Chapter 6




Rating: PG13…at the moment…

Spoilers: BTVS season 4 and Steven Sondhiem play Into the Woods 

Summary: I was told to write a fic involving the gang and the Steven Sondhiem play Into the Woods. So her you go.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my Spikebot.

Author’s note: So I’ve been asked to make a cast list. At the end of Chapter 4 we had Xander and Cordy over in the baker’s area with Buffy in Cinderella’s "house". So As it stand so far the cast is such:



Baker’s Wife-Cordy



If you have any questions just drop me a line. Remember this is my first fic, so go easy on me. Also to those of you who know the play, I warn you that this is where I veer off course into my own little world.

Feedback sends me to the happy place




Cinderella made her way slowly through the darkening woods. In the distance, she saw a tall oak tree and smiled. She picked up her pace and when she reached the old tree she stopped and knelt before it.

"Cinderella had planted a branch at the grave of her mother and she visited often, and wept so much, that her tears watered it until it had become a handsome tree." The narrator gestured to the kneeling Cinderella then walked off into the forest.

"I’ve been good and I’ve been kind, mother, doing what I learned from you. Why then am I left behind, mother, is there something more that I should? What is wrong with me, mother? Something must be wrong. I wish…" A soft glow began to form high in the tree, stopping Cinderella short.

Slowly the figure of a kind and gentle woman appeared high above her. The form was far from solid, more mist than being.

"Mother?" Cinderella whispered.

"What, child? Specify. Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor and good fortune, though bad, can befall when least expected," Cinderella’s mother asked softly.

"I wish…"

"Do you know what you wish? Are you certain what you wish is what you want? If you know what you want, then make a wish. Ask the tree. And you shall have your wish." With these last words, the wispy figure of her mother vanished.

Cinderella wrapped her arms tightly around herself and gazed up to where the vision of her mother had been. She took a deep breath and slowly began to stand.

"Shiver and quiver little tree. Silver and gold rain down on me." A beautiful gown of gold and silver silk floated down from the leafy canopy. Cinderella held the dress against her and smiled as she sang, "I’m off to get my wish!" Gathering the dress protectively against her body, she turned and headed back off into the woods.


The tweed-covered narrator stepped out from behind a tree and smiled.

"Meanwhile, in another part of the wood," he spoke as he gestured towards Little Red Riding hood as she skipping happily along the trail.

Suddenly, a figure dressed in black jumped out in front of the little girl. His leather coat hung open, framing his pale, chiseled chest. His faded black jeans with holes worn in the knees, hugged his lean legs. His white, spiked hair provided a sharp contrast against his clothes drawing attention to his face. The ridges on his brow, the golden eyes, and sharp fangs seemed more sinister due to the smug smile that graced his face.

"Good day, young lady," he said, bowing deeply.

"Good day, Mr. Wolf," she smiled. She stepped around him and continued along her way.

The Wolf straightened and saw that the girl had moved. Quickly, he jumped in front of her path once more.

"Whither away so hurriedly?" he asked.

"To grandmother’s house," she answered and once again tried to resume her course, but the wolf stopped her yet again.

"And what might be in your basket?" He leaned down and sniffed at the basket then slowly stood and sniffed her neck.

"B-bread and wine," she stuttered, "so Grandmother will have something good to make her strong."

There was a sharp snap of a twig breaking somewhere in the dark. The Wolf looked up and scanned the darkness, but after seeing nothing he turned his attention back to the little girl.

"And where might your Grandmother live?" he asked, his husky voice dripping with sin. He ran his finger slowly under her chin, applying just enough pressure to get her to look at him.

"A good quarter of a league further in the woods; her house stands under three large oak trees." Her voice was light and breathy and her eyes were slightly glazed over.

The Wolf trailed his hand lightly down Little Red’s neck and down her arm. He tilted his head slowly to the side and the girl’s eyes fixed on the tip of his soft, pink tongue. She shook her head as if to clear it before continuing down the path away from The Wolf.

"Mmmmm." The Wolf ran his hands slowly down his thighs and licked his lips.

"Look at that flesh, pink and plump. Hello little girl…" His voice was deep and held such promise…promise of things hot and passionate. Things only found in the dark.

"Tender and fresh, not one lump. Hello little girl. This one’s especially lush, delicious…" He stretched the last word out, pulling it till it sounded like something from a private, dark language full of wicked words. He ran his hand slowly down his bare chest and shivered when he reached the waist of his jeans. He took two quick leaps and stood once more in front of Little Red.

"Hello, little girl, what’s your rush? You’re missing all the flowers." He put his arm around her shoulder and drew her close. "The sun won’t set for hours, take your time," he sang as he lowered his face to her neck.

Little Red’s breath caught in her throat and she quickly stepped away from The Wolf.

"Mother said, ‘Straight ahead, not to delay or be misled.’"

"But slow little girl, hark and hush," he stepped up behind her and this time drew her fully against his chest. "The birds are singing sweetly. You’ll miss the birds completely." He spun her around and brought her flush against his body. He lowered his face till his mouth was a mere breath from hers. His next words were nothing but a whisper, "You’re traveling so fleetly."

She closed her eye and leaned against him, and then as if she realized what she was about to do she quickly stepped out of his arms and smiled. She took a few steps away and tried to compose herself.

  "Grandmother first, then Miss plump…what a delectable couple. Utter perfection, one brittle, one supple," His voice reached a near orgasmic pitch. He looked over at the young girl and saw her walking away. "One moment, my dear!"

The little girl stopped and turned to look at him. Her breath was coming fast now and her face was flushed.

"Mother said, ‘come what may, follow the path and never stray.’" Her voice was beginning to waver, losing some of its surety.

The Wolf smiled and slowly began to stalk towards her.

"Just so, little girl…any path. So many worth exploring." He stood behind her and trailed his hands slowly down her arms till he held her hands in his. Then, he brought their arms up so they wrapped around her waist, placing a soft kiss on her neck causing her eyes to flutter shut. He smiled against her neck and his voice took on a soft, dreamy quality. "So many worth exploring. Just one would be so boring. And look what you’re ignoring…"

He turned them so that they were facing a small area covered with wildflowers. She opened her eyes and smiled. The Wolf let her go and she walked over and knelt beside them.

"Think of those crisp, aging bones, then something fresh on the palate. Think of that scrumptious carnality twice in one day!" He ran his hand down his bare chest again, and then further down his thighs. He dragged his fingers slowly back up his legs, his voice was becoming more urgent. "There’s no possible way…to describe how you feel, when you’re talking to your meal!"

"Mother said not to stray. Still, I suppose a small delay. Granny might like a fresh bouquet…" She stood and began to walk farther into the field. She stopped and looked back at The Wolf. "Goodbye, Mr. Wolf."

"Goodbye, little girl." He bowed and smiled when she was out of view. "And hello." He smiled just before throwing his head back and howling; his black duster gaped apart reveling more of his bare chest.


Cinderella was rushing back towards her house after visiting her mother’s grave. She was in such a hurry that she forgot to pay attention to where she was going. Somehow, she’d managed to veer off her usual path and now nothing seemed familiar. It was steadily getting darker and she was beginning to worry. She stopped and looked around hoping to see something that would lead her back when suddenly she heard voices. She moved towards them and saw a clearing in the distance. In the center of the clearing, a wolf appeared to be speaking to a young girl wearing a red cape.

The little girl walked off and when The Wolf turned away from the young girl, Cinderella inhaled sharply. He was beautiful. He had an aura around him, a sinister attraction. He exuded sexuality; a pure, animalistic sensuality. Yet there was something about him, something in the way he looked, the way he smiled.

She walked closer to the open field to get a better look and accidentally stepped on a fallen branch. She cringed at the sound and glanced up to see if she’d been heard. The Wolf was looking right at her, yet he didn’t seem to notice her. She held her breath and waited; soon The Wolf turned his attention back to the young girl.

She watched in fascination as he led the girl around, bending her to his will. She couldn’t help the pang of jealousy as she watched him pull the girl close to his chest. As she watched him run his hands down the young girl’s body, she felt her skin begin to flush and her heart began to beat out a staccato rhythm.

When he threw his head back and howled her breath caught. She shook her head and tried to forget all the images that had been swimming in her mind since the moment she saw him. Composing herself as best she could, she stepped out of the forest and into the clearing, heading to the path that cut across it.


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