Episode 6.18 - Entropy



Drew Greenberg




30 April, 2002

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Willow and Tara tentatively begin to mend their relationship, and Anya returns as a vengeance demon. When Anya fails to trick Xander's friends into wishing him harm, she pins her hopes on a Xander-hating Spike, who's at her shop looking for a spell to dull his own heartache. But when the two rejected lovers get drunk and share their pain, their commiserating soon leads them to sharing a moment of comfort sex as well--unaware their tryst is being recorded by the Troika's hidden camera. When Willow hacks into the camera feed, Xander, Buffy, and Dawn see what's happening. As Buffy admits her affair with Spike to Dawn, a vengeful Xander heads to the Magic Box with an axe. Buffy follows to prevent him from doing something he'll regret. In the resulting confrontation between the four ex-lovers, Spike reveals his relationship with the Slayer. As a shaken Xander quits the scene, Spike starts to make a wish, but Anya cuts him off. She's achieved her "vengeance," even without a wish--and it's not what she wanted, after all.

What we thought about this Episode:

Dori's Spikefeed (no Spikefeed for Entropy - they fed Seeing Red instead!)

Cath's summary

The Tarabula Rasa Review

Klytaimnestra's Review

Entropy: Righteousness, Self-Righteousness and Substitution (Lori's review)


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