You Only Unlive Twice

by Spikesdeb


In the end, Joyce Summerpenny hadn’t wigged as much as Buffy was expecting. The news that her eldest daughter wasn’t PA to some highflier, as she’d always been led to believe, but was in fact involved in some top-secret spy thing, had almost sent her into shock.  No details of course, just enough to make her mom-genes swell with pride that her little girl was out saving the world.  Curious what makes a mother proud.  When Buffy topped that by ushering in a drop-dead gorgeous fiancé, she could only gape in dumbstruck awe.    

Anyhow, by the time she’d digested the revelations and planned the bragging-fest with Aunt Martha, the coup de gras of ‘hey mom, my future husband is in fact a vampire’ hardly ruffled a feather.  Naturally, William had completely won her over with his charm and manners before they’d revealed he wasn’t quite what he seemed.  Knowing oodles of trivia about primitive tribal art was a big plus in his dream son-in-law column and when he offered to show Joyce his own private collection of Chumash artefacts, she was putty in his hands.   

He was also a big hit with her sister, Dawn, who spent the entire first evening mooning after him with big doe-eyes.  Buffy soon made it perfectly plain that much as she agreed her fiancé was an extreme hottie, his hottie-bod was hers alone.  Not that Dawn would ever seriously step over that line but having a little sister, who was no longer that little, drooling over your man, really was funny for about five minutes.  William’s easy manner with her and the way he didn’t treat her like a kid but like a young lady soon soothed the teenager’s snit and he fast filled her vacant ‘big brother’ spot. 

Buffy was leaning against the door-jamb, a mug of her mom’s famous hot chocolate cradled in both hands as she sipped it slowly.  A delicious warmth crept over her as she gazed at the sight in front of her.  William was holding court, seated between her mom and sister on the deep cushioned couch.  He had the two women giggling and fawning over him, their laughter filling the house and making the atmosphere buzz with happiness.  She didn’t think she’d ever felt so content before.  Her lover regaled the two with tales of his deeds of daring-do, omitting the goriest bits of course, and they were oohing and aahing in all the right parts.   

William looked up as he felt Buffy’s eyes on him.  He raised his scarred eyebrow, giving her a Spike Blond smirk.  Buffy rolled her eyes; damn vampire had managed to seduce the entire Summerpenny family with his talented tongue.  Okay, maybe that was a gross image…  She snorted as she felt his amusement through the link.  He was loving this - who would’ve guessed the big bad craved family life? 

Talking of families, tomorrow William’s sister, Tara, would be arriving.  W had offered to escort her rather than her having to travel alone.  Come to think of it, W was spending an awful lot of time with the shy vampire.  Buffy made a mental note to ask about that… Tara certainly got all flustered and stammering whenever W’s name was mentioned.  Maybe she wanted to join the service and W was her hero.  Buffy would figure it out; she was a quick study. 

Harris was still dating the kooky agent from the Russian embassy – Anyanka Jenkinskovitch – and they were flying in on the morning of the wedding, two days from now.  G was making his own way, trying out some new gadget of his that he referred to mysteriously as “Wet Nelly”.  Of course he’d make it in time for the wedding…probably.   

It would be quite an intimate affair; Buffy didn’t have a large family and William being over 100 years old, his only living relative was Tara.  Well, sort of living.  It suited them, both of them delighting most in each other’s company with no distractions.  If it weren’t for the thought of her mom’s disappointment, Buffy would have eloped and had done with it.  As it was, it couldn’t be a church service for obvious – dusty – reasons, but would be held in the Summerpenny’s garden and officiated over by a court clerk.   

With a happy sigh, Buffy drained her mug and walked back to the kitchen to rinse it out.  Her tingling neck and raised hairs at her nape informed her when her lover crept up behind her.  She let him get near without turning, eyes closed in pleasure as he slipped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her shoulder. 

“Happy, gorgeous?” he whispered, his breath on her ear electrifying her senses.   

“Ecstatic…in fact, pinch me – I think I’m dreaming.” 

“It’s no dream, kitten; it doesn’t get any more real than this.”  He brushed a gentle kiss on the shell of her ear, and then dipped the tip of his wet tongue inside for good measure. Buffy shivered. 

“Don’t stop…” she murmured softly, bringing one hand up to caress the back of his head as he bent to continue his attentions, kissing and nibbling at her neck.  She thrust her ass back into his groin, his erection pressing into her as he matched her movement with his own. 

“Buffy,” he growled.  “Do I have to go the hotel on my own?  Don’t think I can sleep without you for two nights, baby.  Come with me, let’s just slip out now.” 

She was tempted, more than tempted.  But her mom had assumed she’d want to stay with the family and had already booked a single room for William at the best hotel in town.   With a sigh of regret, she twisted in his arms, gasping as he nudged her knees apart so that he could grind his cock against her. 

“Don’t,” she whispered, "You know I have to stay here, be her baby girl for a little while longer.” 

William lightly traced his fingers across her taut nipple, dipping his head to lick at his mark before sucking the scarred skin into his mouth.  Buffy felt the rush of moisture as her panties were soaked with evidence of her desire.  If he kept this up, she’d be too weak to resist; her body would hijack her brain and hold it to ransom until she caved.  Summoning what shreds of willpower were left, she pushed him away from her, panting as she did so and crossing her legs to try to ease the throb in her clit. 

William grinned at her, tongue curled behind his teeth, hands thrust into his black denims with his thumbs pointing at his more than obvious hard on.  “Summerpenny, something’s come up.  It could be huge – possibly even hazardous.”  

He began to stalk back towards her, swaggering.  Buffy squealed. 

“No, William!  I can’t…not here…and I can’t leave mom tonight.  You understand don’t you?” 

Realising that she meant business, William stopped his prowl, bottom lip thrust out in a delicious pout.  “But I want you, Buffy. I want you right now…and you want me.” 

“I know, honey, but we can’t.  Two days and it’s as much of us as we want, when we want…and nobody can stop us.  It’ll be all legal and binding.” 

“We’re already bound to each other, Buffy – the claim, remember?  I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me we are.  I already know it.” 

Buffy chuckled.  “Well, a bite mark isn’t enough for my mom to let you sleep in my bed, so just rein that critter in, cowboy.” she said as she pointed to his straining fly, “and we’ll give him his head in a couple of days.” 

As she realised the dual meaning of what she’d said, she clapped her hands over her mouth, red with embarrassment before collapsing in a heap of giggles.  William joined her, covering her in kisses, “Oooh…I feel like bit of a gallop, little spitfire!” 

Joyce and Dawn rushed to see what the shrieking was about, joining in the infectious laughter. 


It was a night service, again for obvious flammability reasons.  William had asked W to stand as his Best Man - well, woman - and she was suave and sophisticated in a designer tux.  She winked at Tara as the shy beauty caught her eye.  The journey to the Summers’ house had been…eventful…as it transpired that Tara most definitely swung her way.  W blushed as she recalled the previous night.  William eyed the pair suspiciously as the redhead took her place at his side. 

Since her shiftless absentee father hadn’t even bothered to reply to the invitation, G was giving Buffy away.  He was puffed up with pride as he waited outside the bedroom.  Dawn was first to emerge, blushing and beautiful in her fitted gown of wine red satin.  Her hair was caught up in a chignon and set off with a single wine red rose and she carried a hand-tied posy of the same flowers. 

“She’ll be right out, Mr. G,” Dawn told him as she skipped down the stairs.  “Erm…it’s just…G…Dawn.” 

“Oh, right…whatever” she shouted back up to him. 

The sound of the door opening drew his attention.  He stared, open-mouthed, at the sight before him.  Buffy walked forwards, her face alight with a beaming smile.  Her dress had a tight-fitting bodice and long sleeves that tapered to the wrist; the skirt flared slightly at the hips and fell in graceful folds to rest on dainty satin-slippered feet.  The stiff, creamy taffeta set off the tone of her skin and hair perfectly.  Her long hair was intricately twisted on top of her head and dotted through with tiny cream rosebuds.  A small veil floated over the pearl buttons down the back of the dress.  She carried a posy of cream and red roses tied with taffeta ribbons that trailed down to her feet. 

“Oh Buffy!  You look…exquisite.” G smiled at her, removing his glasses for a quick polish whilst at the same time wiping a tear from his eyes. 

“Really?  Do you think William will like it?” 

“He’ll swoon.  Ready to get married, Miss Summerpenny?” 

“More than, G; more than ready.  Shall we?” 

Buffy took his arm and they set off down the stairs to face the throng of guests.  


Mr. and Mrs. Blond swayed in time to the music, oblivious to the other people dancing alongside them under the moonlight. 

“Happy, Mrs. Blond? …or Mrs. the Bloody, Madame le Sanglant… take your pick.” 

Buffy chuckled into his shoulder, holding her new husband even closer.  “Mmmm, very... but not as happy as I’m going to be when I can get you alone in the honeymoon suite.  Do you think we can leave now?  Isn’t it late?” 

“Well, we have been married for all of 25 minutes, sweetheart, but maybe we’d better stay a bit longer – it’s traditional.” 

“Don’t wanna…” Buffy pouted.  “Want you... now.” 

William tilted her head up so that he could look into her eyes.  “You have me, Buffy; you’ve had me for a long time.”  He placed a gentle kiss on her lips, the kiss deepening as her arms snaked around his neck to pull him closer. They parted as they gradually became aware of a slow handclap around them.  The newlyweds laughed in embarrassment as their guests cheered them on. 

Suddenly the sound of beeping filled the garden as first one, then two, then more pagers went off.  Confusion abounded as guests scrambled in search of their pagers.   

Spike Blond looked at his bride, aching to touch her.  A wry smile played across his features as their eyes met.  Both held up their pagers. 

“Fancy a honeymoon in Prague, pet – courtesy of MI13?” 

Buffy grinned as she nodded.  This was her life now, the life of a super-spy.  Queen and country called.  All eyes turned heavenwards as the sound of a helicopter filled the air.  The MI13 operatives – G, W and Harris joined the newlyweds in the middle of the lawn – all excited at the prospect of a new mission. 

Buffy laid her hand on Spike’s arm, shouting to be heard above the thwack of the rotors.  “Just promise me we’ll do the proper honeymoon one day.  When there’s time.” 

Spike Blond kissed her soundly, nodding his assent.  “We have all the time in the world.” 

The helicopter took off, the guests waving as the agents disappeared from view, Spike and Buffy Blond dangling from the rope ladder swinging below.   


Meanwhile back in the jungle, a fluffy white pussy peeked nervously from beneath undergrowth.  The feline’s normally sleek fur was gnarled and knotted after an overnight stay in the wilds of the island.  Making her way on padded feet she sniffed the air and eventually found the trail to take her back to a life of pampered and well-fed luxury.  The door to the inner sanctum was ajar, the smell of blood and sweat overwhelming.  The kitty sneaked in past the guards who didn’t even give her a second glance. 

Her master was entertaining himself by drawing patterns on the naked back of Faith Layer with a sharp knife.  Miss Layer was suspended by her manacled wrists, blood dripping to pool at her feet, head bowed in agony.  The vampire was enjoying meting out punishment to his second captive assassin, Kat Fellator having been dealt with earlier.  The plaintive meow of the cat stopped Master Bates as he was signing his name with the sharp tip.   He dropped the knife and stooped to sweep up the haughty cat. 

“There you are, Miss Pussy!  Now what have you been up to?”  The large hands picked at the leaves and twigs marring the fur, tutting and murmuring soft baby sounds at the wriggling creature.  Faith Layer turned to see the unlikely sight, her eyes heavy and marred with pain and lack of sleep.   

Still, she managed to raise a smile as the cat sank its needle-like teeth into the hand that fed it, and the vampire’s anguished scream echoed throughout the building…… 


So, there it is.  Hope you liked it.  Look out for Spike and Buffy Blond in their continuing adventures…………coming next Mr. Kiss Kiss Gang Bang……………