More Toady Smut. 

A whole new argument for birth control.


Clarence and Martha slowly adjusted to their new lives watching over Dwain.  But they couldn’t help but to think back to those carefree days when they would make love like teenagers; running the sticky pads of their fingers over each others slimy skin, before tumbling into the pond, where they would writhe against each other in unyielding passion until they were both spent…

A small splash of water drew the attention of the daydreaming couple back to their son… Dwain had just fallen in the pond… again!  Clarence rolled his eyes as he readied himself to retrieve his boy from the green water of the family pond.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me the consequences of too much toady smut?”


Read the drabble that started it all.

Toady Smut


Let Me Know What You Think


Common, You Know You Want to
