Banner by Noaluvjames

Chapter 5

What would have taken Buffy thirty minutes walking, she accomplished in just under ten - thanks to Jake and the loan of his bicycle. Newquay was just like any other city in the U.S. Hotels, stores, people - Newquay had it all. It was amazing that three miles away was a whole different world. Buffy pulled up to the Safeway and parked the bike in one of the racks outside the store. She pulled her backpack off her shoulders so she could retrieve her grocery list. A short while later, everything on her list accounted for, she was peddling back towards Crackington Haven.

Her stomach was starting to growl after getting a whiff of all the food in her basket. She hoped that Jake would have the place open when she got back; she was starving.

By the time she got back to the cottage, the sun was shining and the temperature was heating up. She put her groceries away, made sure she had enough money, and left to go get some lunch, and maybe a beer or two, at The Old Albion.

Pulling the door to the pub open and wheeling the bike inside, Buffy was grateful to see a few scattered patrons littering the tables. ‘Yay! He’s open.’ Her nose caught a whiff of the delicious aroma emanating from the kitchen and her stomach growled loudly in protest. Luckily, no one heard.

Jake caught sight of her from his position behind the bar and motioned her forward. He was talking to a man who happened to be the only one sitting at the bar. Shockingly bleached-white curls gave way to brownish roots. A black t-shirt molded his back and biceps. A pair of faded jeans rode low on his lean hips; his feet were tucked into a pair of worn sneakers. ‘Nice ass,’ she thought to herself, then blushed at the thought. ‘Geez, Buff, ogle much?’ He didn’t appear to be an overly large man, from what little she could make out with his back turned to her. But, he exuded barely-leashed energy. He had well-defined arm muscles and obviously worked out, but they weren’t bulky like a weight lifter’s would be. His body was perfect. And, that sealed his fate in her book - there was something wrong with him. With a resigned sigh, Buffy made her way over to Jake to return his bicycle, dismissing Mr. Perfect from her mind.


William knew it was Buffy that had just entered the pub because a grin split Jake’s face before he began animatedly motioning the girl over. He didn’t know why he was suddenly so excited. She was just a woman, someone he hadn’t even met yet. They just happened to be neighbors for the next week - her and her boyfriend. Besides, she was an American. Probably lived in front of the television; although, recalling how her jeans molded her tight ass as she sat down on the bike, not too much of her time was spent in front of the TV. She was probably going to recognize him as soon as he turned to face her. Just what he didn’t need. Pasting a false smile on his face, he waited for Buffy to reach the bar.


Buffy walked behind the man that was sitting at the bar so that she could return Jake his bike. A genuine smile of gratitude graced her lips as Jake walked around from behind the back of the bar to reclaim it.

“Thanks for the loan, Jake. I really appreciate it. Now I can take the afternoon and go exploring.” Her stomach chose that moment to embarrass her to death and let out another loud rumble. Mortified beyond belief, a becoming blush stained her cheeks. It seemed all she did was blush around the older man.

“Not a problem, Buffy. No trouble a’tol. Hungry?” he asked when he heard her stomach growl. He laughed teasingly and she blushed even more.

“Er, yeah. I just realized I haven’t eaten since before the plane landed yesterday afternoon. I’m ready to try those fish and chips you were telling me about.” She moved to slide into one of the booths along the wall that was away from the bar.

“Don’t sit over there by yourself. Come up to the bar. I’ll introduce you to Will. Let me just put this thing in the back room.”

Her smile faltered slightly as he turned away to return the bike. She really didn’t want to meet this Will person, especially now that she’d reached the conclusion that something just had to be wrong with him. ‘It’s just lunch. Maybe an hour of your time. Suck it up and make the best of it,’ her inner-voice told her.

Buffy walked to the bar and took a seat, leaving an empty space between her and Will. Jake was back behind the counter before she had a chance to plant her butt on the seat.

“Buffy Summers, this is Will Thornton.” As Jake began the introductions, Buffy swiveled on her chair to face Will. He did the same.

“Will, meet Buffy.” Buffy smiled politely and reached out to slip her hand in his for the requisite handshake. Her eyes widened slightly when little electric jolts erupted where his hand covered hers; she prayed he didn’t notice the goose bumps running up her arms. Her hazel eyes briefly met his. ‘Eyes that deep a blue should be outlawed! Damn, he's gorgeous. Now I really know something has to be wrong with him.’ Murmuring a quick “hi”, she released his hand, refusing to look down to see if her own was singed from the contact. He responded with an answering greeting. Then Jake dropped his bombshell. “Buffy, Will’s your neighbor up at the cottage.” Her smile slipped slightly but she quickly recovered. “Uh, that’s nice.” Shit. Where was that pint of beer?

Buffy turned away from Will and took note of the expectant look on Jake’s face. What? Was I supposed to drop at the man’s feet and worship him because he was such yummy goodness? Wrong! Been there, done that. Have the battle scars to prove it.

Looking at Jake’s crestfallen face, she resolved to be nice. She asked for a beer and let Jake choose. If she was going to be nice, she was going to need some serious fortification. Buffy took a long swallow of the pint placed before her before pasting a smile on her face and once more turning to the man sitting beside her. It probably wasn’t a good idea to be drinking on an empty stomach, but she needed a moment to compose herself before having to deal with her new neighbor. God! A whole week of having him around. She vowed right then that she was only going to be at the cottage to sleep. Every other waking moment would be spent exploring the beautiful countryside.


William couldn’t believe it. Not only hadn’t she recognize him, but her “stay-the-hell-away-from-me” signal was coming in loud and clear. And he’d barely said two words to her. Actually, he had said one: hi. He was intrigued. He watched as Jake set the pint of beer she asked for in front of her. She seemed to reach some internal decision before she reached for the pint and took a long swallow. He could practically see the tears forming in her eyes as she recoiled from the strong brew. The girl had spunk. He had to give her that. Then, she turned to him and gave him a huge smile. And he forgot to breath. She was breathtaking.
