Chapter 6


After another hour of research Buffy threw the book she was reading onto the table with a frustrated sigh.

“What’s wrong, pet?”  Spike asked, looking up from the book he was reading.

“This would have to be as boring as watching paint dry.  I’ve got to burn off some energy.  I might go out and do a quick patrol,” she said, grabbing her coat and weapons bag.

“Do you think that is wise, Buffy?  I mean, we are still unsure of your capabilities at the moment,” Giles asked, his tone dripping with concern.

“I’m a big girl, Giles.  I can take care of myself,” Buffy replied, walking over to reassure her Watcher.

“Actually, pet.  Watcher boy ‘ere has a good point.  What if you run into that hell-bitch?” Spike asked with great concern.

“Not you too,” Buffy pouted with a sigh.

“We’re only concerned for your well being, Buffy.  It’s best not to rush into anything” Giles explained calmly.

Buffy rolled her eyes in defeat.  “Okay, Giles you win, I won’t patrol.  But I can’t handle another minute of research.  I think my brain has turned to mush,” she said her pout growing larger by the minute.

“Well, why don’t you go and train?” Giles suggested.

“But I feel like beating something up” Buffy whined.

“Why don’t you beat up Deadboy over here?” Xander questioned, pointing to Spike.

Buffy looked over to Spike and gave him a bright smile.  “Ooh!  Now there’s a point.  What d’ya say, Spike?  Wanna have a fight?”  

Spike looked up at Buffy and gave her a cocky grin.  “Sure thing, pet.  Anything’s better than reading these bloody books.”

“Wouldn’t it be an unfair fight?  I mean Spike has his chip, and we don’t really know what you are…”  Dawn asked as Buffy and Spike started to walk out to the training room.

Buffy turned to Spike.  “She’s right, you know.  We don’t even know if you can hit me.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” Spike said, slapping Buffy across the back of the head.

“Ow!  You jerk!   That hurt!” Buffy yelped, rubbing the back of her head.

“No it didn’t, luv… I feel fine” Spike replied, giving Buffy a cocky grin as he went waltzing past her into the training room.  “This is going to be fun.”


As Spike waited for Buffy to join him, he picked up a large broadsword and started to expertly swing the weapon.

“Do we really need weapons for this?” Buffy asked from the doorway.

Spike turned to look at Buffy, giving her a cocky grin.  “I just like them.  They make me feel all manly.”  He ran his hand over his chest, allowing the sword to drop to the floor.

Buffy started to laugh remembering the last time Spike said those words to her at parent teacher night three years ago. It had been one of the better fights she’d ever had; good to know he still remembered too.

Spike started to walk towards Buffy, moving like a cat stalking his prey.

“The last Slayer I killed, she begged me for her life….. You don’t strike me as the begging kind.”  He continued with a huge grin, caught up in the memory of the first fight he and buffy had shared.  She was so beautiful, wearing that little green top and a tiny white skirt.  So confident and powerful--oh god how he had admired her.


Buffy decided to keep in character as she started to walk towards Spike.  “You shouldn’t have come here, Spike.”  She was having the time of her life!  Her heart was pounding with excitement, and she was tingling all over.

She now stood mere inches away from Spike, and the heat and energy in the room was overpowering.

Spike laughed at Buffy’s comment. “No, I messed up your doilies and stuff. But I just got so bored” he answered, giving Buffy a charming smile. He was having a great time.  “Tell you what, as a personal favour from me to you, I’ll make it quick. Won’t hurt a bit.”

Buffy flashed him a wicked grin that almost made his heart race.  “No, Spike, it’s gonna hurt a lot.”

Buffy instantly fell into fighting stance and looked up, giving Spike a bright smile.  “Ready?”

Spike mimicked Buffy’s stance.  “Always luv,” he answered, giving her a cheeky grin.

Buffy was practically vibrating with energy.  It had been so long since she sparred with Spike, and she had always enjoyed their fights.  He always had such an energy about him, and his constant banter and the way he moved always made her feel vividly alive.  He was the only opponent she could never seem to kill, and she had always wondered why.

Buffy was quickly pulled out of her thoughts by a low growl.  She barely had time to react when Spike threw the first punch.  She easily blocked the blow and followed through with a spin kick, connecting with the side of his head.

Spike laughed out loud. God he had missed this--it had been a long time since he had a real sparring match.  He quickly recovered from the kick Buffy gave him, easily ducking her next blow.  Once he had his bearings back, he kicked Buffy square in the rib cage, causing her to stumble backwards.  He followed through with a sweeping kick, knocking her to the floor with a thud.

Buffy landed hard, and swore she could see stars; seems she had forgotten just how deadly Spike could be.  She wouldn’t forget again.

He was on her in a second, taking full advantage of her current position on the floor.  He held both of her wrists above her head, using his body weight to hold her in place.

Spike was enjoying this current position very much; he could feel Buffy’s warm breath on his neck and hear the wild thumping of her heart.  But he knew Buffy’s fighting style, and he knew she was holding back.

“You holdin’ out on me, Slayer?” he purred.

 “Maybe a little” she answered with an evil grin.

“Why don’t you show me then?” he teased back, giving her a mischievous grin of his own.

Without a second thought Buffy bucked Spike off of her by raising her hips.  Once his hold on her was loosened she brought her knees up to her chin and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying halfway across the room.

Jumping to her feet with feline grace, Buffy once again took up her fighting stance.

Spike was stunned at the strength Buffy had just used to dislodge him.  He knew she was holding back, but he had no idea she was holding back so much.

Buffy smiled at Spike, glorying in his shock.  Hell, even she was shocked.  She had no idea what her new strength was, but she was very interested in finding out.

Spike pulled himself to his feet.  He instantly resumed his fighting stance, eyeing Buffy warily as he started to circle her, gearing up for the fight to come.

Buffy started to move in time with Spike, watching his every move.  She wasn’t going to let him get the upper hand this time.

“Ready?” she asked.  Her eyes shone with a dangerous glint.

“Don’t hold out on me, luv,” Spike commanded, trying to find her weakness.

“Let’s dance,” Buffy said as she launched herself at Spike, letting go; she could feel the power flowing through her body. 

Spike couldn’t believe the force Buffy was putting behind her blows.  He was having an incredibly hard time simply keeping on his feet.

She was strong, much stronger than he was, and much faster; he could hardly see her movements in time to block them.

Within minutes Spike was flat on his back, with Buffy straddling his hips.  She was glowing with perspiration and power, and she looked absolutely beautiful.

“Are you even trying, Spike?” she asked with a mischievous grin.

Spike laughed.  “Just a lucky shot, luv” he countered, struggling to release himself from Buffy’s tight grip.

Buffy giggled.  “Yeah right, Spike, you think you can take me?” she asked as she tightened her hold on the peroxide blonde vampire.  She could feel him trying to release himself from her vise-like grip.  Buffy loved this feeling of power over Spike, loving the way he growled in frustration at not being able to extricate himself out from under her.

Spikes looked up at Buffy, giving her a suggestive smile and wink.  “I’d love to take you, pet.”

Buffy snorted and rolled her eyes.  “You’re such a pervert, Spike,” she scoffed, releasing her hold on him as she stood up.

Spike pulled himself up from the floor and leant over to Buffy, whispering in her ear.  “Maybe I am, pet, but it got your hot little arse to move, didn’t it?”

Buffy lightly pushed him away.  “You’re such a pig, Spike.”

Spike grinned. “Possibly, luv--I’ve certainly eaten a lot of ‘em.”

Buffy rolled her eyes at the annoying vampire in front of her.  “Whatever, Spike.  Are we going to go another round?”

“Feelin’ game, pet?” he responded, taking up his fighting stance.

Buffy laughed as she also fell into fighting position. “Why, you gonna try and take me?” she asked, mischievous grin firmly in place.

“Is that an invitation, pet?”  Spike questioned, giving Buffy a suggestive wiggle of his scared eyebrow.

“Just try it Fang-breath.  I’d love to be able to really let go,” she taunted, starting to circle around him.

“What?  You were still holding back?” Spike asked in surprise.

Buffy shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, just a little.  Didn’t want to break my sparring partner.”

Spike stood up straight, relaxing his defences.  “Bloody hell woman!  You mean you didn’t give it your all just now?”  He began to pace back and forth.

Buffy relaxed and watched Spike pace the room.  “No, like I said--I didn’t want to hurt you.”

Spike stopped and looked at the petite woman in front of him.  The woman that had just well and truly kicked his arse, the woman that was now telling him she had not used all her strength while she fought him.  “How much did you hold back?”

Buffy shrugged her shoulders.  “I don’t know; enough not to pound you into dust I guess.”

Spike watched her sceptically.  “Show me.”


“Show me how much you held back.” he pressed, walking closer to Buffy.

“What?  How?”  Buffy asked, afraid of what Spike had in mind.

“Hit me.  Hit me as hard as you can.”

“No!”  Buffy yelled.  “You can’t be serious!”  She was terrified of what damage she could inflict on Spike if she really let go.

“I’m very serious, pet, hit me.  Show me what you got,” Spike was right in Buffy’s face now.

“No, Spike, I don’t want to hit you.  Well… not that hard, anyway,” Buffy answered starting to walk away from him.

Spike grabbed her by the arm, roughly pulling her around to face him.  “What’s wrong, pet, afraid?  Worried I’ll laugh at you when you don’t even make my nose bleed?” he asked, leaning right into her face until they were nose to nose.  “Scared I’ll make fun of your so-called strength?”  He chuckled.  “What’s wrong, Slayer?  Worried you’ll break a nail?  Come on, Buffy, give it me good.”

Buffy looked at Spike with a cold glare, absolutely furious.  “Are you trying to piss me off, Spike?”

Spike smiled at her.  “Well, yeah.  Is it working?”

“Hell yeah it’s working.”  Buffy let out a feral growl and punched out at Spike with one powerful blow, sending him hurling through the air.  He flew about twenty feet before hitting the back wall of the training room, leaving a large Spike-shaped hole in the wall.

Buffy let out a shocked gasp when she saw Spike lying unconscious on the other side of the room, covered in a pile of rubble.  She instantly ran over to him, bending down to assess the damage.

Giles and the rest of the gang heard the loud thump followed by the thud of someone hitting the wall.  Everyone quickly ran to the training room, all thinking the worst.  Thoughts of the un-muzzled vampire harming the tiny blonde Slayer permeated their imaginations.

As the gang ran into the training room, no one expected to see Spike’s unconscious form lying on the floor, covered in fragments of plaster.  Buffy was leaning over him, trying desperately to wake him up.

“What on earth happened?” Giles asked, taking in the sight of the unconscious vampire and the damage done to the wall.

“I hit him!” Buffy called out over her shoulder as she continued in her attempts to wake Spike.

“Geesh, Buffy, you’re only supposed to be training, not killing Spike,” Dawn scolded, sitting down next to the rather dishevelled vampire lying on the floor.

“I didn’t mean it!  He made me!” Buffy told her sister.

“Oh come on, Buffy, you finally just had enough of him and decided to throw him through a wall,” Xander announced, rather happy at the thought of Spike being hit by Buffy.

“No, Xander!  He really made me.  I was holding back and he knew, so he told me to hit him as hard as I could and wham!  Spike’s lying unconscious in a pile of rubble.”

“May I ask where you were when you hit him?” Giles enquired.

“Over there,” Buffy replied, pointing to the other sided of the room.

Giles looked over to where Buffy indicated.  “From over there?” Giles asked again, trying to mentally gauge the distance.

Buffy quickly looked over to where Giles indicated and nodded her head in agreement “Yeah.”

“You hit Spike from over there and he landed here?” Giles repeated again as he started to pace the distance.

Buffy continued to fuss over Spike as she absentmindedly answered Giles.  “Yeah, he said to punch him as hard as I could, and I did—well, sorta.”

“That must be at least seven meters” Giles muttered to himself, pacing the distance across which Buffy had knocked Spike.

“Wow, Buffy!  You really clobbered him!” Willow gasped.

“I didn’t mean to,” Buffy said in a small voice.  “Do you think he’ll be alright?”

Willow walked over to Spike and started to look for any damage.  “I can’t see any breaks, which is good.”  She felt behind Spike’s head.  “Oh, he has a big lump, but I can’t see anything major.”

“That’s good,” Dawn announced, stroking Spikes forehead.

“Dawn, can you go get me a wet towel?” Buffy asked.

“Okay,” Dawn agreed before jumping up and running out of the room to get a towel for Buffy.

“Is he going to be okay?” Tara asked shyly from the doorway.

“I think he’ll be fine” Willow answered, giving Buffy a reassuring smile.

“He could have brain damage” Anya announced, staring at the unconscious vampire.

“How would we be able to tell?  I mean it’s Spike, he’s never been very normal.” Xander scoffed sarcastically.

“He’s doesn’t have brain damage!” Willow hissed back at Anya.

“How do you know?  He hasn’t even woken up yet” Anya replied.

“Oh god, I could have given him brain damage?!  I didn’t mean to hit him that hard!”  Tears started to run down Buffy’s cheeks.

“You gave Spike brain damage?!”  Dawn yelled, running back into the training room carrying a damp towel.

“No, Dawnie, Spike will be just fine.  He’s just got a bump on the head; I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”  Willow was trying to reassure both Buffy and Dawn that Spike would be fine.

“Can vampires heal from brain damage?  I mean, Xander said Buffy broke Spike’s back and he got better from that.”  Anya mused curiously.

“Oh god!” Buffy gasped as she looked at Spike’s limp body lying in front of her.

“Will you shut up, Anya!  Spike does not have brain damage.  I’m sure he’ll be fine!” Willow yelled.  *When the hell is she going to learn some tact?* she thought to herself as she rubbed Buffy’s back in an attempt to try and comfort her.

Anya did as Willow asked and watched in silence, realizing she must have said something to upset the redheaded witch.

“Are you okay, Buffy?” Willow asked.

“She’s right, Willow.  I could have done some major damage.  He’s been unconscious for a long time” Buffy whimpered between sobs.

“Can vampires go into comas?” Dawn inquired, pressing the damp towel to Spike’s forehead.

“I don’t know” Buffy replied miserably.

“Buffy, I’m sure he’ll be fine.  This is Spike after all.  He’s like the vampire equivalent to a cockroach.  You think you got rid of him and bam!  He’s back” Xander tried to reassure as he walked closer to Buffy.

“Yeah I know, but how long is he going to be out?”  She started to pick pieces of plaster out of Spike’s hair.

“You said you punched him from over here and he landed over there?” Giles asked, oblivious to the other conversation going on.

“Yes, Giles, I punched him and he flew through the air and hit the wall!  I think we have already covered this!” Buffy hissed angrily.

Giles took his glasses off and nervously started wiping them with the hem of his shirt.  “Yes, yes--quite right.  W-we have already discussed this matter.”

Buffy sighed, realizing she had been unnecessarily short with her Watcher.  “I’m sorry, Giles, it’s just--can this wait until Spike wakes up?”

Giles gave Buffy an understanding smile, “Yes, I’m sorry, Buffy, I’ve been very unsympathetic.”  He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Is there anything I can do?”

Buffy looked up at Giles.  “No, I don’t think so.”  She then looked at all her friends.  “You guys can go, I’ll look after him.  I’m sure it’s just like Willow said, it’s just a bump.”

“Yes, Buffy’s quite right; we still have a lot of research to do. I’m sure Spike will be just fine” Giles agreed, ushering everyone out of the training room.

“Can I stay?” Dawn asked her sister.

“Sure” Buffy agreed with a small smile.  She didn’t really want the company, but she didn’t exactly want to be alone, either.


“It’s been a long time” Dawn announced, staring at the unconscious vampire.

“Thirty minutes” Buffy answered, nervously chewing her bottom lip.

“Do you think he’ll be alright?” Dawn asked her sister.  She didn’t blame Buffy for hurting Spike, but she sure wished he would wake up.

“I’ll be fine, Nibblet” drawled a very groggy masculine voice.

Buffy just couldn’t believe it when she finally heard Spike’s voice again.  She had never thought she would be so happy to hear that strong English accent.

“Spike, you’re awake!” she gasped, staring at the vampire lying in front of her.

“The pain in me ‘ead would indicate that” he replied, running his hand over the back of his head, wincing when he touched the throbbing lump.

“Are you okay?  You don’t have brain damage do you?” Dawn asked anxiously.

Spike looked over to Dawn.  “Do I look brain damaged to you?”

Dawn shook her head.  “No, but I just wanted to make sure.”

“Dawn, why don’t you go and tell the others that Spike’s awake.  I’m sure they would like to know” Buffy needled, giving Dawn an ‘I need time alone’ look.

Dawn rolled her eyes at her sister.  “Yeah, okay.  I’ll go tell them.   Oh and, Spike--I’m glad to see that Buffy didn’t moosh your brain or anything.”

“Yeah thanks, Li’l Bit” he said with a slight laugh.   He watched Dawn leave the room before turning his attention to Buffy.

She looked like hell.  She’d been crying ever since her friends had left the training room and her eyes were bloodshot and her face was flushed.

“What’s wrong, pet?” he asked.

“I thought I put you in a coma or something” Buffy answered, wiping away the tears on her cheeks.

Spike placed his hand over his eyes.  “Nah…. I’m sure a coma isn’t this painful.”

“Sorry about that” Buffy muttered shyly.

Spike only grunted in response.

Buffy pressed the damp towel to Spike’s forehead.  “I thought you’d never wake up.  You were gone so long” she whispered. 

“How long was I out?” he asked, wincing in pain when he tried to move.

Buffy placed her hand on Spike’s chest, trying to keep him still.  “About thirty minutes.”

“Bloody hell!  Thirty minutes, no wonder I feel like I’ve been hit by a bleedin’ truck” Spike grumbled under his breath.

“Yeah, like I said--I’m really sorry about that…… No, wait!  I’m not!  You’re the one who wanted me to hit you!  Serves you right if you do have brain damage.  Why should I feel guilty?”  Buffy removed her hand from Spike’s chest and started to run her fingers through her hair.

Spike sighed.  “Yeah, pet, you’re right.  I did ask you to hit me.”  Slowly trying to sit up, he continued “remind me never to do that again.” He groaned as he ran his hand over the large lump on the back of his head.

Buffy gave him a small smile.  “Okay.”

 When Spike finally managed to sit up, he waited for the room to stop spinning before speaking.  “You gave me one hell of a wallop there, pet.”

Buffy gave Spike a sweet smile.  “Yeah, I guess you were lucky I still held back.”

Spike’s jaw dropped open with shock.  “You mean you didn’t hit me full strength?”

Buffy shrugged her shoulders and nodded.  “Uh-huh.”

“Bloody hell woman!  How bleedin’ strong are you?” he asked, staring at Buffy with pure amazement.

“I don’t know.  But I wouldn’t mind testing my new strength on some of the night-time baddies.  Wanna help me tie Giles up so I can go patrol?” she asked with a sweet smile.

Spike chuckled.  “I’m all for tying your friends up, pet but I don’t want you to patrol tonight.”

Buffy quickly jumped to her feet, placing her hands on her hips in anger.  “Why not?  I just kicked your sorry ass to Kingdom come.’’

Spike painfully pulled himself up and stood in front of Buffy.  “Exactly, pet.  When you let loose on the demon population, I want to see it.  Seeing that I’ve still got double vision an’ all, I don’t think I’m up for the show.” 

Buffy crossed her arm over her chest.  “Well, that’s hardly fair.  I wanted to beat something up” she protested with her pout already in force.

Spike sighed. God, why was he such a bloody fool for that little pout? Unable to stop himself, Spike stepped closer to the sulking Slayer, lightly running his hands down her arms and gently pulling her heated body closer to his cool form.  “Come now, pet, lets have none of that,” he purred, lightly brushing his lips across her full bottom lip, loving the feel of her warm breath as it tickled across his parted lips before he claimed her mouth in a tender kiss.

Buffy could feel Spike trying to deepen the kiss but she lightly pushed him away.

Spike was disappointed to feel Buffy’s resistance.  After the last kiss they had shared, he was sure she felt an attraction to him as well.  “Buffy, what is it, luv?”

Buffy silenced Spike by placing her finger on his lips.  “Spike, I-I can’t do this. Not yet.  I’m not ready.  I’m so confused” she gasped, her eyes begging him to understand.

Spike pushed a lock of hair away from her face.  “S’okay, pet.  I won’t push.”

Buffy gave him a small smile.  “Thank you.”

They both became aware of someone opening the training room door.  Both Buffy and Spike took a couple of steps away from each other and watched Giles enter the room.  Buffy flushed red with embarrassment as she wondered whether Giles knew she had been kissing Spike.

“Giles…what’s up?” she asked nervously.

“Mmm, pardon?  Oh nothing, I just came in to see how Spike was feeling” Giles replied totally oblivious to Buffy’s nervousness.

“I’m touched, Watcher.  I didn’t know you cared.”  Spike answered with a teasing smirk.  The dark look that Buffy threw at him for goading her mentor quickly subdued him.  *Right, mate.  Gotta play nice with her little friends--wont do you any good pissin’ of the Slayer.* He thought for a moment before answering the Watcher’s previous question.  “I’m fine, mate.  My ears have stopped ringin’ an’ all,” Spike replied, casually leaning against the back wall.

Giles chuckled.  “Yes, yes I imagine you would have quite a headache, judging by the hole in my wall.”

“I didn’t mean to ruin the wall, Giles, it just happened” Buffy mumbled.  

Giles chose to ignore Buffy’s comment, instead jumping right in to ask her what her intentions were for the night.  “Buffy, I wished to ask you what you intend to do with Dawn tonight?  It’s getting somewhat late and we’re ready to break off for the evening” Giles prompted, his voice thin with exhaustion.  It had been a very long day, and he was looking forward to a good night’s sleep.

Buffy slapped her hand on her forehead.  “Dawn!  I forgot all about her!  What time is it?”

Giles pulled his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.  “About two o’clock” he answered with a yawn.

Buffy looked surprised. “Two?  Oh god, Giles, I had no idea it was so late.”

“Yes, we’re all quite worn out.  It’s been a rather long day” he said, holding back yet another yawn.  “So about Dawn, would you like me to take her home with me tonight?”

Buffy nodded.  “Yes thank you that would be wonderful.  Does she need anything from home?”

“No, I believe Dawn still has her overnight bag at my apartment; she left it there last week” he responded, placing a loving hand on Buffy’s shoulder.  “Will you be alright?  Do you need anyone to stay with you?”

Buffy gave Giles a small reassuring smile. “Nah, I’ll be fine.”

Giles gave Buffy’s shoulder a small squeeze.  “Are you sure?  We all want to help you through this.”

Buffy nodded.  “I’ll be fine, Giles. I’m a big girl.  Besides, I’ve always got Spike here.  At least I can trust myself not to bite him or anything.”

“Yes, yes that’s true.  Shall we continue our research tomorrow?” Giles asked as he and Buffy started to walk out into the shop.

“Sure, but I really would like to patrol before I hit the books.  Spike won’t let me go out tonight,” she grumbled.

“Well, I must say, I’m inclined to agree with Spike.  It is much too soon for you to patrol tonight.  We don’t want to see you get hurt” Giles replied as he reached the research table.

“I know, I know.  But it’s still not fair” Buffy huffed quietly.

“Don’t worry, luv you can kill ‘em just as dead tomorrow” Spike supplied, waltzing back to the research table.

“Mmm…I know, but it’s not the same” she mumbled as she walked over to a very tired looking Dawn.  “Giles is going to take you home with him tonight, okay?”

Dawn looked at her sister sleepily.  “Why?”

“We just want to be cautious.  I don’t want to do anything to hurt you” Buffy replied, pushing some hair away from Dawn’s face.

Dawn nodded her head sleepily in understanding.  “Okay.”

“Be careful and call if you need me,” Buffy said as she watched Dawn gather her things to leave.

Dawn nodded her head again.  “Don’t worry, Buffy.  I’ll be fine.”

Buffy gave Dawn a small smile.  “I know.  I’m just a little paranoid right now.”

“Understandable’’ Dawn agreed with a wide yawn.

“Do you need a ride home, Buff?” Xander asked.

“Nah, you guys go.  I’m sure Spike can take me home” she said turning to Spike to make sure.

“Sure, luv, I can take you,” he said with a playful smile, watching in amusement when a heated blush formed on Buffy’s cheeks.  

“Okay, Buffy, see you tonight,” Willow called out as everyone started to walk out the front door, totally oblivious to Spike’s double entendre.

“Okay, Will, good night” Buffy called out casually, trying with all her might to ignore the cocky vampire standing beside her.


Chapter 5
Chapter 7
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