Klytaimnestra's Review - Lessons

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Klytaimnestra's Review of "Lessons" - It's
All About Power. Who's Got It? Who Wants It?

by Klytaimnestra

Forgive me, but it's been an awfully long summer and I've forgotten how to think about this stuff. It wil l take me a couple of episodes to get back on my horse...

Spoiler Status:

I had heard a couple minor spoilers at the beginning of the summer, viz. Giles took Willow back to a coven in Devon (a coven in Devon, a coven in Devon, a ... say that five times fast ...), and Sunnydale High was being rebuilt, and Buffy might wind up as a guidance counselor there, and a bunch of old baddies might show up again. After that I went to spoiler-zero, where I plan to stay,
so these reviews will not be illumined by any idea of what's going to happen next.

Okay, so here goes...

Immediate reaction (gut):

good stuff! Hey, I like Buffy, our hero is finally back.

Immediate reaction (intellectual):

setting us up for a knock-down drag-out season, isn't he. If they're bringing in every villain we've ever seen this season I'm not expecting to get an S8.


(brief, since I've forgotten how to do this - see above - ) just one thing. Hero's Journey again. My hat's off to Joss. I figured he was going to fall apart on the last part of the Hero's Journey, which is also one of the final segments of the "Hero's Pattern" (by Lord Raglan). In this section the hero returns from exile after his numerous quests, and enters and rules his kingdom. And I thought, Buffy doesn't HAVE a kingdom. It's got to be all quest and then she dies. But, duh, yes she does - Sunnydale High is her kingdom. And this year, after several years of exile, she's entering it in a quasi-position of authority. So this year, Buffy Rules. Or as she says at the beginning and end of the episode - it's all about power. Who's got it?

The bad guys, apparently. But she's survived pretty well so far by never forgetting that...

Previously on Buffy - hm, all about Willow, Spike gains a soul, Buffy bonds with Dawnie, apparently the S6 boinkfest didn't happen. Oh well... At least we get the flaming-fists shot in the credits though.

Character by character:

First things first: Spike.

Oh my what an entrance! He's even more gorgeous. Love the hair. And we're assured he's a good guy now, albeit delusional. Why is he living in the basement of Sunnydale High? Uh, let's see. Jung. Sunnydale High = Buffy's psyche. Rebuilt, as we see; a whole new Buffy. Guilt monsters in the basement, but she can deal with them because her responsibility to the living is now her paramount motivation. Spike, living in the Sunnydale High basement - please, don't tell me he's Buffy's Shadow AGAIN. I hope he moves out of there right quick. I would so love to see him have a life that wasn't All About Buffy. Even if this means he's not the romantic lead. Even if it takes him away from the Slayer in the end. Can't predict right now, though.

On the basis of this one episode, Spike remains the most interesting character on the show;even more so than he was last year. I'd watch for major character growth for him as he learns to cope with his soul. And his visions. And I wouldn't be surprised at a heroic death.

Okay, Buffy.

Hasn't lost her taste for tiny little tops I see. Seems to be facing stuff, admitting stuff (mostly - doesn't tell Dawn how she knows about the talisman, why?), admits she has dated hottie dead guys, won't let her past guilt distract her from her present duties. In fact I loved that part. "I don't care how you died. I want to know where my sister is." This Buffy is a force to be reckoned with, again, at last. Seems to be enjoying herself in a way she hasn't in at least 2 years - and was using moves all episode that we didn't see all last year. Good news for all of us, if this is going to be fun to watch again.


is more than bearable, actually growing up, I liked her.


on a horse! Oh boy! Suddenly my fantasy life gets a shot in the arm ... on the other hand, Giles = Dumbledore? I never saw Albus Dumbledore as a figure suitable for the romantic fantasies of a mature woman of good taste - I'll have to rethink ... I mean if Dumbledore looks like Giles, Hogwarts assumes a whole new aspect ... Someone, please, give Giles and Willow some decent lines in future, though, not sure how much more Deep Wiccan Mushiness I can take.


looks troubled and guilty, as well she should. Thank heavens - Giles FINALLY tells her magic is NOT an addiction. No foolin'. It's, as Buffy said, All About Power. Who Wants It. Willow, honey, you did. And you got it. Now deal with it.

Man, that principal is a total babe!

(This comment showed up in my notes several times.) Earring, too. Is he the romantic lead this year? I could handle that.


has brown hair again, delighted to see it, and is a lousy excuse for a vengeance demon, good news also (though maybe not for her). What's happened to the Magic Shop?


doesn't seem to have lost weight, but nice tie.

So what about the ship?

Can't predict a thing, now that Spike's gone completely off his rocker. I will say this, though. She treats him tenderly. She doesn't pull away when he touches her face. The gentle touch she used to pull his shirt aside and see the scars told me everything I needed to know about whether she'd forgiven him and, whether or not she regrets the way she treated him last year, this new Buffy seems to me unlikely to repeat it. No apologies perhaps necessary on either side; especially since poor Spike is unfortunately crazy as a loon.

But that he still loves her, I have no doubt.



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