back to episode 7.13 - The Killer in Me

By Taramisu


Very short one. Not much to say. I was a bit overwhelmed by all the stuff going on. I mean, wow.

This episode really felt like a couple fanfics that I've read. What with the visit to the old Initiative tunnels and Buffy's choice of having the chip out or repaired.

I was really hoping that the title did not refer to Spike. In the big scheme of things, it didn't. But then again, it did, just a bit.



Buffy's last encounter with Agent Finn did not go very well. She found out that he was Happily married (notice the capital 'h') while he made her feel like a real loser. No woman in her right mind would want to revisit that feeling. But she does it...for Spike.

And, hey! You can't just leave us hanging like this! Buffy gets the choice of removal or repair of Spike's chip. He's unconscious. She's without council. I smell about 6 dozen fics in the works this very minute. And three times that many people are currently chatting away about the implications of each decision.

Now, if this were the Buffy of S6, I'd vote for the Buffy-ectomy.


Can we stop with the Spike torture already?! Cheese and rice. In just this episode, he was given endless migraines AND beaten by some demon while the Initiative dorks stood and watched.

The Initiative:

I seem to recall that the Initiative laboratory and tunnels were to be filled with concrete. This has been one of my major pet peeves with fanfics: Buffy uses the Initiative's lab even though it was supposed to be solid concrete. Did the writers forget that little line at the end of Primeval? I didn't. Then again, I can always fanwank that away. I mean, it was a government operation. They probably filled one little elevator shaft, saw the concrete fill up to the surface, then called it a day, not realizing that they only filled one tenth of the instillation.


Oh, man. We worked through some great issues here. I'll admit I wasn't liking the whole Kennedy/Willow thing. I felt she was betraying the memory of Tara, who hasn't even been in the ground for a year yet.

So, not only does she feel guilt about "letting Tara be dead", she also feel remorse for her murder of Warren. (Which disturbs me a bit, 'cuz I personally believe he deserved it.)

And can someone explain why the spell was removed by kissing her again. What's up with that?


Yay! Giles! Now cough up the nearly-beheaded story already, jerk.


Ass face? Hilarious. Great line


What was that on her face?


Can we please kill her now?


Miscellaneous questions:

1: Where'd the gun go?
2: What was with the obvious profile shots of Kennedy/Willow, then Kennedy/Amy?
3: What was with the grainy look of the Initiative footage?
4: Why is it that if Xander were macking on one of the teenage SIT's, then it would be a big problem. But as long as it's just a woman doing it...that's fine!

Favorite lines:

"So, I'm evil when I take a group of girls on a camping trip and don't touch them?"

"Who you gonna call? That phrase is never gonna be useable again, is it?

Screen Caps courtesy of Spirit Crow

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