Banner by Noaluvjames

Chapter 9

Jake wore a pleased smile on his face when he saw both William and Buffy walk into the pub together. They appeared to be laughing at something the other had said - it was better than he could have hoped for.

“What brings you two in here?” Jake asked as they reached him and perched on adjacent barstools. Adjacent barstools, he noted, not “separated by a chasm” barstools.  Better and better!

“Came in for a bit o’ lunch before we head out to Tintagel,” William replied.


William cocked an eyebrow at the barkeep tone.

Realizing he’d seemed a tad too interested, Jake covered by asking what they wanted for lunch today.

“I’ll have a ploughman’s lunch and a pint of my usual,” William replied.

“What’s a ploughman’s lunch?” Buffy asked, her gaze inquiring as she glanced at William. Jake answered her.

“Basically, it’s a salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, the usual stuff you American’s like. It also has some ham, thick slices of cheddar cheese, a side of crusty bread, things like that.”

“Sounds yummy. I’ll have one of those too, but make it water for me.”

“You got it!” Jake walked off to get the order placed and came back with their drinks. They made small talk with Jake while waiting for their lunch to be prepared.

“So, Jake, is there a place around her a girl can go to get her pictures developed? Normally, I do them myself, but I want to make sure they’re coming out.”

“Yep. Same town you got groceries. I’m not exactly sure of a location, but that place is big enough to have a photo shop somewhere. If not that, the Boots should have what you’re looking for.”

“Ummm… Boots?” she asked, confused.

“Oh, sorry. It a chemist; you Yanks would call it a drugstore, I think.”

“Gotcha. And that’ll be fine. Thanks!” she replied, gifting him with a bright smile. A waitress brought out their food, effectively cutting off their conversation for now.

William watched as Buffy once again dug into her food. For such a tiny woman, she could sure put it away and he figured she must have a high metabolism. It was nice watching someone actually enjoy their food and not sit there and pick at it, claiming they were on a diet. Just one of the vast differences between his world and hers.

When they finished their meal, William pulled out his wallet to pay for the meal. Buffy beat him to it. She had her money out and snatched the check out of his hand.

“My treat,” she said saucily, throwing his words of yesterday back at him. “Besides, what good is the spending money they gave me if I don’t use it?”

“Buy yourself something with it. I’ll pay for lunch,” he said, attempting to snag the bill out of her hand.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Buffy held the bill behind her back out of his reach. He playfully moved to reach behind her and grab it, but she was faster, darting behind him and heading towards the register. He slid off the barstool and hurried after her, snagging his arm around her waist. Buffy squealed, attempting to break his hold. She was determined to pay for lunch. Realizing she wasn’t going to get away from him, she folded over the arm banded around her waist, hiding the bill from his view.

“I’m paying and that’s final, William,” she said, laughing at their antics. They were making a spectacle in the pub, but she was feeling too carefree to mind. She was surprised at how quickly she had slipped into a joking and touching manner with this man, especially after the awkwardness of last night. It felt like she had known him forever based on the ease with which they were able to joke, the casualness of their touch. When had that happened? She pushed aside the thought for now, she could reflect on them later. Today, she was going to have fun without having to worry about the consequences. There’d be enough time to deal with those after her vacation ended. To the man behind the bar she said, “Jake, I’m paying for lunch. Don’t you dare take a dime from this overgrown Neanderthal.”

“Neanderthal? Neanderthal? I’ll show you Neanderthal,” he said in mock affront. Before she could realize his intent, he had her scooped off her feet, earning a squeak from Buffy. He tried to grab the check from her exposed position, but Buffy was faster. Quickly, she dropped the bill and her money on the counter by the register telling Jake to keep the change. Hah! She won.

William paid her back by carrying her caveman-style out of the pub. Buffy didn’t seem to mind, if her laugh was any indication. He joined in with her to the amazement of the few patrons. A few of the men gave good-natured catcalls and whistles as the two exited the pub. Jake watched their affectionate display with a growing smile on his face.


Once outside the pub, William set her back on her feet. Surprisingly, there was no awkward moment as their laughter winded down.

“Come on, Big Bad,” Buffy said as she looped her arm through his. “Let me get my camera so we can go visit King Arthur’s castle.” They made their way arm in arm back to the cottages. Buffy said that she’d be just a minute and dashed inside to grab her camera and some film. William leaned against his Land Rover and let his mind wander as he waited for her to reappear.

He was surprised at Buffy’s easygoing, affectionate nature. After the disaster from the night before, he figured that she would try to back out of their “date” to Tintagel. He had tossed and turned for most of the night, replaying the events in his mind. It was about two in the morning when William, with the aid of a good portion of bourbon settling in his stomach, was finally lulled to sleep. Even with the help of alcohol, he’d still been up when the sun’s rays crept across his window.

Hoping to burn off some excess energy; he’d thrown on a pair of sweats and a well-worn t-shirt, grabbed his running shoes, and headed for the front door. He’d rounded the corner of the cottage and been met with a blue, spandex-clad ass pointing in the air as Buffy leaned over to stretch out her leg muscles.

“Mind if I join you?” he called to her.

Whirling around, hand clutching her chest, she hissed at him, “Damn, you scared me!”

“Sorry,” he replied innocently, hands raised in apology.

“Sure,” she said, answering his previous question. “How far do you want to go?”

“Five miles?”


They had finished stretching then set out along the cliff path south towards Boscastle for their run, instead of heading down towards the beach. The view had been spectacular, and Buffy swore that she would get back here and wander this path at a much more leisurely pace so that she could take pictures. The place was beautiful and untamed, and Buffy was in awe. Her camera would be hard-pressed to capture the beauty before her.

She and William settled into an easy running rhythm, neither having to shorten their gait. There was nothing worse for a runner than changing your stride to match someone else. It was a lot of work on the individual and made the workout extremely unbearable. ‘We fit, just like we did last night,’ she thought, then almost stumbled as mental images of William’s body leaning over her, kissing her senseless came to mind. ‘Ok, bad thoughts, Buffy. Let’s concentrate on the run and not his delectable body. Focus!’

After their run, they went back to their respective cottages to wile away the hours until their agreed-upon time to go to the pub. It had been the longest four hours of William’s life. After his shower and some breakfast, he paced the cottage like a caged panther. He tried to read, but even Shakespeare had failed to soothe him. Frustrated with himself, and his over-eagerness to see Buffy, he plopped down on the cough and channel surfed for the next few hours.

Then the time had arrived, and he’d rushed next door like a pimple-faced teenager out for his first date. Shaking his head at the wanker he had become, he had knocked on Buffy’s door a few minutes before 11 o’clock. She had graced him with a smile upon opening it, and he could have sworn his heart stopped for a moment. Closing the door and locking it, Buffy walked beside him as they made their way down to the pub, exchanging small talk along the way.

“So there I was in my mom’s gallery, looking at this… what could only be described as a clay blob, and trying to appear impressed. How was I to know the artist was standing behind me when I made that comment? Needless to say, my mom was none too pleased. I mean, come on! Give me a little credit here, I was going to be a professional photographer, so I should know art when I see it, right?”

William just nodded in agreement, a slight smile hovering on his lips, waiting for her to continue with her story.

“So, I say: Mom, what’s with the kindergarten clay blob? Are we having a show for the local elementary school? When she didn’t respond, I glanced over my shoulder to look at her, and she’s beet red, and looking like she’s ready to throttle me. Then, the artist,” at the word artist Buffy made air quotes with her two hands, “steps from behind my mom all sputtering and pissed off. Reminded me of Napoleon. And, that set me off laughing. I didn’t think my mom’s face could get any redder than it was, but it did.”

By this time, William was laughing right along with her. They had reached the pub and were standing outside the door.

“So, what happened,” William asked, hand on the door.

“She made me apologize to the guy. But, when he left, she told me his stuff was crap and that she was counting on me to say something inappropriate so that he’d take his stuff and leave. Can you believe it? My own mother, using me like that,” she said, laughing now, caught up in the retelling.

William had just howled with laughter and opened the pub door, letting Buffy enter in front of him.


Buffy came out of her cottage with her camera draped around her neck. As she approached the Land Rover, William pushed away from the car door. He walked around to the passenger side with Buffy and assisted her in to her seat before shutting the door. Walking back around to his side, he climbed in, then they were off for their short ten-minute drive to Tintagel to immerse themselves in the legend of King Arthur.


“Hullo?” a whisper-soft female voice answered.

“Hullo, Anne. It’s me.”

“How are things with William? Is he getting any rest? He seemed so broken when he called me a month ago. Although, he tried to keep it from me, sweet child that he is. Doesn’t want his mum to worry. But, I could tell.”

“Don’t you worry, Anne. The fresh sea air is working wonders on our boy. So’s the change of scenery. Honestly, why that boy lives in that sinful town is beyond me,” the voice ended, exasperation evident in that last line.

“That’s wonderful to hear, dear.”

“And, that’s not even the best part.”


“If things go the way I’m hoping, you may have some grandbabies yet, Anne.”


The car trip to Tintagel was covered in a companionable silence. Buffy’s gaze was directed out the window taking in the sights as they made their short drive to “King Arthur” country. If she weren’t getting ready to start school in a week, she’d be tempted to move over here just to be surrounded by the beauty of North Cornwall. Somehow she had to make this place a regular vacation spot for her and Dawn once she graduated from college. Visions of sun-kissed light-brown hair and blue eyes twinkling back at her brought a wistful smile to Buffy’s lips. God, she missed her! She mentally calculated the time difference and realized it would be way too early for her to call and check in. Maybe after her outing to Tintagel. With that thought in mind, she turned her attention to the scenery once more.

William drove the Land Rover with practiced ease. The short trip on the clear day used little of his driving skills, which allowed him to gaze periodically at the woman beside him. The quiet drive and companionable silence was nice; he was grateful that Buffy didn’t feel that she had to fill the void with incessant chatter like so many of the celebrities he had dated – the constant noise quickly getting on his nerves. And he marveled that this slip of a girl, woman, just seemed to match him in so many ways. Turning his thoughts from her as he reached Tintagel proper, he found a place to park to begin their afternoon sightseeing trip.


William pulled into the parking lot of the Visitor Centre of Tintagel. Jake had told him that it was built a few years back to provide tourists with information about the various things you can do and see while there. He figured that it would be a good starting place and Buffy could tell him some of the places she would like to see while they were here.

Buffy looked at the building they had stopped in front of and glanced at William inquiringly.

“Jake says it’s like a welcome center. Helps the tourists out deciding what they’d like to see and do while they’re here. I figured we could start here. You could pick out some places you’d like to see…” he trailed off.

“Sounds like a plan to me,” she said with a smile. William smiled back at her, then cut the engine. Quickly, he exited the vehicle before walking around to open the door for Buffy. She smiled at his gentlemanly gesture as she got out of the vehicle. William stiffened slightly in shock when she slipped her hand in his. He looked down at their clasped hands then back up at her hesitant smile. He smiled back then twisted the position of his hand to link their fingers together before starting out towards the Visitor Centre. Once inside, they parted ways, Buffy to go look through the various pamphlets, William to speak with one of the employees.


Deb had her nose buried in a pamphlet wandering around the Visitor Centre as she waited for her friend to get out of the loo. Suddenly, she crashed into someone and would have fallen to the ground if strong arms hadn’t grabbed hold of her. Mumbling an apology at her inattentiveness, she looked up at her would-be rescuer and her mouth formed a perfect “o” of surprise. Her eyes widened and her mouth attempted to work, but no words spilled from her lips as she gazed at the cerulean blue eyes gazing at her with concern.

“Are you ok, pet?”

His accented voice had her melting all over again and Deb was grateful his arms were still around her holding her up. Finally shaking herself out of her stupor, words of thanks finally left her mouth.

“Uh…yes…um, thank you, uh…Spike?” she answered tentatively. Her tone low enough to not be overheard by the other patrons.

Spike reacted as if struck. His hands abruptly left her body and a panic-stricken look came over his face. Damn! Just when he thought he could actually stop and enjoy himself, now someone had recognized him. Talk about luck! He cast a quick glance at Buffy across the room. Her nose was buried in a book and she was paying him no mind.

“I’m sorry,” the girl whispered to him. “It’s just the shock…I didn’t mean to…” She glanced around seeing if anyone else was watching them. Grateful that no one appeared to have noticed their exchange, she continued. “I don’t want to interrupt your afternoon. It’s just the last thing I expected when I bumped into someone was to look into the face of a man I idolize on the screen. And, oh God, did I just say that aloud?” She blushed a becoming shade of red, completely mortified. William, seeing that no one else was paying them any mind and that the bird wasn’t going to induce a crazed riot of simpering females, relaxed once more. Giving her a boyishly charming smile, he spoke again.

“What’s your name, luv?”

“Uh, Deb.”

“Well, Deb, I’m glad you’re ok. You are ok, right?” At her answering nod, he went on. “See, the thing is, no one here recognizes me, and I’d like to keep it that way if possible.” She just continued to nod, struck dumb that he was actually speaking to her. He was about to turn and walk away when she finally found her voice.

“Um, Spike,” she whispered. “Before you go, may I…have your autograph please?” He cast another quick glance at Buffy and noticed that she was still rifling through pamphlets. Noting the camera dangling from her wrist, he got the attention of one of the employees.

“Excuse me. You mind taking a picture of me and my friend here?” he asked the woman.


William slipped the camera off of Deb’s wrist since a dazed look had come over her features and handed it to the employee. Slipping his arm companionably around her, he leaned and whispered, “Smile for the camera,” as he pointed in the direction of the person holding the camera. Shaking herself mentally, she gave him a quick smile before doing just that.

“Smile,” the woman said before she snapped the picture. Then, “Ok, one more, in case this one doesn’t come out.” Both people smiled again, blinking their eyes afterwards as the flash temporarily blinded them. The woman held out the camera and William took it, handing it back to a dazed Deb.

“Thanks,” he whispered as he leaned in to give her a peck on the cheek. “I appreciate you not saying anything.” Deb just held her hand over the place he had just kissed, nodding.

“Enjoy your visit. Oh, and check out St. Nectan’s Glen. They say the waterfall provides an excellent view, plenty of photo-taking opportunities.” She had noticed the pointed glances he had given the blond woman with the camera slung around her neck.

“Ta, luv. I’ll be sure to do that. Nice meeting you, Deb.” Then, with a smile and a wave, he turned and walked away. Deb just gazed back at him and sighed. She didn’t care if she and her friend did nothing else today, she’d had all the sightseeing she needed right here. She’d have to remember to tell her friend all about the encounter, but she’d wait until later. Her friend wasn’t known for her discretion and she wanted to make sure Spike was able to make a clean getaway before her friend started squealing.


Buffy looked up from a pamphlet about King Arthur’s Great Hall as William approached.

“’Bout set, pet?” he asked trying to usher her to the door.

“Uh yeah,” she replied hand him the pamphlet she had been looking at. “Can we start here?”

“Uh, sure.”

“Did the employees have any helpful information?”

“Uh huh, and it’s a surprise, so don’t even think about asking me about it,” he said with a boyish grin. Slipping his hand in hers, he led them to the exit, trying to put as much distance between himself and the woman he had bumped into. He was still slightly rattled about being recognized. I mean, what were the chances? He’s been growing his hair out to help disguise his appearance but she’d still managed to recognize him. He smiled at the thought. She was a right nice bird for keeping mum about him being there. Soon the Visitor Centre was left behind and they were driving towards their first destination.
