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Episode 2.19: I Only Have Eyes for You

by Siobhan


Marti "Bring on the Pain" Noxon


James Whitmore Jr.


Old loves never really die. They just hang around, haunting you and leaving snakes on your lunch tray.

It's time for the Sadie Hawkins Dance at Sunnydale High and Buffy is not in the mood to be asking anybody out. She's still recovering from the most recent Angel implosion. Plus she has a very angry ghost to deal with. Back in 1955 student James was having a love affair with teacher Grace. Grace tried to break it off and James did not take it well. There was a confrontation and he ended up shooting and killing Grace. Now he haunts the halls of Sunnydale High, doomed to relive the tragic events through the unfortunate students who happen to cross his path.

The Scoobies gather together to try to perform an exorcism, which ultimately fails and the gang is chased out of the school by wasps. They regroup at Buffy's house to discuss their options. Buffy is drawn back to the school where the spirit of James possesses her. He needs closure for his crime but every time he tries to get it, someone else ends up dead. Only this time is different, this time the Grace role is played by Angel. Buffy and Angel play their parts in the drama of James and Grace but in this reenactment Grace/Angel does not die (hello, vampire) and James/Buffy finally receives the forgiveness he needs. Everything returns to normal and the students of Sunnydale can now go back to school. Until the next Hellmouthian event, that is.

Spike moments:

The episode is primarily the story of James and Grace, which serves as a parallel for the tragic relationship between Buffy and Angel. Buffy feels just as guilty about the death of souled Angel as James does about Grace. But for die-hard Spike fans the matching stories of tragic love are nothing more than filler. The most important thing is IOHEFY happens in the last thirty seconds. Spike watches Angel and Dru leave to hunt. Then he puts his foot down, stands up, and KICKS HIS WHEELCHAIR ACROSS THE COURTYARD! He's bold. He's bad. And he is back! And Angel should really start watching his back.

Really Important Stuff:

Spike is undercover. Angel and Dru don't know that he can walk yet and he wants to keep it that way a little bit longer. You can tell he is trying to give the impression of not yet being back to Big Bad status by the absence of the red over-shirt. Spike wears his typical black jeans and t-shirt, along with the duster and big black boots, which, incidentally, come in handy when one need to attack a wheelchair. But the truly observant viewer can tell the real Spike is still there - his platinum hair is slick enough to skate on. A true sign of impending badness!

Spike lines:

"Yeah. You're a giver." Wheelchair or no, Spike still has the touch. His response to Angel's rhapsodizing about how much he is willing to help Spike and take care of Dru has enough bite to draw blood. He's snarky, he's slick, and he is so going to kick Angel's ass!

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