Beneath You


This episode was so very painful to watch.  I almost wish I had been spoiled for certain parts of it.


Now, I would have to say that my enjoyment was severely compromised by my inability to hear a bloody thing Spike was saying.  Sure, I caught bits and pieces.  But not enough.  And the telling thing is, I was still crying at the end...just by James' acting.  Even hubby commented, "He's a great stage actor."  To which I wanted to reply, "Well, duh!"  (But I didn't because I'm a good girl *cough*.)





There really isn't much I can say about the episode as a whole, as I am still stunned by the end scene.  I just have a few random comments.



Anya(nka): I told you she was bad news.  I told you.  Cares more about a yip-yip dog, than humans, she does.  I stand by my assessment of the Anya/Spike double standard.  Anya does one thing remotely good (turns Ron back into a human), and Xander's all supportive and giving with the positive reinforcement.  Spike does good for 2 years, and he gets bupkis. 




Dawn: She's a little spit-fire, she is.  Can't say I loved her little threat to Spike, but you gotta love the set (of balls) she grew over the summer.  And standing up to Buffy when they found out Buffy never told them about seeing Spike in the basement...about time.




Buffy: We always talk about Buffy.  Let's not just this one time.


I lied.  The one thing I enjoyed was when she told Xander to watch after Ron while she ran after Spike to find out what the heck was going on.  Finally, something a normal human would do.  Yay.



Xander: I still hate Xander.  'Nuff said. 




Willow: Yeah, I wouldn't be worried about returning to SunnyD if I were her.  She's part of the original Scooby Gang.  She gets automatic amnesty.  No worries there, my little wiccan lesbian.  Just be happy you're not a...well...a Spike.




Spike: Speaking of the Devil, er, Angel, er...whatever...  


This is the one part I wish I had known about in advance.  When he belittled his fling with Anya(nka), then threw that punch at her, I actually said out loud, "That's it!  They've ruined my favorite character."  I was physically ill.  I thought to myself, "Now I have to leave the Buffy fandom because I don't think I can watch them erode my Spike like that.  That's not Spike.  That's bizarro Spike!"  Ah, but Trust In Joss, eh?  (Yes, I'm channeling my inner Canadian.)  



The way he broke down in front of the skewered Ron...just tore at me.  The reality of harming a human...again...broke his evil facade with one swift crack. 




The other part that really disturbed me was his "servicing" comments in the church and him unbuckling his belt.  That was truly disturbing.  Did I mention that it disturbed me?  'Cuz, it did.  My feelings aren't aimed toward Spike, though.  They are for the writers.  I understand exactly what Spike was thinking, and what they were trying to say.  But it was just so creepy and...disturbing!  I hate to think how hard it was for James to do that part of the scene.




And as far as Anya being the first to see his soul...I've read that in fics.  I know I have.  And I still loved how it was done on the show.  She could actually see the soul in his eyes.  But you have to wonder why she was so happy about it.  Or was she just so intrigued?




I loved the mention of Angel.  It kind of drove home to Buffy exactly what he was trying to do.  I loved the last shot, of him burning on the cross.  <sniff>  Not that I'm happy about it, just that it makes for great drama.  Now, can I console the poor guy?  Please?




And when is he going to find a way to get the Original Uber Evil out of his head?  I think he has enough to deal with having William in there.  You have to wonder, though.  We saw several scenes from Angel's past right after he got his soul.  I don't recall him ever having a split personality.  And I don't think it's just the OUE.  I think we definitely have Spike, William and the OUE in there.


Too bad I can't be a voice in his head.  "Take off your shirt.  There's a good boy.  Now, find Taramisu, and..."  Oh.  You're still here?  Disregard that fantasy please.



MOTW: Why did that demon look familiar?  Was it the same one from "Tremors"?  Was it very similar to the DMP "penis" demon?  Hmm.  That's going to bother me for a while.




One final thought.  The title?  "Beneath you"?  I really expected there to be a reminder of when Buffy told Spike that he was beneath her.  They failed me.



LEAST Favorite Line: "Since when did you become the champion of the people?"

Uh, since season 5, you dolt.  Read the script once in a while.  Sheesh.



Favorite Line: (paraphrase) "Is there anyone in this group who hasn't slept together?"  And the priceless look between Xander and Spike.  There you go, Chen.





Screen Caps courtesy of Spirit Crow


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