Episode 6.21 - Two to Go & Episode 6.22 - Grave



Doug Petrie & David Fury





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Two to Go: Buffy, Xander, and Anya try to get to Jonathan and Andrew before Willow can kill them. Anya teleports to the jail as Buffy runs ahead, leaving Xander behind. Anya and Buffy rescue the two surviving nerds and Xander commandeers a patrol car to escape. But Willow hijacks a semi and rams the car until her power fails, allowing Buffy and her companions to drive away unharmed. In a cave in Africa, unaware of the mayhem in Sunnydale, Spike endures a series of mysterious trials by combat. Dawn goes to Rack for help in stopping Willow, but Willow gets to him first. After threatening Dawn and mocking Buffy, Willow teleports them to the Magic Box, joining up with Anya, Xander, Jonathan, and Andrew. As Buffy and Willow battle it out, with Anya's spells helping Buffy, Xander, Dawn, and the guys escape. Willow takes out Anya and is in the midst of thrashing Buffy when Giles suddenly arrives, full of magical powers and ready to smack down evil Willow.

Grave: Giles contains Willow with a spell, until Willow forces Anya to release her. Willow defeats Giles and absorbs his power--but its pureness overwhelms her with emotion, and to end her torment she decides to destroy a world that's too full of pain. Buffy and the others are in a graveyard when they're hit by Willow's deadly fireball. Buffy and Dawn fall into the deep hole, and Xander is knocked out. The terrified nerds flee town. At the shop, Anya tends Giles, who "sees" Willow's plans. Anya teleports to Buffy and updates her on the situation. Sensing Buffy's determination to stop her, Willow summons monsters from the earth to attack Buffy and Dawn. Willow's world-destroying magic is interrupted by Xander. His unconditional love, coupled with Giles' magic, is enough to reach Willow's humanity. As her power fails, she breaks down in grief at last. Buffy, her fire renewed, crawls out of the dark pit to face a brighter world with her sister. In Africa, Spike passes his trials and is granted his reward: the restoration of his soul.

What we thought about this Episode (these Episodes):

Spikefeed for Two To Go & Grave

Cath's Summary: Two to Go (Grave coming soon)

The Tarabula Rasa Review

Klytaimnestra's Review

Kris's Musings from the Comfy Chair

Heather's reviews

Jerry's Analyses of Two to Go and Grave

"Grave" as "Becoming, Part Three"

Sidebar: The symbolism of Spike's trial

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