Made by spikeshunny


Day 2 

Though her eyes were still closed, Buffy could tell it was dark outside.  Too early to get up just yet.  She made to wiggle down in bed and snuggle beneath her downy comforter while she waited for her alarm to go off. 

An arm about her waist kept her from moving.  An arm that was underneath her shirt… and had a hand attached to it that was cupping her breast. 

And not just cupping… but squeezing. 

Jesus! Could her nipples get any harder? 

She had her answer a second later when one of them was lightly pinched between two fingers. 

Holy crap! 

Her body arched into the hand before common sense prevailed.  Before her mind decided to function properly and point out certain things. 

Like the hard body pressed up against her back, or the cool lips that began nuzzling her neck… or even the hand that was now slowly working its way from her breast, down her abdomen and playing with the top of her pants… 

A pop of a button. 

The slide of a zipper. 


Sweet Jesus!   

A teasing glide along her slit.   

One finger probing her opening…then delving deep.  

Making her moan. 


A breathy exhalation between slightly parted lips. 

“Ohhhh…  Oh!  Oh!  Oh my god!”   

Frantic cries now that her brain had bitch slapped her body into finally realizing where she was…and who was practically draped over her, his hand buried in her crotch.   

Her eyes flew open and she squirmed out of Spike’s reach.  Dislodging his fingers from her rather moist nether region – her untried nether region, she hastened to remind herself as she hit the floor with a loud thud and backpedaled fast and furious to put some distance between them. 

Lots and lots of distance.

Much to the amusement of the vampire still lounging on the couch like he didn’t have a care in the world. 

“What the hell was that!?” Buffy screamed once she felt that she was far enough away.   

“What was what?” 

She pointed.  At him.  At the couch. 

“You… with the hands… and… and the…” Her voice trailed off, her cheeks heating in embarrassment – she’d just gotten a good look at the bulge in his pants.  The rather large bulge.  Oh boy!  

It took her a minute before she could tear her gaze away from it and back up to his face.  

“Just what the hell were you doing… sleeping on the couch with me?” she yelled at him, her voice louder than normal having seen the amusement at her expense twinkling in his eyes. 

“I was tired… and it was the only couch. Bloody well wasn’t going to sleep on the damn floor,” he grumbled. “Besides, you didn’t seem to mind so much.  In fact, you were rather clingy, as I seem to recall.  Curled up like a kitten right next to me, you did.” 

The Slayer’s jaw dropped and she sputtered in virginal indignation. 

“I…I did not!” she protested vehemently.  “And…and even if I did… I was asleep.  I’m not responsible for what I do when I’m unconscious.  You took advantage of me.” 

More finger pointing.   

Finger pointing was good.  It meant her brain was in control – that she was displaying the anger she was supposed to be.  

And not the sudden attraction her traitorous body seemed to have for the peroxide pest. 

Stupid body!  Evil, bloodsucking fiend, she reminded it. 

“Oh, so that wasn’t you wiggling your arse into my groin just then? Disturbin’ my sleep and makin’ my dick stand up and take notice?” 

“I thought I was in my own bed,” she muttered. Damn it! Now she was blushing so hard her ears were no doubt flaming red. “I was trying to get comfortable.” 

‘Don’t look at him, Buffy.’ 

“Yeah… ok.”  His tone implied anything but. 

“I was!” she protested. She looked.  He was smirking.  Damn!  So much for keeping that to herself. “I was dreaming—” 

“About me?” he cut in, already knowing the answer.  “Slayer, I’m touched.”  He laid a hand over his unbeating heart. 

Cue pissed Slayer.  Thank god! 

“Ewww… no!”  Buffy made a face.  “Just… just dreaming in general.  Like I’d ever!  For your information, not that I have to explain myself to you… I was waiting for my alarm clock to go off so I could get up for school.” 

Spike quirked a brow. 

“Well I was!” 

He opened his mouth to respond to her comment, but she cut him off. 

“I forgot, ok?  I forgot I was stuck in this hellhole with my mortal enemy.  I thought I was in my own bed.  Stress on the ‘my own’.  As in alone.  And definitely not with some pervert vampire.” 

“Sure, pet… whatever you say.” 

“It’s true…and I’m not your ‘pet.’  So quit calling me that!”  She glared at him.  “And stop doing that too!” 


His quirked brow rose even higher. 

“That!  That eyebrow thing…It’s annoying.”  She stood up.  “You know what?  Just forget it… I’m going to the bathroom.  Don’t even think about following me… or so help me, I’ll find some way to stake you…just see if I don’t!” 

Spike watched the Slayer flounce off and couldn’t help but grin.  She was cute when she was riled up. 


Buffy had stayed in the bathroom for a good hour.   

For the first fifteen minutes, she’d done nothing but listen at the door to see if he’d gotten up off the couch and followed her.  When she felt confident that he hadn’t, she’d made quick use of the toilet.  Afterwards, she’d tried to bar the door so she could attempt a bath of sorts. 

Clean, as well as could be expected, she’d emerged to find Spike passed out on the couch.  She’d turned her nose up at him, not willing to see his smug look. 

Her body overrode her brain’s impulses, however, and she’d snuck a quick peek. 

Damn, he looked so cute curled up on the couch, one arm wrapped around one of the cushions while he slept. 

In the kitchen, she rummaged in the refrigerator looking for something to eat.  Surprisingly enough, the refrigerator had been stocked with an assortment of finger foods.  Enough to last her a couple of weeks, maybe more, if she were frugal.  There’d even been blood being kept cool in several plastic containers; though, seeing it nestled in among the “people food” had gotten her gag reflex working.   

Plate of fruit in hand, the Slayer returned to the bar and began to eat her impromptu breakfast.   

‘Had the wannabes actually drank the stuff?’ she wondered, popping a grape in her mouth and chewing thoughtfully. 

Ick factor aside, having the blood supply was a plus.   

The one book Giles had been adamant about her reading had been a character study of vampires that had nearly gone insane after being denied blood for an extended period of time… their bloodlust consuming them.  Her watcher had tried to point out their behavior, differentiating it between a vampire’s normal desire to feed. 

Something about getting the hell out of Dodge, if she were to ever come across one that exhibited the signs of the former, no matter how heavily armed. 

Thoughts of her watcher’s warning soon turned to thoughts of her current predicament.  And the fact that she was no closer to getting free than she’d been last night. 

Giles should have been there by now. 

Something was keeping him from her. 

It was probably the same thing that was keeping her locked inside with Spike – that damn spell. 

If… when… she got out of there, Buffy was going to have a serious discussion with her best friend about her newfound abilities, or lack thereof.  And spells that were supposed to help her but didn’t.   

God forbid if Willow’s powers were to ever get out of hand.  Instead of being locked up with Spike, things could have been a whole lot worse – like thinking herself in love with the vamp… and wanting to marry him. 

She suppressed a shudder that thought entailed and finished off her fruit. 


“This swill is disgusting!” Spike complained after draining the first container of animal blood.  He leered at the Slayer, who was picking at a few cubes of cheese on her plate.  “Don’t suppose you’d offer me a chaser…” 

He wiggled his eyebrows at the Slayer, but the move was lost on her.  She hadn’t even bothered to look at him. 

“In your dreams.”   

“Dunno, pet… you might enjoy it.”  He climbed off of his stool and moved closer.  “A vamp bite could be quite… stimulating.” 

‘Ignore the sexy voice.  Ignore the sexy voice.’ 

Spike sniffed the Slayer’s hair.  Jasmine, he guessed.  Though, it was eclipsed by the dispenser soap she’d made use of in the ladies’ room earlier. 

“Keep your fangs to yourself, Spike.  It’s not like you can bite me anyway… spell, remember?” 

“Was awfully close earlier, Slayer… Spell wasn’t doing a damn thing to stop me then.” 

Buffy squeezed her eyes shut tight and forced herself not to react to his nearness.  Or his words. 

Too bad her body wasn’t listening… 

‘Ignore him.  Ignore him.  Ignore—’ 


Buffy jumped to her feet and scrambled away from Spike, knowing that if she were to turn around, she’d see that look back on his face.  He’d barely grazed his lips along her neck and she’d reacted as if scalded. 

“Stay away from me!” she screamed. 

To be on the safe side, she locked herself in the bathroom.  Or tried to anyway. 


Day 3 

When she awoke, Buffy knew right away that she was back on the couch… and that Spike was curled up behind her.  His hands were wrapped around her, holding her in place – though more platonically this time.  One leg was draped over hers. 

In some corner of her mind, a teeny, tiny, need-a-microscope-to-even-begin-to-see-it corner, Buffy admitted that lying there, snuggled up to Spike like she was, felt pretty damn good.  And that they fit together rather well. 

Too well. 


Day 4 

“What’s wrong?” 


“Don’t lie to me, Slayer.  I know something’s wrong.  Now, what is it?” 

“I don’t want to talk about it.” 

“So, you’re just going to sit there and brood?” 

“What do you care?” 

“Don’t really… but ‘m bored. Laughin’ at your problems will take away the tedium of bein’ locked up.” 

“Oh… like that’s gonna make me tell you now.” 

“’m kiddin’, Slayer.” 

“Yeah, like I’m gonna believe the evil undead.” 

They sat there for the longest time, neither saying anything.  Not even the television was playing.   

“My mom’s probably wondering where I am… I wonder if Giles…” 

“Your mum doesn’t know who you are?” 

“It’s not like I can actually say, ‘Oh, by the way, mom, I’m the Slayer.’” 

“Sure you can.  You just say ‘I’m the Chosen bird.’” 

“I guess I should clarify that by adding, ‘and not getting locked up in some mental institution.’” 

“Your mum had you committed?” 

“Yeah… right after I burned down the school gymnasium.” 

Spike glanced over at the Slayer. 

“There were vampires inside… It was easier that way.” 


“What can I say?  She doesn’t believe in the things that go bump in the night.” 

“I can help you with that.” 

Buffy frown at him. 

Spike raised his hands. 

“I wasn’t going to bite her, Slayer.  Hell, the woman saw me in the high school that night.  Is she that daft?” 

“No… but, if she actually believed what she saw… then she’d be all guilty for having me locked up in the loony bin.  It’s better this way… only…” 

“Only what?” 

“She probably thinks I ran away or something.  I doubt Giles would tell her the truth.  Can’t have the secret identity of the Slayer come out, you know.  Though, that didn’t seem to stop Ford.” She grumbled the last as an afterthought. 

“Don’t mention that little pissant.  Me and him are gonna have words once I get out of here.” 

If he’s still alive,” Buffy added. 

Spike frowned. 

“He wanted to become a vampire, remember?” 

“I forgot about that…  Well, if he’s a vamp.  He’s dust.  Don’t fancy puttin’ up with the likes of him for all eternity.” 

“Me either.  Ok, if he’s a vamp, I’ll let you have him.” 

“Gee… thanks, Slayer,” he drolled. 

“Don’t mention it,” she replied cheekily. 


Day 5 

“How can you watch that? That’s so fake!” 

“You don’t think that Jeff is the father of Mary’s baby?  And Sue’s?  And possibly even Lisa’s?” Spike inquired innocently.  He knew that, more than seeming righteous indignation, was the quickest way to get her back up. 

Buffy pointed at the screen. 

“Look at him! He’s so an actor.  A really bad one, but still.  I mean, come on… this stuff is staged. Any second now, they’re going to start throwing insults at one another.  Then the other girl is going to step in.  Then the girls will be fighting each other… Please! Who in their right mind would actually come on some damn TV show and air their dirty laundry like that?  Oh, and look… the crowd’s trying to get them to fight now.” 

“It’s funny.” 

“There’s got to be something else on,” she grumbled.  “Now I know why I go to school during the day… to save me from having to watch this crap.” 


Day 6 

“No, I’m not going to play strip poker with you!  We can play Go Fish.” 

Go Fish?  What, are you five, Slayer?”

“There’s nothing wrong with Go Fish,” she protested. 

“Yeah, if you’re in kindergarten.” 

“Take it or leave it.” 

“We don’t have to play for clothes… we can play for something else.  Please, anything beside bloody Go Fish.” 

“Fine.  What will we play for?” 

“I dunno…” 

“TV rights!” Buffy said suddenly. 

Spike was eyeing the Slayer’s neck, knowing what he’d like to play for. 

“Yeah… whatever.” 

“And no cheating, either.  I’m watching you.” 

Spike just snorted. 

Buffy gave up when Spike had possession of the TV remote for the next week. 


Day 7 

Spike swallowed the last of the animal’s blood and suppressed a shudder of revulsion at the vile taste.  He dropped the container in the sink and walked out of the kitchen, his fingers closing around the first bottle of alcohol he encountered before making his way towards the couch. 

And the sleeping Slayer. 

It was still early yet for him to sleep – barely three in the morning.   

But, it had become a habit of his in the recent days to curl up behind the Slayer, bask in her warmth, while he wiled away the time until dawn watching late night television.  The steady beat of her heart often soothed his frustration at them still not managing to get free – though both still tried every day. 

He took a quick drink of the whiskey he held, sighing in pleasure at the familiar burn.  After a few more sips, Spike put the top back on the bottle and set it down on the floor.  He shucked his shoes and socks, along with his shirt, and garbed in only his jeans, he climbed on the couch and settled in behind the Slayer. 

He couldn’t help smiling when she sighed happily as his arms slipped around her and drew her back against his chest. 

Hell, he’d given up thinking – period – when it came to the Slayer. 

Their forced confinement had given him a chance to get to know the girl.  He’d come to respect her.  Like her even.   

And the way she felt in his arms… 

It was wrong on so many levels, the way he was coming to regard the girl.  Not the least of which was that they were mortal enemies.   

Slayer and Vampire, and never the twain shall meet. 

But, they had. 

Now here he was, holding the chit like she was something dear.  Something special. 

He was royally buggered.
