

There were exactly four lines in this episode that made it bearable to watch.  I'm sure y'all can guess my favorite.  Other than that, I have nothing good to say about this episode.  <ZZZZZZZZZZZ>



"Blue Clam Cult" - That was a 'laugh out loud' if I ever heard one.




"Makin' boys crazy is your job." - Oh, yeah.  That's Buffy's job all right.  She made one lose his soul, another turn into a John for vampire ho's, and the other...made him certifiably insane.  Good goin', Buffy.



The nod to fanfic writers everywhere.  Doogie Howser?  Pffffftttttt!  On alone, there are  over 12,000 BtVS fics,  2,000 AtS fics and  exactly zero Doogie Howser fics.  But, then again, I don't suppose they could mention BtVS fics, as it would cause some sort of tear in the space-time continuum.



And the piece d'resistance:  drum roll please...




Longer drum roll please...




Just a bit more...




And a bit more...




Come on.  You've waited over 2 years for this...




"She'll tell you.  Someday, she'll tell you."  





Thus spake the 'pre-cog'.  And, as we learned, she did die, just like she saw.  Buffy stained her nice shirt.  Dawn had a little incident.  Mike got a "B" on his test.  And Spike...Spike will hear her tell him.





Excuse me.  I have a Snoopy dance to perform.  Feel free to join in.




Least favorite character this week:



(I mean, come on.  The guy gets a soul for you, shows you that he hates himself for what he did to you, then begs you to stay for a little while.  And what do  you do?  I know I for one am throwing out my WWBD necklace.)



Screen Caps courtesy of Spirit Crow


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