 

“I can feel you pouting all the way in the other room, pet,” he murmured in her ear, sliding into the shower behind her.  Spike wrapped his arms around her and drew her back against his chest.  He heard her indrawn breath, felt her stiffen slightly in pain as her ass rubbed against his groin, and turned her in his arms so that the cool water could soothe her skin.   

“You’re supposed to be reflecting on your behavior…alone…” he grumbled, half-heartedly.  He tilted her head up and allowed the water to rinse the shampoo from her head.  When the suds had run clean, he grabbed the conditioner and worked it into her hair.  He smiled when she closed her eyes and leaned into him. 

“We weren’t in any danger.” 

“Maybe not,” he allowed.  Spike finished washing them both off and turned off the taps.  After wrapping the Slayer in a towel and securing another around his hips, he guided her back into their bedroom. 

Buffy dried herself off and grabbed one of the bags from her shopping trip earlier.  She looked over at her husband and frowned.   

“What?  What is it?” 


“Don’t tell me nothing.  I know you.  Now tell me what’s wrong.” 


“Is it mom?” 

“Your mother is fine.  And before you ask, so are your watcher and the others.  Though, when he got his first glimpse of Jocelyn and realized he knew her—”  Spike chuckled at the memory of the watcher’s astonishment.  He wasn’t sure, but the man had probably set a record the number of “good lords” uttered in under a minute.   

“You’re trying to change the subject, Spike.  Now I know there’s something wrong.” 

Spike walked over to the Slayer and tugged her hand so that she would sit down beside him on the edge of the bed. 

“It’s nothing yet, luv.  I’m just trying to…hell.”  He raked his fingers through his damp hair.   

“Trying to…?” Buffy prompted. 

“The watcher and I have been talking.  Trying to decide what to do about you.” 

“Giles?  You’ve been talking to Giles?  When?  What about me?” 

“Would you bloody let me talk, pet?” 

“Sorry.  It’s just…you and Giles?” 

“Wasn’t the highlight of my day, let me tell you.” 

Buffy giggled. 

“But, the man had a point… and it wasn’t anything I wasn’t already trying to figure out for myself.” 

“Figure out what?” 

“Whether or not to kill you.” 
