Chapter 8


Buffy awoke to find herself again pressed tightly against Spike’s cool firm body.  She slowly lifted her head to find herself looking at a sleep-tousled vampire.

Buffy gave Spike a sweet smile.  “I seem to be finding myself in this position a lot lately.”

Spike smiled as he pushed her hair away from her face.  “Yeah, luv, I’m beginning to think you might like me.”

 Buffy laughed playfully as she began to sit up.  “Nah, blondie—never happen,” she teased, eyes telling him that her words were a lie.

Spike raised his eyebrow playfully and laughed at Buffy’s comment.  “Guess it wouldn’t at that.  So how’d you sleep, pet?”

“Pretty good,” she answered, averting her eyes from Spike.  “I’m sorry for freaking out on you last night.”

Spike reached over and cupped Buffy’s chin in his hand.  “Don’t be, pet.  I kinda like waking up with you all wrapped around me.”

Buffy snorted.  “I bet you do.”

“You have no idea, pet.  ‘Sides, now I can always tell everyone we’ve slept together,” he teased.  

“Don’t even think of it, mister, or you’ll be fitting int0 an ashtray,” Buffy replied playfully.

“Okay, luv, point taken,” he snarked back.

Buffy rolled her eyes at Spike’s awful pun.  “You suck.”

“Well, yeah… I’m a vampire, remember?” he countered with a grin, watching Buffy get out of bed.

Buffy threw her hands in the air in exasperation.  “Whatever.  Impossible vampire,” she grumbled.

Spike chuckled as he pulled himself out of bed.  “So, you hungry, pet?” 

“Mmm… starved” Buffy replied, rummaging through her closet for something to wear.

“Well okay then, I’ll go scare us up a couple of meals,” Spike announced, watching Buffy’s butt as she bent over to pick up her shoes from the closet floor.

“Thanks,” Buffy replied.  “I’m just gonna get dressed, I’ll be down in a sec.”

Fifteen minutes later Buffy came bounding into the kitchen to find Spike dishing up a large plate of bacon and eggs.

 “Wow, when did you become so domesticated?” Buffy asked, eyeing the plate of food in front of her sceptically.

“I’m a man of many talents, luv.  You should see what I can do with a throw rug and a couple of pillows,” he replied with a smirk, handing Buffy a warm mug of pig’s blood.  “’Sides, you said you were hungry.”

“Mmm, I am,” Buffy agreed, quickly draining the contents of the proffered mug.  “Mmm… Yum!”

Spike smiled as he watched Buffy enjoying her breakfast.  “So what’s the plan for today?”

Buffy swallowed the mouthful of eggs she was chewing on.  “Well, first I’m going go see Giles and make sure Dawn is alright.  I hate being away from her with Glory out there looking for her key.  I also want to see if he’s found anything on why I still have a heartbeat and all; then I figure I’ll train ‘til sundown and go patrolling since we skipped last night.  You know, test out all my new strength and speed on some slimy night-time things.”  Buffy stopped for a moment, taking another bite of her food.  “You wanna come with?”

“Love to, pet.  Should definitely be a good time.  Haven’t seen a good skull crushing in far too long—least, not from the outside of the skull,” Spike remarked, a huge teasing grin forming across his features.

“Hey!  I told you I was sorry for that!  Besides, what about that big troll thingy that destroyed the Bronze.  That was pretty entertaining,” Buffy countered with a cheeky grin.

Spike laughed.  “Yeah, luv, that it was.  Only I didn’t get to see the final act.  You left me behind, remember?”

Buffy shrugged her shoulders.  “Just try to please some people,” she muttered under her breath, continuing to eat her breakfast.  “This I really good by the way,” she said, pointing to her food.  “When did you learn how to cook?”

“I watch a lot of late night TV.  I can also tell you some nifty ways to get red wine out of carpet,” Spike replied with a cocky grin.

Buffy laughed.  “So how bored have you been since you got that chip?”

“Bored enough to hang out with the Slayer and her little band of do-gooders,” Spike replied playfully.

“Oh come on… you know you love us,” Buffy taunted in a teasing voice.

Spike took a step closer to Buffy.  “Well, I know I love one of you.”

Buffy placed her hand on Spike’s chest and stared up into his eyes.  “Spike… I know you love Xander, but he’ll never love you in return.  He loves Anya, and a three way love affair just won’t work,” Buffy finished, giggling madly.

Spike laughed.  “Well then, I’ll just have to try for the next best thing, won’t I?” he asked, reaching out and running his hand down Buffy’s arm.  He lowered his face to hers, their lips almost touching.  “Do you think I have a shot with the Watcher?” he asked, cheeky grin curving his lips.

Buffy flushed from the nearness and covered her nerves with laughter.  “Well, you’re both from England; at least you have something in common.”

Spike laughed.  “Well okay pet, let’s get on over to the magic shop.  You’ve got some answers to seek, and I have a watcher to woo.  So what do you think I should suggest for a first date?”

Buffy playfully slapped Spike’s shoulder.  “You’re such a dork.”

Spike laughed.  “So are you ready to go see your Watcher, luv?”

Buffy nodded her head.  “Only if you promise not to ask Giles out on a date.  I don’t think I would ever sleep again if he said yes,” Buffy replied.

“Okay, luv.  I promise.”

It was just past four o’clock when Buffy helped Spike run to her mom’s car with the aid of a thick quilt thrown over his head, protecting him from the harsh afternoon sun.


Dawn had just arrived at the Magic Box, keeping her promise to Giles that she would come straight to the shop after school.  Suddenly, a smoking, quilt-clad Spike almost knocked her over as he ran past her into the safety of the sunless back end of the shop.

Dawn stormed into the shop to find Spike stamping out the flames on the quilt.  “Geesh, Spike, you almost killed me out there!”

Spike looked up to see a fuming Dawn staring at him.  “What?”

“I was that speed hump you ran over in the front door.  You really should learn some manners.” she grumbled, placing her school bag on the table.

“Sorry, Nibblet.  Didn’t see you,” Spike shrugged, folding up the quilt.

“Obviously,” Dawn muttered, slumping down into a chair.

“Well, I was on fire!  Think you gotta give a bloke some slack,” Spike whined, sitting down next to the pouting teenager.

Dawn smiled and rolled her eyes as Spike.  “Okay, I forgive you.”  She looked around the store.  “So, where’s Buffy?”

“I’m right here.”  Buffy announced as she entered the shop, sniffing the air as she looked around the store.  “Is something burning?”

“That would be me, luv.” Spike stated.

“Yeah, he almost killed me when he ran in all flaming,” Dawn added, looking through her school bag for her homework.

“Are you okay?” Buffy asked.

“I’ll live.  I’m sure the footprints on my back are hardly visible,” Dawn mumbled.

“That’s good to know, Dawnie.  But I was actually wondering if Spike was hurt?” Buffy asked.

Spike quirked his eyebrow at Buffy, amazed by the fact that she cared enough to ask if he was okay.  “I’ll live… I’m sure the Dawn-shaped indentations in my boots are hardly visible,” Spike retorted with a smirk, winking at the teenager next to him.

Dawn rolled her eyes at the annoying vampire.  “Whatever.  It’s just so nice to know you care,” she muttered under her breath.

“Oh, good, Buffy you’re here!” Giles greeted as he walked out from the back room.  “Is something burning?” he asked, sniffing the air.

“Oh, that would be Spike,” Buffy replied cheerfully.

“Alright,” Giles shrugged casually, ignoring Spike’s indignant snort.  “So how are you feeling today?”

“Okay… I had another dream, though,” Buffy told her Watcher.

“Oh, I suppose that’s to be expected.  You’ve been through quite a trauma,” Giles reassured, placing a comforting hand on Buffy’s shoulder.

“Yeah, I guess.  Still sucks though… they’re so vivid,” Buffy mused, pouting slightly before changing the subject.  “So? Have we had any Glory sightings?”

“N-no, it seems she has gone into, well, hiding, for lack of a better word,” Giles replied, taking off his glasses and wiping them with the hem of his shirt.

“Fine by me.  The less I see of her, the happier I’ll be,” Buffy remarked, staring at the pile of books on the table in front of her.  “So how’s the other research going?  Find out anything new?”

“Actually, I have,” Giles replied, picking up one of the old Watcher’s diaries.  “I’ve found mention of three turned Slayers.”

“Really?” Buffy asked, surprised.  “So what happened to them?”

“What happened to who?” Xander asked as he entered the shop, followed by Willow and Tara.

“I was just telling Buffy that I have found reference to three Slayers being turned in the past,” Giles revealed.

“Three?  Really?” Willow gasped.

“Wow, you mean Buffy’s not the only vampire w-with a heartbeat?” Tara asked.

“No, I didn’t say that,” Giles clarified, gesturing for everyone to take a seat.

“Giles, did you know we’re out of Wolf’s Bain and Saraget Root?” Anya questioned, making her way from the basement.

“Yes, Anya, I am aware.  For right now, would you care to join us?” Giles asked, indicating the research table.

“Well okay, but don’t blame me when you lose sales,” Anya grumbled, sitting down next to Xander and giving him a loving kiss before turning her attention to Giles.

Giles cleared his throat.  “As I was saying, I have found reference to three Slayers being turned.  The first was Shi Tang in China in 636 AD; reportedly turned by one Samuel Xavier.  Apparently Shi Tang had only be the Slayer for two months when she was turned, and if I understand correctly she was a very vicious vampire; she attempted to usurp her Sire’s authority, and as punishment he chained her to a wall, allowing the sun to rid him of his mistake.” 

“So she couldn’t go into the sun?” Buffy asked.

“Apparently not” Giles informed.

“Well did she have a heartbeat or a reflection?” Buffy asked anxiously.

“No, apparently she was a demon in every sense of the word.  The only thing you seem to have in common is your strength; however, I’m sure you are by far stronger than she, given your other attributes,” Giles explained.

“Well that’s a big help.  What about the others?” Buffy grumbled, sinking into her chair.

“Yes, well, the second Slayer was Mary Elizabeth Thompson, turned in England in 1326.  Mary had been the Slayer for thirteen months when she was turned by a master vampire who went by the name Diablo.  Mary did retain many of her human qualities much the same as you.  She could also go into the sunlight for short periods of time; however, she could not handle religious artefacts. 

“Did she have a soul or a heartbeat?” Buffy asked.

“Well, as far as I can tell she did retain her soul.  She apparently killed her Sire the very night she arose and continued to slay demons every night there after.  As far as a heartbeat goes, some of my research refers to her as the living vampire, so I do believe she indeed retained her heartbeat.” 

“So what happened to her?” Buffy asked excitedly.

Giles nervously cleaned his glasses and averted his eyes from Buffy.  “The Council had her destroyed,” he said, shame colouring his voice.

“They what?” Willow yelped.

“Why would they do something like that?” Dawn asked.

Spike snorted.  “Figures.”

“How did they kill her?” Buffy asked quietly.  She had turned white as a sheet at the thought of what the Council would do to her if they discovered that she had been turned.

Giles gave Buffy remorseful look as he placed his hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her.  “They sent a retrieval team out to find her.  When they managed to overpower her, they tied her to a stake and burnt her alive.”  Giles swallowed deeply as he continued; he knew all too well what the council was capable of if they found out Buffy was a Slayer turned vampire.  “Apparently it was not an easy death; she did not combust like other vampires.  Unfortunately she was strong enough to survive for several minutes before she finally passed away.” 

Buffy took a ragged breath.  “You didn’t tell them about me did you, Giles?” she asked in a small voice.

Giles stooped down in front of Buffy, clasping her hands in his.  “No, Buffy.  I would never tell them of what has happened to you, and I will do everything in my power to ensure they do not find out.”

Buffy looked at Giles and knew that he was telling her the truth.  “Good, because I don’t think they like me as it is.  I’d hate to give them a reason to burn me at the stake,” she tried to joke, but the weak smile on her face didn’t reach her eyes.

“Wouldn’t they already know?  I mean Buffy died, wouldn’t another Slayer be called?” Anya asked curiously.

“I don’t believe so.  Faith has already been called as Buffy’s replacement.  For this reason, I would be inclined to believe no other charge will be called forth,” Giles explained.

“I don’t understand.  If Mary still had her soul, and she continued to kill demons, why would the Council kill her?” Dawn asked.

“Because she was a vampire,” Buffy told her sister.

“Yeah, but she was a good one, just like you,” Dawn stated, clearly confused.

“The Council doesn’t care about any of that.  They think every demon is evil and has to die.  Why do you think I quit?  They wouldn’t help Angel.  They said they wouldn’t help any vampire, no matter how special their circumstances were.  They wouldn’t understand that Anya’s now human, or that Spike can’t hurt people, or that I’m a vampire with a heartbeat and a soul.  All they see is the demon and nothing else matters,” Buffy explained to her sister.

She took a deep breath and turned to Giles.  “You said there were three, Giles.  What happened to the third Slayer?”

Giles looked over to Buffy and nodded.  “Oh yes, yes of course.  The third Slayer was Sarah Leanne Johnson; she had been the Slayer for about seven months when she became a vampire.  She was turned here in America in 1756 by an Yvette Whitecastle; apparently Yvette Whitecastle was her Watcher, who was apparently turned herself only a few days prior.  She managed to catch Sarah unawares and turn her with very little effort.  Sarah was a very strange vampire indeed; she did not seem to have a soul, but at times she would show signs of a conscience as well as remorse.  However, this did not seem to inhibit her violent tendencies; she displayed strength unmatched by any other vampire, making her a very vicious creature indeed.  She did not burn immediately when she went into the sun; however, she could not stay in direct light for more than a few seconds.  She had no heartbeat, as far as I can tell, and she was unable to touch any religious items.  She could tolerate garlic, though, and she was said to cast a faint refection in a mirror.”

“So what happened to her?  Did the Council play Joan of Arc with her as well?” Buffy asked spitefully. 

“No, she and Yvette tried to take over and rule a large portion of the demon world; the other demons involved didn’t agree with that idea, and after a very brutal fight Sarah and Yvette were killed,” Giles explained.

“So, what help is any of this for Buffy?” Xander asked.

“Yeah, she’s not evil, and she can still go into the sunlight,” Willow said, smiling at her supernaturally-enhanced friend.

“Plus, she’s still breathing and she needs to eat food and blood,” Anya pointed out.

“Yes, yes, I’m well aware of Buffy’s abilities.  I have come up with a theory as to why Buffy is so unique,” Giles took a deep breath.

“Well?” Buffy asked impatiently.

“Buffy, you’re the longest-lived Slayer out of all who have been chosen.  Most Slayers are lucky to survive more than a few months; you have survived for almost six years,” Giles started to explain.

“Yeah, and I’ve only died twice,” Buffy muttered.

Giles gave Buffy an understanding look.  “Be that as it may, Buffy, you have survived well past any other Slayer.  My hypothesis is that your current abilities may have something to do with your longevity as the Slayer.”   

“Huh?” Buffy asked in confusion.

“Well, of the three Slayers turned, you share more similarities with Mary Thompson than with Shi Tang or Sarah Johnson.  I believe this may have something to do with the time spent as a Slayer.  Shi Tang had only been the Slayer for two months when she was turned; as a result she was denied any human abilities such as going into the sun or retaining her soul.  Sarah Johnson had been the Slayer for seven months before she was turned; she demonstrated some human qualities such as a conscience, as well as the ability to handle small doses of sunlight.  However, she was more demon than human.  Mary Thompson, on the other hand, was the Slayer for over a year; she demonstrated many human abilities similar to those you possess.  She could go into the sunlight and retained her soul and her heartbeat.  I feel that perhaps the reason you have not lost your human attributes is simply because you have been called for so many years,” Giles explained.

The room fell silent for a moment while everyone digested this information.

“Could it also have something to do with the Sire?” Willow asked.

“What do you mean?” Giles asked.

“Well, you said Mary was turned by a master vampire, whereas Sarah was turned by a fledgling.  Could their powers have something to do with the Sire?”

Giles thought about this for a moment.  “Yes, indeed.  That could be another factor I didn’t consider.  Spike is a strong master vampire in his own right; he has in fact defeated two Slayers himself.  That could possible account for some of Buffy’s abilities.”

Buffy turned to Spike.  “See, I told you this was all your fault,” she said with a playful grin. 

Spike laughed. “So what else is new?”

“So this confirms it, Buffy’s one of a kind?” Dawn asked Giles.

Giles smiled at Dawn’s comment.  “Well, I’ve always thought Buffy to be one of a kind.”

“Oh please.  If you’re all gonna hug and sing kumbayah, I’d rather be somewhere else,” Spike groaned, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his coat as he walked out into the back room.

“Actually Spike has a point.  I don’t think I’m up for the singing and group hugging,” Buffy announced, following Spike into the back room.

“Has anyone else noticed Buffy’s spending way too much time with Spike?” Xander asked.

“I-I’m sure its nothing, she probably just needs a little air,” Willow said hopefully.

“Yeah, I’m sure they’re not out there plotting the end of the world or anything,” Anya pointed out.

“No, I don’t mean anything like that.  It just seems that wherever Spike is, Buffy’s right there next to him,” Xander explained.

“She’s probably just confused.  She’s had a pretty hard time lately.  I say if Buffy feels more comfortable with Spike, then we’ll just have to try and make Spike feel welcome,” Willow said firmly, walking towards the back room.

“Where are you going?” Dawn asked, a little nervous that Willow might walk in on one of Buffy and Spike’s makeout sessions.

“I was just going to see if Buffy and Spike would like to go to the Bronze tonight,” Willow called back to Dawn.

When Willow entered the training room, she found Buffy and Spike sparring.  Buffy was clearly holding back; however, Spike was still unable to find any weakness in her defences.  Buffy saw Willow enter the training room and asked, “Hey, Will’s, what’s up?” as she ducked a blow from Spike.

“I was wondering if you guys would like to go to the Bronze tonight?” Willow asked, watching as Buffy grabbed Spike’s foot and flipped him over onto his back.

“Sorry, Will, Spike and I were going to patrol tonight.  You know, test out my new super-Slayerness.”  As Buffy spoke, Spike tackled her and threw her to the ground; Buffy quickly wrapped her legs around his waist and twisted, pushing him downwards as she placed her feet in the centre of his chest.  Kicking out with her legs, she threw him over her head before jumping to her feet and turning to Willow.  “How about tomorrow night?”

Willow smiled brightly.  “Sure, how about you, Spike?”

“Love to, Red.”  Spike replied, ducking a kick from Buffy.   “Some spicy buffalo wings and a few beers might be needed to help me heal internally after fighting this little spitfire.”

“Oh come on! I’ve hardly even touched you!” Buffy replied, kicking Spike in the head, sending him reeling backwards.

“Well, I’ll leave you two to kill each other, then,” Willow replied, slowly walking out of the training room.

“So, are we bronzing it tonight?” Xander asked Willow as she walked back into the shop.

“No, not tonight. Buffy wants to patrol with Spike tonight to test out her new superpowers.  But we’re on for tomorrow,” Willow informed him, taking her seat next to Tara.

“Oh, okay,” Xander agreed with a reluctant nod.  “So what are they doing out there?” he asked, pointing towards the back room.

“Oh, Buffy’s beating Spike up,” Willow answered with a shrug.

“They never seem to get tired of that,” Xander commented.

Chapter 7

Chapter 9

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